9 Times Republicans Embarrassed the Dems in the Impeachment; Will They Continue?

What do you think the Dems will do in this so-called Impeachment inquiry?

  • They will vote for the impeachment then oppose it in the Senate like the GOP did back in 1998

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Why can't he win fair and square? Why does he have to cheat?
Actually, Trump talked to the Ukrainians about an actual criminal investigation...

Unlike Hillary, who arranged to get a fake dossier from foreign individuals...
She did not arrange to get a fake dossier. It's amazing how well FAKE right wing Bull Crap, sinks in as fact, among you on the right wing.

Trump was doing NOTHING legal in asking and telling a foreign country to investigate his rival and his rival's son...and make an announcement so the American news would pick it up

BY LAW: It is the DOJ that does that with a foreign country, NOT THE PRESIDENT....

We as American citizens have rights ya know?

Big government, or the president in this case, can't just run around and ask presidents of other countries to investigate any American citizen or any American company... there are LAWS that govern those type of things, which have to be followed by our govt, so that our rights are not abused by them.

The President ABUSED his power doing such a thing... the DOJ was not involved... and THAT broke the law.... and it was cheating on Trump's part, so he could have a new person to yell LOCK HER UP about at his rallies and new person he demonize that is a democrat...

And he got his wish, even without the foreign Nation bringing to CNN that the Ukraine is opening an investigation in to the Bidens, as he was DEMANDING before they got their meeting at the white house or arms.

Three strikes and you're out:


As I said, I now doubt the Dems will even vote to impeach. They don't want this going to the Senate because now, the Senate Republicans smelling blood in the water, they will open this wide. The House Dems will do a Total Loser Retreat now.

Man. 2020 is looking beautiful from here. :)
Well, there is a conundrum with so many Senators in the Race... but there is another option, pass the impeachment in the house, and the Speaker holds back on sending it to the Senate until the primary is over or narrowed down....

My understanding is Moscow Mitch planned on dragging the impeachment out, so to affect the senators in the primary, and to fund raise... impeachment is really good for the RNC piggy bank....

Awww it seems like your Idiot Caucus didn't think through all the possibilities, did you? Gosh. That's too bad
Why can't he win fair and square? Why does he have to cheat?
Actually, Trump talked to the Ukrainians about an actual criminal investigation...

Unlike Hillary, who arranged to get a fake dossier from foreign individuals...
She did not arrange to get a fake dossier. It's amazing how well FAKE right wing Bull Crap, sinks in as fact, among you on the right wing.

Trump was doing NOTHING legal in asking and telling a foreign country to investigate his rival and his rival's son...and make an announcement so the American news would pick it up

BY LAW: It is the DOJ that does that with a foreign country, NOT THE PRESIDENT....

We as American citizens have rights ya know?

Big government, or the president in this case, can't just run around and ask presidents of other countries to investigate any American citizen or any American company... there are LAWS that govern those type of things, which have to be followed by our govt, so that our rights are not abused by them.

The President ABUSED his power doing such a thing... the DOJ was not involved... and THAT broke the law.... and it was cheating on Trump's part, so he could have a new person to yell LOCK HER UP about at his rallies and new person he demonize that is a democrat...

And he got his wish, even without the foreign Nation bringing to CNN that the Ukraine is opening an investigation in to the Bidens, as he was DEMANDING before they got their meeting at the white house or arms.

Three strikes and you're out:


As I said, I now doubt the Dems will even vote to impeach. They don't want this going to the Senate because now, the Senate Republicans smelling blood in the water, they will open this wide. The House Dems will do a Total Loser Retreat now.

Man. 2020 is looking beautiful from here. :)
Well, there is a conundrum with so many Senators in the Race... but there is another option, pass the impeachment in the house, and the Speaker holds back on sending it to the Senate until the primary is over or narrowed down....

My understanding is Moscow Mitch planned on dragging the impeachment out, so to affect the senators in the primary, and to fund raise... impeachment is really good for the RNC piggy bank....

Also, please explain to us under what Constitutional Authority Pelosi can "Hold back" on sending this to the Senate.

I'll just wait here
My guess at this point is he won't even be impeached, Brain Trust. The Dems don't want this going to the Senate.

Why wouldn't they?

They've made their case. Trump tried to shake down the Ukraine to smear Biden. Trump is barely denying it at this point.

The worst case for them is that the Senate ignores clear evidence of wrongdoing.

Or to put it in perspective that even you would understand.

in 1999, 67% opposed impeaching Clinton over a blow job. The Republican House sent it to the Republican Senate, anyway, but it didn't even get a majority vote.

Still, the end result was that Clinton's reputation was ruined, and Al Gore lost the next election. People were just sick of the drama.

Now, in this case.

1) You have a much more serious crime than Lying About a Blow Job.
2) A Majority supports impeachment and removal, even if the Senate does not.
3) Things only get worse from here with Trumps tax returns coming out, the economy floundering, etc.

IF the Republicans were smart, they'd go to Trump and say, "You need to resign, we'll make sure Pence pardons you", and then proceed to try to repair the damage. They'll still lose in 2020, just like Ford did in 1976, but at least they'll have shown they have standards.
My guess at this point is he won't even be impeached, Brain Trust. The Dems don't want this going to the Senate.

Why wouldn't they?

They've made their case. Trump tried to shake down the Ukraine to smear Biden. Trump is barely denying it at this point.

The worst case for them is that the Senate ignores clear evidence of wrongdoing.

Or to put it in perspective that even you would understand.

in 1999, 67% opposed impeaching Clinton over a blow job. The Republican House sent it to the Republican Senate, anyway, but it didn't even get a majority vote.

Still, the end result was that Clinton's reputation was ruined, and Al Gore lost the next election. People were just sick of the drama.

Now, in this case.

1) You have a much more serious crime than Lying About a Blow Job.
2) A Majority supports impeachment and removal, even if the Senate does not.
3) Things only get worse from here with Trumps tax returns coming out, the economy floundering, etc.

IF the Republicans were smart, they'd go to Trump and say, "You need to resign, we'll make sure Pence pardons you", and then proceed to try to repair the damage. They'll still lose in 2020, just like Ford did in 1976, but at least they'll have shown they have standards.

There is no evidence.

Even the Dems own witnesses have admitted this
Why can't he win fair and square? Why does he have to cheat?
Actually, Trump talked to the Ukrainians about an actual criminal investigation...

Unlike Hillary, who arranged to get a fake dossier from foreign individuals...
She did not arrange to get a fake dossier. It's amazing how well FAKE right wing Bull Crap, sinks in as fact, among you on the right wing.

Trump was doing NOTHING legal in asking and telling a foreign country to investigate his rival and his rival's son...and make an announcement so the American news would pick it up

BY LAW: It is the DOJ that does that with a foreign country, NOT THE PRESIDENT....

We as American citizens have rights ya know?

Big government, or the president in this case, can't just run around and ask presidents of other countries to investigate any American citizen or any American company... there are LAWS that govern those type of things, which have to be followed by our govt, so that our rights are not abused by them.

The President ABUSED his power doing such a thing... the DOJ was not involved... and THAT broke the law.... and it was cheating on Trump's part, so he could have a new person to yell LOCK HER UP about at his rallies and new person he demonize that is a democrat...

And he got his wish, even without the foreign Nation bringing to CNN that the Ukraine is opening an investigation in to the Bidens, as he was DEMANDING before they got their meeting at the white house or arms.

The Democrats are getting no sympathy as the Republicans are showing some rare nerve and moxy turning this whole impeachment around on Democrats whose best witnesses, supposedly openly admit that they NEVER discussed any of this with the President directly, so all they have is hearsay.

The real risk the Dims are running is that the Senate will take this whole impeachment procewss and use it to investigate the Steel Dossier, the misuse of FISA warrants and the use of the FBI and foreign assets to compromise a candidate for office and a sitting President.

Then they will really know humiliation and pain like never before.

9 Times GOP Lawmakers Dunked on Schiff During Impeachment Hearing

I think it 90% likely that they will back down and not send this to the Senate for trial.

What do you think the Dems will do in this so-called Impeachment inquiry?
I am not impressed by the right wing; y'all implemented your right wing, Patriot Act devices which "caught your guys in your own devices."
There is no evidence.

Even the Dems own witnesses have admitted this

Wow... really? So you think that the President should act like a mob boss... "We ain't saying nothing!"

The evidence is actually pretty clear.

My guess. There will be an effort to throw Rudy under the bus... and put all the blame on him.

I don't care if he acts like a mob boss, no Joe. The Deep Staters have been mob bosses for years and now want to cry foul because now a Republican is not a complete eunuch.

I'm enjoying this immensely, actually. Glad you asked. :)
First you Democrats beg to investigate interference in the 2016 election and then when Trump does it, you guys wanna arrest the people investigating it lol

We already had an investigation... The Russians did it to help Trump. Why would we need another investigation that Trump's own intel people told him was an internet conspiracy theory?

This is the problem. Trump ignores his own experts and believes whatever shit massages his ego on Fox News and Hate Radio. Unlike Reagan and the Bushes, who found these useful tools, but didn't let them make policy.
Our intel said many countries influenced our elections lol get a life
I don't care if he acts like a mob boss, no Joe.

Of course not. You don't care if he fucks porn stars, you don't care if he cheats veterans, you don't care what he does as long as he hates gays and Mexicans just like you do.

The Deep Staters have been mob bosses for years and now want to cry foul because now a Republican is not a complete eunuch.

"Deep Staters"? You mean, people who know what they are doing?

Here's the reality. Politicians come and go, and most of them are idiots.. Most of them are just smart enough to realize that when a career professional comes in and tell them "This is what is up with the Ukraine" they listen.

Trump is a whole new level of idiot.

Somewhere along the line, professionals and experts and scientists became anathema to the right, and that's a problem. "What, you've been the Ambassador to that region for years and know the culture and politics and language... I'm not even going to talk to you!"

Some lite reading for you... I read a very good article by this conservative who sees this trend and why it is bad. But you won't read it.... if you are in a cult, no one criticizes the cult leader.

NeverTrumper Tom Nichols on the president who calls him "human scum"

I'm enjoying this immensely, actually. Glad you asked.

Why do you hate America? It seems that you are angry and Trump taps into your anger, but what are you angry about?
I don't care if he acts like a mob boss, no Joe.

Of course not. You don't care if he fucks porn stars, you don't care if he cheats veterans, you don't care what he does as long as he hates gays and Mexicans just like you do.

The Deep Staters have been mob bosses for years and now want to cry foul because now a Republican is not a complete eunuch.

"Deep Staters"? You mean, people who know what they are doing?

Here's the reality. Politicians come and go, and most of them are idiots.. Most of them are just smart enough to realize that when a career professional comes in and tell them "This is what is up with the Ukraine" they listen.

Trump is a whole new level of idiot.

Somewhere along the line, professionals and experts and scientists became anathema to the right, and that's a problem. "What, you've been the Ambassador to that region for years and know the culture and politics and language... I'm not even going to talk to you!"

Some lite reading for you... I read a very good article by this conservative who sees this trend and why it is bad. But you won't read it.... if you are in a cult, no one criticizes the cult leader.

NeverTrumper Tom Nichols on the president who calls him "human scum"

I'm enjoying this immensely, actually. Glad you asked.

Why do you hate America? It seems that you are angry and Trump taps into your anger, but what are you angry about?

I didn't know you were such a Victorian Prude among other things Joe but I'm not surprised
I didn't know you were such a Victorian Prude among other things Joe but I'm not surprised

Well, more horrified that the guy was married to a model but had to pay a porn star for sex... and then had to pay her to keep quiet... that's kind of pathetic.

I'm more offended he cheated Vets out of millions of dollars in his fake charity... but that doesn't bother you, either.

Trump can fuck any woman he wants, that's his business. it's when he puts people on the courts that want to regulate the rest of our sex lives I worry.
I didn't know you were such a Victorian Prude among other things Joe but I'm not surprised

Well, more horrified that the guy was married to a model but had to pay a porn star for sex... and then had to pay her to keep quiet... that's kind of pathetic.

I'm more offended he cheated Vets out of millions of dollars in his fake charity... but that doesn't bother you, either.

Trump can fuck any woman he wants, that's his business. it's when he puts people on the courts that want to regulate the rest of our sex lives I worry.

Oh Joe you're so un-self-aware that you don't see how transparent you really are. Even on the internet

The only problem with that is Biden NEVER committed a crime.
He threatened to withhold money from Ukraine, unless they fired a prosecuter that was investigating his son's company. If you don't think that is a crime, what your accusing Trump of isn't either.
Getting rid of Shokin was an international effort. Getting rid of corruption really pisses off corrupt people. Read and learn.
What really happened when Biden forced out Ukraine's top prosecutor
Trump is exposing how corrupt the Obama administration was. I know you don't like that.
By being corrupt himself? Is that how he is showing us? He points out Obama when he's caught breaking the law or cheating, and says LOOK LOOK Obama did it too? :lol::lol: What is he, 3 years old and Obama is his brother?
Ukraine has admitted it helped Hillary's campaign in the election. So now it's time for heads to roll.
He threatened to withhold money from Ukraine, unless they fired a prosecuter that was investigating his son's company. If you don't think that is a crime, what your accusing Trump of isn't either.
Getting rid of Shokin was an international effort. Getting rid of corruption really pisses off corrupt people. Read and learn.
What really happened when Biden forced out Ukraine's top prosecutor
Trump is exposing how corrupt the Obama administration was. I know you don't like that.
By being corrupt himself? Is that how he is showing us? He points out Obama when he's caught breaking the law or cheating, and says LOOK LOOK Obama did it too? :lol::lol: What is he, 3 years old and Obama is his brother?
President Trump hasn't broken any laws. Schiff's sham makes the democrats look like bullies that bragged about beating up a woman with no arms and one leg.
My good Lord, you must live in a cave!!!! More like a bubble of fake news.
What laws has president Trump broke. After the Muller investigation. President Trump is the cleanest one we have ever had. I mean Muller raided Trumps lawyers office. We should do that to Obama and Hillary. You good with that?
Oh Joe you're so un-self-aware that you don't see how transparent you really are. Even on the internet

I love when stupid people try to sound smart... It's so amusing to watch some bible thumping moron try to use big words like she knows what they mean.

Only two kinds of people support Trump... Millionaires and Morons. Check your bank account if you are still unclear on the concept.
Why can't he win fair and square? Why does he have to cheat?
Actually, Trump talked to the Ukrainians about an actual criminal investigation...

Unlike Hillary, who arranged to get a fake dossier from foreign individuals...
She did not arrange to get a fake dossier. It's amazing how well FAKE right wing Bull Crap, sinks in as fact, among you on the right wing.

Trump was doing NOTHING legal in asking and telling a foreign country to investigate his rival and his rival's son...and make an announcement so the American news would pick it up

BY LAW: It is the DOJ that does that with a foreign country, NOT THE PRESIDENT....

We as American citizens have rights ya know?

Big government, or the president in this case, can't just run around and ask presidents of other countries to investigate any American citizen or any American company... there are LAWS that govern those type of things, which have to be followed by our govt, so that our rights are not abused by them.

The President ABUSED his power doing such a thing... the DOJ was not involved... and THAT broke the law.... and it was cheating on Trump's part, so he could have a new person to yell LOCK HER UP about at his rallies and new person he demonize that is a democrat...

And he got his wish, even without the foreign Nation bringing to CNN that the Ukraine is opening an investigation in to the Bidens, as he was DEMANDING before they got their meeting at the white house or arms.
Actually Ukraine was investigating the company in question and closed the investigation as soon as Hunter Biden started working for them.

Now that the new Ukrainian president is on power the investigation has been reopened. the question should be; "What do they have to hide? Are they trying to prevent discovery? Are they worried that this will open a can of worms that will end up with indictments of the Bidens and other Democrats? Aren't they participating in a cover-up now?"
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The only problem with that is Biden NEVER committed a crime.
He threatened to withhold money from Ukraine, unless they fired a prosecuter that was investigating his son's company. If you don't think that is a crime, what your accusing Trump of isn't either.
Getting rid of Shokin was an international effort. Getting rid of corruption really pisses off corrupt people. Read and learn.
What really happened when Biden forced out Ukraine's top prosecutor
Trump is exposing how corrupt the Obama administration was. I know you don't like that.
By being corrupt himself? Is that how he is showing us? He points out Obama when he's caught breaking the law or cheating, and says LOOK LOOK Obama did it too? :lol::lol: What is he, 3 years old and Obama is his brother?
President Trump hasn't broken any laws. Schiff's sham makes the democrats look like bullies that bragged about beating up a woman with no arms and one leg.

It's amazing how you Trump Humpers turn a blind eye to this man's corruption and then in the next breath you want to claim to be the party of morality. It's a freakin joke.
The only problem with that is Biden NEVER committed a crime.
He threatened to withhold money from Ukraine, unless they fired a prosecuter that was investigating his son's company. If you don't think that is a crime, what your accusing Trump of isn't either.
Getting rid of Shokin was an international effort. Getting rid of corruption really pisses off corrupt people. Read and learn.
What really happened when Biden forced out Ukraine's top prosecutor
Trump is exposing how corrupt the Obama administration was. I know you don't like that.
By being corrupt himself? Is that how he is showing us? He points out Obama when he's caught breaking the law or cheating, and says LOOK LOOK Obama did it too? :lol::lol: What is he, 3 years old and Obama is his brother?
Ukraine has admitted it helped Hillary's campaign in the election. So now it's time for heads to roll.
yes, a hand full of Ukrainians were afraid of a Trump presidency which we've known for years, when it was reported that the Trump campaign hired Manafort who supported the Russian Ukrainians who were all for the Ukraine becoming a Soviet satellite country...

and when they changed the RNC platform from supporting the Ukraine over Russian aggression to NOT supporting the Ukraine....

so those handful, were leaking stuff on Manafort... THAT was their support... even the Mueller report had things on the Ukraine in it....

It's not that they were head over heels for Hillary, they just did not support Trump's undying love, for Putin's Russia.

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