9 reasons Denmark's government/economy is better than the US's

You know your people better than I do. What skills or resources do they have for which capitalism would provide beneficial trade?
No private enterprises is allowed on the government controlled Indian reservation lands, that's why I left that shit hole when I was 17.
How are casinos not private enterprises?
They are all controlled by the Indian government, which in turn is controlled by the federal government. The rotten living conditions and standard life on the moon reservations are all due to socialism...
Sorry but if casinos are allowed to exist, I don't see why there couldn't be manufacturing or agriculture. And at least some co-ops for food, clothing, whatever so the money stays in the local economy.
Because those things require somone getting off his ass and making them happen. In a socialist society there is no incentive for anyone to get off his ass and make things happen.
That might be the case if socialism provided a luxurious quality of life. Apparently however, the conditions on the reservation are horrendous which according to capitalist ideology should provide the motivation to get off their asses.
Reservations should consider doing more like Denmark.
If they can. I am wondering why some cases prevent businesses from going onto a rez if they have the local tribes permission.

To a degree, the reservations are shams. They are supposed to be autonomous, but the federalis have never allowed full autonomy, and this might be another such case because of any number of reasons, like the guy in the Indian Bureau has a cousin who is getting kickbacks on cases of free food or something. This kind of crap is so bizarre and Byzantine it amazes me.
You know your people better than I do. What skills or resources do they have for which capitalism would provide beneficial trade?
No private enterprises is allowed on the government controlled Indian reservation lands, that's why I left that shit hole when I was 17.
How are casinos not private enterprises?
They are all controlled by the Indian government, which in turn is controlled by the federal government. The rotten living conditions and standard life on the moon reservations are all due to socialism...
Sorry but if casinos are allowed to exist, I don't see why there couldn't be manufacturing or agriculture. And at least some co-ops for food, clothing, whatever so the money stays in the local economy.
Quality-of-life has only gotten worse as the federal government expands for the Indian reservations... All due to socialism.
Yes, you've said that about 5 times now. What you haven't done is answer why casinos (which appear to me to be private enterprises) are allowed to exist but no other form of capitalism is.
That might be the case if socialism provided a luxurious quality of life.
Who is arguing that?

What seems to be the ideal mix is to allow those who want to pursue a higher level of consumption to do so, but not let the poor, the disabled and the disadvantaged to starve or suffer without needed medical care.
That might be the case if socialism provided a luxurious quality of life.
Who is arguing that?

What seems to be the ideal mix is to allow those who want to pursue a higher level of consumption to do so, but not let the poor, the disabled and the disadvantaged to starve or suffer without needed medical care.
Totally agree. I think it would be the rare individual who wouldn't at least want to supplement any kind of government provided subsistence with income of their own.
No private enterprises is allowed on the government controlled Indian reservation lands, that's why I left that shit hole when I was 17.
How are casinos not private enterprises?
They are all controlled by the Indian government, which in turn is controlled by the federal government. The rotten living conditions and standard life on the moon reservations are all due to socialism...
Sorry but if casinos are allowed to exist, I don't see why there couldn't be manufacturing or agriculture. And at least some co-ops for food, clothing, whatever so the money stays in the local economy.
Because those things require somone getting off his ass and making them happen. In a socialist society there is no incentive for anyone to get off his ass and make things happen.
That might be the case if socialism provided a luxurious quality of life. Apparently however, the conditions on the reservation are horrendous which according to capitalist ideology should provide the motivation to get off their asses.
Socialism provides a minimal level of subsistence with enormous penalties for success.
"The World Happiness Report, which determines which nation’s population is the “happiest” using criteria like life expectancy, GDP, social safety nets, as well as factors like “perception of corruption” and “freedom to make life choices,” found that Denmark was the happiest country. The US, in the meantime, ranked #17 on the same list."

THANK YOU! You are an outstanding FOIL, keep up the good work!

All these are typical bogus comparisons having no realism. They are frequently misused by the United Nations, run by hundreds of tin pot dictators who envy our money. Also, the information is provided by the country themselves.

Life Expectancy at birth.
This is based on heredity. Life expectancy in Denmark is nearly identical to that of Minnesota, both higher than the US average. The life expectancy of Japanese is nearly identical to that of people in Hawaii. Why do you suppose that happens?
Both Japan, Denmark, Norway and dozens of other countries are homogeneous. That means their population is made up of one race. The United State is a Multiracial country. We have millions of people of different races many of whom have shorter life expectancies than homogeneous nations.

GDP...well, look at the massive failure of Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama's economic policies. However, in 2015, the GDP per capita for Denmark is $51,424. For the United State: $56,421. You're wrong again.

Social Safety Nets
Easy, again the United Nations LOVES Socialist Nations, where they could get their hands on America's wealth. In the eyes of the UN, the more Socialist is a nation, they more the UN loves them.

PERCEPTION of Corruption
Well, that's easy. This is totally, 100% subjective. Much easier to keep a population of about half of New York City convinced of something than 330 MILLION. You are oh so EASY!

Freedom to make Life Choices.
Again, subjective.

Nice try.
Lol you're such doof. That metric is based on the same criteria that was used in the US. And obviously we are talking about something subjective. That's what happiness is. If is however based on objective information

Which means you either know nothing about statistics or are just lying.

As you know, only a few of the criteria are subjective.

Specifically, please show us all which criterion you deem is a lie.

You can slant an argument by WHAT you chose to measure.

Cute dodge. I asked a simple question subsequent to an allegation made by you. Now try again. Specifically, please show us all which criterion you deem is a lie[/QUOTE]

Not explaining the same thing again.

I don't think I was saying this to you.....originally.

However, it appears that you don't understand the concept either.
Totally agree. I think it would be the rare individual who wouldn't at least want to supplement any kind of government provided subsistence with income of their own.
We are in more agreement than first glance would assume.

We as a civilization are heading into a 'jobless economy' where everything is automated and jobs will be scarce as hell.

We have to assure people that they are going to be able to feed their families and keep their homes or there will be enormous chaos.

I cannot express the frustration I have felt and the shame of not being able to work when I had my disability, and now the shame I feel for not drawing a paycheck.

So many of us Americans find our value in life to be having a useful job, and we are going to see sky rocketing suicide rates in this country, not to mention enormous increases in crime. We will probably see kidnap-ransom gangs spring into existence because so many will become that desperate.

We have to consider all the options on how to deal with this other than 'let them eat cake'.

Nordic Socialism is the kindest system of solutions I have seen, but it might require a basic universal income instead.
How are casinos not private enterprises?
They are all controlled by the Indian government, which in turn is controlled by the federal government. The rotten living conditions and standard life on the moon reservations are all due to socialism...
Sorry but if casinos are allowed to exist, I don't see why there couldn't be manufacturing or agriculture. And at least some co-ops for food, clothing, whatever so the money stays in the local economy.
Because those things require somone getting off his ass and making them happen. In a socialist society there is no incentive for anyone to get off his ass and make things happen.
That might be the case if socialism provided a luxurious quality of life. Apparently however, the conditions on the reservation are horrendous which according to capitalist ideology should provide the motivation to get off their asses.
Socialism provides a minimal level of subsistence with enormous penalties for success.

It provides scammers with a legitimate path to living off of others.

Kinda how disability claims go up when the economy goes weak.
They are all controlled by the Indian government, which in turn is controlled by the federal government. The rotten living conditions and standard life on the moon reservations are all due to socialism...
Sorry but if casinos are allowed to exist, I don't see why there couldn't be manufacturing or agriculture. And at least some co-ops for food, clothing, whatever so the money stays in the local economy.
Because those things require somone getting off his ass and making them happen. In a socialist society there is no incentive for anyone to get off his ass and make things happen.
That might be the case if socialism provided a luxurious quality of life. Apparently however, the conditions on the reservation are horrendous which according to capitalist ideology should provide the motivation to get off their asses.
Socialism provides a minimal level of subsistence with enormous penalties for success.

It provides scammers with a legitimate path to living off of others.

Kinda how disability claims go up when the economy goes weak.

That is claimed but never proven. Lets see your proof.
Sorry but if casinos are allowed to exist, I don't see why there couldn't be manufacturing or agriculture. And at least some co-ops for food, clothing, whatever so the money stays in the local economy.
Because those things require somone getting off his ass and making them happen. In a socialist society there is no incentive for anyone to get off his ass and make things happen.
That might be the case if socialism provided a luxurious quality of life. Apparently however, the conditions on the reservation are horrendous which according to capitalist ideology should provide the motivation to get off their asses.
Socialism provides a minimal level of subsistence with enormous penalties for success.

It provides scammers with a legitimate path to living off of others.

Kinda how disability claims go up when the economy goes weak.

That is claimed but never proven. Lets see your proof.

There are many reasons for the increase in disability claims, most notably the recession, an aging population, advances in medical technology and a decade of war.

The recession: The economic downturn in 2008 and early 2009 is thought to be the major reason for the jump in disability payments to people who were formerly working.

"With every recession, we see a rise in the number of applicants," said Andrew Houtenville, an economics professor at the University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability. "People are looking for options in terms of income support."

Disability claims skyrocket: Here's why
Socialism provides a minimal level of subsistence with enormous penalties for success.

Because starvation while you search for a job is so much better.
Yes I see those job searchers lying in the gutter starving to death every day on my way towork.
Socialism provides a minimal level of subsistence with enormous penalties for success.

Because starvation while you search for a job is so much better.

People starve in America ?
Yes I see those job searchers lying in the gutter starving to death every day on my way towork.
You think that ALL people looking for work are like that?

You stupid ass comments like that do your argument no good. They only show what a heartless fuck head you are.
Yes I see those job searchers lying in the gutter starving to death every day on my way towork.
You think that ALL people looking for work are like that?

You stupid ass comments like that do your argument no good. They only show what a heartless fuck head you are.
I think NO people looking for work are like that. IOW I think your post is bullshit.
Yes I see those job searchers lying in the gutter starving to death every day on my way towork.
You think that ALL people looking for work are like that?

You stupid ass comments like that do your argument no good. They only show what a heartless fuck head you are.
I think NO people looking for work are like that. IOW I think your post is bullshit.
Lol, you are more confused than I thought.

People looking for work are fucking tired of ass holes like you telling them that they are not doing it right and are lazy fucks for not having a job.

I am personally ready for lynching every Wall Street banker and CEO from the lamp posts for their robbery of this country while the people suffer.

And that is no fucking joke, retard.


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