99% of school kids handcuffed by NYC police black/Latino

An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

The emperor is dressed very smartly don't you think? The system is sacred and above reproach; it must not be questioned. In the interest of this pathological endeavor, scapegoats are required so “the people” attack each other while the societal wealth extraction continues unabated. It can’t be the system or the power structure. It must be that the poor, the powerless, and the disenfranchised fucked everything up – against the wishes of the power structure. That must be it.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?

You're right, I have no desire to "understand" an ideology such as yours, it's pathological, it is intended to divide "the people", and it was fed to you. Turn off your televion and radio, then go out an experience life in the real world among your fellow human beings. It's going to be very difficult for you because you have all these predetermined labels. It may prove to be utterly impossible, turns out that way for some.

1. If you are actively trying to avoid understanding others, than don't make idiotic claims as to what they believe.

2. You assholes on the Left are the ones dividing people, with your constant race baiting and propaganda.

3. Your confusion that groups actually exist is your problem. I will not coddle you by pretending that there is any legitimacy to your pov on the existence of groups.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....
Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.
1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births
Maybe the white kids don't get as violent? It's my opinion that if cops are always coming to their schools and the kids are getting handcuffed, they probably aren't as worried about their academics as this liebermann woman wishes they were. I mean, the cops only come to school when there's a problem, right?
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

African Americans actually have incomes about 3X higher than the World average, but murder rates that are over 2X higher than the World average.
Odd how many who consider themsleves as anti-govt "conservatives" always line up up behind the enforcement arm of the corporate state without questioning anything.

1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

The out of wedlock births in Iceland are comparable to that of African Americans, but the murder rate of Iceland is actually among the World's lowest.
1. Your inability to understand the ideology of others is just your normal liberal narrow mindedness.

2. DO you seriously believe that blacks and browns do NOT have more social dysfunction than whites?
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

The out of wedlock births in Iceland are comparable to that of African Americans, but the murder rate of Iceland is actually among the World's lowest.

Iceland is a very different environment from Black America.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost

/---- White Liberals should volunteer to get handcuffed to balance the ratio just to be fair
And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

The out of wedlock births in Iceland are comparable to that of African Americans, but the murder rate of Iceland is actually among the World's lowest.

Iceland is a very different environment from Black America.

So, then there's other factors?
Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

The out of wedlock births in Iceland are comparable to that of African Americans, but the murder rate of Iceland is actually among the World's lowest.

Iceland is a very different environment from Black America.

So, then there's other factors?

And what do you think plays into those social dysfunctions. Will you argue they are born dysfunctional or will you admit that there are societal factors involved.

Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost
So what's new? Disparate treatment is par for the course in America. The general standard is if you aren't White the system is going to treat you and yours harsher.
Illegitimacy leads to dysfunction.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
An overwhelming number of all public school students placed in handcuffs by New York Police Department officers in 2016 were black or Hispanic ― a whopping 99 percent, to be exact.

NYCLU Executive Director Donna Lieberman told the New York Daily News that police action in school has a big impact on kids’ academic and emotional well-being.

“When a child is handcuffed, the child is humiliated,” Lieberman said. “It’s incompatible with the safe and supportive learning environment a school is supposed to provide."

In the report, Lieberman emphasized that the use of harsh police tactics in school “is neither necessary nor effective to keep children and staff safe.”

Despite the progress that’s been made in reducing school-based arrests in the city, 99 percent is beyond a troubling number. The figure only emphasizes the fact that black and Latinx children, who are disciplined more often and more severely throughout their years in school than white students, face an all too real school-to-prison pipeline. And too often, it puts students’ livelihoods at risk (see: 2015 assault at Spring Valley High School).

The NYCLU recommended that New York City move to limit the role of police in school discipline and “operate in a manner consistent with the best interests of children.”

99% Of Students Handcuffed In School By NYPD In 2016 Were Black Or Latinx | HuffPost
The general standard is if you aren't White the system is going to treat you and yours harsher.

But, Asian Indians in the U.S.A are now the highest income earning group in the U.S.A, they are virtually gang free, and have the same skin color as African Americans on the whole.
Illegitimacy? Care to elaborate?

Poverty causes dysfunction
Oppression causes dysfunction
Fear causes dysfunction
Lack of resources causes dysfunction

Among many many other things....

Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression
Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression

Trinidad, and Tobago, or the Bahamas are quite wealthy Black dominated nations.... Surprise, surprise, they have very high murder rates too.

But, who's systematically oppressing them, when they run these nations overwhelmingly?
Yes. THe strongest indicator for a child to have "dysfunction" is to be born out of wedlock.

Not poverty, not "oppression" whatever you mean by that, not "fear", not "lack of resources".

You forgot to include the links to your proof of this.

Didn't forget. This was pretty much settled science well before the internet became a big deal, thus...

When you try to search for this on the net, you get tons of shit on investigating details of this, such as comparing illegitimacy/crime increases during different decades, with the link between illegitimacy and crime treated as a given, not something to be supported.

Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births


While Kendall and Tamura found that more out-of-wedlock births are associated with higher subsequent crime rates over the last 45 years, they found just the opposite for years prior to 1965. In the 1940s and 1950s, small increases out-of-wedlock births actually correlated to lower subsequent murder rates.

Why did the association change? Kendall and Tamura argue that changing social attitudes toward unwed motherhood are the primary reason. In the 1940s and 1950s, social stigma against unwed mothers was intense, and as a result most pregnant couples ended up getting married—even couples who were very poorly matched. Some of those marriages would have been so bad that the children involved might have been better off—and less inclined to commit crimes as adults—if their parents had never married. So a moderate increase in out-of-wedlock births during this period meant that fewer poorly matched couples were forced to marry, thus exposing fewer children to damaging marriages.

In the 1960s and 1970s, however, social attitudes toward unwed motherhood changed rapidly and rates of out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed. Many of the marriages foregone during this period would have been relatively well-matched couples, Kendall and Tamura argue. “The children of these higher-quality matches are worse off because of their parents’ failure to marry, and have higher risks of adult criminality,” they write."

Read more at: Study: Crime rates linked to out-of-wedlock births

This doesn't prove your claim.

What's your explanation for higher Black crime rates?
Higher poverty rates due to systematic oppression

Black murder rates increased after the 1960's, going on to peak in the 1980's.

But, the 1960's due to LBJ saw a massive decrease in poverty, and a massive increase in rights for Blacks.

Actually, the other guys argument of out of wedlock births fits better.

But, as I pointed out to him, Iceland has one of the World's lowest murder rates, despite one of the World's highest out of wedlock births.

If you look for a full explanations outside of race, and genetics.... You're not really going to find it.

While, I don't deny environment can impact criminality, I certainly don't deny it.

But, the full environment criminality argument falls massively short.

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