90 percent of job growth has been in full-time positions since ACA


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Policymakers and pundits are spending a lot of time these days talking about part-time jobs -- whether they are becoming more common at the expense of full-time jobs, and how problematic that is.

Republicans note that President Barack Obama’s health care law requires larger employers to provide health insurance to their workers, which they say gives companies an incentive to cut workers’ hours so much that they become part-time workers and thus exempt from the health insurance mandate.

And beyond the question of Obamacare’s incentives, some economists worry that since the most recent recession, companies have been unusually willing to hire part-time workers rather than full-time workers.

We recently noticed two seemingly contradictory comments on this topic -- one from a Republican, one from a Democrat -- and thought it would be worthwhile checking both.

In this item, we will check a comment made by Alan Krueger, the chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, during an interview with Sara Eisen of Bloomberg television.

Eisen asked Krueger whether we’re "creating a part-time economy. The news is filled with stories of small businesses and colleges cutting back worker's hours or putting a freeze on hiring."

He responded, "I think that's highly misleading. Since the Affordable Care Act passed, 90 percent of job growth has been in full-time positions." (The Affordable Care Act is the more formal name of Obama’s health care law.)

In the other item, we checked a claim made by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, that "this year, the overwhelming majority of new jobs are part-time."

These two comments paint sharply different pictures, so we turned to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

For Krueger, we checked the change in full-time and part-time employment between March 2010 and July 2013, then determined which of the two types of employment accounted for a larger share of the increase in overall employment. Here’s the summary:

So Krueger is right -- 87 percent of the increase in employment over this period came from full-time jobs.

Still, we will note that if you use a shorter time horizon, such as calendar year 2013, a large percentage of jobs created were part-time positions.

In other words, by choosing the time frame carefully, you can find support for either side of this argument.

Our ruling

Krueger said that "since the Affordable Care Act passed, 90 percent of job growth has been in full-time positions." The statistics show that 87 percent of the increase in jobs between March 2010 and July 2013 consisted of full-time jobs. A shorter time frame would show the opposite pattern, but on the numbers, Krueger is right. We rate the claim True.

PolitiFact | Alan Krueger, top economist to Obama, says most new jobs since health care law passed are full time

If any Repub can show this to be wrong I'd be interesting in seeing it. My guess is the only rebuttal you is a "hide your hand" technique where you either use personal anecdotes as "proof" or claim that the proof is hidden somewhere where mere peons cannot find it and even you are not able to capture its link. Thats how fucking awesome it is and you saw it thats how Awesome YOU are.
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The worlds longest OP.....

Let me simplify it for you, Corky:


See when the spike in parttime jobs occurred, before it then leveled off?

On the watch of GW Bush.
Policymakers and pundits are spending a lot of time these days talking about part-time jobs -- whether they are becoming more common at the expense of full-time jobs, and how problematic that is.

Republicans note that President Barack Obama’s health care law requires larger employers to provide health insurance to their workers, which they say gives companies an incentive to cut workers’ hours so much that they become part-time workers and thus exempt from the health insurance mandate.

And beyond the question of Obamacare’s incentives, some economists worry that since the most recent recession, companies have been unusually willing to hire part-time workers rather than full-time workers.

We recently noticed two seemingly contradictory comments on this topic -- one from a Republican, one from a Democrat -- and thought it would be worthwhile checking both.

In this item, we will check a comment made by Alan Krueger, the chairman of Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, during an interview with Sara Eisen of Bloomberg television.

Eisen asked Krueger whether we’re "creating a part-time economy. The news is filled with stories of small businesses and colleges cutting back worker's hours or putting a freeze on hiring."

He responded, "I think that's highly misleading. Since the Affordable Care Act passed, 90 percent of job growth has been in full-time positions." (The Affordable Care Act is the more formal name of Obama’s health care law.)

In the other item, we checked a claim made by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, that "this year, the overwhelming majority of new jobs are part-time."

These two comments paint sharply different pictures, so we turned to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

For Krueger, we checked the change in full-time and part-time employment between March 2010 and July 2013, then determined which of the two types of employment accounted for a larger share of the increase in overall employment. Here’s the summary:

So Krueger is right -- 87 percent of the increase in employment over this period came from full-time jobs.

Still, we will note that if you use a shorter time horizon, such as calendar year 2013, a large percentage of jobs created were part-time positions.

In other words, by choosing the time frame carefully, you can find support for either side of this argument.

Our ruling

Krueger said that "since the Affordable Care Act passed, 90 percent of job growth has been in full-time positions." The statistics show that 87 percent of the increase in jobs between March 2010 and July 2013 consisted of full-time jobs. A shorter time frame would show the opposite pattern, but on the numbers, Krueger is right. We rate the claim True.

PolitiFact | Alan Krueger, top economist to Obama, says most new jobs since health care law passed are full time

If any Repub can show this to be wrong I'd be interesting in seeing it. My guess is the only rebuttal you is a "hide your hand" technique where you either use personal anecdotes as "proof" or claim that the proof is hidden somewhere where mere peons cannot find it and even you are not able to capture its link. Thats how fucking awesome it is and you saw it thats how Awesome YOU are.

:eusa_shhh: they refuse to listen.
Did you even read the article you posted?

It points out that part time jobs are what is spiking NOW as ObamaCare begins to roll out.

"Still, we will note that if you use a shorter time horizon, such as calendar year 2013, a large percentage of jobs created were part-time positions. In other words, by choosing the time frame carefully, you can find support for either side of this argument."
Did you even read the article you posted?

It points out that part time jobs are what is spiking NOW as ObamaCare begins to roll out.

"Still, we will note that if you use a shorter time horizon, such as calendar year 2013, a large percentage of jobs created were part-time positions. In other words, by choosing the time frame carefully, you can find support for either side of this argument."

LOL, liberals are too stupid to even realize the stuff they post proves their point wrong.

Did you even read the article you posted?

It points out that part time jobs are what is spiking NOW as ObamaCare begins to roll out.

"Still, we will note that if you use a shorter time horizon, such as calendar year 2013, a large percentage of jobs created were part-time positions. In other words, by choosing the time frame carefully, you can find support for either side of this argument."
We just call it cherry picking.

And the sources has no credibility.
I suspect the table includes only "Part Time Jobs for Economic Reasons". That figure decreased from 8,043K to 7,911K over the past year.

"Part Time for Non-Economic Reasons", however, increased from 18,954K to 19,339.

(figures from the BLS.gov website)

But just wait! ObamaCare is going to create THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of full time IRS job to enforce your compliance in ObamaCare!

So, let's get this straight, the ACA, which hasn't even gone into effect, is responsible for non-existent job growth...

You fuckers are insane.
What's 90 percent of zero?

Oh yeah, zero.

Its so amazing how thees mindless idiots don't even realize what they are reading.

They have to believe any spin job number just to keep their faith in Dear Leader.
I hope the growth picks up even more ;)

What growth?
The more part time jobs the less revenue comes in to the Government.

Oh that's right, we make minimum wage at 15.00 an hour so that they still can't afford anything, because of prices raising to make up for that higher wage.
Talk about a vicious circle.
Soooo...we have more people working part time jobs, who used to work full time jobs, and more full time workers laid off and in eternal unemployment extensions, which means they don't get "counted" when it comes time to determine unemployment statistics..heck employment is BETTER now...people who have been on it for years, so no longer count as new applicants...that's progress...right? RIGHT?

Health care workers are being laid off by the tens of thousands...while more and more government workers are being hired to run this program that is supposed to improve everybody's health...which is odd, since less will be covered by the insurance companies that do exist, co pays have increased..premiums have increased, doctors are closing their practices....small businesses are shutting their doors and refusing to do business until the government stops targeting them......our middle class is getting POORER, our lower class is getting FATTER, crime is skyrocketing, our rights are being quickly, not slowly, removed, innocent children and off duty military are being targeted for mass destruction...

But all this is evidence of the greatness of Obama and the advent of communism in the US.

I can hardly wait to see the future improvements they have in store for us. I'm eagerly anticipating government-guided mass starvation and work/ethanasia camps. That will be the day when all Obama's (and the rest of the US progressives') plans all come to fruition and their dream is finally, fully realized!

Heil Obama!
Okay, I'll take a stab at this one. I'm went to the article about Krueger and his remarks. I thought, what a wonderful website that checks the things that politicians and pundits say. That could be very helpful. I don't care if someone is left or right, I want to know if what they are saying is the truth.

So I began looking around at all the different quotes that had been checked and I found this (not going to post the whole article, you have to go read it):


Basically, it says that most of the jobs created ARE part time. So why the contradiction? Is it the time frame studied by each article? You read both and then decide.

Validity of the OP? Questionable at best...

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