99% of school kids handcuffed by NYC police black/Latino

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression

There's some White people, who will laugh at you for you thinking this.

Many Ukrainians would for eample.

Ukraine experienced far worse systematic oppression, and is far poorer than African Americans are.

While, Ukraine's murder rate is quite high for a White nation, it's still about 4 x lower than the African American murder rate/
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost
The general standard is if you aren't White the system is going to treat you and yours harsher.

But, Asian Indians in the U.S.A are now the highest income earning group in the U.S.A, they are virtually gang free, and have the same skin color as African Americans on the whole.
Haven't you heard? White pseudo scientists have dubbed them Caucasoids no matter how dark their skin color. For all intents and purposes our system accepts them as whites. We know better but pseudoscience rules.
Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression

The U.S.A in 1903 had just a 1.1 out of 100,000 murder rate.... If you don't know that's nearly 10 X lower than the murder rate 80 years later... About 4 X lower than the current murder rate in the U.S.A.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate by decade - Wikipedia

Do, you think that back then when many Americans were without indoor plumbing, electricity, or vaccines were somehow less impoverished, or were of a higher living standard?
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost
The general standard is if you aren't White the system is going to treat you and yours harsher.

But, Asian Indians in the U.S.A are now the highest income earning group in the U.S.A, they are virtually gang free, and have the same skin color as African Americans on the whole.
Haven't you heard? White pseudo scientists have dubbed them Caucasoids no matter how dark their skin color. For all intents and purposes our system accepts them as whites. We know better but pseudoscience rules.

I don't know... I'd argue the Asian Indian is in a particularly bad place for discrimination in the U.S.A.... Not only having their own Indian / Hindu stereotypes... But... They can be mistaken for Muslims, Blacks, or Latinos.

We know in Wisconsin, and Kansas.. that Indians have been killed mistaken for Muslims.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost
The general standard is if you aren't White the system is going to treat you and yours harsher.

So, the modern system treats Whites better?

Is that why much of the prejudices from the media, and Hollywood are directed at Italians, Poles, and Southern Whites?

So, the modern system treats Blacks worse?

Is that what Affirmative Action, Black History Month, the Minority Business Development Agency do?
Many Nigerian Americans are even Blacker than African Americans.... Many of them have only been here a decade, or 2.... Yet... They're way ahead of African Americans in income.

Actually the Nigerian American income is similar to that of White Americans.

Maybe because Nigerian Americans are mostly the crème of the crop of Nigeria?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Will you admit the result is the same? And the policing problem is the same? What are you a hippie?
"He mugged and robbed that old man because society made him do it"
Does it matter WHY he did it? The cops handcuff them for a reason. You can argue being criminally inclined isnt their fault. I dont care. Nor should a cop. Cops aren't social workers. So long as the cops get the criminals I'll let the liberals take care of them at home.

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
Jesse Jackson Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993)
So long as I am quoting Jesse Jackson let me throw this one in. I always laugh when I think of it..

"That's all Hymie wants to talk about is Israel. Every time you go to Hymietown that's all they want to talk about."

ha ha. Good one Jesse!
You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression

There's some White people, who will laugh at you for you thinking this.

Many Ukrainians would for eample.

Ukraine experienced far worse systematic oppression, and is far poorer than African Americans are.

While, Ukraine's murder rate is quite high for a White nation, it's still about 4 x lower than the African American murder rate/
I'd like to see your numbers on that.

As of 2015 the black American homicide perp rate stood at 11 per 100, 000.

Black. Homeycide =5173 in 2015
Black population =46, 282, 080
Rate per 100, 000=11.18825
Dayum...I thought it would be around 30 per 100, 000 to hear you haters talk.

That low assed rate doesn't even make the top 10. Compare that measly 11 points to
that 90 point rate sported by Honduras. The10th lowest homicide ratein Colombia is more than 2.5 times that of the us homies.

But let's take a look at Russia. The overall homicide rate hovers around 9 per 100k. But Russian satellites, or federal subjects, show myriad variations that suffer homicide rates as high as 33 per 100k. Take a look:
List of federal subjects of Russia by murder rate - Wikipedia
Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression

When you are getting raped keep that in mind.
Is that why much of the prejudices from the media, and Hollywood are directed at Italians, Poles, and Southern Whites?
None of those imagined wrongs have done much to close the wealth gap between Blacks and whites. The White employment rate stays well above that of Blacks as well.
So what are you losing?

Is that what Affirmative Action, Black History Month, the Minority Business Development Agency do?

My gosh, White people have the entire year to celebrate Whiteness. Nearly everything
In the media or the material world is geared towards you. Blacks get a measly month?
Sheeesh.Many of them would gladly give it back...preferring instead to meld their heroes and histories with yours as it should be.

The black help organizations you mention
are but reflections of those. started by other ethnicities or races to promote their advancement in a dominant hostile nation
Dominated by Euro-Americans....who control everything.
You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression

When you are getting raped keep that in mind.
Hmm no...most rape in this country is commited by White males.
When afro american savages fight, it is always a concern that they pull a weave out. That is alright the Chinese hair dresser can repair that. But then they assault an individual on her back with kicks, just totally sub human and no class and really deserve to be shot with a large caliber bullet. Holla if ya hear meh meh neegahs!
Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

Depends on your standard of proof.

If you want "proof" by scientific method, it can't be done because we can't isolate a population of people in laboratory conditions to "prove" it.

And that gives you a rationalization to ignore the obvious truth, that illegitimacy is the huge driver in the higher rates of dysfunction in the black and brown communities.

btw, what was your explanation for the observed difference in behavior?
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

Depends on your standard of proof.

If you want "proof" by scientific method, it can't be done ......?

Then stop talking out your ass.
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Will you admit the result is the same? And the policing problem is the same? What are you a hippie?
"He mugged and robbed that old man because society made him do it"
Does it matter WHY he did it? The cops handcuff them for a reason. You can argue being criminally inclined isnt their fault. I dont care. Nor should a cop. Cops aren't social workers. So long as the cops get the criminals I'll let the liberals take care of them at home.

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved."
Jesse Jackson Operation PUSH in Chicago (27 November 1993)
tehehe I am kind of a hippie :biggrin:

I just think if we would like to decrease crime we should consider the causing factors and eliminate them. Silly me.

I think that in this case, of the kids being handcuffed... there is no way that 99.9% of them should be minorities.
I have worked in low income schools/daycares/afterschool programs/coached basketball teams etc. and I can tell you these behavioral problems are much more economic than racial. The white kids acted out just as much, if not more (to get extra "street cred")
If there is such a discrepancy in kids being handcuffed it is much more likely that minority kids are being treated/punished more harshly than their white counterparts.
You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression

Trinidad, and Tobago, or the Bahamas are quite wealthy Black dominated nations.... Surprise, surprise, they have very high murder rates too.

But, who's systematically oppressing them, when they run these nations overwhelmingly?
You can not stay on topic can you?
Every time you are presented with a topic you don't understand, you widen the scope to include even more things you don't understand.
I have little knowledge on socio economics of trinidad.. If you have a ton of knowledge in that respect open your own Trinidad thread.

I am speaking about American economics/race relations. If you can't focus and stay on topic without erratically leaping around, how can we discuss?
You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression

There's some White people, who will laugh at you for you thinking this.

Many Ukrainians would for eample.

Ukraine experienced far worse systematic oppression, and is far poorer than African Americans are.

While, Ukraine's murder rate is quite high for a White nation, it's still about 4 x lower than the African American murder rate/
again, you need to stay on topic. Ukraine is not in the US last I checked. All countries have DIFFERENT pasts that affect their present situations. This conversation is about NYC, it is about USA. Focus or get lost.
you constantly comparing situations that are incomparable is ridiculous and counterproductive.

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