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911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

as if you'd know the difference
the difference is your shit is not fact.

This could go on forever!
>> look at the evidence
> thats NOT evidence!
>> look at this, its a demo of thermite cutting steel.
> that isn't evidence!

oh well ......

is AMERICA doomed?
in fact it's an experimental device that can cut 1" rebar then expend it's fuel!
it was not demonstrated that it could cut steel beams ...

Have you seen Johnathan Cole's demo of thermite cutting a steel beam?
you mean this one?
false comparison not to mention the prep time and not being caught doing it!

Prep-time + not getting caught installing the devices could be addressed using modular pre-assembled devices that could be installed under the excuse of trades people working on the building, internet wiring up-grades .... or? whatever, the office minions have better things to do than investigate exactly what the workers are doing.

So you cling to your theory despite the fact that in the nearly 13 years since 9/11 no hard evidence of your demo theory has surfaced. None of cut beams. None of explosions. None of site preparation. None of magical pre-assembled modular thermite devices. Nothing.
Even if you ignore all the eye witnesses and testimony from NY fire fighters, how were those magical modular devices planted (and by whom) and when and how did they survive the fires raging in those buildings?
You may want to apply the same measure of cynicism to the conspiracy theories as you do to the official reports. Or not.
And where, pray tell, were the canisters after the collapse? These things would have been attached to virtually every girder, with thousand upon thousand of cut girders.

Yet....there were no canisters. There were no cut girders. Not one.

Kicking the bloated, fetid body of this dead horse yet again.
as if you'd know the difference
the difference is your shit is not fact.

This could go on forever!
>> look at the evidence
> thats NOT evidence!
>> look at this, its a demo of thermite cutting steel.
> that isn't evidence!

oh well ......

is AMERICA doomed?
in fact it's an experimental device that can cut 1" rebar then expend it's fuel!
it was not demonstrated that it could cut steel beams ...

Have you seen Johnathan Cole's demo of thermite cutting a steel beam?
you mean this one?
false comparison not to mention the prep time and not being caught doing it!

Prep-time + not getting caught installing the devices could be addressed using modular pre-assembled devices that could be installed under the excuse of trades people working on the building, internet wiring up-grades .... or? whatever, the office minions have better things to do than investigate exactly what the workers are doing.
bahahahahahaha! you wish!
i don't know how anybody could watch this virtually undamaged building go down in demo time ie free fall and deny it was imploded. not to mention the fact that all these building fell straight down as to not harm any other building much around them. it was an act of God or some evil killing so called innocents trading the lives of others to the lowest bidder. the corrupt tables where over thrown and shall be again world wide but the righteous.
i don't know how anybody could watch this virtually undamaged building go down in demo time ie free fall and deny it was imploded. not to mention the fact that all these building fell straight down as to not harm any other building much around them. it was an act of God or some evil killing so called innocents trading the lives of others to the lowest bidder. the corrupt tables where over thrown and shall be again world wide but the righteous.
the above is an excellent example of denial ....
ok then. it was funny how the, those in charge, rushed to clean up the molten steel and hide all evidence of the thermite burnt steel. not too mention the fact that no building ever struck by a jet or plane has ever collapsed by fire or one upper floors collapsing. at least not in this perfect fashion with two towers going straight down then another building barely damage goes straight down. how could anybody believe this if not by God then by men playing God with their new cool demo tools.
ok then. it was funny how the, those in charge, rushed to clean up the molten steel and hide all evidence of the thermite burnt steel. not too mention the fact that no building ever struck by a jet or plane has ever collapsed by fire or one upper floors collapsing. at least not in this perfect fashion with two towers going straight down then another building barely damage goes straight down. how could anybody believe this if not by God then by men playing God with their new cool demo tools.
bahahahaha! everything you just posted is twoofer propaganda . for starters there was no molten steel...

i am going by firemen's eye witness accounts, and you are going by what? gotta run but have fun. not sure what you wanna prove but what ever it is, if it's the towers came down because of planes hitting them, you are mistaken.
i wasn't talking about the upper floors I was talking about molten steel in basement as seen by fire fighters. either way, it was a demo job hi tech but demo none the less
i am going by firemen's eye witness accounts, and you are going by what? gotta run but have fun. not sure what you wanna prove but what ever it is, if it's the towers came down because of planes hitting them, you are mistaken.
bullshit you're going by twoofer fiction...
i wasn't talking about the upper floors I was talking about molten steel in basement as seen by fire fighters. either way, it was a demo job hi tech but demo none the less
false ....there is no evidence substantiating that claim...
i am going by firemen's eye witness accounts, and you are going by what? gotta run but have fun. not sure what you wanna prove but what ever it is, if it's the towers came down because of planes hitting them, you are mistaken.

If you're going by fireman's eye witness accounts, then your assessment that the building was 'undamaged' goes right out the window. As the FDNY reports WTC 7 was heavily damaged by falling debris from WTC 1 and had heavy fires.

So are eyewitness fire fighter accounts accurate and reliable? If yes, then your WTC 7 account is inaccurate.
again. point to one building in history out of the many that have had fire earth quake damage etc.. and show me one that fell straight down into it's own basement? If you can find one that fell at all. you won't be able to as it's impossible unless a miracle. how many miracles did you see that day? all buildings fell straight down. makes no sense it could happen so perfect by coincidence. i can't believe how gullible all you people are.
again. point to one building in history out of the many that have had fire earth quake damage etc.. and show me one that fell straight down into it's own basement?

What direction was the building supposed to fall? Show us one skyscraper in history that fell diagonally, or sideways, or up....or any direction other than down.

You can't. Your argument is so broken that you're literally trying to fold *gravity* into the conspiracy.

again. point to one building in history out of the many that have had fire earth quake damage etc.. and show me one that fell straight down into it's own basement? If you can find one that fell at all. you won't be able to as it's impossible unless a miracle.

Its impossible for a building to collapse from fire and structural damage? Why then do engineers design against exactly that if its so impossible? Why did the FDNY accurately conclude that the WTC 7 was going to collapse due to fire and structural damage *hours* before it came down?

Why? Because its entirely possible. You simply don't know what you're talking about.

all buildings fell straight down. makes no sense it could happen so perfect by coincidence. i can't believe how gullible all you people are.

Again, what direction were they supposed to fall? Every time I ask this question to your ilk......they flee. As there was no force but gravity that had sufficient influence on the direction the debris field went once the structure failed. Why then would a building falling *down* with gravity be an indication of a conspiracy?

You can't say. None of you can. Yet you allude and insinuate it must be......um, 'because'. That's not good enough. And of course, the holes in the bomb/thermite/orbital weapons platform theories are so egregious, so ludicrously complicated and fantastically elaborate to be torn to shreds by any semblance of consistency or plausibility.

So you ignore that too. No rational person would ignore either.

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