9 Dead 45 injured in inner city violence. Where is the 24/7 news coverage?

Reporting black violence is like reporting the sun is rising
I don't have any interest in this story. I do have an interest in why you think I should have an interest in this story.

Which you still haven't explained.

If you don't have any interest why are you posting so much? Do you not want anyone else to take interest in it? And if so why?


Yeah, cause if I was trying to hide this story, it would make a lot of sense for me to repeatedly bump the thread.

If you don't have a decent explanation of what is happening maybe you should just let the people that have an interest and have something to add discuss the subject. Maybe if you had a reasonable position to add pro or con it would help the thread instead of just derailing it.

A "decent explanation" of what?

Maybe you should take an interest because nine people died. If it was at a school you would be all over it. Why not now?

A lot more than 9 people died last weekend. Should I care about all of them?

You said you had no interest yet here you are. Why?

You are yet to explain why you think the thread is bullshit and not worthy of conversation, have added no opinion of how this is happening but are disparaging those that are at least trying to address the post.

If you don't care about 9 then why would you care about 23 school children and why would you care about one trayvon martin? Is it a numbers game for you or the actual cause of the problem? And if the problem doesn't lend itself to your ideology you want us to ignore it?

I don't see you as being a solution based person here. The numbers don't mean anything as long as the political stance is secured. One person is a tragedy if the right political stance can be applied. 9 killed due to that stance not so much it's just how life works.

You don't need big numbers do determine that certain policies aren't working. Why don't we focus on that?

The "powder keg that could explode any moment"? What are you talking about?
You're kidding -- right? No really ... you've got to be kidding. Have you ever spent time in the inner city? I've lived and worked in several: Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Phoenix, Portland, and currently in Denver. Some are worse than others but crime and poverty are a "given." The economy is getting worse (if you haven't heard) and tensions are growing. You may or may not have heard that several trillion dollars were miraculously printed in recent years and injected into an already volatile economy. Do you know what happens when the supply of paper money exceeds anything tangible to back it up? If you said - inflation - then you are correct. That means that the tad bit of money folks have has now lost value. When that happens it's more difficult to meet daily needs like food, medicine, gasoline, and other necessities. Cap all that off with the fact that everyone is now forced to buy medical insurance with an IRS-Sledge Hammer hovering over their heads and we will only see tensions increase. Yeah -- THAT powder keg.

What if aliens invade tomorrow,
That's been happening for decades. They're currently feeding off of their host -- the American taxpayer. Or they're taking jobs that Americans ARE willing to do (truck drivers, construction workers, brick layers, electricians, janitors, etc.) and they're willing to work for a lot less.

The rest of your post was somewhat inane.
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Your solution to urban violence is to make everyone homeless while everyone builds a brand new home? That sounds perfectly reasonable because the poor people on food stamps won't have any problem getting the money to build new homes.

Good plan. That's "nobel" and "clearly well thought-out."

You are an idiot. You tear down the crime infested housing AS you build new homes. Sell the property to developer's for either single family dwellings or commercial development. The people living on the system can either help this process by working one of the thousands of jobs it would create or they can gtfo, disabled not included of course.

This is what I mean when I say liberals don't want a serious discussion. Keeping the poor clustered together keeps you in control of them.
You think that rich white capitalists are going to buy the land and then pay poor people to build new homes for themselves? I'm sure you can describe the economic incentive for rich white people to do this, correct? Considering that rich white capitalists don't give a fuck about the ghettos, and that's why those neighborhoods turned into ghettos in the first place.

God damn you're dense. Do I have to explain EVERYTHING to you?

The OLD property that is demolished goes up to the highest bidder. THEN the government takes that money and uses it to hire the residents to work under supervision in training programs to rebuild their communities elsewhere.

This isn't pie in the sky. We've been doing something similar here in KC for near two decades under the ACOE and HUD.

Perhaps if you were to open your fucking mind you could actually contribute to the needy in society rather than just thinking the squaller they live in is "sufficient"
And the highest bidders give a fuck about people in the ghettos?
Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jesse Jackson? Where are the 2 dozen threads blaiming rightwing tea party racist terrorists? Where is Harry Reid to condemn this as terrorism? Where are the hacks on this board who cant wait to post threads when a white person kills a SINGLE black person? Where are the posts that show us that cities with the strictest gun laws are the least violent?

Where is the outrage?

And where the hell is Obama?

Were any of the shooters white and the victims black? If not you have your answer.
And the dirt-poor ghetto people on food stamps go where after you demolish their homes and sell the land to the highest white bidder?
And the dirt-poor ghetto people on food stamps go where after you demolish their homes and sell the land to the highest white bidder?

Or the highest black bidder. Whatever the case, everyone wins when a roach infested, inner-city, slum-hole run by a slum-lord is demolished and replaced with something better. Everyone wins!!

The "powder keg that could explode any moment"? What are you talking about?
You're kidding -- right? No really ... you've got to be kidding. Have you ever spent time in the inner city? I've lived and worked in several: Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Phoenix, Portland, and currently in Denver. Some are worse than others but crime and poverty are a "given." The economy is getting worse (if you haven't heard) and tensions are growing. You may or may not have heard that several trillion dollars were miraculously printed in recent years and injected into an already volatile economy. Do you know what happens when the supply of paper money exceeds anything tangible to back it up? If you said - inflation - then you are correct. That means that the tad bit of money folks have has now lost value. When that happens it's more difficult to meet daily needs like food, medicine, gasoline, and other necessities. Cap all that off with the fact that everyone is now forced to buy medical insurance with an IRS-Sledge Hammer hovering over their heads and we will only see tensions increase. Yeah -- THAT powder keg.

I've lived in "inner cities" my entire life.

The economy isn't "getting worse". Crime is at a 50-year low, in "inner cities" across the nation. Inflation has been under 2% for more than a year, and hasn't gone above 4% since Obama has been President. None of what you're afraid of is actually happening.

What if aliens invade tomorrow,
That's been happening for decades. They're currently feeding off of their host -- the American taxpayer. Or they're taking jobs that Americans ARE willing to do (truck drivers, construction workers, brick layers, electricians, janitors, etc.) and they're willing to work for a lot less.

The rest of your post was somewhat inane.

As was yours, that was my point.
And the dirt-poor ghetto people on food stamps go where after you demolish their homes and sell the land to the highest white bidder?

Or the highest black bidder. Whatever the case, everyone wins when a roach infested, inner-city, slum-hole run by a slum-lord is demolished and replaced with something better. Everyone wins!!

Well, except for the people whose homes were destroyed.
Thousands of people are murdered every year, all over the country. It's ludicrous to think that anyone should care deeply about all of them, or for that matter, any that don't involve them.

Why is Chicago special to you?

I'm kinda jumping into your convo with Grandpa but...

Why do you feel we need to ignore Chicago? It is the home of the union, democrat controlled, gun control, welfare state. Which seems to be worth addressing when our point is that kind of situation doesn't work out well for people. Thousands may be murdered every year but the majority of them will be in cities like Chicago, Detroit and St Louis. Cities that are living the reality of democrat laws and control.

Do you not want to discuss his or is that too deep for a thread?

"Ignore" Chicago?


Do a forum search, and see how many "Look! Dead Black People In Chicago" threads have been started in the last few years. Compare that to the number of threads started about any other city.

How many threads about Memphis do you see? Or New Orleans?

Both have higher crime rates than Chicago.

Maybe you should start some threads about those?

If you have a point of comparison for Memphis or New Orleans and why their crime rates compare to Chicago maybe this would be a good time to present those facts?
And the dirt-poor ghetto people on food stamps go where after you demolish their homes and sell the land to the highest white bidder?

Or the highest black bidder. Whatever the case, everyone wins when a roach infested, inner-city, slum-hole run by a slum-lord is demolished and replaced with something better. Everyone wins!!

Well, except for the people whose homes were destroyed.

So you're an idiot too eh?

With the proper program not only are they relocated but they have an opportunity to learn a skill in the process.

About 18 years ago I bid on and got 2 government contracts to do just what im describing. As part of my contract I was REQUIRED to hire from within the community.
There is a solution to inner city crime and my suggestions are a good start. Gun control will do NOTHING to root out the cancer that is eating away at these communities.

Rham Emanuels proposal? Take a 1 year jail term for criminal gun posession and make it 3 years. That isn't a solution it's a revolving door for bandaids on a mortal wound.
I'm kinda jumping into your convo with Grandpa but...

Why do you feel we need to ignore Chicago? It is the home of the union, democrat controlled, gun control, welfare state. Which seems to be worth addressing when our point is that kind of situation doesn't work out well for people. Thousands may be murdered every year but the majority of them will be in cities like Chicago, Detroit and St Louis. Cities that are living the reality of democrat laws and control.

Do you not want to discuss his or is that too deep for a thread?

"Ignore" Chicago?


Do a forum search, and see how many "Look! Dead Black People In Chicago" threads have been started in the last few years. Compare that to the number of threads started about any other city.

How many threads about Memphis do you see? Or New Orleans?

Both have higher crime rates than Chicago.

Maybe you should start some threads about those?

If you have a point of comparison for Memphis or New Orleans and why their crime rates compare to Chicago maybe this would be a good time to present those facts?

Why would I start a thread about Memphis or New Orleans? I don't really give a shit about street crime that doesn't affect me in any way - I thought I already explained that.

I'm asking you guys, since you're the ones starting these threads.
Or the highest black bidder. Whatever the case, everyone wins when a roach infested, inner-city, slum-hole run by a slum-lord is demolished and replaced with something better. Everyone wins!!

Well, except for the people whose homes were destroyed.

So you're an idiot too eh?

With the proper program not only are they relocated but they have an opportunity to learn a skill in the process.

About 18 years ago I bid on and got 2 government contracts to do just what im describing. As part of my contract I was REQUIRED to hire from within the community.

What about seniors and children? You know they live in the hood too.

Where exactly do you suggest "relocating" them to?
And the dirt-poor ghetto people on food stamps go where after you demolish their homes and sell the land to the highest white bidder?

Or the highest black bidder. Whatever the case, everyone wins when a roach infested, inner-city, slum-hole run by a slum-lord is demolished and replaced with something better. Everyone wins!!

Well, except for the people whose homes were destroyed.

They found better ones.
"Ignore" Chicago?


Do a forum search, and see how many "Look! Dead Black People In Chicago" threads have been started in the last few years. Compare that to the number of threads started about any other city.

How many threads about Memphis do you see? Or New Orleans?

Both have higher crime rates than Chicago.

Maybe you should start some threads about those?

If you have a point of comparison for Memphis or New Orleans and why their crime rates compare to Chicago maybe this would be a good time to present those facts?

Why would I start a thread about Memphis or New Orleans? I don't really give a shit about street crime that doesn't affect me in any way - I thought I already explained that.

I'm asking you guys, since you're the ones starting these threads.

It does affect you. Laws are constantly passed in this country as a result of shit like this. Our taxes go up because of people like this. Our country goes deeper in debt because of people like this. Teenage boys by the hundreds, perhaps thousands dies early deaths because of people like this.
And god forbid you go on vacation to a strange city and get killed for your wallet by people like this.

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