9 Dead 45 injured in inner city violence. Where is the 24/7 news coverage?

Nope. That type of in your face op is the only way to get the attention of most of you dumbfucks.

By your responses I see it worked.

At least KNB is asking me about my ideas. You're just trololololoing along


So you made a ridiculous, asinine OP to "get attention", and it's my fault for responding?

My op is accurate as are my proposed solutions that you have avoided discussing because they would hinder your trolling.

You & I are done as well.


You're welcome to not respond to my posts, but acting like a schoolyard bully isn't really going to have much of an effect. As they say, you're not the boss of me. You can be "done" with me, but you don't have any say over whether I continue this discussion.

Your OP was a truly pathetic attempt to score political points over the murder of children - and your "solutions" are just as ridiculous. They're not new - they've been going on for years, and the only "success" they've had is to force poor people to move somewhere else, and bring their unemployment and crime there.

The fact that you still can't defend why you care so much about Chicago, and not anywhere else, makes my point for me.
Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where are the 2 dozen threads blaiming rightwing tea party racist terrorists? Where is Harry Reid to condemn this as terrorism? Where are the hacks on this board who cant wait to post threads when a white person kills a SINGLE black person? Where are the posts that show us that cities with the strictest gun laws are the least violent?

Where is the outrage?

And where the hell is Obama?

Did you know there is nearly 50 people shot and killed every day in this country?

Did you know that most of them are white?

Did you know that most of the killers are white?

In fact, most of them are white guys killing themselves. White guys living in Red States.

Republicans have more to fear from their own right hand than blacks in the inner city.

I find that quite amusing. Don't you?

FASTSTATS - Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury
So at least their killing themselves and not others
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I've lived in "inner cities" my entire life.

The economy isn't "getting worse". Crime is at a 50-year low, in "inner cities" across the nation. Inflation has been under 2% for more than a year, and hasn't gone above 4% since Obama has been President. None of what you're afraid of is actually happening.

Wait what?

The economy is pretty much staying the same. Obie worked his ass off to make the numbers look like he replaced all of the jobs lost, new jobs for those left out? Not so much. Real unemployment is sitting at 20%.

Crime is dropping in cities that have lost most of their population due to the stellar economy leaving less people to rob.

You admit inflation did happen. Not quite Carter levels yet but we have 3 years to make that happen. Your wages have gone up by how much? And what kept those levels so low? Quantitative easing and artificially low interest rates.

How long do you think we can dance on this pin head?

"Real" unemployment doesn't mean anything. It's a fake statistic.

Crime is dropping everywhere. Crime rates nationwide (and in Chicago particularly) have been dropping for more than a decade now. Nationwide, the violent crime rate (per 100,000 people) in 2013 was half what it was in 1990, and the murder rate is lower than it has been since 1964.

Inflation has been "happening" since the 50s, consistantly. It doesn't not happen.

Real unemployment is fake? As opposed to what obie puts out? Those numbers a real?
Think of how much better it will be after obama releases thousands of felons. You know some of them will go back to Chicago.

So you made a ridiculous, asinine OP to "get attention", and it's my fault for responding?

My op is accurate as are my proposed solutions that you have avoided discussing because they would hinder your trolling.

You & I are done as well.


You're welcome to not respond to my posts, but acting like a schoolyard bully isn't really going to have much of an effect. As they say, you're not the boss of me. You can be "done" with me, but you don't have any say over whether I continue this discussion.

Your OP was a truly pathetic attempt to score political points over the murder of children - and your "solutions" are just as ridiculous. They're not new - they've been going on for years, and the only "success" they've had is to force poor people to move somewhere else, and bring their unemployment and crime there.

The fact that you still can't defend why you care so much about Chicago, and not anywhere else, makes my point for me.

You bust grumps in the chops he goes away.
Yes sir, itz dem rich white capitalists keepin da black mon down...reparations, reparations, reparations !!!

The "powder keg that could explode any moment"? What are you talking about?
You're kidding -- right? No really ... you've got to be kidding. Have you ever spent time in the inner city? I've lived and worked in several: Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Phoenix, Portland, and currently in Denver. Some are worse than others but crime and poverty are a "given." The economy is getting worse (if you haven't heard) and tensions are growing. You may or may not have heard that several trillion dollars were miraculously printed in recent years and injected into an already volatile economy. Do you know what happens when the supply of paper money exceeds anything tangible to back it up? If you said - inflation - then you are correct. That means that the tad bit of money folks have has now lost value. When that happens it's more difficult to meet daily needs like food, medicine, gasoline, and other necessities. Cap all that off with the fact that everyone is now forced to buy medical insurance with an IRS-Sledge Hammer hovering over their heads and we will only see tensions increase. Yeah -- THAT powder keg.

I've lived in "inner cities" my entire life.

The economy isn't "getting worse". Crime is at a 50-year low, in "inner cities" across the nation. Inflation has been under 2% for more than a year, and hasn't gone above 4% since Obama has been President. None of what you're afraid of is actually happening.

What if aliens invade tomorrow,
That's been happening for decades. They're currently feeding off of their host -- the American taxpayer. Or they're taking jobs that Americans ARE willing to do (truck drivers, construction workers, brick layers, electricians, janitors, etc.) and they're willing to work for a lot less.

The rest of your post was somewhat inane.

As was yours, that was my point.

Don't know what inner city you live in but you must be pretty sheltered. In my case, the price of utilities, rent, food, gasoline, insurance, and everything else has increased while my wage has remained static (company has put a hold on price-of-living increases). So you can post statistics until sunset but here in the real world inflation if VERY real.

Several years ago the people of Colorado voted for the Tabor Bill. It requires any and all legislation that would increase taxes to be voted upon by the people of the state before the legislation can be passed into law. Since most of the bills were voted down the state government has found a unique way to get around the Tabor Bill. They simply charge hidden fees for everything. They don't call it a tax so they're able to get away with it -- for now (Colorado is run by Dems at the moment).

So Obama & Company can crunch, twist, and turn the numbers all he wants but reality speaks more loudly than computer printouts.
Why do liberals chose to ignor black on black violence, but when one black gets killed by a white Hispanic they act like it's the end of the world? Liberals will only respond to the question with an ad hominem attack.

IDK why are you ignoring the Meth problem in the white community and the high levels of welfare?
Why do liberals chose to ignor black on black violence, but when one black gets killed by a white Hispanic they act like it's the end of the world? Liberals will only respond to the question with an ad hominem attack.

IDK why are you ignoring the Meth problem in the white community and the high levels of welfare?

I told you folks.
Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where are the 2 dozen threads blaiming rightwing tea party racist terrorists? Where is Harry Reid to condemn this as terrorism? Where are the hacks on this board who cant wait to post threads when a white person kills a SINGLE black person? Where are the posts that show us that cities with the strictest gun laws are the least violent?

Where is the outrage?

And where the hell is Obama?

so according to libs, redneck gun nuts who need to own a ton of guns and large capacity magazines are the problem. if this is the case, why is all the violence in the inner cities? why aren't people shooting each other up in east bumfuck? why aren't we hearing about all these hillbillies doing drivebyes?
Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where are the 2 dozen threads blaiming rightwing tea party racist terrorists? Where is Harry Reid to condemn this as terrorism? Where are the hacks on this board who cant wait to post threads when a white person kills a SINGLE black person? Where are the posts that show us that cities with the strictest gun laws are the least violent?

Where is the outrage?

And where the hell is Obama?

Did you know there is nearly 50 people shot and killed every day in this country?

Did you know that most of them are white?

Did you know that most of the killers are white?

In fact, most of them are white guys killing themselves. White guys living in Red States.

Republicans have more to fear from their own right hand than blacks in the inner city.

I find that quite amusing. Don't you?

FASTSTATS - Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury

suicide ain't murder
Why do liberals chose to ignor black on black violence, but when one black gets killed by a white Hispanic they act like it's the end of the world? Liberals will only respond to the question with an ad hominem attack.

IDK why are you ignoring the Meth problem in the white community and the high levels of welfare?

I told you folks.

Likewise keep it up we see you really care about Chicago for some unknown reason.

You're not as clever as you pretend to be
Why did ghettos become ghettos in the first place?

I've been thinking the same thing throughout this thread.

Moving a ghetto from one place to another doesn't address the issues that made it a ghetto in the first place.

And, until we can get past this love affair the right has with gun violence, nothing can change.
IDK why are you ignoring the Meth problem in the white community and the high levels of welfare?

I told you folks.

Likewise keep it up we see you really care about Chicago for some unknown reason.

You're not as clever as you pretend to be

The question isn't about whether I care about Chicago or not, it's whether you do. It seems the only time you care about blacks being killed is when a white man is involved.

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