90% of U.S. Would Die From Chinese EMP Attack From Space Balloon

You can bet if any aircraft is EMP proof, those used for Air Force One and the flying Military Command Aircraft are hardened against EMP.

The following article is dated 2008 but makes my point. …


A few select sites have been hardened against an EMP attack since the threat was identified. Air Force One, the airplane that carries the U.S. President, is designed to withstand an EMP attack. During the Cold War, the U.S. military hardened its most important military systems, such as U.S. nuclear weapons systems, against EMP threats. These efforts have decreased since the end of the Cold War, despite the continued vulnerability of these systems. Presently, most efforts to counter the EMP threat are focused on initiatives to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. These efforts include programs like the Proliferation Security Initiative, the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism.
I have been in the Air Force and during my time, no soft shell of a craft will stop any EMP if it gets in the range of it. A thick wall of steel or iron might work, or a thin piece of lead surrounded by concrete. Dont know too many aircraft with those designs.
I`d rather see the sun explode. This planet is really fucked up with very little hope for the future.
Look in the Mirror, and say "Damn, i did so well in fucking up this planet by putting the likes of Dumbass Joe in office". 9 seconds till zero.....
I have been in the Air Force and during my time, no soft shell of a craft will stop any EMP if it gets in the range of it. A thick wall of steel or iron might work, or a thin piece of lead surrounded by concrete. Dont know too many aircraft with those designs.
I am sure the data on how Air Force One or other aircraft were EMP proofed is classified.


Like the staff, Air Force One is prepared for virtually any possible emergency scenario and is equipped to deal with nearly any potential threat, from a rogue jet firing sidewinder missiles at it, to a nuclear explosion. Along with being immune to the effects of an EMP blast, such as one produced by an exploding nuclear warhead, Air Force One is shielded against conventional damage in the form of bulletproof plating and flares to deter heat seeking missiles.

In the event these systems all fail, Air Force One is built sturdy enough to weather an undisclosed number of direct missile hits and could probably smash into the ground at Mach 3 and still not kill anyone aboard. Not that you’d ever get anywhere near the plane, given that it can fly in the upper stratosphere and secretly call on supersonic jets to aid it over any allied country. Even if you managed to do enough damage to hurt the President, he’d probably be fine, because…
I am sure the data on how Air Force One or other aircraft were EMP proofed is classified.


Like the staff, Air Force One is prepared for virtually any possible emergency scenario and is equipped to deal with nearly any potential threat, from a rogue jet firing sidewinder missiles at it, to a nuclear explosion. Along with being immune to the effects of an EMP blast, such as one produced by an exploding nuclear warhead, Air Force One is shielded against conventional damage in the form of bulletproof plating and flares to deter heat seeking missiles.

In the event these systems all fail, Air Force One is built sturdy enough to weather an undisclosed number of direct missile hits and could probably smash into the ground at Mach 3 and still not kill anyone aboard. Not that you’d ever get anywhere near the plane, given that it can fly in the upper stratosphere and secretly call on supersonic jets to aid it over any allied country. Even if you managed to do enough damage to hurt the President, he’d probably be fine, because…
Yeah, sure. The only thing that would prevent Air Force One from being hit with an EMP, is that it is traveling away from it and gets out of the pulse range.
Yeah, sure. The only thing that would prevent Air Force One from being hit with an EMP, is that it is traveling away from it and gets out of the pulse range..
I suspect protecting an aircraft from an emp pulse is EXPENSIVE. I also beleive it is quite possible the two aircraft normally used as AF1 are indeed emp hardened.
Look in the Mirror, and say "Damn, i did so well in fucking up this planet by putting the likes of Dumbass Joe in office". 9 seconds till zero.....
I`m not a Biden fan but I did want to see a grownup in the Oval Office. How much longer are you going to be pouting, little Snowflake?
And how is Budumb going to use his generator when there isnt any electricity to pump the fuel to it? Maybe he can have Jill suck the fuel out of the ground?
Toddlers might say something like "Budumb" but usually they grow out of it at the age of 4.
I`m not a Biden fan but I did want to see a grownup in the Oval Office. How much longer are you going to be pouting, little Snowflake?
2023 'Doomsday Clock': This is how close we are to the apocalypse, scientists say
he world is closer to annihilation than it has ever been since the first nuclear bombs were released at the close of World War II, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said Tuesday. The time on the Doomsday Clock moved forward from 100 seconds to midnight to 90 seconds to midnight.
It’s a reset of what has come to be known as the Doomsday Clock, a decades long project of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists featuring a clock face where midnight represents Armageddon.
I just hope when the mushroom clouds start forming you are right under one. Vote in a worthless coward like shitty Joe, get very bad actions, as we keep seeing in the world.

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