99% of school kids handcuffed by NYC police black/Latino

An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Yeah? Show us video of white students attacking each other and teachers. I can show you dozens if not hundreds of videos where black and hispanic thugs do that. Not the good kids mind you, just the thugs. They give everyone else a bad name because of their actions.

Weren't you the one who said "Racists are stupid"?....

They are.

James Watson, Francis Crick, and even Dawkins all have expressed anti-Egalitarian views on race.

These are some huge intellectuals of our times.

I'd imagine that there's many of them, actually.

But, they are afraid of being practically crucified like they did to James Watson.
Unless you actually live in or teach in these neighborhoods, etc., you won't believe how out of control and violent these feral kids really can be. .....

You're talking out your ass.

What's your explanation to why Asians had higher poverty rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC, but much lower crime rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC?

Could it have something to do with Blacks having higher levels of the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A, and Hispanics having higher levels of the 7 repeating allele of D4DR?

2 genes linked to increased impulsivity, and criminality, which each of these genes are actually found in Asians at the lowest of all races.

Could it be you have been reading stormfront and violating your Lombroso doll again?

Code rage: The "warrior gene" makes me mad! (Whether I have it or not)

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.
Unless you actually live in or teach in these neighborhoods, etc., you won't believe how out of control and violent these feral kids really can be. .....

You're talking out your ass.

What's your explanation to why Asians had higher poverty rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC, but much lower crime rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC?

Could it have something to do with Blacks having higher levels of the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A, and Hispanics having higher levels of the 7 repeating allele of D4DR?

2 genes linked to increased impulsivity, and criminality, which each of these genes are actually found in Asians at the lowest of all races.

Could it be you have been reading stormfront and violating your Lombroso doll again?

Code rage: The "warrior gene" makes me mad! (Whether I have it or not)

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.
You're talking out your ass.

What's your explanation to why Asians had higher poverty rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC, but much lower crime rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC?

Could it have something to do with Blacks having higher levels of the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A, and Hispanics having higher levels of the 7 repeating allele of D4DR?

2 genes linked to increased impulsivity, and criminality, which each of these genes are actually found in Asians at the lowest of all races.

Could it be you have been reading stormfront and violating your Lombroso doll again?

Code rage: The "warrior gene" makes me mad! (Whether I have it or not)

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

You're obviously an extreme Individualist, and can't grasp important collectives.

Like if an Ethiopian collective leads to an Ethiopia, then that's something that should be avoided, no?

You can't possibly blame the conditions of Ethiopia on colonization, because they weren't colonized.

Many people who were brutalized, or colonized in the 20th century are way ahead of Ethiopia in terms of wealth, intelligence, and in low murder rates.... China, and Poland are 2 great examples.

By your egalitarian views shouldn't China, and Poland be far behind Ethiopia,. no?
You're talking out your ass.

What's your explanation to why Asians had higher poverty rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC, but much lower crime rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC?

Could it have something to do with Blacks having higher levels of the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A, and Hispanics having higher levels of the 7 repeating allele of D4DR?

2 genes linked to increased impulsivity, and criminality, which each of these genes are actually found in Asians at the lowest of all races.

Could it be you have been reading stormfront and violating your Lombroso doll again?

Code rage: The "warrior gene" makes me mad! (Whether I have it or not)

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

Calling me a name is not supporting your position. It is revealing that you yourself know you are incapable of answer the question.

If there are factors the effect different groups differently causing problems, ignoring them won't make the problem go away, it will only allow the problem to fester, killing and destroying.
What's your explanation to why Asians had higher poverty rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC, but much lower crime rates than Blacks, and Hispanics in NYC?

Could it have something to do with Blacks having higher levels of the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A, and Hispanics having higher levels of the 7 repeating allele of D4DR?

2 genes linked to increased impulsivity, and criminality, which each of these genes are actually found in Asians at the lowest of all races.

Could it be you have been reading stormfront and violating your Lombroso doll again?

Code rage: The "warrior gene" makes me mad! (Whether I have it or not)

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

You're obviously an extreme Individualist, and can't grasp important collectives.


Commie scum. No wonder why you Poles seemed to enjoy taking it up the ass from the USSR for so long.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
Could it be you have been reading stormfront and violating your Lombroso doll again?

Code rage: The "warrior gene" makes me mad! (Whether I have it or not)

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.


That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

You're obviously an extreme Individualist, and can't grasp important collectives.


Commie scum. No wonder why you Poles seemed to enjoy taking it up the ass from the USSR for so long.

Unkotare can't address points, and just mocks people, this time mocking an ethnicity, the Polish ethnicity.

The Nazis, and Soviets had killed much of the Polish soldiers during WW2, the remainder Poles were killed, or imprisoned by Soviet Jew Jakub Berman.

In the end the majority of Polish warriors who would have opposed the Soviet Union were either killed, or locked up.

But, some Poles fought the Soviets as Cursed Soldiers.

Polish Solidarity, and Polish Ryszard Kuklinski really helped dismantle the Soviet Union.
Could it be you have been reading stormfront and violating your Lombroso doll again?

Code rage: The "warrior gene" makes me mad! (Whether I have it or not)

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

You're obviously an extreme Individualist, and can't grasp important collectives.


Commie scum. No wonder why you Poles seemed to enjoy taking it up the ass from the USSR for so long.
Could it be you have been reading stormfront and violating your Lombroso doll again?

Code rage: The "warrior gene" makes me mad! (Whether I have it or not)

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

You're obviously an extreme Individualist, and can't grasp important collectives.


Commie scum. No wonder why you Poles seemed to enjoy taking it up the ass from the USSR for so long.

Why did Native Americans, and Black slaves live so long under the thumb of the U.S.A?

Do you also think they enjoyed taking it up the ass from White America?
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.
Damn. Only 1% of the problems were white kids then. Remarkable, must be the upbringing.
Could it be you have been reading stormfront and violating your Lombroso doll again?

Code rage: The "warrior gene" makes me mad! (Whether I have it or not)

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

You're obviously an extreme Individualist, and can't grasp important collectives.


Commie scum. No wonder why you Poles seemed to enjoy taking it up the ass from the USSR for so long.

You've obviously not met many Poles online, or in person.... Because most of them are anti-Communist.

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

You're obviously an extreme Individualist, and can't grasp important collectives.


Commie scum. No wonder why you Poles seemed to enjoy taking it up the ass from the USSR for so long.

Why did Native Americans, and Black slaves live so long under the thumb of the U.S.A?

Do you also think they enjoyed taking it up the ass from White America?

The shame is just burning right into you, huh Polish Nazi?

Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

You're obviously an extreme Individualist, and can't grasp important collectives.


Commie scum. No wonder why you Poles seemed to enjoy taking it up the ass from the USSR for so long.

You've obviously not met many Poles online, or in person.... Because most of them are anti-Communist.

There you go again failing logic.
Your inability to even address, let alone explain the differences in behavior is making him look like the reasonable one.

That's because you are as stupid as he is. You liberals don't seem capable of judging people as individuals. You're so caught up in your communal thinking that you can't see anything else.

You're obviously an extreme Individualist, and can't grasp important collectives.


Commie scum. No wonder why you Poles seemed to enjoy taking it up the ass from the USSR for so long.

Why did Native Americans, and Black slaves live so long under the thumb of the U.S.A?

Do you also think they enjoyed taking it up the ass from White America?

The shame is just burning right into you, huh Polish Nazi?

Poles fought the Soviets after WW1, with such embarrassing defeats for Soviets as the Battle of Komarow in 1920, where 1,700 Poles beat 17,500 Soviet forces.

Polish Ryszard Kuklinski exposed Soviet secrets to the U.S.A. helping to limit Soviet power.

Polish Lech Walesa's Polish Solidarity bought shockwaves through the Soviet Union.

Polish Zbigniew Brzezinski helped engineer the Afghan - Soviet war.

Ultimately as Soviets admitted they couldn't deal with Polish-Solidarity, because they were dealing with Afghanistan.

This was all instrumental in collapsing the Soviet Union.
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An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?

You're right, I have no desire to "understand" an ideology such as yours, it's pathological, it is intended to divide "the people", and it was fed to you. Turn off your televion and radio, then go out an experience life in the real world among your fellow human beings. It's going to be very difficult for you because you have all these predetermined labels. It may prove to be utterly impossible, turns out that way for some.

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