99% of school kids handcuffed by NYC police black/Latino

An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Police are stationed in pub schools in much of ny and definitely in NYC. Where I live in NY public schools all have police and metal detectors at the door. No one is calling the police on these kids.

So why the handcuffing of only minorities? Maybe they need to be put in handcuffs. This is something fairly new, since when I was growing up schools were mostly segregated, and a white parent would have been out of his mind to send his kid to a mostly colored school. Those schools were too dangerous.
Well it's no longer segregated and African Americans make up a much smaller part of the population than whites. This type of discrepancy is unbelievable.

Your posts prove how racist the north is in the year 2017

An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Police are stationed in pub schools in much of ny and definitely in NYC. Where I live in NY public schools all have police and metal detectors at the door. No one is calling the police on these kids.

So why the handcuffing of only minorities? Maybe they need to be put in handcuffs. This is something fairly new, since when I was growing up schools were mostly segregated, and a white parent would have been out of his mind to send his kid to a mostly colored school. Those schools were too dangerous.
Well it's no longer segregated and African Americans make up a much smaller part of the population than whites. This type of discrepancy is unbelievable.

Your posts prove how racist the north is in the year 2017


According to this study based off Google searches the north east and the South are more prone to racism than the West coast

The most racist places in America, according to Google
In Black and Hispanic NYC neighborhoods they should hold school classes right at the jail.

Save the environment!
Yea why even bother. Birth em, jail em. Were not far off from that now right?
Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Police are stationed in pub schools in much of ny and definitely in NYC. Where I live in NY public schools all have police and metal detectors at the door. No one is calling the police on these kids.

So why the handcuffing of only minorities? Maybe they need to be put in handcuffs. This is something fairly new, since when I was growing up schools were mostly segregated, and a white parent would have been out of his mind to send his kid to a mostly colored school. Those schools were too dangerous.
Well it's no longer segregated and African Americans make up a much smaller part of the population than whites. This type of discrepancy is unbelievable.

Your posts prove how racist the north is in the year 2017


According to this study based off Google searches the north east and the South are more prone to racism than the West coast

The most racist places in America, according to Google

Reality can't be learned on the internet. Most of the media, including google, is slanted towards mass immigration of the poor, unskilled, and not too likely to assimilate. They never explain how this helps us. It doesn't. Many are afraid to question this because they might be called racist, islamaphobe, this phobe, that phobe. Same with the blacks. If you don't want your kids to go to the schools they go to, and risk getting beat up, you're a racist, not a practical person. A bunch of black thugs took over a bart train in california last week, robbing customers. The media said 'teenagers' took over the train. The cell phones showed black men doing the violence. Why this media blackout of what's going on in this country? Why are the ruling elite pushing for having poor dark skinned minorities and muslims overpopulate this country?
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An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Sounds about right. Police doing a fine job

According to this study based off Google searches the north east and the South are more prone to racism than the West coast

The most racist places in America, according to Google
You mean, like where the blacks are?


Why are New York Jews so fucking stupid?
Whatever you do, do not question american society. It's those damn kids.
Yes, attack Americans (except black or Latino or Jewish or Asian Americans) when black or Latino children misbehave because

  1. kids become studious when they learn it's not their fault they misbehave
  2. blaming society encourages sperm donors to become fathers
  3. black and Latino children don't misbehave any more than any other children. Teachers call the cops because they are turned on by men in uniform
  4. white teachers are Americans so they deserve to be attacked (except the black, Latino, Jewish, or Asian teachers)
If only you could own folk again.
The only folk I've ever owned is you on this message board. <blows the smoke off the barrel, spins gun on finger, slides it deftly into the holster>
Ah, another self-declared victor on an anonymous chat board.
Police are stationed in pub schools in much of ny and definitely in NYC. Where I live in NY public schools all have police and metal detectors at the door. No one is calling the police on these kids.

So why the handcuffing of only minorities? Maybe they need to be put in handcuffs. This is something fairly new, since when I was growing up schools were mostly segregated, and a white parent would have been out of his mind to send his kid to a mostly colored school. Those schools were too dangerous.
Well it's no longer segregated and African Americans make up a much smaller part of the population than whites. This type of discrepancy is unbelievable.

Your posts prove how racist the north is in the year 2017


According to this study based off Google searches the north east and the South are more prone to racism than the West coast

The most racist places in America, according to Google

Reality can't be learned on the internet. Most of the media, including google, is slanted towards mass immigration of the poor, unskilled, and not too likely to assimilate. They never explain how this helps us. It doesn't. Many are afraid to question this because they might be called racist, islamaphobe, this phobe, that phobe. Same with the blacks. If you don't want your kids to go to the schools they go to, and risk getting beat up, you're a racist, not a practical person. A bunch of black thugs took over a bart train in california last week, robbing customers. The media said 'teenagers' took over the train. The cell phones showed black men doing the violence. Why this media blackout of what's going on in this country? Why are the ruling elite pushing for having poor dark skinned minorities and muslims overpopulate this country?


An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost
They need to put the parents in cuffs, too, until they teach their kids to behave.
Some of those parents that have made their children behave and they were handcuffed or chastised for making their children obey instead. Remember her> Baton Rouge mother should be praised, not arrested for punishing 3 sons caught burglarizing a house
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost
They need to put the parents in cuffs, too, until they teach their kids to behave.

you mean parent, mom usually.
In my predominantly white small city (9K population) there are no metal detectors at the grade, middle, or high school doors. In the twenty years we've been active in various parental school activities and whatnot I've never heard of the police ever being summoned to the schools for any reason. There has never been a drive-by shooting in our community, two rival gang members shooting it out in the streets, groups of students fighting in hallways, cafeteria, or outside on school grounds or anywhere else in the community. Why is this?

Now, just a couple of miles away is a bigger city (200K) with schools and neighborhoods with many blacks and Hispanics where all of the above mentioned activities happen with regularity. Why is this?
In my predominantly white small city (9K population) there are no metal detectors at the grade, middle, or high school doors. In the twenty years we've been active in various parental school activities and whatnot I've never heard of the police ever being summoned to the schools for any reason. There has never been a drive-by shooting in our community, two rival gang members shooting it out in the streets, groups of students fighting in hallways, cafeteria, or outside on school grounds or anywhere else in the community. Why is this?

Now, just a couple of miles away is a bigger city (200K) with schools and neighborhoods with many blacks and Hispanics where all of the above mentioned activities happen with regularity. Why is this?

That's why.
Inner cities usually have pockets of low income neighborhoods. When people can't make enough money to live- survival kicks in. The financial divide is growing and it is the worst it has been in a century. Living below the poverty line breeds crime and violence. Not just in minorities but also in whites in the same low income areas.
You live in a nice cozy little town. Do you have a severe problem with poverty in your cozy little town or is everyone pretty much okay financially?
Unless you actually live in or teach in these neighborhoods, etc., you won't believe how out of control and violent these feral kids really can be. Much of America is a warzone.

If they want the police out, fine! But then they'll just shoot each other.

See, that's the thing, blacks and hispanics. You want whitey out of your life? Then go without police, electricity, sewage, schools, hospitals, etc. Who needs those anyway? I got my bitches and weed and low rider and guns and gangsta rap. Life is good, sheeeeiiit. And I blow you away motha, cause Im a real badass.
Police are stationed in pub schools in much of ny and definitely in NYC. Where I live in NY public schools all have police and metal detectors at the door. No one is calling the police on these kids.

Sounds like you folks created yourselves a wonderful place to live.
Police are stationed in pub schools in much of ny and definitely in NYC. Where I live in NY public schools all have police and metal detectors at the door. No one is calling the police on these kids.

Sounds like you folks created yourselves a wonderful place to live.
I'd rather have secured schools.
Think about it... a building full of kids away from their parents. People shouldn't just be able to walk in through out the day.. They should be checked and made sure they aren't a threat to those kids.

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