99.9% of you are not part of the capitalist class


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
If you want to defend capitalism or if you benefit from it, fine. Capitalism has produced enormous benefits for many people.

But the fact is - most of you are not really part of that class. Some of you are, sure, but the vast majority of you are not.

If the system goes down, and there are many reasons why it might, the capitalists aren't going to spare you. The thought in their minds isn't going to be "I wonder what happened to that guy in that town performing that job". Their thought will be "Great! Another one bites the dust! The world has too many people as it is, our profits are secure and we have more than enough customers!"

They aren't going to give a shit. We know that for sure, because not giving a shit is sort of the heart of capitalism.

So, that's the logical consequence of everything you believe in. Since you don't give a shit about others, you cannot expect others to give a shit about you. Whatever you suffer, whatever your fate, just accept it when the time comes. Don't expect anything from the rich, or anyone else for that matter.
If you want to defend capitalism or if you benefit from it, fine. Capitalism has produced enormous benefits for many people.

But the fact is - most of you are not really part of that class. Some of you are, sure, but the vast majority of you are not.

If the system goes down, and there are many reasons why it might, the capitalists aren't going to spare you. The thought in their minds isn't going to be "I wonder what happened to that guy in that town performing that job". Their thought will be "Great! Another one bites the dust! The world has too many people as it is, our profits are secure and we have more than enough customers!"

They aren't going to give a shit. We know that for sure, because not giving a shit is sort of the heart of capitalism.

So, that's the logical consequence of everything you believe in. Since you don't give a shit about others, you cannot expect others to give a shit about you. Whatever you suffer, whatever your fate, just accept it when the time comes. Don't expect anything from the rich, or anyone else for that matter.
Perhaps you should start with how you are defining capitalism. At its most basic, capitalism is private ownership of the means of production and profit seeking. Forms of capitalism range from Anarcho-Capitalism to Scandinavian Welfare Capitalism.
Fixed it for you...

If the system goes down, the Workers aren't going to spare you. The thought in their minds isn't going to be "I wonder what happened to that guy taking great risk to support those jobs". Their thought will be "oh well, I'll just go get a new job or go on the dole" The world has plenty of entrepreneurs as it is, our savings are secure and someone will take care of us".

Sure the entrepreneur might lose his home and have to file bankruptcy but no one gives a shit about the entrepreneur, there's always another one behind him.
I have a 401k, and quite a few others do too. Are we not also part of the capitalist class? I got a savings and checking account in a credit union, who makes loans to other people, so wouldn't anybody with a checking or savings account also be included int he capitalist class? What if I have a mortgage or I'm making payments on a car or whatever, that's capitalism too. And I got a credit card too, does that mean I'm going to hell when I die?

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