99% of school kids handcuffed by NYC police black/Latino

"In 2016, 123 blacks were killed by US police (of a total 509 people.) In contrast, 254 blacks were killed by other blacks in Chicago alone"

And guess who encouraged it?
View attachment 128478

Blacks so often seem to think that the Black Thugs who kill nearly 8,000 Blacks a year, are somehow better than the Police who try to stop them, and kill over 100 Blacks a year, many whom are in fact Black thugs.

Then they wonder why people don't take Black folk seriously?
Who doesn't "take black folks seriously?"
I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

What's your plan to stop Native Americans from going extinct?
More than half of U.S Natives marry outside their own.

One would have to be very cold blooded, to want to see the Native American vanish.

Nature can be good, or the enemy.

On one hand nature gave us life, and beauty.

On the other hand nature gave us the struggle to survive.

There's eat, or be eaten in nature.

Man is unique from Animals, that he has created his own environment of pleasure...which is good in the right doses... But, with that comes weakness.

What a mental case.

Sure, for having a realistic view of nature.


:lol: You're a dim witted child.
You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

What's your plan to stop Native Americans from going extinct?
More than half of U.S Natives marry outside their own.

One would have to be very cold blooded, to want to see the Native American vanish.

Nature can be good, or the enemy.

On one hand nature gave us life, and beauty.

On the other hand nature gave us the struggle to survive.

There's eat, or be eaten in nature.

Man is unique from Animals, that he has created his own environment of pleasure...which is good in the right doses... But, with that comes weakness.

What a mental case.

Sure, for having a realistic view of nature.


:lol: You're a dim witted child.

You're a Negro with White skin... The British long called your Irish the Negroes of Europe... Judging by your extreme stupidity, and extremely obnoxious big mouth... You're very much a White Negro.
"I don't really have to work" = Polish Nazi is a ward of the state. Makes perfect sense.
"In 2016, 123 blacks were killed by US police (of a total 509 people.) In contrast, 254 blacks were killed by other blacks in Chicago alone"

And guess who encouraged it?
View attachment 128478

Blacks so often seem to think that the Black Thugs who kill nearly 8,000 Blacks a year, are somehow better than the Police who try to stop them, and kill over 100 Blacks a year, many whom are in fact Black thugs.

Then they wonder why people don't take Black folk seriously?
Who doesn't "take black folks seriously?"

Well, about 800 X more Blacks are killed by Blacks, than by Cops... Coincidentally, they also have probably 800 X more rage when a Black is killed by Cops, than by a Black thug.

Please do explain why such attitudes deserve to be taken seriously?
Whoa! Somebody had mac n cheese on Saturday! Move over Mr. Rockefeller!

I had Mac n Cheese with Lobster, Scallops, and Shrimp.

The keywords are Lobster, Scallops, and Shrimp.

But... the point is what did you do besides mouth off all day Saturday on here?
"I don't really have to work" = Polish Nazi is a ward of the state. Makes perfect sense.

My parents have 3 pensions coming in, worth over $110,000.... Plus the money generated off of 1.2 million in mutual funds, which is like $90,000 a year.... I work part time, and make about $30,000.

Our median household income is at least $230,000 a year, myself included... But... Even without that... It would be at close to 200,000 a year... Enough to support me.

Yes... Absolutely... I largely work as a hobby... However....I do like to help pay... I do like adding to my mutual funds worth about $70,000, and fast growing.... Probably in 2 years between the money I make... The money my parents give me... I'll have like $130,000 in mutual funds.
Do you know who you remind me of? You remind me of ex vice president Dan Quayle during a televised visit to an elementary classroom where he wrestled the chalk from the hand of a 12 year old student who just wrote the word "potato" on the blackboard. Quayle, bearing all the attributes befitting his office, he cheerfully admonished the child then strode confidently forward to "correct" the"misspelled" word. His jaw jutted foward and his eyes glistened with authority as he added an "e" to the word potato. Quayle then stepped back and beamed with pride at his "good" deed. Then, placing the chalk back in the child's hand he proceeded to do the things dignitaries do when visiting elementary schoos.

Meanwhile, the child looked thoroughly embarrased and looked helplessy around the room at the other adults, probably seeking approval to correct the U.S. VP on live tv.

Now Quayle was about 42 years old back then. At that age he undoubtedly must have
seen the word potato spelled correctly many times. But for some inexplicable reason he went through life believing the word potato ended with an "e". I wonder if anyone ever told him the correct spelling of the word.

Like Quayle, you are oblivious to your ignorance. That unfavorable trait seems to occur quite frequently among RW Repub-lie-cons these days.
Just as Quayle misspelled potato while the whole world watched you've. attempted to assign several thousand unsolved homicides of black persons, which occured nationwide BTW ,
to black perps. That's a big assumption on your part. The truth is we don't know who killed those people. And your assertion that
Blacks "commited " 51% of all U.S. homicides in 2015, based on the arrest data from table 43 underlines your limited cognitive ability.
Table 3 accurately puts the known Black offender homicide rate at 36.7% of the 15, 000+ homicides for that year.

Finally...i could probably be more receptive to the notion of assigning all or most of the unknown perps of black homicides to blacks if only urban areas were involved. However, when considering those homicides from a national perspective, the spread makes other possibilities far more plausible.
Whoa! Somebody had mac n cheese on Saturday! Move over Mr. Rockefeller!

I had Mac n Cheese with Lobster, Scallops, and Shrimp....

Like Quayle, you are oblivious to your ignorance. That unfavorable trait seems to occur quite frequently among RW Repub-lie-cons these days..

I'm not really a Republican, though.

In fact I'm a registered Democrat, because I was against W Bush's war in Iraq when I registered.

While, I do support Trump's border wall, illegal immigrant deportations, and Travel ban, there's also much I don't support of Trump, like his personality, his cutting of meals on wheels, food stamps, and Obamacare.
you've. attempted to assign several thousand unsolved homicides of black persons, which occured nationwide BTW ,
to black perps. That's a big assumption on your part. The truth is we don't know who killed those people. And your assertion that
Blacks "commited " 51% of all U.S. homicides in 2015, based on the arrest data from table 43 underlines your limited cognitive ability.
Table 3 accurately puts the known Black offender homicide rate at 36.7% of the 15, 000+ homicides for that year.

Finally...i could probably be more receptive to the notion of assigning all or most of the unknown perps of black homicides to blacks if only urban areas were involved. However, when considering those homicides from a national perspective, the spread makes other possibilities far more plausible.

Polls use sample sizes much smaller than 3/4th all the time.

So, how is it not accurate?

Of course it is, we can conclude that about 51% of murderers were Black out of over 15,000.
you've. attempted to assign several thousand unsolved homicides of black persons, which occured nationwide BTW ,
to black perps. That's a big assumption on your part. The truth is we don't know who killed those people. And your assertion that
Blacks "commited " 51% of all U.S. homicides in 2015, based on the arrest data from table 43 underlines your limited cognitive ability.
Table 3 accurately puts the known Black offender homicide rate at 36.7% of the 15, 000+ homicides for that year.

Finally...i could probably be more receptive to the notion of assigning all or most of the unknown perps of black homicides to blacks if only urban areas were involved. However, when considering those homicides from a national perspective, the spread makes other possibilities far more plausible.

Polls use sample sizes much smaller than 3/4th all the time.

So, how is it not accurate?

Of course it is, we can conclude that about 51% of murderers were Black out of over 15,000.
What do polls have to do with unsolved homicides? Who are you polling, the dead bodies? That 51% of arrests. vs. 36% known black offenders for homicides means that
simply means 15% of black suspects were not verifiabe killers. Accordingly, they are innocent until proven guilty. That's one of the most sacred principles of the American justice system.

Yet, statistically curmudgeons with nefarious agendas project the race of dead bodies onto unknown killers who could, in reality, be of any. race.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost
Many White Americans seem unconcerned about fair treatment of Blacks or Hispanics by the police or their judicial system.
you've. attempted to assign several thousand unsolved homicides of black persons, which occured nationwide BTW ,
to black perps. That's a big assumption on your part. The truth is we don't know who killed those people. And your assertion that
Blacks "commited " 51% of all U.S. homicides in 2015, based on the arrest data from table 43 underlines your limited cognitive ability.
Table 3 accurately puts the known Black offender homicide rate at 36.7% of the 15, 000+ homicides for that year.

Finally...i could probably be more receptive to the notion of assigning all or most of the unknown perps of black homicides to blacks if only urban areas were involved. However, when considering those homicides from a national perspective, the spread makes other possibilities far more plausible.

Polls use sample sizes much smaller than 3/4th all the time.

So, how is it not accurate?

Of course it is, we can conclude that about 51% of murderers were Black out of over 15,000.
What do polls have to do with unsolved homicides? Who are you polling, the dead bodies? That 51% of arrests. vs. 36% known black offenders for homicides means that
simply means 15% of black suspects were not verifiabe killers. Accordingly, they are innocent until proven guilty. That's one of the most sacred principles of the American justice system.

Yet, statistically curmudgeons with nefarious agendas project the race of dead bodies onto unknown killers who could, in reality, be of any. race.

The data really does support that about 51% of murderers are Black, and a number not much lower are Black murder victims.

The sample size is most certainly big enough to conclude the whole demographic.

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