99% of school kids handcuffed by NYC police black/Latino

And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Will you admit the result is the same? And the policing problem is the same? What are you a hippie?
"He mugged and robbed that old man because society made him do it"
Does it matter WHY he did it? The cops handcuff them for a reason. You can argue being criminally inclined isnt their fault. I dont care. Nor should a cop. Cops aren't social workers. So long as the cops get the criminals I'll let the liberals take care of them at home.

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
Jesse Jackson Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993)
tehehe I am kind of a hippie :biggrin:

I just think if we would like to decrease crime we should consider the causing factors and eliminate them. Silly me.

I think that in this case, of the kids being handcuffed... there is no way that 99.9% of them should be minorities.
I have worked in low income schools/daycares/afterschool programs/coached basketball teams etc. and I can tell you these behavioral problems are much more economic than racial. The white kids acted out just as much, if not more (to get extra "street cred")
If there is such a discrepancy in kids being handcuffed it is much more likely that minority kids are being treated/punished more harshly than their white counterparts.

Your missing the point. I don't care if the thug beating people in the park and grabbing purses is doing it for economic reasons or not.
Your telling me blacks are economically and socially driven to crime tells me we need to watch blacks closer.
If you want to work on economics to preclude the next generation of blacks being criminal fine. But in the meantime public safety demands some honesty.
Or we can address the huge wealth discrepancy in America where the top 1% have nearly half the country's wealth.

Didn't LBJ do just that in the 1960's?

Yet, the murder rate increased in the 1960's.

Liberals are truly out to lunch.
Will you admit the result is the same? And the policing problem is the same? What are you a hippie?
"He mugged and robbed that old man because society made him do it"
Does it matter WHY he did it? The cops handcuff them for a reason. You can argue being criminally inclined isnt their fault. I dont care. Nor should a cop. Cops aren't social workers. So long as the cops get the criminals I'll let the liberals take care of them at home.

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
Jesse Jackson Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993)
tehehe I am kind of a hippie :biggrin:

I just think if we would like to decrease crime we should consider the causing factors and eliminate them. Silly me.


If we want to decrease crime, and the causing factors, and eliminate them.

Then obviously we have to get Blacks, and Hispanics out of our society.

"Our"? You are the anti-American who keeps squeaking about leaving but never finds the balls to actually go. WE just need to get cowardly defects like YOU out of our society.

You're way more anti-American than me.....

I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
tehehe I am kind of a hippie :biggrin:

I just think if we would like to decrease crime we should consider the causing factors and eliminate them. Silly me.


If we want to decrease crime, and the causing factors, and eliminate them.

Then obviously we have to get Blacks, and Hispanics out of our society.

"Our"? You are the anti-American who keeps squeaking about leaving but never finds the balls to actually go. WE just need to get cowardly defects like YOU out of our society.

You're way more anti-American than me.....

I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?
If we want to decrease crime, and the causing factors, and eliminate them.

Then obviously we have to get Blacks, and Hispanics out of our society.

"Our"? You are the anti-American who keeps squeaking about leaving but never finds the balls to actually go. WE just need to get cowardly defects like YOU out of our society.

You're way more anti-American than me.....

I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

What's your plan to stop Native Americans from going extinct?
More than half of U.S Natives marry outside their own.

One would have to be very cold blooded, to want to see the Native American vanish.

Nature can be good, or the enemy.

On one hand nature gave us life, and beauty.

On the other hand nature gave us the struggle to survive.

There's eat, or be eaten in nature.

Man is unique from Animals, that he has created his own environment of pleasure...which is good in the right doses... But, with that comes weakness.
Last edited:
If we want to decrease crime, and the causing factors, and eliminate them.

Then obviously we have to get Blacks, and Hispanics out of our society.

"Our"? You are the anti-American who keeps squeaking about leaving but never finds the balls to actually go. WE just need to get cowardly defects like YOU out of our society.

You're way more anti-American than me.....

I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

Poverty is nature... The White man invented technology to make his life easier.

You must hate nature, if you wish to eradicate poverty.
That site admits in 2015 51% of those arrested of murder were Black, and that there were over 15,000 murders in 2015.

Therefor we can include that the number of Black murders is closer to 8,000.
Did you say ARRESTS? Arrests don't equate to the number of convictions or actual murders commited by blacks within within that 15000 total. You need to find the actual number of known black homicide offenders
as stipulated in table.3. We dont want to confuse the arrest rate with the homicide rate. that won't match.
Hey...where did you go? Come on back and give me credit for all the knowledge I have given you.... Here is that table 3 data you should have found by now...

View attachment 128159

About 1/3rd of those murderers are unknown, but from what we know 51% of murderers were Black, so most likely the number of Black murderers is actually about 8,000, rather than 5,000 which are just in the "Known" category.
What is it about unknown that you don't understand? Just because a black corpse is found doesn't mean another black did it. I wouldn't be surprised if racist cops were committing some of the unsolved murders.
The Aryan Brotherhood and other supremacists could be responsible for a good share too..
Pondering the myriad possibilities surrounding the "unknown" dynamic, I am reluctant to place full liability at the feet of the Black community.
Also, taking note of your reintroduction of the 51% arrest stat of Black murder suspects, I admit to being disappointed by your failure to grasp the sordid implications.To me, and any reasonable person, tha. t percentage shows that the cops arrested a lot of innocent people or did not have enough evidence to convict.

About 3/4th of the murderers are known, and 51% of them are Black.

Therefor we can conclude the other 1/3rd of the other murderers are also roughly 51% Black.

That's certainly more than a large enough sample size to be concluded.

Actually polls all take smaller sample sizes, and conclude the unknown.
Your cognitive dysfunction grows with every post.. Look at table 3 again and use your nose picking finger to slide along the distribution column until you see the percentage of Black male offenders.
Is that number, 51%? DAMMIT ...NOOOOO!
It isn't 51%. Tell us what you see there.
Be brave lad....be brave....go on tell us.
Did you say ARRESTS? Arrests don't equate to the number of convictions or actual murders commited by blacks within within that 15000 total. You need to find the actual number of known black homicide offenders
as stipulated in table.3. We dont want to confuse the arrest rate with the homicide rate. that won't match.
Hey...where did you go? Come on back and give me credit for all the knowledge I have given you.... Here is that table 3 data you should have found by now...

View attachment 128159

About 1/3rd of those murderers are unknown, but from what we know 51% of murderers were Black, so most likely the number of Black murderers is actually about 8,000, rather than 5,000 which are just in the "Known" category.
What is it about unknown that you don't understand? Just because a black corpse is found doesn't mean another black did it. I wouldn't be surprised if racist cops were committing some of the unsolved murders.
The Aryan Brotherhood and other supremacists could be responsible for a good share too..
Pondering the myriad possibilities surrounding the "unknown" dynamic, I am reluctant to place full liability at the feet of the Black community.
Also, taking note of your reintroduction of the 51% arrest stat of Black murder suspects, I admit to being disappointed by your failure to grasp the sordid implications.To me, and any reasonable person, tha. t percentage shows that the cops arrested a lot of innocent people or did not have enough evidence to convict.

About 3/4th of the murderers are known, and 51% of them are Black.

Therefor we can conclude the other 1/3rd of the other murderers are also roughly 51% Black.

That's certainly more than a large enough sample size to be concluded.

Actually polls all take smaller sample sizes, and conclude the unknown.
Your cognitive dysfunction grows with every post.. Look at table 3 again and use your nose picking finger to slide along the distribution column until you see the percentage of Black male offenders.
Is that number, 51%? DAMMIT ...NOOOOO!
It isn't 51%. Tell us what you see there.
Be brave lad....be brave....go on tell us.

Clear as day 51% of the recorded murderers were Black.

Table 43
You admitted you couldn't prove your claim.

ANd you did it again.

Your belief system that you can have a family without a primary bread winner and half the parents without any additional problems is delusional.

When did I say that was my "belief system," liar? You go from 0 to kindergarten really fast when caught being illogical.

You accuse me of misrepresenting your position......

Because that is what you did.

1. No, I didn't.


You most certainly did.
Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your claim?
That Black crime comes from poverty, and oppression?

Why don't you prove that claim?

The fact that the 1960's saw a massive decrease in Black poverty, and a massive increase in Black rights.... But the 1960's saw an increase in Black criminality.... Should say it all.

You demand he proves his claim, so why don't you prove yours?
"Our"? You are the anti-American who keeps squeaking about leaving but never finds the balls to actually go. WE just need to get cowardly defects like YOU out of our society.

You're way more anti-American than me.....

I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

Poverty is nature... The White man invented technology to make his life easier.

You must hate nature, if you wish to eradicate poverty.
The White man didn't invent technology son.
He just improved upon existing tech and exploited ancient scientific principles.

God is the chief innovator and Architech of all there is. Having created Black men first...in His image..by His Grace they created the first civilizations... Nimrod, son of Cush
built the first cities after the great deluge and is thought by some biblical scholars to have constructed the infamous Tower of Babel.
Now you may not accept the biblical narrative whereas ancient Blacks ruled the world at the very dawn of history. But what writers of ancient times would place them in the role of civilization builders if there was no nexus?
"Our"? You are the anti-American who keeps squeaking about leaving but never finds the balls to actually go. WE just need to get cowardly defects like YOU out of our society.

You're way more anti-American than me.....

I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

What's your plan to stop Native Americans from going extinct?
More than half of U.S Natives marry outside their own.

One would have to be very cold blooded, to want to see the Native American vanish.

Nature can be good, or the enemy.

On one hand nature gave us life, and beauty.

On the other hand nature gave us the struggle to survive.

There's eat, or be eaten in nature.

Man is unique from Animals, that he has created his own environment of pleasure...which is good in the right doses... But, with that comes weakness.
I have no plan for any race. I think everyone should marry whom they want to marry and let nature take its course.
You're way more anti-American than me.....

I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

Poverty is nature... The White man invented technology to make his life easier.

You must hate nature, if you wish to eradicate poverty.
The White man didn't invent technology son.
He just improved upon existing tech and exploited ancient scientific principles.

God is the chief innovator and Architech of all there is. Having created Black men first...in His image..by His Grace they created the first civilizations... Nimrod, son of Cush
built the first cities after the great deluge and is thought by some biblical scholars to have constructed the infamous Tower of Babel.
Now you may not accept the biblical narrative whereas ancient Blacks ruled the world at the very dawn of history. But what writers of ancient times would place them in the role of civilization builders if there was no nexus?

1.) You can't make a rational argument with God in it.

2.) Negroid's aren't the oldest race, but rather Capoid's are (The Bushman) who are most definitely a separate race from the Negroid.

3.) Ancient Europe had cities, or rather villages too, for example the Cucenti-Trypillian Culture of Ukraine - Romania, had villages older, and larger than Sumer.

4.) Ancient Middle-Easterners, and Egyptians weren't Black Negroids.

5.) The first evidence of writing, and metal smelting / copper age comes from Serbia, from the Vinca Culture.

6.) The people who invented agriculture, and buildings like Goktepe in the Near-East, had a sizable amount of Villabruna related European ancestry.
You're way more anti-American than me.....

I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

What's your plan to stop Native Americans from going extinct?
More than half of U.S Natives marry outside their own.

One would have to be very cold blooded, to want to see the Native American vanish.

Nature can be good, or the enemy.

On one hand nature gave us life, and beauty.

On the other hand nature gave us the struggle to survive.

There's eat, or be eaten in nature.

Man is unique from Animals, that he has created his own environment of pleasure...which is good in the right doses... But, with that comes weakness.
I have no plan for any race. I think everyone should marry whom they want to marry and let nature take its course.

It was natural for races, and ethnicities to prefer their own overwhelmingly... still is in a lot of cases.

But, the Liberal anti-Racists have convinced the masses otherwise, otherwise they screech, and shriek "Racist" at them.

As to why Native Americans mix a lot with non-Natives, is because they're a small group on the whole... Therefor have trouble finding mates of their own.

But, that by no means makes it right to destroy their heritage.

What you support, is no different than colonists who wanted Natives to vanish.

You simply support an evil philosophy, built on destruction of people's heritages.
Hey...where did you go? Come on back and give me credit for all the knowledge I have given you.... Here is that table 3 data you should have found by now...

View attachment 128159

About 1/3rd of those murderers are unknown, but from what we know 51% of murderers were Black, so most likely the number of Black murderers is actually about 8,000, rather than 5,000 which are just in the "Known" category.
What is it about unknown that you don't understand? Just because a black corpse is found doesn't mean another black did it. I wouldn't be surprised if racist cops were committing some of the unsolved murders.
The Aryan Brotherhood and other supremacists could be responsible for a good share too..
Pondering the myriad possibilities surrounding the "unknown" dynamic, I am reluctant to place full liability at the feet of the Black community.
Also, taking note of your reintroduction of the 51% arrest stat of Black murder suspects, I admit to being disappointed by your failure to grasp the sordid implications.To me, and any reasonable person, tha. t percentage shows that the cops arrested a lot of innocent people or did not have enough evidence to convict.

About 3/4th of the murderers are known, and 51% of them are Black.

Therefor we can conclude the other 1/3rd of the other murderers are also roughly 51% Black.

That's certainly more than a large enough sample size to be concluded.

Actually polls all take smaller sample sizes, and conclude the unknown.
Your cognitive dysfunction grows with every post.. Look at table 3 again and use your nose picking finger to slide along the distribution column until you see the percentage of Black male offenders.
Is that number, 51%? DAMMIT ...NOOOOO!
It isn't 51%. Tell us what you see there.
Be brave lad....be brave....go on tell us.

Clear as day 51% of the recorded murderers were Black.

Table 43
You poor THANG! Truly you reflect the mentality of a self righteous dunce. Just like president #45.
I asked you to go to table 3...not 43.

You really don't understand the difference between the arrest data in table 43A and the
data in table 3 showing the number and percentage of actual known offenders. Sad!
You remind me of Trump. He is stumbling around the middle east armed with a foreign policy agenda formulated by listening to Fox News and Breitbart. You come here with a mind prejudiced by extreme RW propaganda doing everything you can to avoid or dilute the facts presented to You.
About 1/3rd of those murderers are unknown, but from what we know 51% of murderers were Black, so most likely the number of Black murderers is actually about 8,000, rather than 5,000 which are just in the "Known" category.
What is it about unknown that you don't understand? Just because a black corpse is found doesn't mean another black did it. I wouldn't be surprised if racist cops were committing some of the unsolved murders.
The Aryan Brotherhood and other supremacists could be responsible for a good share too..
Pondering the myriad possibilities surrounding the "unknown" dynamic, I am reluctant to place full liability at the feet of the Black community.
Also, taking note of your reintroduction of the 51% arrest stat of Black murder suspects, I admit to being disappointed by your failure to grasp the sordid implications.To me, and any reasonable person, tha. t percentage shows that the cops arrested a lot of innocent people or did not have enough evidence to convict.

About 3/4th of the murderers are known, and 51% of them are Black.

Therefor we can conclude the other 1/3rd of the other murderers are also roughly 51% Black.

That's certainly more than a large enough sample size to be concluded.

Actually polls all take smaller sample sizes, and conclude the unknown.
Your cognitive dysfunction grows with every post.. Look at table 3 again and use your nose picking finger to slide along the distribution column until you see the percentage of Black male offenders.
Is that number, 51%? DAMMIT ...NOOOOO!
It isn't 51%. Tell us what you see there.
Be brave lad....be brave....go on tell us.

Clear as day 51% of the recorded murderers were Black.

Table 43
You poor THANG! Truly you reflect the mentality of a self righteous dunce. Just like president #45.
I asked you to go to table 3...not 43.

You really don't understand the difference between the arrest data in table 43A and the
data in table 3 showing the number and percentage of actual known offenders. Sad!
You remind me of Trump. He is stumbling around the middle east armed with a foreign policy agenda formulated by listening to Fox News and Breitbart. You come here with a mind prejudiced by extreme RW propaganda doing everything you can to avoid or dilute the facts presented to You.

Uh, your table 3 shows only the "Known offenders" vs the "Unknown offenders" and obviously puts the % of Black known offenders up against all offenders, including unknown.

You say that it is I who suffer from cognitive dysfunction? That's frigging hilarious.
I am pro-America. You have declared your desire to abandon America - you're just too much of a pussy to go through with it - and you have proven that you do not understand America.

You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

Poverty is nature... The White man invented technology to make his life easier.

You must hate nature, if you wish to eradicate poverty.
The White man didn't invent technology son.
He just improved upon existing tech and exploited ancient scientific principles.

God is the chief innovator and Architech of all there is. Having created Black men first...in His image..by His Grace they created the first civilizations... Nimrod, son of Cush
built the first cities after the great deluge and is thought by some biblical scholars to have constructed the infamous Tower of Babel.
Now you may not accept the biblical narrative whereas ancient Blacks ruled the world at the very dawn of history. But what writers of ancient times would place them in the role of civilization builders if there was no nexus?

1.) You can't make a rational argument with God in it.

2.) Negroid's aren't the oldest race, but rather Capoid's are (The Bushman) who are most definitely a separate race from the Negroid.

3.) Ancient Europe had cities, or rather villages too, for example the Cucenti-Trypillian Culture of Ukraine - Romania, had villages older, and larger than Sumer.

4.) Ancient Middle-Easterners, and Egyptians weren't Black Negroids.

5.) The first evidence of writing, and metal smelting / copper age comes from Serbia, from the Vinca Culture.

6.) The people who invented agriculture, and buildings like Goktepe in the Near-East, had a sizable amount of Villabruna related European ancestry.
Aww shut up. Even You descended from Black Africans...end of story...
BTW, that answer is to end Compulsory Education.

Let those who don't want to be there, stop coming, boot out the trouble makers too stupid to stop wasting everyone else's time...

And watch the schools improve in weeks.

And watch crime and welfare dependency increase in months.

One of the primary factors in adolescent misbehavior is the frustrated desire to be treated as an adult.

So, start treating them as adults, let them get jobs, and start contributing to society.

This alone could straighten out many of them.

And those that use the time to commit more crime, they can end up in prison sooner, where they were headed anyways.

And we stop wasting money trying to make a horse drink water while clearing the path for those that do.

What experience or training informs these OPINIONS?

On the subject of adolescent psychology, I am a reasonably well read lay person.

Of course, I am not asking your to defer to my Authority on the subject.

My ideas stand or fall on their own merits.


In other words, NOTHING.
You seek for the demographics of America to be altered, therefor you're no friend of America.
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

Poverty is nature... The White man invented technology to make his life easier.

You must hate nature, if you wish to eradicate poverty.
The White man didn't invent technology son.
He just improved upon existing tech and exploited ancient scientific principles.

God is the chief innovator and Architech of all there is. Having created Black men first...in His image..by His Grace they created the first civilizations... Nimrod, son of Cush
built the first cities after the great deluge and is thought by some biblical scholars to have constructed the infamous Tower of Babel.
Now you may not accept the biblical narrative whereas ancient Blacks ruled the world at the very dawn of history. But what writers of ancient times would place them in the role of civilization builders if there was no nexus?

1.) You can't make a rational argument with God in it.

2.) Negroid's aren't the oldest race, but rather Capoid's are (The Bushman) who are most definitely a separate race from the Negroid.

3.) Ancient Europe had cities, or rather villages too, for example the Cucenti-Trypillian Culture of Ukraine - Romania, had villages older, and larger than Sumer.

4.) Ancient Middle-Easterners, and Egyptians weren't Black Negroids.

5.) The first evidence of writing, and metal smelting / copper age comes from Serbia, from the Vinca Culture.

6.) The people who invented agriculture, and buildings like Goktepe in the Near-East, had a sizable amount of Villabruna related European ancestry.
Aww shut up. Even You descended from Black Africans...end of story...

1.) Europeans on arrival were like Europeans by DNA, rather than Africans, for example Kostenki Man 36,000 years ago out of Russia had DNA much like modern Europeans.

Eurogenes Blog: Kostenki14: first genome of an Upper Paleolithic European

2.) Ancient Africans had very high cranial capacities, especially the ones in South Africa called Boskops.

Boskop Man - Wikipedia

Now, the Bushman South Africans have the World's smallest cranial capacities.

I personally suspect from such information having a small brain is actually a dominant trait.

We know that there is some correlation between brain size, and IQ.

Therefor it becomes more alarming, to why we need to combat the dumbing down of Humanity.
What is it about unknown that you don't understand? Just because a black corpse is found doesn't mean another black did it. I wouldn't be surprised if racist cops were committing some of the unsolved murders.
The Aryan Brotherhood and other supremacists could be responsible for a good share too..
Pondering the myriad possibilities surrounding the "unknown" dynamic, I am reluctant to place full liability at the feet of the Black community.
Also, taking note of your reintroduction of the 51% arrest stat of Black murder suspects, I admit to being disappointed by your failure to grasp the sordid implications.To me, and any reasonable person, tha. t percentage shows that the cops arrested a lot of innocent people or did not have enough evidence to convict.

About 3/4th of the murderers are known, and 51% of them are Black.

Therefor we can conclude the other 1/3rd of the other murderers are also roughly 51% Black.

That's certainly more than a large enough sample size to be concluded.

Actually polls all take smaller sample sizes, and conclude the unknown.
Your cognitive dysfunction grows with every post.. Look at table 3 again and use your nose picking finger to slide along the distribution column until you see the percentage of Black male offenders.
Is that number, 51%? DAMMIT ...NOOOOO!
It isn't 51%. Tell us what you see there.
Be brave lad....be brave....go on tell us.

Clear as day 51% of the recorded murderers were Black.

Table 43
You poor THANG! Truly you reflect the mentality of a self righteous dunce. Just like president #45.
I asked you to go to table 3...not 43.

You really don't understand the difference between the arrest data in table 43A and the
data in table 3 showing the number and percentage of actual known offenders. Sad!
You remind me of Trump. He is stumbling around the middle east armed with a foreign policy agenda formulated by listening to Fox News and Breitbart. You come here with a mind prejudiced by extreme RW propaganda doing everything you can to avoid or dilute the facts presented to You.

Uh, your table 3 shows only the "Known offenders" vs the "Unknown offenders" and obviously puts the % of Black known offenders up against all offenders, including unknown.

You say that it is I who suffer from cognitive dysfunction? That's frigging hilarious.
Naw...you are just a recalcitrant moron...heh heh heh!
Demographics alter naturally. Is nature your enemy?

Poverty is nature... The White man invented technology to make his life easier.

You must hate nature, if you wish to eradicate poverty.
The White man didn't invent technology son.
He just improved upon existing tech and exploited ancient scientific principles.

God is the chief innovator and Architech of all there is. Having created Black men first...in His image..by His Grace they created the first civilizations... Nimrod, son of Cush
built the first cities after the great deluge and is thought by some biblical scholars to have constructed the infamous Tower of Babel.
Now you may not accept the biblical narrative whereas ancient Blacks ruled the world at the very dawn of history. But what writers of ancient times would place them in the role of civilization builders if there was no nexus?

1.) You can't make a rational argument with God in it.

2.) Negroid's aren't the oldest race, but rather Capoid's are (The Bushman) who are most definitely a separate race from the Negroid.

3.) Ancient Europe had cities, or rather villages too, for example the Cucenti-Trypillian Culture of Ukraine - Romania, had villages older, and larger than Sumer.

4.) Ancient Middle-Easterners, and Egyptians weren't Black Negroids.

5.) The first evidence of writing, and metal smelting / copper age comes from Serbia, from the Vinca Culture.

6.) The people who invented agriculture, and buildings like Goktepe in the Near-East, had a sizable amount of Villabruna related European ancestry.
Aww shut up. Even You descended from Black Africans...end of story...

1.) Europeans on arrival were like Europeans by DNA, rather than Africans, for example Kostenki Man 36,000 years ago out of Russia had DNA much like modern Europeans.

Eurogenes Blog: Kostenki14: first genome of an Upper Paleolithic European

2.) Ancient Africans had very high cranial capacities, especially the ones in South Africa called Boskops.

Boskop Man - Wikipedia

Now, the Bushman South Africans have the World's smallest cranial capacities.

I personally suspect from such information having a small brain is actually a dominant trait.

We know that there is some correlation between brain size, and IQ.

Therefor it becomes more alarming, to why we need to combat the dumbing down of Humanity.

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