97% of climatologists believe in man-made global warming

Look at how much money is being dumped into global warming. No facts, no proof, and certainly no logical ideas for a way out. The same people that believe the world goes from ice age to heat wave, back to ice age. Believes that now humans are the cause of the planet going into a heat wave. None of it makes sense. This is for a reason. When you scare the public into believing they need the government to protect them, especially from extinction. The public ultimately forfeits it's rights and it's pocket book! Just look at all the rights we gave up after 9/11, but hey it was all for the means of our own protection, right?
Look at how much money is being dumped into global warming. No facts, no proof, and certainly no logical ideas for a way out. The same people that believe the world goes from ice age to heat wave, back to ice age. Believes that now humans are the cause of the planet going into a heat wave. None of it makes sense. This is for a reason. When you scare the public into believing they need the government to protect them, especially from extinction. The public ultimately forfeits it's rights and it's pocket book! Just look at all the rights we gave up after 9/11, but hey it was all for the means of our own protection, right?

There are plenty of facts.

Melting glaciers, melting ice caps, rising temperatures, and rising CO2....
look at how much money is being dumped into global warming. No facts, no proof, and certainly no logical ideas for a way out. The same people that believe the world goes from ice age to heat wave, back to ice age. Believes that now humans are the cause of the planet going into a heat wave. None of it makes sense. This is for a reason. When you scare the public into believing they need the government to protect them, especially from extinction. The public ultimately forfeits it's rights and it's pocket book! Just look at all the rights we gave up after 9/11, but hey it was all for the means of our own protection, right?

there are plenty of facts.

Melting glaciers, melting ice caps, rising temperatures, and rising co2....
the sky is falling!!! The sky is falling!!!
look at how much money is being dumped into global warming. No facts, no proof, and certainly no logical ideas for a way out. The same people that believe the world goes from ice age to heat wave, back to ice age. Believes that now humans are the cause of the planet going into a heat wave. None of it makes sense. This is for a reason. When you scare the public into believing they need the government to protect them, especially from extinction. The public ultimately forfeits it's rights and it's pocket book! Just look at all the rights we gave up after 9/11, but hey it was all for the means of our own protection, right?

there are plenty of facts.

Melting glaciers, melting ice caps, rising temperatures, and rising co2....
the sky is falling!!! The sky is falling!!!

That's all you have left is silliness.

How sad.
The very title of this thread of misleading. The title leads the reader to believe that 97% of Scientist believe GW is 100% man made, when of course they do not. The real debate is over how much Man contributes to it, not if they do or not, and certainly not that we do it all.
The very title of this thread of misleading. The title leads the reader to believe that 97% of Scientist believe GW is 100% man made, when of course they do not. The real debate is over how much Man contributes to it, not if they do or not, and certainly not that we do it all.

The consensus opinion of most scientists is that GW is 75% man made, 25% solar forcing.

The problem is that we keep increasing the level of CO2, so man's influence on the climate is increasing every second of every day.
The very title of this thread of misleading. The title leads the reader to believe that 97% of Scientist believe GW is 100% man made, when of course they do not. The real debate is over how much Man contributes to it, not if they do or not, and certainly not that we do it all.

The consensus opinion of most scientists is that GW is 75% man made, 25% solar forcing.

The problem is that we keep increasing the level of CO2, so man's influence on the climate is increasing every second of every day.

I am not disputing your numbers, but they seem a tad simplistic to me. I am sure the Scientist are aware there are more than only 2 factors to GW. I am sure they know there are factors they do not even know about. So I find it questionable that they all agree it is only 2 reasons. :)

However isn't this all mute. Isn't true that if the USA and EU both ended carbon Emissions completely that the Developing world would replace our out put in a matter of months?

Seems kinda pointless to me. Seems instead of spending time and money on fighting it, we should spend time and money on learning to live with it.
The very title of this thread of misleading. The title leads the reader to believe that 97% of Scientist believe GW is 100% man made, when of course they do not. The real debate is over how much Man contributes to it, not if they do or not, and certainly not that we do it all.

The consensus opinion of most scientists is that GW is 75% man made, 25% solar forcing.

The problem is that we keep increasing the level of CO2, so man's influence on the climate is increasing every second of every day.

I am not disputing your numbers, but they seem a tad simplistic to me. I am sure the Scientist are aware there are more than only 2 factors to GW. I am sure they know there are factors they do not even know about. So I find it questionable that they all agree it is only 2 reasons. :)

However isn't this all mute. Isn't true that if the USA and EU both ended carbon Emissions completely that the Developing world would replace our out put in a matter of months?

Seems kinda pointless to me. Seems instead of spending time and money on fighting it, we should spend time and money on learning to live with it.

I tend to agree with you.

I think we are fucked.
Look at how much money is being dumped into global warming. No facts, no proof, and certainly no logical ideas for a way out. The same people that believe the world goes from ice age to heat wave, back to ice age. Believes that now humans are the cause of the planet going into a heat wave. None of it makes sense. This is for a reason. When you scare the public into believing they need the government to protect them, especially from extinction. The public ultimately forfeits it's rights and it's pocket book! Just look at all the rights we gave up after 9/11, but hey it was all for the means of our own protection, right?

The worse part of it all, this environmental spending (wasting money) hasn't changed anything at all. We've been wasting tax money on t for what, 15 years or more? Where is the benefit? I still keep reading and hearing that it keeps getting worse instead of better, after a few billion dollars waste (probably more) shouldn't there already be at least a small improvement?

I am all for investing in the future of our species ... but only if it's sound, based on hard science, and has some sort of benefit. Otherwise, it's just a waste and someone is cashing in on that *cough*Al Gore*cough*.
I am sure the Scientist are aware there are more than only 2 factors to GW. I am sure they know there are factors they do not even know about. So I find it questionable that they all agree it is only 2 reasons.

???? You would find their claims more credible if they weren't aware of things that might discredit it? ?????
However isn't this all mute. Isn't true that if the USA and EU both ended carbon Emissions completely that the Developing world would replace our out put in a matter of months?
Seems kinda pointless to me. Seems instead of spending time and money on fighting it, we should spend time and money on learning to live with it.
I don't think you understand
The very title of this thread of misleading. The title leads the reader to believe that 97% of Scientist believe GW is 100% man made, when of course they do not. The real debate is over how much Man contributes to it, not if they do or not, and certainly not that we do it all.

The consensus opinion of most scientists is that GW is 75% man made, 25% solar forcing.

The problem is that we keep increasing the level of CO2, so man's influence on the climate is increasing every second of every day.

According to you, and rockhead. Along with the bought and paid for studies.
The very title of this thread of misleading. The title leads the reader to believe that 97% of Scientist believe GW is 100% man made, when of course they do not. The real debate is over how much Man contributes to it, not if they do or not, and certainly not that we do it all.

The consensus opinion of most scientists is that GW is 75% man made, 25% solar forcing.

The problem is that we keep increasing the level of CO2, so man's influence on the climate is increasing every second of every day.

According to you, and rockhead. Along with the bought and paid for studies.

It does cost money to do research, you are correct.

Net anthropogenic forcing is about 1.5 W/m^2
net solar forcing is about 0.12 W/m^2

So actually anthropogenic factors account for more than 90% of GW
The consensus opinion of most scientists is that GW is 75% man made, 25% solar forcing.

The problem is that we keep increasing the level of CO2, so man's influence on the climate is increasing every second of every day.

According to you, and rockhead. Along with the bought and paid for studies.

It does cost money to do research, you are correct.

Net anthropogenic forcing is about 1.5 W/m^2
net solar forcing is about 0.12 W/m^2

So actually anthropogenic factors account for more than 90% of GW

The difference:

Normally scientists are given money for "pet projects" and their findings will always lean toward those who signed the funding checks (in this case it's Gore) so they can receive more funding from said signer. Those who are not funded by this system do NOT agree with those who are. The scientists who have private funding from non-invested parties say it's all wrong, and who should you really believe, the ones who have their checks signed by a person who is making billions off the fears of the envirnuts, or those who are just studying to study it and find solid answers? If you choose the ones that support the insanity that is environmentalism then you are choosing wrong, because they have threats that are real, and Climate Change isn't one we can do something about. All that money wasted on environnazis could be spent instead looking for solutions to real threats, like ... oh I don't know ... AIDs, Cancer, Diabetes, etc ....
According to you, and rockhead. Along with the bought and paid for studies.

It does cost money to do research, you are correct.

Net anthropogenic forcing is about 1.5 W/m^2
net solar forcing is about 0.12 W/m^2

So actually anthropogenic factors account for more than 90% of GW

The difference:

Normally scientists are given money for "pet projects" and their findings will always lean toward those who signed the funding checks (in this case it's Gore) so they can receive more funding from said signer. Those who are not funded by this system do NOT agree with those who are. The scientists who have private funding from non-invested parties say it's all wrong, and who should you really believe, the ones who have their checks signed by a person who is making billions off the fears of the envirnuts, or those who are just studying to study it and find solid answers? If you choose the ones that support the insanity that is environmentalism then you are choosing wrong, because they have threats that are real, and Climate Change isn't one we can do something about. All that money wasted on environnazis could be spent instead looking for solutions to real threats, like ... oh I don't know ... AIDs, Cancer, Diabetes, etc ....

Once again, melting glaciers, melting ice caps, and rising temperatures have NOTHING to do with who funds scientific studies.
It does cost money to do research, you are correct.

Net anthropogenic forcing is about 1.5 W/m^2
net solar forcing is about 0.12 W/m^2

So actually anthropogenic factors account for more than 90% of GW

The difference:

Normally scientists are given money for "pet projects" and their findings will always lean toward those who signed the funding checks (in this case it's Gore) so they can receive more funding from said signer. Those who are not funded by this system do NOT agree with those who are. The scientists who have private funding from non-invested parties say it's all wrong, and who should you really believe, the ones who have their checks signed by a person who is making billions off the fears of the envirnuts, or those who are just studying to study it and find solid answers? If you choose the ones that support the insanity that is environmentalism then you are choosing wrong, because they have threats that are real, and Climate Change isn't one we can do something about. All that money wasted on environnazis could be spent instead looking for solutions to real threats, like ... oh I don't know ... AIDs, Cancer, Diabetes, etc ....

Once again, melting glaciers, melting ice caps, and rising temperatures have NOTHING to do with who funds scientific studies.
Your are quite right, Chris. But, it has everything to do with what causes it. Do you comprehend that???????
CO2 increased by 40% and rising.

The effect of CO2 is getting stronger every day.
CO2 increased by 40% and rising.

The effect of CO2 is getting stronger every day.
Chris, you and rockhead are morons. You don't get it at all. You still go to those biased sites, and regurgitate the same old message. it's old, it's flawed. But, knock yourself out...you are a moron.

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