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911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!


Let the sobbing begin and tears start to roll!

What is claimed is: 1. An apparatus for cutting a target material having a surface to be cut comprising:

cutting flame generating means disposed within said inner cavity;

activating means operatively associated with said cutting flame generating means to generate a cutting flame to cut said target material; and

wherein said apparatus is structured to be positioned a standoff distance from said surface of said target material when said apparatus is placed on said surface of said target material.

2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein said cutting flame generating means has a thermite charge.

3. The apparatus of claim 2, wherein said thermite charge includes a powder comprising, by weight, about 15% to 20% aluminum, about 78% to 85% CuO, about 1% to 3% SiC, and about 0.2% to 4.0% nitrocellulose.

4. The apparatus of claim 3, wherein said thermite charge includes parts, by weight, about 16% to 18% aluminum, about 80% to 83% CuO, about 1% to 2% SiC, and about 0.5% to 2% nitrocellulose.

5. The apparatus of claim 1, further including a directional foil positioned in said elongated nozzle for focusing said cutting flame against said target material.

6. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein said inner cavity defines a generally cylindrical volume.

12. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein said inner cavity defines a predetermined volume to accommodate a sufficient amount of said cutting flame generating means to ensure effective cutting action on a particular thickness of target material.

17. The method of claim 16, wherein said positioning said cutting flame generating means includes placing a thermite charge in a charge tube and positioning said charge tube in said inner cavity of said housing.

25. An apparatus for cutting a target material having a surface to be cut comprising:
a second housing having a nozzle channel positionable opposite to said nozzle channel of said first housing to permit cutting of said material in two directions, said second housing being connected to said first housing; and
wherein said connection between said housings comprises a fixed connection and a pivotal connection between said housings.

29. The apparatus of claim 20, further including means disposed in said housing for electrically activating said cutting flame generating means.

so sit back folks and watch the plethora of debunking fabrications begin!

yes like that ^^^^^ LOL

thermite cuts vertically. What do you claim made the cut horizontally?

you have to be smart enough to know how to read the patent and understand the design to know what an ignoramous you are.
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so desperate you have to lie through your teeth eh... feel free to support your managers issues and argue them here.

everyone will enjoy watching you get your ass handed to you on a platter.

thats why they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are.:lol::D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

yeah they advertise that they are paid shills unlike darlene cause darlene knows she cant counter anything and is just in denial and scraed,where they know it was an inside job in the fact they come here and lie everyday knowing they are defeated posting DEB WUNKER links and videos that have nothing to do with the videos you post.:cuckoo:

they wouldnt keep coming back everyday for their ass beatings they get her for free.no way.:lol::lol::D

if they werent paid shills and just in denial like darlene,they would be like her and not come back everyday and resort to lies all the time like they do.:D
I don't know if it's funny as hell that people actually believe this shit.
Or be weirded out that there are people out there who believe this shit.

Some people just don't get Occam's Razor. And mistake their own opinions and speculation as 'facts'. And thus, Truthers.

Another factor to remember is that the websites shilling this nonsense.....are making *millions* off these poor, hapless conspiracy theorists. The gullibility and willful ignorance of a Truther is written into their business plan. So the conspiracy industry has a pretty compelling financial incentive to keep feeding its customers more conspiracy propaganda and pablum.

As its not like the folks that are gobbling this nonsense actually fact check or ask questions.
It's the same with JFK conspiracy theorists. There has been a whole cottage industry of publishers and websites ready to take the money of the easily duped.

the newest paid shill to penetrate this site.oh the irony.you need to look in the mirror when breathing your hypocrisy lies with your nonsense failing to fact check or ask questions that 19 muslins and bin laden were behind the attacks.:lmao::lmao::lmao:

oh and thanks for showing off what a stupid fuck you are as well that there was no conspiracy in the JFK assassination when even the HSCA in the 70's concluded that while oswald was involved,there was a second shooter as well with the lead investigater on it writing a book about it talking of the conspiracy.:lol::lol::lmao:

Mr. Blakey delves into elements of organized crime and their connections to the assassination. He makes a compelling case for the multiple strong ties of Cosa Nostra members and Jack Ruby. There were also connections to Oswald, although probably not as direct.

This book strongly argues for the second shooter being placed on the Grassy Knoll. What I'm not convinced of is the direction of the fatal shot. The Zapruder film and physics point to a shot from the front. Oswald as an effective shooter hasn't been proven

oh and there were the witnesses who had all their testimonys altered by the warren commission,a crime itself by them they should have gone to jail for as well as all the dallas doctors saying the wound to the back of the head was an EXIT wound and the throut wound was an entrance wound.

not to mention all the multiple bullets photographed that day like one in the limo chrome,one on the opposite grassy knoll a policemen not involved,said he saw a plainclothesman FBI man pick up and put in his pocket which you do indeed see in the photos.:D:lmao::lmao::lmao:

you agents are the stupiest lying fucks that ever lived.your hanlders sure pay you the big bucks to show off what lying trolls you are everyday and for these major ass beating you get.:D:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

see truthers unlike you lying agent trolls,seek the truth,YOU STUPID FUCKS are the liars who gobble nonsense and dont do fact checks as i just proved what a fucking liar you are.:D
miserable fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lol:
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I don't know if it's funny as hell that people actually believe this shit.
Or be weirded out that there are people out there who believe this shit.

Some people just don't get Occam's Razor. And mistake their own opinions and speculation as 'facts'. And thus, Truthers.

Another factor to remember is that the websites shilling this nonsense.....are making *millions* off these poor, hapless conspiracy theorists. The gullibility and willful ignorance of a Truther is written into their business plan. So the conspiracy industry has a pretty compelling financial incentive to keep feeding its customers more conspiracy propaganda and pablum.

As its not like the folks that are gobbling this nonsense actually fact check or ask questions.
It's the same with JFK conspiracy theorists. There has been a whole cottage industry of publishers and websites ready to take the money of the easily duped.

kinda like how Bush,cheney and zionist jew larry silverstein made TONS of money off the 9/11 attacks.:cuckoo:
as if you'd know the difference
the difference is your shit is not fact.

This could go on forever!
>> look at the evidence
> thats NOT evidence!
>> look at this, its a demo of thermite cutting steel.
> that isn't evidence!

oh well ......

is AMERICA doomed?
in fact it's an experimental device that can cut 1" rebar then expend it's fuel!
it was not demonstrated that it could cut steel beams ...
as if you'd know the difference
the difference is your shit is not fact.

This could go on forever!
>> look at the evidence
> thats NOT evidence!
>> look at this, its a demo of thermite cutting steel.
> that isn't evidence!

oh well ......

is AMERICA doomed?
in fact it's an experimental device that can cut 1" rebar then expend it's fuel!
it was not demonstrated that it could cut steel beams ...

Have you seen Johnathan Cole's demo of thermite cutting a steel beam?
as if you'd know the difference
the difference is your shit is not fact.

This could go on forever!
>> look at the evidence
> thats NOT evidence!
>> look at this, its a demo of thermite cutting steel.
> that isn't evidence!

oh well ......

is AMERICA doomed?
in fact it's an experimental device that can cut 1" rebar then expend it's fuel!
it was not demonstrated that it could cut steel beams ...

Have you seen Johnathan Cole's demo of thermite cutting a steel beam?
you mean this one?
false comparison not to mention the prep time and not being caught doing it!
as if you'd know the difference
the difference is your shit is not fact.

This could go on forever!
>> look at the evidence
> thats NOT evidence!
>> look at this, its a demo of thermite cutting steel.
> that isn't evidence!

oh well ......

is AMERICA doomed?
in fact it's an experimental device that can cut 1" rebar then expend it's fuel!
it was not demonstrated that it could cut steel beams ...

Have you seen Johnathan Cole's demo of thermite cutting a steel beam?
you mean this one?
false comparison not to mention the prep time and not being caught doing it!
as if you'd know the difference
the difference is your shit is not fact.

This could go on forever!
>> look at the evidence
> thats NOT evidence!
>> look at this, its a demo of thermite cutting steel.
> that isn't evidence!

oh well ......

is AMERICA doomed?
in fact it's an experimental device that can cut 1" rebar then expend it's fuel!
it was not demonstrated that it could cut steel beams ...

Have you seen Johnathan Cole's demo of thermite cutting a steel beam?
you mean this one?
false comparison not to mention the prep time and not being caught doing it!

Prep-time + not getting caught installing the devices could be addressed using modular pre-assembled devices that could be installed under the excuse of trades people working on the building, internet wiring up-grades .... or? whatever, the office minions have better things to do than investigate exactly what the workers are doing.
debunkers made those quotes up.

LOL! That's it? Just straight up denying that the FDNY ever said anything anything about a fire? Alas, I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting the NY Times and their oral history of interviews with the fire fighters themselves.

The most important operational decision to be made that afternoon was the collapse had damaged 7 World Trade Center, which is about a 50 story building, at Vesey between West Broadway and Washington Street. It had very heavy fire on many floors and I ordered the evacuation of an area sufficient around to protect our members, so we had to give up some rescue operations that were going on at the time and back the people away far enough so that if 7 World Trade did collapse, we wouldn’t lose any more people.

We continued to operate on what we could from that distance and approximately an hour and a half after that order was giver., at 5:30 in the afternoon, World Trade Center collapsed completely I continued to operate at the scene….

Chief Daniel Nigro FDNY


But don't tell us....the NY Times is in on it too? As I said, with the Truthers, anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy, becomes part of it. And it keeps getting worse:

The only thing is that later on I teamed up with
Chief Jay Fischler of 46 Battalion at the time. Now heís in the
8th Battalion. We walked over by number Seven World Trade Center
as it was burning and saw this 40-plus story building with fire
on nearly all floors.
We ran into ~ f~ of our old buddies from
Rescue z.

Lt. Robert Larocco FDNY


Nearly every floor. And this inferno is what you imagine that these ninja bombardiers just sauntered into with thousands upon thousands of bombs, setting them all the way to the roof...without anyone noticing. Leaving no traces, no cut girders, no residue of explosives....and of course, working perfectly while ON FIRE.

C'mon, really?

The FDNY utterly destroys your story. And exactly as I predicted you would, you ignore the FDNY. You have no justification. You have no excuse. You just straight up closed your eyes, stopped up your ears and refused to even look at the evidence. You don't give a fiddler's fuck what actually happened. As you'll ignore anyone or anything to keep clinging to your little turd of a conspiracy.

Even when those 'someones' are the FDNY who were expert eye witnesses to the event. But you know better than all of them because you saw an animated gif 10 years after the fact?

Laughing....um, no.
The problem with the truthers is that they are like someone telling us that our theory that the earth is flat is wrong and you must accept my theory that the earth is on the back of a giant turtle.

They do not provide that solid verifiable and scientifically proven facts that they demand from the official version. While I admit that there are holes in the official version, compared to the wild and wacky theories the truthers believe, the official version is gospel by comparison.

And that's the crux of the issue. I've fact checked the official story. I've fact checked most of the truther narratives. And the official story matches the evidence more closely, is simpler and is a better explanation of events.

The truther stories (including the hologram theory (Koko's favorite...who insists that all the planes were CG), the orbital weapons platform theory, the bomb theory, the thermite theory, the thermate theory, the nano-thermite theory) are wildly, insanely complicated, ludicrously elaborate, ridiculously unlikely and have holes you could drive semi-trucks through.

Simply put, the truther narratives are just awful, awful explanations. And are cut to ribbons by Occam's Razor.
I know you're insane, so I don't really expect you to comprehend this ... but .., patents do not prove existence ... they prove concept. Anyone can patent any idea for a product and protect their concept with a few drawings of their idea. No prototype is necessary.

So while claiming a patent is proof of existence, is a lie, you are fortunate enough to be so insane that it's plausible you're crazy, not lying.

A patent doesn't even prove concept. A patent merely *describes* concept. You don't need to prove it works, you don't need a working prototype. All you need is a drawing, a description, or both.

Which is exactly my point.
Yeh only deblunders are foolish enough to claim someone would get products patents and pay the absorbatant prices just to show off if there is no viable product or money to be made from it by selling the rights etc so as expected more of the same crazy debunker loonacy.

Huh. So by your logic, this was not only made and tested, but sold on the market. After all, anyone who would patent something *must* have a viable product to make money.

So, chief.......um, when was this ever sold? Or built? Or tested? After all, you're 'if there's a drawing it has to be real' theory mandates it was made, was viable and was sold. So show us.

And patent submissions are far from 'expobinant'. I'm rather interested to see how you define 'exorbitant' prices.

Back in reality, most patents are never made, sold or have viable market. The costs aren't extreme: $130 filing fee, with drawings costing about $100 a page. Even an patent as elaborate as the one you tossed up, with multiple variants and pages of text would be less than $1000. If they consulted a patent attorney, $2000.

Remember, Koko....and this point is fundamental: you don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. You're literally making this shit up as you go along. And its embarrassingly obvious that you are.

Hell thermite has been used for welding and cutting since the 1800's and here you and your dablunder pals are with your Neanderthal dysfunctional micro brain cell trying ot convince people they dont exist when all it takes a damn piece of pipe with a slot cut in it.

Thermite has been used for WELDING since the 1800s, specifically welding together lengths of rail road track. But cutting? Its never once been used as a cutter in demolition. Ever. The 'thermite cutter' supposedly used in demolition you offered us was complete bullshit, instead turning out to be nothing more than low energy igniter. A glorified lighter. With the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth forced to issue a retraction.

So can you offer us even ONE instance, in the history of planet earth, where thermite has been used as a cutter to bring down skyscrapers? Of course not. You're giving us a story, void of actual evidence, that might as well begin with 'once upon a time.'

You can't prove that your cutter even exists. Or existing, does what it claims to do. Or was in WTC 7 when it collapsed. You simply imagine it all, and then absurdly demand we accept your imagination as fact.

Laughing....why would any rational person *ever* do that?
seems I can, fucker works great too!

1" rebar poof and its toast!

Laughing.....you haven't thought your claims through, have you? No worries, I'll do the thinking on your behalf.

First, you have another unsourced, unverified animated gif from photobucket that you *say* is a 'linear thermite cutter'. But as you've demonstrated for us so many times, you 'saying' something means exactly nothing. As you're clueless. I mean, its been a month and we're *still* waiting for you to show us that 'forensic analysis' that supposedly backs your narrative.

Your theories generally work best if no one asks any questions....or for you to back anything you say.

As an animated gif with the words 'linear thermite cutter' means nothing, you have yet to prove even the existence of your thermite cutting charge. Show us verifiable evidence of it....or at the very least, your source. As I'm pretty sure photobucket didn't create a thermite cutting charge.

Second, your 'cutter' is about 3 times wider than what it cut. And about 9 times longer. So scaled up to the 14" girders in the WTC 7, you're looking at *each* cutting charge being about 10.5 feet long and 3.5 feet wide. Roughly as long as a compact car, about half as wide and weighing about as much.

On each girder. On each floor. All the way to the roof.

That's thousands and thousands of such ludicrously enormous 'cutters' sticking out sideways by 10 feet on every girder of every floor to the top of the 47th floor. Each weighing thousand of pounds. An each containing explosives that the Port Authority bomb squad would have found in a millisecond, as if the car sized cylinders by the thousands wouldn't have made them impossible to miss.

Or worse....

Somehow installed while the building was ON FIRE. Thousands and thousands of times in about an hour and half. Devices that would have filled dozens of tractor trailers and required machinery to unload and install....somehow smuggled into the building without anyone noticing, despite the FDNY having evacuated the area around the collapse and forbidden anyone from approaching. And the cameras. And the hundreds of eye witnesses. None of which reported anything you describe.

And somehow installed while they were on fire. And somehow working in perfect unison despite all of the wires or transmitters that would have been used to synchronize such precision being melted in the heavy fires on virtually all floors.

Um, no. That's ludicrously stupid in addition to be fantastically complicated and laughably implausible. And the best part? The kick of this dead horse that just makes your theory look silly?

Um, chief.....there were no cut girders. And your theory requires thousands of cuts.

So, to summarize.

1) You can't factually establish your linear cutters even exist.

2) Or existing, do what they say they would do.

3) Or doing what they say they would do, were in the WTC 7.

4) You can't explain how they could have possibly been installed being as large and heavy as they would have to be

5) You can't explain how they could have possibly been installed in as short a time as you claim they were installed for your theory to work.

6) You can't explain how they could been installed and how nobody noticed despite the building being surrounded by FDNY , hundreds of witnesses and dozens of cameras.

7) How they could be installed while the building was burning. As the installers would have been quite flammable.

8) How they could have operated while on fire

9) Or could have triggered simultaneously while on fire.

10) Why, if each of the thousands and thousands of 'cutter charges' cut the girders.....there were no cut girders.

And this steaming rhetorical pile is your *best* explanation? The very best you managed to put together? As I've said.....the truther story is just stupidly bad. And cut to ribbons by Occam's razor.
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Firstly, it's thermite. Secondly, a thermite reaction is anything but silent.

Thirdly, before stopping your medication consult with your psychiatrist. :)

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