9 Dead 45 injured in inner city violence. Where is the 24/7 news coverage?

Okay, let's go step by step.....

Step 1: Remove everyone from the ghetto. (where have I heard that before........?)

Step 2: Demolish the ghetto.

Step 3: Build new homes.

Step 4: Let everyone move back in to the new homes.

Did I miss anything? Oh yeah. Where do they live while their homes are being destroyed and rebuilt? FEMA camps?
Well, except for the people whose homes were destroyed.

So you're an idiot too eh?

With the proper program not only are they relocated but they have an opportunity to learn a skill in the process.

About 18 years ago I bid on and got 2 government contracts to do just what im describing. As part of my contract I was REQUIRED to hire from within the community.

What about seniors and children? You know they live in the hood too.

Where exactly do you suggest "relocating" them to?

To their new homes. Or would you prefer they stayed there and dodged bullets daily?
I've lived in "inner cities" my entire life.

The economy isn't "getting worse". Crime is at a 50-year low, in "inner cities" across the nation. Inflation has been under 2% for more than a year, and hasn't gone above 4% since Obama has been President. None of what you're afraid of is actually happening.

Wait what?

The economy is pretty much staying the same. Obie worked his ass off to make the numbers look like he replaced all of the jobs lost, new jobs for those left out? Not so much. Real unemployment is sitting at 20%.

Crime is dropping in cities that have lost most of their population due to the stellar economy leaving less people to rob.

You admit inflation did happen. Not quite Carter levels yet but we have 3 years to make that happen. Your wages have gone up by how much? And what kept those levels so low? Quantitative easing and artificially low interest rates.

How long do you think we can dance on this pin head?
Okay, let's go step by step.....

Step 1: Remove everyone from the ghetto. (where have I heard that before........?)

Step 2: Demolish the ghetto.

Step 3: Build new homes.

Step 4: Let everyone move back in to the new homes.

Did I miss anything? Oh yeah. Where do they live while their homes are being destroyed and rebuilt? FEMA camps?

You don't demolish the property until after the first families are placed. This process would take decades likely. Or we can sit and do NOTHING.

The idea works. I've seen it firsthand.

Instead of playing stupid why dont you TRY contributing?
Maybe you should start some threads about those?

If you have a point of comparison for Memphis or New Orleans and why their crime rates compare to Chicago maybe this would be a good time to present those facts?

Why would I start a thread about Memphis or New Orleans? I don't really give a shit about street crime that doesn't affect me in any way - I thought I already explained that.

I'm asking you guys, since you're the ones starting these threads.

It does affect you. Laws are constantly passed in this country as a result of shit like this. Our taxes go up because of people like this. Our country goes deeper in debt because of people like this. Teenage boys by the hundreds, perhaps thousands dies early deaths because of people like this.
And god forbid you go on vacation to a strange city and get killed for your wallet by people like this.

There will always be street crime. It will never be eradicated - and more importantly, pretending to care about black kids getting killed in Chicago for the sake of political points doesn't actually help anything.
Why would I start a thread about Memphis or New Orleans? I don't really give a shit about street crime that doesn't affect me in any way - I thought I already explained that.

I'm asking you guys, since you're the ones starting these threads.

It does affect you. Laws are constantly passed in this country as a result of shit like this. Our taxes go up because of people like this. Our country goes deeper in debt because of people like this. Teenage boys by the hundreds, perhaps thousands dies early deaths because of people like this.
And god forbid you go on vacation to a strange city and get killed for your wallet by people like this.

There will always be street crime. It will never be eradicated - and more importantly, pretending to care about black kids getting killed in Chicago for the sake of political points doesn't actually help anything.

What political points have I made now that a discussion has actually begun? I have offered ideas and even linked to an organization run by Emanuel Cleaver who as you know is a DEMOCRAT
I've lived in "inner cities" my entire life.

The economy isn't "getting worse". Crime is at a 50-year low, in "inner cities" across the nation. Inflation has been under 2% for more than a year, and hasn't gone above 4% since Obama has been President. None of what you're afraid of is actually happening.

Wait what?

The economy is pretty much staying the same. Obie worked his ass off to make the numbers look like he replaced all of the jobs lost, new jobs for those left out? Not so much. Real unemployment is sitting at 20%.

Crime is dropping in cities that have lost most of their population due to the stellar economy leaving less people to rob.

You admit inflation did happen. Not quite Carter levels yet but we have 3 years to make that happen. Your wages have gone up by how much? And what kept those levels so low? Quantitative easing and artificially low interest rates.

How long do you think we can dance on this pin head?

"Real" unemployment doesn't mean anything. It's a fake statistic.

Crime is dropping everywhere. Crime rates nationwide (and in Chicago particularly) have been dropping for more than a decade now. Nationwide, the violent crime rate (per 100,000 people) in 2013 was half what it was in 1990, and the murder rate is lower than it has been since 1964.

Inflation has been "happening" since the 50s, consistantly. It doesn't not happen.
It does affect you. Laws are constantly passed in this country as a result of shit like this. Our taxes go up because of people like this. Our country goes deeper in debt because of people like this. Teenage boys by the hundreds, perhaps thousands dies early deaths because of people like this.
And god forbid you go on vacation to a strange city and get killed for your wallet by people like this.

There will always be street crime. It will never be eradicated - and more importantly, pretending to care about black kids getting killed in Chicago for the sake of political points doesn't actually help anything.

What political points have I made now that a discussion has actually begun? I have offered ideas and even linked to an organization run by Emanuel Cleaver who as you know is a DEMOCRAT

This was your OP:

Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where are the 2 dozen threads blaiming rightwing tea party racist terrorists? Where is Harry Reid to condemn this as terrorism? Where are the hacks on this board who cant wait to post threads when a white person kills a SINGLE black person? Where are the posts that show us that cities with the strictest gun laws are the least violent?

Where is the outrage?

And where the hell is Obama?

Looks pretty political to me.
Where does the money for all of this come from?

A multitude of places. Existing government grants, loans and in some situations developers place retainers in advance for the property they expect to buy. Local bonds short term taxes were also used here.
There will always be street crime. It will never be eradicated - and more importantly, pretending to care about black kids getting killed in Chicago for the sake of political points doesn't actually help anything.

What political points have I made now that a discussion has actually begun? I have offered ideas and even linked to an organization run by Emanuel Cleaver who as you know is a DEMOCRAT

This was your OP:

Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where are the 2 dozen threads blaiming rightwing tea party racist terrorists? Where is Harry Reid to condemn this as terrorism? Where are the hacks on this board who cant wait to post threads when a white person kills a SINGLE black person? Where are the posts that show us that cities with the strictest gun laws are the least violent?

Where is the outrage?

And where the hell is Obama?

Looks pretty political to me.

Looks like a debate starter to me. It's not where you begin but where you end that matters.

Do you have any more trolling to offer or do you wanna act like an adult?
What political points have I made now that a discussion has actually begun? I have offered ideas and even linked to an organization run by Emanuel Cleaver who as you know is a DEMOCRAT

This was your OP:

Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where are the 2 dozen threads blaiming rightwing tea party racist terrorists? Where is Harry Reid to condemn this as terrorism? Where are the hacks on this board who cant wait to post threads when a white person kills a SINGLE black person? Where are the posts that show us that cities with the strictest gun laws are the least violent?

Where is the outrage?

And where the hell is Obama?

Looks pretty political to me.

Looks like a debate starter to me. It's not where you begin but where you end that matters.

Do you have any more trolling to offer or do you wanna act like an adult?

I have spent this entire thread responding directly to your OP and subsequent posts.

If you didn't want to talk about your OP, perhaps you should have started your thread differently?
This was your OP:

Looks pretty political to me.

Looks like a debate starter to me. It's not where you begin but where you end that matters.

Do you have any more trolling to offer or do you wanna act like an adult?

I have spent this entire thread responding directly to your OP and subsequent posts.

If you didn't want to talk about your OP, perhaps you should have started your thread differently?

Nope. That type of in your face op is the only way to get the attention of most of you dumbfucks.

By your responses I see it worked.

At least KNB is asking me about my ideas. You're just trololololoing along
Where does the money for all of this come from?

A multitude of places. Existing government grants, loans and in some situations developers place retainers in advance for the property they expect to buy. Local bonds short term taxes were also used here.
And do you expect this to happen everywhere? Why hasn't this happened everywhere?
Where does the money for all of this come from?

A multitude of places. Existing government grants, loans and in some situations developers place retainers in advance for the property they expect to buy. Local bonds short term taxes were also used here.
And do you expect this to happen everywhere? Why hasn't this happened everywhere?

Because it is hard. Many politicians as you know are more interested in furthering their careers than rocking the boat. It also requires local residents to approve of it through ballot measures. And that is a big hurdle.

Many people like thedrisin have the it doesn't affect me attitude so it doesn't pass.

A prime example is our light rail that just passed in KC. It will mostly serve the inner city and it took over 15 years to get it past the voters.
Looks like a debate starter to me. It's not where you begin but where you end that matters.

Do you have any more trolling to offer or do you wanna act like an adult?

I have spent this entire thread responding directly to your OP and subsequent posts.

If you didn't want to talk about your OP, perhaps you should have started your thread differently?

Nope. That type of in your face op is the only way to get the attention of most of you dumbfucks.

By your responses I see it worked.

At least KNB is asking me about my ideas. You're just trololololoing along


So you made a ridiculous, asinine OP to "get attention", and it's my fault for responding?
I have spent this entire thread responding directly to your OP and subsequent posts.

If you didn't want to talk about your OP, perhaps you should have started your thread differently?

Nope. That type of in your face op is the only way to get the attention of most of you dumbfucks.

By your responses I see it worked.

At least KNB is asking me about my ideas. You're just trololololoing along


So you made a ridiculous, asinine OP to "get attention", and it's my fault for responding?

My op is accurate as are my proposed solutions that you have avoided discussing because they would hinder your trolling.

You & I are done as well.

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