96%of Jews are Khazars ,muslims convetites to judaism. The only semites are the Pales

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
How funny it is that you compare Jews to Nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the Führer himself.
Wolver.....Firstly Sunni would NEVER advocate killing Jewish people,how you come to that conclusion I KNOW NOT.



I'M THELIQ I MAKE A HORRIBLE ENEMY BUT LOYAL FRIEND as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so I hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with Sunni or I for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........ALL WE WANT IS PEACE FOR BOTH NATIONS.....and so do they.Apart from the NUTCASES ON BOTH SIDES,BUT THEY ARE IN A VERY,VERY SMALL MINORITY...just saying theliq always :cool: Now Wolvie keep it REAL hey.

Why are you YELLING?

Don't the goats hear you when you speak normally?
Hello the lovely Syrennie,look with you I read between the lines,you are annoyed with me for some reason.Don't be.

Yes, thinking about your comment,I agree,I think hitler and all were a complete scurge to humanity for a host of reasons.

"Don't the GOATS hear me when I speak normally"well what's normal for me:lol::lol::lol:I don't know to be honest...but I get passionate regarding any uplifting of hitler....sorry it's just me.

Or did you imply Wolverine was a GOAT...Na he ain't but why remind me of the past when I was assumed of having intercourse with a hooved animal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I really like you but you r annoyed with moi.steven
Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
How funny it is that you compare Jews to Nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the Führer himself.
Wolver.....Firstly Sunni would NEVER advocate killing Jewish people,how you come to that conclusion I KNOW NOT.



I'M THELIQ I MAKE A HORRIBLE ENEMY BUT LOYAL FRIEND as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so I hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with Sunni or I for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........ALL WE WANT IS PEACE FOR BOTH NATIONS.....and so do they.Apart from the NUTCASES ON BOTH SIDES,BUT THEY ARE IN A VERY,VERY SMALL MINORITY...just saying theliq always :cool: Now Wolvie keep it REAL hey.

Why are you YELLING?

Don't the goats hear you when you speak normally?



They're too high up. :D
Wolver.....Firstly Sunni would NEVER advocate killing Jewish people,how you come to that conclusion I KNOW NOT.



I'M THELIQ I MAKE A HORRIBLE ENEMY BUT LOYAL FRIEND as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so I hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with Sunni or I for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........ALL WE WANT IS PEACE FOR BOTH NATIONS.....and so do they.Apart from the NUTCASES ON BOTH SIDES,BUT THEY ARE IN A VERY,VERY SMALL MINORITY...just saying theliq always :cool: Now Wolvie keep it REAL hey.

Why are you YELLING?

Don't the goats hear you when you speak normally?



They're too high up. :D
How do you know Ropey,you may be surprised at the lenght theliq will go/at too :lol::lol::lol:How ya keeping, steve:cool:
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daveman, you know darn good and well that i have never advocated killing the jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

hitler didn't advocate killing the jews also.
How funny it is that you compare jews to nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the führer himself.

wolver.....firstly sunni would never advocate killing jewish people,how you come to that conclusion i know not.
The deduction is quite simple, both sunni and the führer advocate taking the jews and putting them in a confined and guarded place, history of the nazis shows us how this turns out and what it leads to.
While hitler talked about only jews in his country, sunni is talking about all jews.I guess that makes Adolf a moderate.

secondly,of course hitler with his fucking henchmen advocated the wholesale slaughter and extermination of all jews,and ironic as it is,after he exteminated the jews,the next peoples he wanted to eliminate was the palestinians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know how much you know about wwii history, hitler started the systematic murder of jews in the year 1942 as part of his 'final solution'.
The war started at 1939 and rounding up jews in a confined and guarded place started before that.
What hitler wanted is to cleanse his country from jews, but at first his plan was to expel them and not kill them.
There was a serious talk about deporting all jews to madagascar (much like what sunni is proposing )

resettlement and deportation

before the war, the nazis considered mass exportation of german (and subsequently the european) jewry from europe. Plans to reclaim former german colonies such as tanganyika and south west africa for jewish resettlement were halted by hitler, who argued that no place where "so much blood of heroic germans had been spilled" should be made available as a residence for the "worst enemies of the germans".[66] diplomatic efforts were undertaken to convince the other former colonial powers, primarily the united kingdom and france, to accept expelled jews in their colonies.[67] areas considered for possible resettlement included british palestine,[68] italian abyssinia,[68] british rhodesia,[69] french madagascar,[68] and australia.[70]
of these areas, madagascar was the most seriously discussed. heydrich called the madagascar plan a "territorial final solution"; it was a remote location, and the island's unfavorable conditions would hasten deaths.[71] <== Isn't that exactly what's Sunni is proposing ?
Let's put them on an island ?
Heydrich called it "territorial final solution"

in retrospect, although futile, this plan did constitute an important psychological step on the path to the holocaust.[72] approved by hitler in 1938, the resettlement planning was carried out by eichmann's office, only being abandoned once the mass killing of jews began in 1941. The end of the madagascar plan was announced on february 10, 1942. The german foreign office was given the official explanation that, due to the war with the soviet union, jews were to be "sent to the east".[73]
palestine was the only location to which any nazi relocation plan succeeded in producing significant results, by means of an agreement begun in 1933 between the zionist federation of germany (die zionistische vereinigung für deutschland) and the nazi government, the haavara agreement. This agreement resulted in the transfer of about 60,000 german jews and $100 million from germany to palestine, up until the outbreak of world war ii.[74]
The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

hitler with his fucking henchmen advocated the wholesale slaughter and extermination of all jews,and ironic as it is,after he exteminated the jews,the next peoples he wanted to eliminate was the palestinians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You just making that up right ?
I don't know were you heard that but this is a complete lie, why the hell would Hitler want to get rid of the Palestinians ?
Not only that Hitler didn't prosecute Palestinians, in fact Hitler was in a quite good relationship with them.


This is a picture of Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Hitler, Amin was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in the British Mandate of Palestine.

During World War II he actively collaborated with both Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, meeting Adolf Hitler personally and asking him to back Arab independence. He requested, as part of the Pan-Arab struggle, Hitler's support to oppose the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish national home. He was promised the leadership of the Arabs after German troops had driven out the British.[4] He helped recruit Muslims for the Waffen-SS.
Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i will not allow you to cast sunni in this light>>>>>>it's complete bullshit>>>>>>>>>i will defend a friend to the death>>>>>>>>>your post was completely contradictory>>>>>>when read.
Saying 'It's complete bullshit' is not a proof of your point, and saying something without proof is like not saying anything.

Please point to any contradictions on my post.
"I will defend a friend to the death" - Aren't you exaggerating a little tiny bit ? While writing messages is exhausting I really doubt it will cause death.

I'm theliq i make a horrible enemy but loyal friend as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so i hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with sunni or i for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........all we want is peace for both nations.....and so do they.apart from the nutcases on both sides,but they are in a very,very small minority...just saying theliq always :cool: Now wolvie keep it real hey.
If you can find anyplace where I have flactuated from 'facts and truth' please point it out.
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daveman, you know darn good and well that i have never advocated killing the jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

hitler didn't advocate killing the jews also.
How funny it is that you compare jews to nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the führer himself.

The deduction is quite simple, both sunni and the führer advocate taking the jews and putting them in a confined and guarded place, history of the nazis shows us how this turns out and what it leads to.
While hitler talked about only jews in his country, sunni is talking about all jews.I guess that makes Adolf a moderate.

I don't know how much you know about wwii history, hitler started the systematic murder of jews in the year 1942 as part of his 'final solution'.
The war started at 1939 and rounding up jews in a confined and guarded place started before that.
What hitler wanted is to cleanse his country from jews, but at first his plan was to expel them and not kill them.
There was a serious talk about deporting all jews to madagascar (much like what sunni is proposing )

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You just making that up right ?
I don't know were you heard that but this is a complete lie, why the hell would Hitler want to get rid of the Palestinians ?
Not only that Hitler didn't prosecute Palestinians, in fact Hitler was in a quite good relationship with them.


This is a picture of Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Hitler, Amin was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in the British Mandate of Palestine.

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i will not allow you to cast sunni in this light>>>>>>it's complete bullshit>>>>>>>>>i will defend a friend to the death>>>>>>>>>your post was completely contradictory>>>>>>when read.
Saying 'It's complete bullshit' is not a proof of your point, and saying something without proof is like not saying anything.

Please point to any contradictions on my post.
"I will defend a friend to the death" - Aren't you exaggerating a little tiny bit ? While writing messages is exhausting I really doubt it will cause death.

I'm theliq i make a horrible enemy but loyal friend as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so i hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with sunni or i for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........all we want is peace for both nations.....and so do they.apart from the nutcases on both sides,but they are in a very,very small minority...just saying theliq always :cool: Now wolvie keep it real hey.
If you can find anyplace where I have flactuated from 'facts and truth' please point it out.

No responses yet?
daveman, you know darn good and well that i have never advocated killing the jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

hitler didn't advocate killing the jews also.
How funny it is that you compare jews to nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the führer himself.

The deduction is quite simple, both sunni and the führer advocate taking the jews and putting them in a confined and guarded place, history of the nazis shows us how this turns out and what it leads to.
While hitler talked about only jews in his country, sunni is talking about all jews.I guess that makes Adolf a moderate.

I don't know how much you know about wwii history, hitler started the systematic murder of jews in the year 1942 as part of his 'final solution'.
The war started at 1939 and rounding up jews in a confined and guarded place started before that.
What hitler wanted is to cleanse his country from jews, but at first his plan was to expel them and not kill them.
There was a serious talk about deporting all jews to madagascar (much like what sunni is proposing )

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You just making that up right ?
I don't know were you heard that but this is a complete lie, why the hell would Hitler want to get rid of the Palestinians ?
Not only that Hitler didn't prosecute Palestinians, in fact Hitler was in a quite good relationship with them.


This is a picture of Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Hitler, Amin was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in the British Mandate of Palestine.

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i will not allow you to cast sunni in this light>>>>>>it's complete bullshit>>>>>>>>>i will defend a friend to the death>>>>>>>>>your post was completely contradictory>>>>>>when read.
Saying 'It's complete bullshit' is not a proof of your point, and saying something without proof is like not saying anything.

Please point to any contradictions on my post.
"I will defend a friend to the death" - Aren't you exaggerating a little tiny bit ? While writing messages is exhausting I really doubt it will cause death.

I'm theliq i make a horrible enemy but loyal friend as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so i hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with sunni or i for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........all we want is peace for both nations.....and so do they.apart from the nutcases on both sides,but they are in a very,very small minority...just saying theliq always :cool: Now wolvie keep it real hey.
If you can find anyplace where I have flactuated from 'facts and truth' please point it out.
Look it's getting difficult to deal with your post because Wolvie,what you don't know but should if you are to post a photo of Haj Amin,is that the Zionists dealt with hitler and his henchmen to get Jews out of Nazi controlled Europe at the time,very successfully as it happens as over 3000+ Jews were allowed (for CASH) to leave and go by ship out of Genoa,Italy to Palestine moreover Jews also persuaded other Jews to leave Germany to go to concentration camps,the Nazis did a SNOW JOB and made out they were paradise(propagana films were made of smiling happy Jews in these places,thus convincing the Jewish powers at be to endorse such movements!!!) only for the poor unfortunate folk (out of the sight of the organizing Jews)to be loaded into cattle wagons and their extermination.

Look Wolvie there is such hypocricy in your one sided posts,it's not because you are a contrived bad person,it's because you are ignorant of the truth and facts.

There are often two sides to every story,the Jews trusted hitler MISTAKENLY,as did the poor old Haj,because unbeknowns to him ......... after hitler had wiped out the Jews,his next people to exterminate was the Palestinians themselves...............he was a Fucking Evil Bastard.

He also of course told the British Prime Minister at the time,Chamberlian that there would be NO WAR.steven:cool:
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hitler didn't advocate killing the jews also.
How funny it is that you compare jews to nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the führer himself.

the deduction is quite simple, both sunni and the führer advocate taking the jews and putting them in a confined and guarded place, history of the nazis shows us how this turns out and what it leads to.
While hitler talked about only jews in his country, sunni is talking about all jews.i guess that makes adolf a moderate.

I don't know how much you know about wwii history, hitler started the systematic murder of jews in the year 1942 as part of his 'final solution'.
The war started at 1939 and rounding up jews in a confined and guarded place started before that.
What hitler wanted is to cleanse his country from jews, but at first his plan was to expel them and not kill them.
There was a serious talk about deporting all jews to madagascar (much like what sunni is proposing )

the holocaust - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you just making that up right ?
I don't know were you heard that but this is a complete lie, why the hell would hitler want to get rid of the palestinians ?
Not only that hitler didn't prosecute palestinians, in fact hitler was in a quite good relationship with them.


this is a picture of haj amin al-husseini meeting with hitler, amin was a palestinian arab nationalist and muslim leader in the british mandate of palestine.

haj amin al-husseini - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

saying 'it's complete bullshit' is not a proof of your point, and saying something without proof is like not saying anything.

Please point to any contradictions on my post.
"i will defend a friend to the death" - aren't you exaggerating a little tiny bit ? While writing messages is exhausting i really doubt it will cause death.

i'm theliq i make a horrible enemy but loyal friend as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so i hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with sunni or i for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........all we want is peace for both nations.....and so do they.apart from the nutcases on both sides,but they are in a very,very small minority...just saying theliq always :cool: Now wolvie keep it real hey.
if you can find anyplace where i have flactuated from 'facts and truth' please point it out.
look it's getting difficult to deal with your post because wolvie,what you don't know but should if you are to post a photo of haj amin,is that the zionists dealt with hitler and his henchmen to get jews out of nazi controlled europe at the time,very successfully as it happens as over 3000+ jews were allowed (for cash) to leave and go by ship out of genoa,italy to palestine moreover jews also persuaded other jews to leave germany to go to concentration camps,the nazis did a snow job and made out they were paradise(propagana films were made of smiling happy jews in these places,thus convincing the jewish powers at be to endorse such movements!!!) only for the poor unfortunate folk (out of the sight of the organizing jews)to be loaded into cattle wagons and their extermination.

Look wolvie there is such hypocricy in your one sided posts,it's not because you are a contrived bad person,it's because you are ignorant of the truth and facts.

There are often two sides to every story,the jews trusted hitler mistakenly,as did the poor old haj,because unbeknowns to him ......... After hitler had wiped out the jews,his next people to exterminate was the palestinians themselves...............he was a fucking evil bastard.

He also of course told the british prime minister at the time,chamberlian that there would be no war.steven:cool:

It's funny how you talk about 'Truth and Facts' all the time , and yet , when you look at my post you can see evidence to support my claims while your post is nothing but hearsay.

Jews were deported to Palestine as part of Nazi relocation plan no a Zionist plan like you imply, And it was about 60,000 Jews not 3000 Mr. 'Facts and Truth'.

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

moreover jews also persuaded other jews to leave germany to go to concentration camps
More hearsay without evidence, And how Is it at all relevant to your point ?

Look wolvie there is such hypocricy in your one sided posts,it's not because you are a contrived bad person,it's because you are ignorant of the truth and facts.
Again , you talk about 'truth and facts' but do not show where my statements are not truthful , and do not present evidence to support your claim.

There are often two sides to every story,the jews trusted hitler mistakenly,as did the poor old haj,because unbeknowns to him ......... After hitler had wiped out the jews,his next people to exterminate was the palestinians themselves...............he was a fucking evil bastard.
You have no evidence to support your claim , first Jews didn't trust Hitler for anything.
Second the 'poor old haj' was recruiting troops for the Nazi cause - did he do it by mistake ?



In conclusion,
You claim that Hitler was planing to exterminate the Palestinians and offer nothing to support your claim, except 'Gee Adolf is a not trustworthy guy.'

So what ? There is no evidence to suggest that Hitler hated Palestinians or planed to exterminated them.
Your argument has no weight.

As to Sunni, I have showed you that His plan for the Jews and Hitlers Plan are one and the same.
daveman, you know darn good and well that i have never advocated killing the jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

hitler didn't advocate killing the jews also.
How funny it is that you compare jews to nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the führer himself.

The deduction is quite simple, both sunni and the führer advocate taking the jews and putting them in a confined and guarded place, history of the nazis shows us how this turns out and what it leads to.
While hitler talked about only jews in his country, sunni is talking about all jews.I guess that makes Adolf a moderate.

I don't know how much you know about wwii history, hitler started the systematic murder of jews in the year 1942 as part of his 'final solution'.
The war started at 1939 and rounding up jews in a confined and guarded place started before that.
What hitler wanted is to cleanse his country from jews, but at first his plan was to expel them and not kill them.
There was a serious talk about deporting all jews to madagascar (much like what sunni is proposing )

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You just making that up right ?
I don't know were you heard that but this is a complete lie, why the hell would Hitler want to get rid of the Palestinians ?
Not only that Hitler didn't prosecute Palestinians, in fact Hitler was in a quite good relationship with them.


This is a picture of Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Hitler, Amin was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in the British Mandate of Palestine.

Haj Amin al-Husseini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i will not allow you to cast sunni in this light>>>>>>it's complete bullshit>>>>>>>>>i will defend a friend to the death>>>>>>>>>your post was completely contradictory>>>>>>when read.
Saying 'It's complete bullshit' is not a proof of your point, and saying something without proof is like not saying anything.

Please point to any contradictions on my post.
"I will defend a friend to the death" - Aren't you exaggerating a little tiny bit ? While writing messages is exhausting I really doubt it will cause death.

I'm theliq i make a horrible enemy but loyal friend as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so i hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with sunni or i for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........all we want is peace for both nations.....and so do they.apart from the nutcases on both sides,but they are in a very,very small minority...just saying theliq always :cool: Now wolvie keep it real hey.
If you can find anyplace where I have flactuated from 'facts and truth' please point it out.
Where do I start with this inaccurate morass......I will need more time to consider,anyway I need my sleep,speak to you in the next couple of days.steven
Hitler given his psychotic state of mind liked animals more than human beings, a trait Stalin and Hitler shared, hence their total lack of compassion towards the targets of their psychotic rage. He didn't think he was exterminating Jews, he thought he was exterminating cockroaches.
In the original use of Semite it was those people that spoke a semetic language, only until recently was semite used as describing the Jews alone.
In the original use of Semite it was those people that spoke a semetic language, only until recently was semite used as describing the Jews alone.

What Semite actually means is a son of Shem.

Noah (The guy with the ark and the flood) had 3 sons :Shem, Ham & Yefet.
As the story goes , Noah and his family are the only people who survived the flood , so his sons had to repopulate the earth ...

Semites are the sons of Shem, this includes Jews and Arabs (And many other ethnic groups...)

  • Thanks
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More bullshit. I know many Jews from Iraq and no such thing happened. The lies and disinformation never end do they?

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