96%of Jews are Khazars ,muslims convetites to judaism. The only semites are the Pales

What happened a couple of millenia ago is immaterial. Last century, the Arab world tried to take Israel back by force, and got their asses kicked for their trouble.

If the Arabs wanted it bad enough, they'd take it. They haven't been able to.

Tough shit for you Jew-haters, huh?
Hi Dave,your comments are somewhat inaccurate,Israel infact were in the late 30's having a Gurrella(sic) war with the British and Palestinians the Zionist lead Jews were in fact Terrorists(which the Zionists Organization still are today).
Later the Israelis were supporting the British and French in the Suez Crisis (which the US abstained from,infact they advised wisely it would be a mistake..which it was)Egypts Abdul Nasser(hater of Israel and Jews) was held up as a defeater of the WEST and Israel but in actuality it wasn't and he was ousted a few years later.

Dave the 6 Day War in the late 60's was all over and done with quickly...rumblings from Arab neighbours leading up to the skirmish was dealt with by Pre Emptive strikes by Israel (Dyan,a man who I personally admired,with Peres)anyway the Egyptian Air Force was TOTALLED by Israel who bombed every Egypian Plane to smithereins.

As you know Dave I have lived in Israel at one time for 9 month and worked in other Arabic countries..........I believe in a viable Israel moreover a Palestinian state which I may add so do nearly all Israelis...apart from the Nutters. You mean 2 countries solution ?

A peaceful settlement will be in the end the only to end this running sore for both peoples. I agree

As I have also stated in the past The Palestinians have NOTHING TO THAT THEIR ARAB Neibours for...Nothing. I didn't get your meaning ...what you mean ?

I enjoy your posts Dave but cannot agree with all you stated above because it's not completely accurate,as I said.

Dave I wish you and your family well,and have a great day.steven Excuse the crappy spelling and grammar today.

I wonder why sunni man liked this post ? He doesn't believe in a peaceful resolution ...
Sure he does. When all the Jews are dead, there will be peace.
Daveman, you know darn good and well that I have NEVER advocated killing the Jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:
Hi Dave,your comments are somewhat inaccurate,Israel infact were in the late 30's having a Gurrella(sic) war with the British and Palestinians the Zionist lead Jews were in fact Terrorists(which the Zionists Organization still are today).
Later the Israelis were supporting the British and French in the Suez Crisis (which the US abstained from,infact they advised wisely it would be a mistake..which it was)Egypts Abdul Nasser(hater of Israel and Jews) was held up as a defeater of the WEST and Israel but in actuality it wasn't and he was ousted a few years later.

Dave the 6 Day War in the late 60's was all over and done with quickly...rumblings from Arab neighbours leading up to the skirmish was dealt with by Pre Emptive strikes by Israel (Dyan,a man who I personally admired,with Peres)anyway the Egyptian Air Force was TOTALLED by Israel who bombed every Egypian Plane to smithereins.

As you know Dave I have lived in Israel at one time for 9 month and worked in other Arabic countries..........I believe in a viable Israel moreover a Palestinian state which I may add so do nearly all Israelis...apart from the Nutters. You mean 2 countries solution ?

A peaceful settlement will be in the end the only to end this running sore for both peoples. I agree

As I have also stated in the past The Palestinians have NOTHING TO THAT THEIR ARAB Neibours for...Nothing. I didn't get your meaning ...what you mean ?

I enjoy your posts Dave but cannot agree with all you stated above because it's not completely accurate,as I said.

Dave I wish you and your family well,and have a great day.steven Excuse the crappy spelling and grammar today.

I wonder why sunni man liked this post ? He doesn't believe in a peaceful resolution ...
Sure he does. When all the Jews are dead, there will be peace.

Too right Daveman. That's just what I get from this Sunni piece of work. Head 'em up, round 'em and move em out.
Daveman, you know darn good and well that I have NEVER advocated killing the Jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:
How about you damned intolerant Jew-hating assholes get your own island? Then the rest of the world would be smarter, better-looking, and better-smelling.
Daveman, you know darn good and well that I have NEVER advocated killing the Jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
How funny it is that you compare Jews to Nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the Führer himself.
Daveman, you know darn good and well that I have NEVER advocated killing the Jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
How funny it is that you compare Jews to Nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the Führer himself.

That's where he got it from. Sunni is a self-proclaimed moderate Muslim.

I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

So, either this is how moderate Muslims think, or Sunni is simply a liar. Mass movement of a people is genocide.

True Story.

by Naeim Giladi

I write this article
for the same reason I wrote my book:
to tell the American people,
and especially American Jews,
that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate
willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave,
Jews killed Jews; and that,
to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands,
Jews on numerous occasions
rejected genuine peace initiatives
from their Arab neighbors.
I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called "cruel Zionism."
I write about it because I was part of it.

1950–1951 Baghdad bombings refers to the bombing of Jewish targets in Baghdad, Iraq, between April 1950 and June 1951. In the wake of these incidents, Iraqi authorities arrested 28 Jews and 9 Arabs on charges of espionage and illegal arms possession.

The question of who was to blame for the attacks has drawn considerable disagreement. Some historians assign responsibility for the bombings to anti-Jewish Arab extremists while others charge a Zionist extremist underground movement of carrying out the attacks in order to encourage Iraqi Jews to immigrate to Israel.
Mass movement of a people is genocide.
True Story.
So the mass movement of Jews to Israel was genocide?? :cuckoo:

Now that's just silly Sunni Man. The forced mass movement of people who are not your own people is genocide. Do you need it spelled out?

So, do you need it spelled out. You said I confuse you. Do you agree that the forced mass movement of a people who are not your own people is genocide. You said worldwide Jewry to be mass moved Sunni Man. :cool:
Daveman, you know darn good and well that I have NEVER advocated killing the Jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
How funny it is that you compare Jews to Nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the Führer himself.

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
I applaude you for being the first Jewish person I have known to openly admit the fact that Hitler did not advocate killing the Jews. :clap2:

I applaud you for admitting that you and Hitler are one and the same, while bluntly telling to our face that your views are moderate.:clap2:

Make no mistake, my statement saying Hitler didn't advocate the killing of Jews doesn't mean he didn't plan and executed the genocide of the Jewish people.

While Hitler didn't market the idea of killing Jews in public and his propaganda talked about banishing and keeping them in ghettos (Exactly the same thing that you are proposing), in the year 1942 the Führer implemented the 'final solution' - a systematic genocide of European Jews.

Final Solution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jos , could you post your comment one more time ? I think 4th time is the charm.
I applaud you for admitting that you and Hitler are one and the same, while bluntly telling to our face that your views are moderate.

Make no mistake, my statement saying Hitler didn't advocate the killing of Jews doesn't mean he didn't plan and executed the genocide of the Jewish people.
I never admitted any such thing and you know it..

But your response is all over the place.

Funny watching you zig and zag while trying to escape your words. :lol:
Daveman, you know darn good and well that I have NEVER advocated killing the Jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
How funny it is that you compare Jews to Nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the Führer himself.

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
I applaude you for being the first Jewish person I have known to openly admit the fact that Hitler did not advocate killing the Jews. :clap2:

I applaud you for admitting that you and Hitler are one and the same, while bluntly telling to our face that your views are moderate.:clap2:

Make no mistake, my statement saying Hitler didn't advocate the killing of Jews doesn't mean he didn't plan and executed the genocide of the Jewish people.

While Hitler didn't market the idea of killing Jews in public and his propaganda talked about banishing and keeping them in ghettos (Exactly the same thing that you are proposing), in the year 1942 the Führer implemented the 'final solution' - a systematic genocide of European Jews.

Final Solution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jos , could you post your comment one more time ? I think 4th time is the charm.

Now that's a right fine little trappy you laid out Wolverine. :clap2:
What happened a couple of millenia ago is immaterial. Last century, the Arab world tried to take Israel back by force, and got their asses kicked for their trouble.

If the Arabs wanted it bad enough, they'd take it. They haven't been able to.

Tough shit for you Jew-haters, huh?
Hi Dave,your comments are somewhat inaccurate,Israel infact were in the late 30's having a Gurrella(sic) war with the British and Palestinians the Zionist lead Jews were in fact Terrorists(which the Zionists Organization still are today).
Later the Israelis were supporting the British and French in the Suez Crisis (which the US abstained from,infact they advised wisely it would be a mistake..which it was)Egypts Abdul Nasser(hater of Israel and Jews) was held up as a defeater of the WEST and Israel but in actuality it wasn't and he was ousted a few years later.

Dave the 6 Day War in the late 60's was all over and done with quickly...rumblings from Arab neighbours leading up to the skirmish was dealt with by Pre Emptive strikes by Israel (Dyan,a man who I personally admired,with Peres)anyway the Egyptian Air Force was TOTALLED by Israel who bombed every Egypian Plane to smithereins.

As you know Dave I have lived in Israel at one time for 9 month and worked in other Arabic countries..........I believe in a viable Israel moreover a Palestinian state which I may add so do nearly all Israelis...apart from the Nutters. You mean 2 countries solution ?

A peaceful settlement will be in the end the only to end this running sore for both peoples. I agree

As I have also stated in the past The Palestinians have NOTHING TO THAT THEIR ARAB Neibours for...Nothing. I didn't get your meaning ...what you mean ?

I enjoy your posts Dave but cannot agree with all you stated above because it's not completely accurate,as I said.

Dave I wish you and your family well,and have a great day.steven Excuse the crappy spelling and grammar today.

I wonder why sunni man liked this post ? He doesn't believe in a peaceful resolution ...

Dave I mean't NOTHING TO THANK THEIR ARAB NEIBOURS FOR and as for Sunni Man.....He like me believes in a TWO nation solution,ISRAEL AND PALESTINE...Sunni is a good guy as are you,all anyone wants is PEACE.....both sides have done atrocious things to each other,I have lived with both parties and all they want is a fair settlement.Keep well steve:cool:
Last edited:
Daveman, you know darn good and well that I have NEVER advocated killing the Jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
How funny it is that you compare Jews to Nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the Führer himself.
Wolver.....Firstly Sunni would NEVER advocate killing Jewish people,how you come to that conclusion I KNOW NOT.



I'M THELIQ I MAKE A HORRIBLE ENEMY BUT LOYAL FRIEND as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so I hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with Sunni or I for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........ALL WE WANT IS PEACE FOR BOTH NATIONS.....and so do they.Apart from the NUTCASES ON BOTH SIDES,BUT THEY ARE IN A VERY,VERY SMALL MINORITY...just saying theliq always :cool: Now Wolvie keep it REAL hey.

You will note that I NEVER give hitler any respect by spelling his name with a capital h,why because he was a murdering **** and because of him 22 million Russians,8 million Jews, Allied forces,his own people and countless others died because of him.....I CONSIGN THAT WRETCH OF A MAN(if you can call him that) TO THE GARBAGE BIN OF HISTORY,WITH THE LID WELL PADLOCKED. (excuse the profanities)
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Daveman, you know darn good and well that I have NEVER advocated killing the Jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
How funny it is that you compare Jews to Nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the Führer himself.
Wolver.....Firstly Sunni would NEVER advocate killing Jewish people,how you come to that conclusion I KNOW NOT.



I'M THELIQ I MAKE A HORRIBLE ENEMY BUT LOYAL FRIEND as many have seen,often enemies have become friends so I hold no grudge......but saying that, you may disagree with Sunni or I for that matter but you must stick to the facts and truth..........ALL WE WANT IS PEACE FOR BOTH NATIONS.....and so do they.Apart from the NUTCASES ON BOTH SIDES,BUT THEY ARE IN A VERY,VERY SMALL MINORITY...just saying theliq always :cool: Now Wolvie keep it REAL hey.

Why are you YELLING?

Don't the goats hear you when you speak normally?
Daveman, you know darn good and well that I have NEVER advocated killing the Jews.

I have only suggested that they be given their own island or other remote spot somewhere.

So that there would be a separation between them and the gentile people of the world. :cool:

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
How funny it is that you compare Jews to Nazis when in fact you yourself hold the same view as the Führer himself.

Hitler didn't advocate killing the Jews also.
I applaude you for being the first Jewish person I have known to openly admit the fact that Hitler did not advocate killing the Jews. :clap2:

I applaud you for admitting that you and Hitler are one and the same, while bluntly telling to our face that your views are moderate.:clap2:

Make no mistake, my statement saying Hitler didn't advocate the killing of Jews doesn't mean he didn't plan and executed the genocide of the Jewish people.

While Hitler didn't market the idea of killing Jews in public and his propaganda talked about banishing and keeping them in ghettos (Exactly the same thing that you are proposing), in the year 1942 the Führer implemented the 'final solution' - a systematic genocide of European Jews.

Final Solution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Way to go. You just gave Sunni a woody.

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