911 another stake through the heart of the official story huggers!

Koo-koo man:

..nope dont need em this time because not one of those clips show a plane going into the building....You cannot see the plane impact the building in any of them...you ASS-ume that a plane crashed into the building which is NOT a bona fide FACT that a plane did in FACT did impact the building....Like I said there is NO LIVE FOOTAGE OF THE PLANE IMPACTING THE BUILDING that has been aired.

How could you say that, retard? That whole video was clip after clip of various live footage of a plane smashing into one of the towers, while shocking the commentators because it happened LIVE as they were on the air, speculating about the first plane.

If after viewing that clip, you can actually say that "none of the footage was live" or "it doesn't substantiate that a plane hit the buildings" then you are a TOTAL MORON. And nothing we say or do will convince you otherwise.

Not that we didn't know that from the beginning. LOL
Two planes hit two Buildings, but three fall down, all three owned by the same Man
And that's all the evidence you need to make it a conspiracy? Ha ha ha.

Farter goozo, baz ke zer zadi heyvoun.

they were hit by your imaginary airplane that you saw live on tv.
if they were imaginary, then no cgi would have been necessary..
so in reality they would have had to have been either projected cgi images of real air planes or real air planes.not imaginary
...they were hit by your imaginary airplane that you saw live on tv...blah blah blah...drivel...bullshit...






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And that's all the evidence you need to make it a conspiracy? Ha ha ha.

Farter goozo, baz ke zer zadi heyvoun.

they were hit by your imaginary airplane that you saw live on tv.
if they were imaginary, then no cgi would have been necessary..
so in reality they would have had to have been either projected cgi images of real air planes or real air planes.not imaginary


not one of those clips could you walk into court as a fact witness and claim you saw a plane impact the building. EVEN if you were the one who filmed it. you would be out on your ass 3 seconds after you opened your flap trap and I know for a fact you have no clue why.
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and when we read trougher talk plane = blob-o-shit


Hey twoofer, how come? I mean, they have technology to make this stuff awesome in Hollywood movies, so why are the videos so crappy and blobby?

What did they do with the planes and passengers, ya know, instead of something simple like remote control flight for example? No planers are the absolute pinnacle of stupidity.

cgi planes usually have cgi passengers.

I gave everyone the opportunity to provide certified valaidation all that is true but you refuse, not my problem.

thats holly wood, it really is bad as in bottom shelf cgi work LOL

The twoofer can't answer the easy question. There were planes, they had passengers, they were tracked, they had manifests, they took off.

What happened to them, where are the passengers? Stupid no planers have no evidence to explain away their disappearance.

Clue: They hit buildings.
yah when you can run around making shit up LMAO

Hey twoofer, you didn't address my post either. Are you saying they brought the BBC in on the ebil plan? Are you really?:cuckoo:

you arent making any sense the bbc probly got it from rueters I forget

I'm seeing a pattern here, the twoofer again avoided the question.

Are you saying that Reuters were in on it now? Because they really needed to know? Were the BBC in on it, or was it just a mistake with all the confusion?

Useless twoofer is useless.:cuckoo:
Hey twoofer, how come? I mean, they have technology to make this stuff awesome in Hollywood movies, so why are the videos so crappy and blobby?

What did they do with the planes and passengers, ya know, instead of something simple like remote control flight for example? No planers are the absolute pinnacle of stupidity.

cgi planes usually have cgi passengers.

I gave everyone the opportunity to provide certified valaidation all that is true but you refuse, not my problem.

thats holly wood, it really is bad as in bottom shelf cgi work LOL

The twoofer can't answer the easy question. There were planes, they had passengers, they were tracked, they had manifests, they took off.

What happened to them, where are the passengers? Stupid no planers have no evidence to explain away their disappearance.

Clue: They hit buildings.

were you in one of them? yes or no?
they were hit by your imaginary airplane that you saw live on tv.
if they were imaginary, then no cgi would have been necessary..
so in reality they would have had to have been either projected cgi images of real air planes or real air planes.not imaginary


not one of those clips could you walk into court as a fact witness and claim you saw a plane impact the building. EVEN if you were the one who filmed it. you would be out on your ass 3 seconds after you opened your flap trap and I know for a fact you have no clue why.
Ha ha...and how do you think your lunacy would hold up "in court". :lmao:

It wouldn't even get to court...straight into the fucking asylum you go. :cuckoo:
Hey twoofer, you didn't address my post either. Are you saying they brought the BBC in on the ebil plan? Are you really?:cuckoo:

you arent making any sense the bbc probly got it from rueters I forget

I'm seeing a pattern here, the twoofer again avoided the question.

Are you saying that Reuters were in on it now? Because they really needed to know? Were the BBC in on it, or was it just a mistake with all the confusion?

Useless twoofer is useless.:cuckoo:

I am saying what I said nothing more nothing less.
reuters is a primary news feed for all the networks
what do you want me to do draw up a conspiracy theory for you? LOL
isnt it enough those planes are fake?
if they were imaginary, then no cgi would have been necessary..
so in reality they would have had to have been either projected cgi images of real air planes or real air planes.not imaginary


not one of those clips could you walk into court as a fact witness and claim you saw a plane impact the building. EVEN if you were the one who filmed it. you would be out on your ass 3 seconds after you opened your flap trap and I know for a fact you have no clue why.
Ha ha...and how do you think your lunacy would hold up "in court". :lmao:

It wouldn't even get to court...straight into the fucking asylum you go. :cuckoo:

well enough to watch you get booted

is this a real plane? yes or no?


missing wings missing tail stretch front LOL

real yes or no?

not one of those clips could you walk into court as a fact witness and claim you saw a plane impact the building. EVEN if you were the one who filmed it. you would be out on your ass 3 seconds after you opened your flap trap and I know for a fact you have no clue why.
Ha ha...and how do you think your lunacy would hold up "in court". :lmao:

It wouldn't even get to court...straight into the fucking asylum you go. :cuckoo:

well enough to watch you get booted

is this a real plane? yes or no?


missing wings missing tail stretch front LOL

real yes or no?

And if a gif from photobucket were what everyone had seen on 9/11, you might have a point. :)

not one of those clips could you walk into court as a fact witness and claim you saw a plane impact the building. EVEN if you were the one who filmed it. you would be out on your ass 3 seconds after you opened your flap trap and I know for a fact you have no clue why.
Ha ha...and how do you think your lunacy would hold up "in court". :lmao:

It wouldn't even get to court...straight into the fucking asylum you go. :cuckoo:

well enough to watch you get booted

is this a real plane? yes or no?


missing wings missing tail stretch front LOL

real yes or no?

I don't see any windows on the tower in that gif either. Did they fake the building there also or did you alter that gif?

no one needs to be a graphics expert to see the wing of flight 175 magically go behind a building several blocks away.

Your claim is that the building in question was "blocks away" and the fact that the plane's left wing went behind this building and not in front of it is proof of CGI.

So where did you think the building was located to make this claim?

Are you going to answer or just admit that you fucked up? We're all waiting...


How did you lie about the location of that building in order to push your garbage claims?

not one of those clips could you walk into court as a fact witness and claim you saw a plane impact the building. EVEN if you were the one who filmed it. you would be out on your ass 3 seconds after you opened your flap trap and I know for a fact you have no clue why.
Ha ha...and how do you think your lunacy would hold up "in court". :lmao:

It wouldn't even get to court...straight into the fucking asylum you go. :cuckoo:

well enough to watch you get booted

is this a real plane? yes or no?


missing wings missing tail stretch front LOL

real yes or no?
Okay, so we're going to discount hundreds of independent news camera's showing basically the same footage taken live a plane crashing into the tower, over a stupid gif produced by a moronic internet troll.

Does your health insurance cover mental illness and psychotic episodes?
you arent making any sense the bbc probly got it from rueters I forget

I'm seeing a pattern here, the twoofer again avoided the question.

Are you saying that Reuters were in on it now? Because they really needed to know? Were the BBC in on it, or was it just a mistake with all the confusion?

Useless twoofer is useless.:cuckoo:

I am saying what I said nothing more nothing less.
reuters is a primary news feed for all the networks
what do you want me to do draw up a conspiracy theory for you? LOL
isnt it enough those planes are fake?
The video I showed you showed almost a hundred independently taken clips that were all live at the time. You can even tell by the commentators reactions as they realize that yet another plane has crashed into the building. Again, are you saying that all these commentators and independent broadcasters are lying?

LiveLeak.com - Live Coverage of 9/11 (Second Plane hit, Collapse of Towers) World Trade Center
cgi planes usually have cgi passengers.

I gave everyone the opportunity to provide certified valaidation all that is true but you refuse, not my problem.

thats holly wood, it really is bad as in bottom shelf cgi work LOL

The twoofer can't answer the easy question. There were planes, they had passengers, they were tracked, they had manifests, they took off.

What happened to them, where are the passengers? Stupid no planers have no evidence to explain away their disappearance.

Clue: They hit buildings.

were you in one of them? yes or no?

Wait....what?????? Are you suggesting that the scheduled flights were all faked and that none of those people actually got on them, none of them took off it was all a fabrication?

You gigantic cretin.

Let me spell it out for you fuckwitt:

The simple child proof explanation. The planes all took off, the hijackers pointed them at the buildings and crashed them. Nobody involved to spill the beans.

The moronic explanation. They scheduled the flights, fabricated all the take offs and tracking, so nobody in ATC would notice, they fabricated (or did what!!?) to all the passengers, they did what to the actual planes that ran these flights on previous days, they created multiple videos using CGI, they fabricated jet noises all over New York, they planted witnesses saying they saw them, they created magic inwardly exploding building impact points, they had a team planting various pieces of plane all over the place and body parts. They fabricated all the DNA and loved ones related to the passengers, mobile phone calls and accounts of these phone calls. A CAST OF THOUSANDS.

I suspect you are a plant for the ebil perps in an effort to make all twoofers appear to be complete bellends. Too late and completely unnecessary.

I pity people like you. You forgot to answer the BBC post.
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The twoofer can't answer the easy question. There were planes, they had passengers, they were tracked, they had manifests, they took off.

What happened to them, where are the passengers? Stupid no planers have no evidence to explain away their disappearance.

Clue: They hit buildings.

were you in one of them? yes or no?

Wait....what?????? Are you suggesting that the scheduled flights were all faked and that none of those people actually got on them, none of them took off it was all a fabrication?

You gigantic cretin.

Let me spell it out for you fuckwitt:

The simple child proof explanation. The planes all took off, the hijackers pointed them at the buildings and crashed them. Nobody involved to spill the beans.

The moronic explanation. They scheduled the flights, fabricated all the take offs and tracking, so nobody in ATC would notice, they fabricated (or did what!!?) to all the passengers, they did what to the actual planes that ran these flights on previous days, they created multiple videos using CGI, they fabricated jet noises all over New York, they planted witnesses saying they saw them, they created magic inwardly exploding building impact points, they had a team planting various pieces of plane all over the place and body parts. They fabricated all the DNA and loved ones related to the passengers, mobile phone calls and accounts of these phone calls. A CAST OF THOUSANDS.

I suspect you are a plant for the ebil perps in an effort to make all twoofers appear to be complete bellends. Too late and completely unnecessary.

I pity people like you. You forgot to answer the BBC post.
Hard to figure out what he's suggesting. He keeps repeating the same bullshit about there being no planes on 9-11, without any basis or producing a shred of evidence for his outlandish claims. Other than a stupid gif of course. Yup, that'll hold up in a court of law. Ha ha ha.
Since the Twoofers love YouTubes so much, I found one featuring 7beansforbrains, 9/11 Rimjob, and KooKooBloJo.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IoFBSSARI8]The Three Stooges ARE The A-Team! - YouTube[/ame]

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