95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, state officials discover

They just found 58,000, you fucking moron.
No, they didn't. It was posted in this thread that their office said they cannot yet be sure these are all illegal aliens. So maybe get possession of the most basic facts of the topic before calling other people 'fucking morons', so you don't embarrass yourself.
you really lack understand of simple concepts

Your statement clearly attest to that

Please go back to the kiddie table so that the grownups can talk

The RNC had been under a decree for the last 35 year

where they agreed to be bound by a decree limiting their involvement because of voter intimidation tactics against blacks.

posting armed, off-duty law enforcement officers at the polls in minority neighborhoods.

The consent decree was updated several times throughout the years and the decree was extended

RNC official saying that the list could “keep the black vote down considerably.

they did voter intimidation again in 87 and 91 which just got the decree extended again

Now that they calmed duke down a little and they got the decree lifted

The RNC has a rich history of voter intimidation with the sole purpose of targeting minorities

I would love to see that list and look at the last names, I would imagine that Texas is doing the same thing targeting people with Spanish last names and neighborhoods that they know are predominantly Spanish.

Yet do they do the same in predominantly white neighborhoods or rural area

or do they just assume that minorities will cheat

My highlights above.

Wow, talk about being foolish! You seem to take the cake.

Let's see....

The invalid voter registrations are in TEXAS, which has a 1,241-mile border with Mexico. Yes, imagine the possibility that there MIGHT be more Spanish surnames than say, Norwegian or perhaps French surnames.
you really lack understand of simple concepts

Your statement clearly attest to that

Please go back to the kiddie table so that the grownups can talk

The RNC had been under a decree for the last 35 year

where they agreed to be bound by a decree limiting their involvement because of voter intimidation tactics against blacks.

posting armed, off-duty law enforcement officers at the polls in minority neighborhoods.

The consent decree was updated several times throughout the years and the decree was extended

RNC official saying that the list could “keep the black vote down considerably.

they did voter intimidation again in 87 and 91 which just got the decree extended again

Now that they calmed duke down a little and they got the decree lifted

The RNC has a rich history of voter intimidation with the sole purpose of targeting minorities

I would love to see that list and look at the last names, I would imagine that Texas is doing the same thing targeting people with Spanish last names and neighborhoods that they know are predominantly Spanish.

Yet do they do the same in predominantly white neighborhoods or rural area

or do they just assume that minorities will cheat

My highlights above.

Wow, talk about being foolish! You seem to take the cake.

Let's see....

The invalid voter registrations are in TEXAS, which has a 1,241-mile border with Mexico. Yes, imagine the possibility that there MIGHT be more Spanish surnames than say, Norwegian or perhaps French surnames.

2010 census put the Hispanic population at 38 percent.

I would expect to see some American names like Smith on this list

Bringing up Norwegian or French

as homer would say "Doh"

if the names on the list are 80 percent or more Spanish then that is targeting and I am being really lenient here
Last edited:
Once again, proof of massive voter fraud. We all know the Dims will continue to maintain that voter fraud doesn't happen:

95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, state officials discover

About 95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, and more than half of those have cast ballots in at least one election, Texas Secretary of State David Whitley announced on Friday. Whitley's office, along with the Texas Department of Public Safety, had been investigating possible voter fraud for the last year, according to a news release. Of the 95,000 non-citizens registered, 58,000 have voted in one or more elections since 1996.

And Texas has some of (if not the most) the most restrictive voter laws in the nation and every state-wide office in Texas is occupied by a Republican and has been since 2000 I believe.

But somehow the democrats are running the show down there?

Too damn funny.
Democrats strongly hold the border areas in Texas. I wonder why?

Too funny indeed.

I will be amazed if this Goddamn bullshit you cocksucking democrats keep pulling doen't end in a shooting war.

Kinda hard to have a real shooting war when one side is armed only with bongs and dildos.

I'm just sayin'.
Easy, just aim for the bongs and dildos
from The Atlantic:

"Outside government, the nonpartisan Pew Research Center estimated there were 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants in 2016. Even FAIR, the hard-line immigration group that supports Trump’s agenda, pegged the number at “approximately 12.5 million” in 2017. Date-restricted internet searches did not turn up earlier references to the president’s specific figure. He also claimed that illegal immigration thus far in 2019 has cost the country “$18,959,495,168.” Trump wildly inflates even the largest estimates of such costs, but his use of supposedly exact figures prompted The Washington Post’s chief fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, to write, “Nothing screams fake numbers [louder] than false precision.”"
They just found 58,000, you fucking moron.
No, they didn't. It was posted in this thread that their office said they cannot yet be sure these are all illegal aliens. So maybe get possession of the most basic facts of the topic before calling other people 'fucking morons', so you don't embarrass yourself.

An illegal vote doesn't necessarily mean it was made by an illegal alien.

I know how confusing it must be for you to comprehend that.
They just found 58,000, you fucking moron.
No, they didn't. It was posted in this thread that their office said they cannot yet be sure these are all illegal aliens. So maybe get possession of the most basic facts of the topic before calling other people 'fucking morons', so you don't embarrass yourself.
Whether they are legal immigrants or not, people who aren't American citizens cannot legally vote in this country.
The 'sudden revelation' (exposure of undeniable evidence) of Democrats illegally registering and allowing illegals to vote in elections from San Diego to Texas Yo Broward County Fla, accomplishing what Democrats have accused Trump of doing - affecting US elections, is still ' NOT a crisis / national emergency', despite it threatening our Democracy, according to Democrats and snowflakes....
Its the hatboy thing all over again.

Third time...The Secretary of State’s office is responsible for voter registration. I can turn in whatever I want. Whether I get a voter's registration card or not is up to a Republican bureaucrat if I'm in Texas.

No, the county registrars are, and they don't have the resources to verify every form they get.


So the State of Texas has it set up to do that? Wow. I would wonder about the Republicans running the elections there if they are that derelict in their duties to the tune of nearly 100K non-citizens being on the voter rolls.

It says on his website that David Whitley--the Texas Secretary of State-- is the Chief Election Officer in Texas. Wouldn't that mean that he's responsible?

About the Office

Or are you going to blame the Media, deep state, swamp, or the Clintons for the 100K non-citizens on the voter rolls?

Nope, I'm blaming the laws that won't allow States to verify citizenship before placing someone on the voter rolls. Like I said in my first post in this thread, sadly TX is one of the few States that are being proactive in verifying their rolls. The commie States could care less.


Are they verifying their rolls or are they finding a excuse to kick people off of the voter rolls? I'll bet a lot of them had Hispanic surnames.

You'd have to ask the people in charge about how they are going about this task. And yes TX has a shit load of hispanics that are here legally and illegally, so logic dictates a large amount of the people being investigated will have hispanic surnames. That doesn't make it racist as you're trying to imply. If they're cleared so be it, if not, deport them or throw their asses in jail, no matter where they're from.


They are the ones who made this outrageous claim with no proof. It is indeed racist as Republicans only want white males to vote.
No, the county registrars are, and they don't have the resources to verify every form they get.


So the State of Texas has it set up to do that? Wow. I would wonder about the Republicans running the elections there if they are that derelict in their duties to the tune of nearly 100K non-citizens being on the voter rolls.

It says on his website that David Whitley--the Texas Secretary of State-- is the Chief Election Officer in Texas. Wouldn't that mean that he's responsible?

About the Office

Or are you going to blame the Media, deep state, swamp, or the Clintons for the 100K non-citizens on the voter rolls?

Nope, I'm blaming the laws that won't allow States to verify citizenship before placing someone on the voter rolls. Like I said in my first post in this thread, sadly TX is one of the few States that are being proactive in verifying their rolls. The commie States could care less.


Are they verifying their rolls or are they finding a excuse to kick people off of the voter rolls? I'll bet a lot of them had Hispanic surnames.

You'd have to ask the people in charge about how they are going about this task. And yes TX has a shit load of hispanics that are here legally and illegally, so logic dictates a large amount of the people being investigated will have hispanic surnames. That doesn't make it racist as you're trying to imply. If they're cleared so be it, if not, deport them or throw their asses in jail, no matter where they're from.


They are the ones who made this outrageous claim with no proof. It is indeed racist as Republicans only want white males to vote.

There is proof, dumbfuck. They weren't citizens and they voted. What more proof to do you need?
Democrats see every single illegal vote as a step closer to them taking power, not as a crime in which every illegal vote in opposition to how a US Citizen is voting is the illegal silencing / stripping of that American of his legal voice / votes as a US Citizen.
this is why so many of us were dumbfounded that Fredo Bato came close to winning. if they had an honest election, Ted Cruz would of kicked his racist butt by a 60/40 landslide

It was a honest election. The Democrat candidate for Governor got around 40%.,O'Rourke got around 48%. That means a fairly large number of voters voted for Abbott for Governor and O'Rourke for Senate. In addition, Democrat took 2 of the 3 US House seats they were targeting and narrowly missed on the third.
Once again, proof of massive voter fraud. We all know the Dims will continue to maintain that voter fraud doesn't happen:

95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, state officials discover

About 95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, and more than half of those have cast ballots in at least one election, Texas Secretary of State David Whitley announced on Friday. Whitley's office, along with the Texas Department of Public Safety, had been investigating possible voter fraud for the last year, according to a news release. Of the 95,000 non-citizens registered, 58,000 have voted in one or more elections since 1996.
Sam Taylor, a spokesman for the secretary of state, said the announcement on Friday did not mean that the authorities had discovered 95,000 registered voters who it knew for a fact were noncitizens.

Instead, the office was advising local officials to ask these voters via mail to provide proof of their citizenship.

Texas Secretary of State Questions Citizenship of 95,000 Registered Voters
The 'sudden revelation' (exposure of undeniable evidence) of Democrats illegally registering and allowing illegals to vote in elections from San Diego to Texas Yo Broward County Fla, accomplishing what Democrats have accused Trump of doing - affecting US elections, is still ' NOT a crisis / national emergency', despite it threatening our Democracy, according to Democrats and snowflakes....

There is no evidence as the Texas Secretary of State did not provide any. There also is no evidence of any large numbers of illegals voting. There is no emergency or threat to our democracy. The threat comes from Republicans who want to prevent people from voting by removing them from the rolls or something as blatant as when a busload pf black senior citizens were stopped from voting or not counting votes by schemes such as signature matching. What officials in Broward County did was attempt to contact voters to determine if they voted rather than just tossing it out under signature matching laws.
Once again, proof of massive voter fraud. We all know the Dims will continue to maintain that voter fraud doesn't happen:

95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, state officials discover

About 95,000 non-citizens are registered to vote in Texas, and more than half of those have cast ballots in at least one election, Texas Secretary of State David Whitley announced on Friday. Whitley's office, along with the Texas Department of Public Safety, had been investigating possible voter fraud for the last year, according to a news release. Of the 95,000 non-citizens registered, 58,000 have voted in one or more elections since 1996.
No one has determined how many, if any are actually non citizens.
So the State of Texas has it set up to do that? Wow. I would wonder about the Republicans running the elections there if they are that derelict in their duties to the tune of nearly 100K non-citizens being on the voter rolls.

It says on his website that David Whitley--the Texas Secretary of State-- is the Chief Election Officer in Texas. Wouldn't that mean that he's responsible?

About the Office

Or are you going to blame the Media, deep state, swamp, or the Clintons for the 100K non-citizens on the voter rolls?

Nope, I'm blaming the laws that won't allow States to verify citizenship before placing someone on the voter rolls. Like I said in my first post in this thread, sadly TX is one of the few States that are being proactive in verifying their rolls. The commie States could care less.


Are they verifying their rolls or are they finding a excuse to kick people off of the voter rolls? I'll bet a lot of them had Hispanic surnames.

You'd have to ask the people in charge about how they are going about this task. And yes TX has a shit load of hispanics that are here legally and illegally, so logic dictates a large amount of the people being investigated will have hispanic surnames. That doesn't make it racist as you're trying to imply. If they're cleared so be it, if not, deport them or throw their asses in jail, no matter where they're from.


They are the ones who made this outrageous claim with no proof. It is indeed racist as Republicans only want white males to vote.

There is proof, dumbfuck. They weren't citizens and they voted. What more proof to do you need?

There is no proof. You are a moron and stupid to boot. The Secretary of State's office confirmed they do not know if these people are illegals. They came up with some gobbledygook that produced 95,000 names. They have not proven any of these are illegals.
Sam Taylor, a spokesman for the secretary of state, noted that they “are very confident” in the methods used to identify the problematic voter registrations, noting that the office was not declaring that all 95,000 names were, in fact, non-citizens but only matched the search criteria.

Mr Taylor also said:
“We can’t see a situation in which this would produce a false positive,” he said. “These are people whose last and most recent visits to D.P.S. showed them to be non-citizens through documentation that they submitted and which D.P.S. has kept on file.”

Texas Secretary of State finds 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote. 58k voted in one or more elections!

We are talking about people who have obtained a Texas driver's license and who are registered to vote. And here's the kicker: 58,000 of these people did actually vote, in one or more elections. And that's just Texas, how many non-citizens across the country did illegally vote? It kinda gives the lie, and a big one, to the notion pushed by the Dems that voter fraud is a myth. Bull fuckin' shit.
The 'sudden revelation' (exposure of undeniable evidence) of Democrats illegally registering and allowing illegals to vote in elections from San Diego to Texas Yo Broward County Fla, accomplishing what Democrats have accused Trump of doing - affecting US elections, is still ' NOT a crisis / national emergency', despite it threatening our Democracy, according to Democrats and snowflakes....

There is no evidence as the Texas Secretary of State did not provide any. There also is no evidence of any large numbers of illegals voting. There is no emergency or threat to our democracy. The threat comes from Republicans who want to prevent people from voting by removing them from the rolls or something as blatant as when a busload pf black senior citizens were stopped from voting or not counting votes by schemes such as signature matching. What officials in Broward County did was attempt to contact voters to determine if they voted rather than just tossing it out under signature matching laws.
And there is no evidence in Broward or any of the rest of the country because it doesn't happen, right, snowflake?!


Not all sheep are born blind....some voluntarily poke their own eyes out as a prerequisite to join the criminal Socialist Democrat Party.

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