911 facts no theories

lil ollie blow-hard likes to pretend he has extensive knowledge of thermite
because he played some role in demonstrating its use in a very limited way

its a classic case of...ya you and whose army ?

Me and my Army dumb fuck. now You will have to excuse me while I bring up my military experience that you don't like to hear about. 22 years on active duty, all but 6 years of it involved in Tactical Communications Security. But I don't know jack about thermite and it's uses to destroy stuff. The veterans who read this will know.

Carry on now.

can thernite melt steel ?

can termite cut horizontally ?

are massive amounts needed to do any damage ?

is thermite in common use for underwater cutting and welding ?

sorry lil Ollie you have demonstrated very clearly you have a very limited knowledge on thermite mainly garnered from debwunking sites not personal experience...true story

Wrong again, I did learn about underwater uses because of you. But then, When have i ever been under water? All your other questions are rather simple though some of them would require a lot more discussion than a yes or no answer.
lil ollie blow-hard likes to pretend he has extensive knowledge of thermite
because he played some role in demonstrating its use in a very limited way

its a classic case of...ya you and whose army ?

Me and my Army dumb fuck. now You will have to excuse me while I bring up my military experience that you don't like to hear about. 22 years on active duty, all but 6 years of it involved in Tactical Communications Security. But I don't know jack about thermite and it's uses to destroy stuff. The veterans who read this will know.

Carry on now.

can thernite melt steel ?

can termite cut horizontally ?

are massive amounts needed to do any damage ?

is thermite in common use for underwater cutting and welding ?

sorry lil Ollie you have demonstrated very clearly you have a very limited knowledge on thermite mainly garnered from debwunking sites not personal experience...true story
does the fact that he had to invent those methods tell you ANYTHING?
Me and my Army dumb fuck. now You will have to excuse me while I bring up my military experience that you don't like to hear about. 22 years on active duty, all but 6 years of it involved in Tactical Communications Security. But I don't know jack about thermite and it's uses to destroy stuff. The veterans who read this will know.

Carry on now.

can thernite melt steel ?

can termite cut horizontally ?

are massive amounts needed to do any damage ?

is thermite in common use for underwater cutting and welding ?

sorry lil Ollie you have demonstrated very clearly you have a very limited knowledge on thermite mainly garnered from debwunking sites not personal experience...true story
does the fact that he had to invent those methods tell you ANYTHING?

Nope! Remember a key point in idEOTs and the other twoofers religion is that what happened on 911 hadn't happened before, so is therefore impossible.

So following that logic, everything that hasn't been done beforte is impossible, so there can be no "inventions" by ollie or any others.

just pointing that out, continue with the side-show. At times it has been amusing. Most of the postrs by the twoofers fit in my thread better than this one though.

me and my army dumb fuck. Now you will have to excuse me while i bring up my military experience that you don't like to hear about. 22 years on active duty, all but 6 years of it involved in tactical communications security. But i don't know jack about thermite and it's uses to destroy stuff. The veterans who read this will know.

Carry on now.

can thernite melt steel ?

Can termite cut horizontally ?

Are massive amounts needed to do any damage ?

Is thermite in common use for underwater cutting and welding ?

Sorry lil ollie you have demonstrated very clearly you have a very limited knowledge on thermite mainly garnered from debwunking sites not personal experience...true story
does the fact that he had to invent those methods tell you anything?

yes it tells me national geo is a joke and it tells me that if one engineer who is not an explosive expert and has no access to restricted materials can figure it out in his back yard can figure it out certainly others that were experts in the field with budgets and access to anything they need could easily do it...so please do tell ..what does it tell you dwivecon
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can thernite melt steel ?

Can termite cut horizontally ?

Are massive amounts needed to do any damage ?

Is thermite in common use for underwater cutting and welding ?

Sorry lil ollie you have demonstrated very clearly you have a very limited knowledge on thermite mainly garnered from debwunking sites not personal experience...true story
does the fact that he had to invent those methods tell you anything?

yes it tells me national geo is a joke and it tells me that if one engineer who is not an explosive expert and has no access to restricted materials can figure it out in his back yard can figure it out certainly others that were experts in the field with budgets and access to anything they need could easily do it...so please do tell ..what does it tell you dwivecon
it tells me he is a smart guy and when faced with the impossible he was able to create something to fit his preconceived notions that it was done intentionally, but he still has ZERO evidence that anything like that was known at the time
and, zero evidence that anything remotely like what he created was AT the WTC debris site
does the fact that he had to invent those methods tell you anything?

yes it tells me national geo is a joke and it tells me that if one engineer who is not an explosive expert and has no access to restricted materials can figure it out in his back yard can figure it out certainly others that were experts in the field with budgets and access to anything they need could easily do it...so please do tell ..what does it tell you dwivecon
it tells me he is a smart guy and when faced with the impossible he was able to create something to fit his preconceived notions that it was done intentionally, but he still has ZERO evidence that anything like that was known at the time
and, zero evidence that anything remotely like what he created was AT the WTC debris site

clearly smarter than the clowns at popular mechanics, national geo...or you
yes it tells me national geo is a joke and it tells me that if one engineer who is not an explosive expert and has no access to restricted materials can figure it out in his back yard can figure it out certainly others that were experts in the field with budgets and access to anything they need could easily do it...so please do tell ..what does it tell you dwivecon
it tells me he is a smart guy and when faced with the impossible he was able to create something to fit his preconceived notions that it was done intentionally, but he still has ZERO evidence that anything like that was known at the time
and, zero evidence that anything remotely like what he created was AT the WTC debris site

clearly smarter than the clowns at popular mechanics, national geo...or you
because he still needs to PROVE that was available and USED
which there is ZERO EVIDENCE OF
it tells me he is a smart guy and when faced with the impossible he was able to create something to fit his preconceived notions that it was done intentionally, but he still has ZERO evidence that anything like that was known at the time
and, zero evidence that anything remotely like what he created was AT the WTC debris site

clearly smarter than the clowns at popular mechanics, national geo...or you
because he still needs to PROVE that was available and USED
which there is ZERO EVIDENCE OF

But they have unexploded explosive nano thermite found in random samples of dust...... :lol:
because he still needs to PROVE that was available and USED
which there is ZERO EVIDENCE OF

Mr. DiveCon:

In Post #416, in this thread, I answered you with specific evidence that you did not discuss or question. So I don't know if you even saw it, so I will requote it here for you:
ok, i wasted 15 minutes on that video

do you have any actual evidence that ANYTHING similar to what he made was at the WTC site?

Mr. Divecon:

Based on your follow-up question, I do not think you wasted 15 minutes watching the video.

In your response to your follow-up question, the ansewer is an overwhelming YES. It took me years to move my "controlled-demolition-o-meter" to 100 percent, so I think you are on your way to re-interpreteting the events of nearly 10 years ago.

Evidence (this is an incomplete list because I need to attend to some Sunday morning activities):

1) There are reports of molten metal by firemen and engineers who worked on the site. Office fires cannot create molten iron. There are remnants of these that are called "WTC meteors" (No other explanation for this in the official NIST explanations).

2) One-tenth of the WTC dust is estimated to be tiny iron spheres. This would be the results of elemental iron from a thermite reaction being exploded out into the air and cooling as tiny iron spheres. (No other explanation for this in the official NIST explanation).

3) There is the presence of the tiny red-gray chips that have been analyzed to be shown to be highly energetic, finely mixed at the atomic level, thermite (No other explanation for this in the official NIST explanation).

4) FEMA's Appendix "C" looks at some of the severely eroded iron pieces and concluded that whatver did it was unknown. In the video, you will remember Jonathan peeling a carrot on the corner of one of the cut.melted pieces. That scene was a direct reference to the "razor sharp" edges or unknown origin in the FEMA Appendix C Metalulogical Investigation.

5) The EPA's air monitoring of September 11th notes never-seen-before chemicals of unknown origin (1-2-3 di-benelpropane (or butane or something like that). It is reported that this is a by-product of some high explosives.

6) There are videos of molten iron pouring out of the building from the crash site. Possibly poorly ignited from the fire (and not igniters) and reacted (with or without doing damage to the suppporting structure).

So the evidence is overwhelming. Thanks for watching the video!

Gotta run for now.

So my question to you is ... why do we need to PROVE anything to you in this forum? The forensic evidence is overwhelming for the following:

1) Millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted in a Fradulent Engineering Report published by NIST. This appears to be intentional and this is illegal. We need a grand jury investigation into these fradulent reports.

2) The evidence is overwhelming that explosives were used and that a grand jury investigation into this evidence needs to be undertaken.

3) It also is quite probable that massive insurance fraud was perpertrated by the owners of the building as they walked away with $5.6 Billion after investing about $125 Million. Another grand jury investigation.

I assume that you are not in favor of spending Millions of Dollars on protecting perpetrators of Insurance Fraud and murder. Remember there were over 300 firefighters and first responders in the building because they knew that fire can't destroy steel framed high rise buildings.
because he still needs to PROVE that was available and USED
which there is ZERO EVIDENCE OF

Mr. DiveCon:

In Post #416, in this thread, I answered you with specific evidence that you did not discuss or question. So I don't know if you even saw it, so I will requote it here for you:
ok, i wasted 15 minutes on that video

do you have any actual evidence that ANYTHING similar to what he made was at the WTC site?

Mr. Divecon:

Based on your follow-up question, I do not think you wasted 15 minutes watching the video.

In your response to your follow-up question, the ansewer is an overwhelming YES. It took me years to move my "controlled-demolition-o-meter" to 100 percent, so I think you are on your way to re-interpreteting the events of nearly 10 years ago.

Evidence (this is an incomplete list because I need to attend to some Sunday morning activities):

1) There are reports of molten metal by firemen and engineers who worked on the site. Office fires cannot create molten iron. There are remnants of these that are called "WTC meteors" (No other explanation for this in the official NIST explanations).

2) One-tenth of the WTC dust is estimated to be tiny iron spheres. This would be the results of elemental iron from a thermite reaction being exploded out into the air and cooling as tiny iron spheres. (No other explanation for this in the official NIST explanation).

3) There is the presence of the tiny red-gray chips that have been analyzed to be shown to be highly energetic, finely mixed at the atomic level, thermite (No other explanation for this in the official NIST explanation).

4) FEMA's Appendix "C" looks at some of the severely eroded iron pieces and concluded that whatver did it was unknown. In the video, you will remember Jonathan peeling a carrot on the corner of one of the cut.melted pieces. That scene was a direct reference to the "razor sharp" edges or unknown origin in the FEMA Appendix C Metalulogical Investigation.

5) The EPA's air monitoring of September 11th notes never-seen-before chemicals of unknown origin (1-2-3 di-benelpropane (or butane or something like that). It is reported that this is a by-product of some high explosives.

6) There are videos of molten iron pouring out of the building from the crash site. Possibly poorly ignited from the fire (and not igniters) and reacted (with or without doing damage to the suppporting structure).

So the evidence is overwhelming. Thanks for watching the video!

Gotta run for now.

So my question to you is ... why do we need to PROVE anything to you in this forum? The forensic evidence is overwhelming for the following:

1) Millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted in a Fradulent Engineering Report published by NIST. This appears to be intentional and this is illegal. We need a grand jury investigation into these fradulent reports.

2) The evidence is overwhelming that explosives were used and that a grand jury investigation into this evidence needs to be undertaken.

3) It also is quite probable that massive insurance fraud was perpertrated by the owners of the building as they walked away with $5.6 Billion after investing about $125 Million. Another grand jury investigation.

I assume that you are not in favor of spending Millions of Dollars on protecting perpetrators of Insurance Fraud and murder. Remember there were over 300 firefighters and first responders in the building because they knew that fire can't destroy steel framed high rise buildings.
dipshit, you are fucking INSANE
dipshit, you are fucking INSANE

Mr. DiveCon:

Let me tell you a little secret about why I am on this thread.

I am here to leave a series of reponses, based on physical evidence, science and engineering, that ultimately can't be argued with. I do this not for your benefit ... but those that will later read this post to see what the issues and evidence are.

I do this for those that follow ... not to flatter you.

I do not think you have any interest in understanding the physical events that destroyed the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.

I interpret your last response as the following: "I can't dispute the evidence, but I can't believe that this could have been done and kept from us Americans ... because we have a free press without censorship ... so he must be INSANE!"

In fact, I am a registered professional engineer that believes the laws of physics apply everyday. Everyday, including Septemer 11th.

Does that make me INSANE? Or does it make me simply the bearer of bad news?
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dipshit, you are fucking INSANE

Mr. DiveCon:

Let me tell you a little secret about why I am on this thread.

I am here to leave a series of reponses, based on physical evidence, science and engineering, that ultimately can't be argued with. I do this not for your benefit ... but those that will later read this post to see what the issues and evidence are.

I do this for those that follow ... not to flatter you.

I do not think you have any interest in understanding the physical events that destroyed the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.

I interpret your last response as the following: "I can't dispute the evidence, but I can't believe that this could have been done and kept from us Americans ... because we have a free press without censorship ... so he must be INSANE!"

In fact, I am a registered professional engineer that believes the laws of physics apply everyday. Everyday, including Septemer 11th.

Does that make me INSANE? Or does it make me simply the bearer of bad news?
i can, but history has shown it to be a waste of time with dipshits like you
dipshit, you are fucking INSANE

Mr. DiveCon:

Let me tell you a little secret about why I am on this thread.

I am here to leave a series of reponses, based on physical evidence, science and engineering, that ultimately can't be argued with. I do this not for your benefit ... but those that will later read this post to see what the issues and evidence are.

I do this for those that follow ... not to flatter you.

I do not think you have any interest in understanding the physical events that destroyed the three World Trade Center skyscrapers.

I interpret your last response as the following: "I can't dispute the evidence, but I can't believe that this could have been done and kept from us Americans ... because we have a free press without censorship ... so he must be INSANE!"

In fact, I am a registered professional engineer that believes the laws of physics apply everyday. Everyday, including Septemer 11th.

Does that make me INSANE? Or does it make me simply the bearer of bad news?

excellent work my friend...top rate
i can, but history has shown it to be a waste of time with dipshits like you

Mr. DiveCon:

I assume that what you mean is: It is "A waste of time" to argue against physical evidence, science and engineering. This I agree with your assessment.

And thank you for reminding everybody else who read this.
i can, but history has shown it to be a waste of time with dipshits like you

Mr. DiveCon:

I assume that what you mean is: It is "A waste of time" to argue against physical evidence, science and engineering. This I agree with your assessment.

And thank you for reminding everybody else who read this.
no, it is a waste of time to do anything but ridicule you morons for thinking your delusions are actually evidence
Mr DiveCon:

In you post #430 in this thread, you quoted the six types of scientific, engineering and forensic evidence that thermite and explosives were used to destroy these buildings.

I outlined these six types of evidence ... in response to your question about whether there was any evidence that thermite was used (as shown in the video you were responding about).

The evidence IS overwhelming that thermite was used.

Excluding foul language ... you appear to be speechless.

Because I like to be in conversation with adults, I will tell you that my father told me "that the hall mark of an adult is being able to admit you were mistaken."
i can, but history has shown it to be a waste of time with dipshits like you

Mr. DiveCon:

I assume that what you mean is: It is "A waste of time" to argue against physical evidence, science and engineering. This I agree with your assessment.

And thank you for reminding everybody else who read this.
no, it is a waste of time to do anything but ridicule you morons for thinking your delusions are actually evidence

that is always dwivecons way of weaseling out of that which he is incapable of
Mr DiveCon:

In you post #430 in this thread, you quoted the six types of scientific, engineering and forensic evidence that thermite and explosives were used to destroy these buildings.

I outlined these six types of evidence ... in response to your question about whether there was any evidence that thermite was used (as shown in the video you were responding about).

The evidence IS overwhelming that thermite was used.

Excluding foul language ... you appear to be speechless.

Because I like to be in conversation with adults, I will tell you that my father told me "that the hall mark of an adult is being able to admit you were mistaken."
no, you posted complete BULLSHIT
no, you posted complete BULLSHIT

Mr. DiveCon:

The people who read this thread will be able to make their own opinions about science, engineering and the role of evidence. I am writing for them ... not you.

I am sure some who come later will agree with you, but since all you can do is use foul language to counter hard science, your arguments seem quite weak.

I will request that Mr. EOTS please refrain from ad-hominum attacks and stick to observable science, engineering and evidence. Such personal attacks make it harder for people, such as Mr. DiveCon, to ppause and reassess everything that has been learned.
no, you posted complete BULLSHIT

Mr. DiveCon:

The people who read this thread will be able to make their own opinions about science, engineering and the role of evidence. I am writing for them ... not you.

I am sure some who come later will agree with you, but since all you can do is use foul language to counter hard science, your arguments seem quite weak.

I will request that Mr. EOTS please refrain from ad-hominum attacks and stick to observable science, engineering and evidence. Such personal attacks make it harder for people, such as Mr. DiveCon, to ppause and reassess everything that has been learned.
i've tried that with people like you years ago
it never works
i've decided not to waste my time with it but to just ridicule you fucking morons for the morons you are
you claim to want the truth, but every time you guys get caught LYING
and what you guys post as FACTS never are
you claim science, but none of what you post actually is

and actually, most people think you guys are fucking NUTZ and just ignore your shit

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