A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Actually they did not accost him over nothing, they identified him as a man that was breaking into local homes and sought to question him. He it seems chose confrontation and attempted to take a shotgun. The cops and DA by now have reviewed the evidence including any video proof and appear at this time to believe the man and son.

No. They think he resembled someone who was committing robberies. From the article,

"Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when Gregory McMichael spotted him and thought he resembled a suspect in a string of recent break-ins."

The white guys had no right to stop him. Certainly by cutting him off several times and stopping him with a gun in hand they were harassing him. The white guys had no right to stop and question him. Go read up on citizen's arrest here,

There's nothing about what the white guys did that even remotely resembles a citizen's arrest. There was no crime being committed at the moment, nor was there a crime commited just before they saw him.
You left out the main part. He was seen fleeing a house under construction THAT DAY, just before the confrontation.

Fleeing the house under construction with what? As the dispatcher asked the 911 caller, what was he doing wrong? Was his only crime he was on premises he wasn't supposed to be on? The caller admitted the site was wide open. Furthermore, how do the two white guys know what he as doing? All Arbery did was run past them and he happened to look like someone they thought was a suspect for previous burglaries. So dial 911, right? These guys thought it was smart to go grab their guns, hop in their pickup truck and pursue this guy cutting him off several times while running? The father used to be a cop. No doubt this father was familiar with the George Zimmerman case. If for some reason Arbery did attack these guys when they got out of their truck with guns I don't blame him. But I seriously doubt it happened that way. Something was said and no doubt these guys pursued him in a very aggressive way. Their actions and lack of common sense in a situation like this led to Arbery's death. Voluntary manslaughter at least.
There is video of the attack.

Yes I've heard. But it's not public so we may never really know what happened. But, it really doesn't matter what is on that video. It's a fact that the two white guys merely saw him run by. Arbery was not breaking and entering at that moment, if he ever was that day (it was 1pm in the afternoon), nor was he attacking anyone. A neighbor told the dispatcher he was walking through a open construction area. So, as we know, Travis and his father grab their guns (Yea, that's a smart thing to do when you're not in any way shape or form being threatened) and chase Arbery down cutting him off several times in an attempt to stop him. That in itself is harassment and intimidating. The son stops and gets out of the truck with his gun. (I'm sure the son was being polite at this moment, Ha!) What the hell is Arbery supposed to think at this moment??? What happens after that is irrelevant. The two white already crossed the line and threatened Arbery. This did not resemble a citizen's arrest at all, more like a posse hunting someone down.

They claim Arbery "violently attacked" the son Travis. I highly question it's that straightforward given Arbery knew Travis had a gun. Arbery was 25, liked to stay in shape, and played football in highschool. If Arbery violently attacks, does Travis win that fight for the gun? But, what I really want to know is, how does Travis get Arbery off of him to maneuver a shotgun in position to fire two shots at Arbery. Most shotgun barrels are 18 inches or longer and are greater than 26 inches in overall length for the entire gun. Where was the father in all of this who is an ex-cop and should be trained in these situations?

This whole story stinks to high heaven. This isn't a clear cut case like Michael Brown and the whole "hands up don't shoot" lie where the cop clearly had a right to fire his weapon. This story is full of holes, bad decisions by the shooters and what appears to be prosecutors covering for an ex-cop.
The authorities saw the video and knew the shooting was justified. Your weird opinions about citizen arrests are just as irrelevant as your paranoid delusions about a cover up.
There were two of them. If all they wanted to do was talk there was no need for them to be brandishing weapons...

It was not their place to do that, and certianly not their plac e to chase the guy down to do it. They should've called the police. It's not like the guy was breaking into someone's house when they say him jogging...

If you believe, as they did, that the individual was engaging in break ins throughout the community.... yeah, I would absolute brandish a weapon. Sure.

On what authority?

You're likely one of those guns owners who probably shouldn't own guns. You're not the police, and you're not a posse. You're Joe Schmuckitelli who has no legal right to draw down on someone jogging down the road...

By that logic, then we don't know anything, and you shouldn't be complaining yet about this guy being shot.

Actually, there are things we know. We know he wasn't armed. As such, there's no reason in the world for grown men to draw down on him...

You can't sit there and just say "He was shot for no reason, and therefore it's racism", and then turn around and say "Well we don't have all the facts, so you can't make a judgement call yet".

Sorry. Those are mutually exclusive positions.

The facts we have paint a bleak picture for the white guys...

Brushes? He had a loaded firearm, at a packed high school gym.

There's no indication the gym was packed, but I understand your need for fabrication here. An empty gym just isn't as dramatic.

And that incident took place when the guy was a teenager...

You people need to make up your mind. Is bringing loaded weapons to school bad? Or should we call it "brushes" with the law, and not a big deal?

Yes, you people. People who defend criminals when criminals get killed. This guy was a criminal.

What criminal activity was he engaged in when he was shot and killed? Any prior involvement with the police is meaningless, simply because they guy who shot him wouldn't have known about any of that...

Yeah, and white people who defend criminals die all the time. It's not a race issue. It's a culture issue. As long as people defend evil, and attack the good, people will keep dying.

This guy didn't attack anyone. He was scared shitless because two racists chased him down in a pickup truck and then drew weapons on him...
He was filmed ATTACKING the son with the shotgun.

Have you seen the damn film?
I don't need to 2 competent DA's saw it and chose not to press charges.

You mean two white men said that is what happened and you believe them over a dead ni............
LOL I already linked to FBI statistics less white people kill blacks percent wise then blacks kill whites.

How many years has that been the difference, because I guarantee you whites had a 375yr jump on that category.

And isn't it telling you claim simply because a DA is white he will cover up a murder.

Are you saying that has never happened many times in this country before.
If nothing else, it would appear as though Arbery's family has a ridiculously solid grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit against McMichael...

At the very least. But with a competent lawyer and honest prosecutor I can't how this isn't voluntary manslaughter.
You seem to be omitting the fact that the perp fought for one of their guns, instead of cooperating and allowing the police to arrive. If these guys just wanted to murder him, why didn’t they just shoot him when they first saw him? Why question him? Gee, maybe because they wanted to hold him there until police arrived? Then they were attacked, and they defended themselves. Or were the armed white guys supposed to let the burglar get their guns and shoot them?

Why is it if a white man rolls up on a black man the black man has to cooperate with him.

Because he has a gun. Pretty stupid to attack someone if they have a gun and you don’t. But thugs are never smart.

So the two white men have guns the black man doesn't, but in the mind of a racist the black man is the thug. Smfh.
The black man was a thug because he was breaking into properties.

Based on what? The word of the 2 white thugs that killed him.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Actually they did not accost him over nothing, they identified him as a man that was breaking into local homes and sought to question him. He it seems chose confrontation and attempted to take a shotgun. The cops and DA by now have reviewed the evidence including any video proof and appear at this time to believe the man and son.

No. They think he resembled someone who was committing robberies. From the article,

"Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when Gregory McMichael spotted him and thought he resembled a suspect in a string of recent break-ins."

The white guys had no right to stop him. Certainly by cutting him off several times and stopping him with a gun in hand they were harassing him. The white guys had no right to stop and question him. Go read up on citizen's arrest here,

There's nothing about what the white guys did that even remotely resembles a citizen's arrest. There was no crime being committed at the moment, nor was there a crime commited just before they saw him.
You left out the main part. He was seen fleeing a house under construction THAT DAY, just before the confrontation.

Fleeing the house under construction with what? As the dispatcher asked the 911 caller, what was he doing wrong? Was his only crime he was on premises he wasn't supposed to be on? The caller admitted the site was wide open. Furthermore, how do the two white guys know what he as doing? All Arbery did was run past them and he happened to look like someone they thought was a suspect for previous burglaries. So dial 911, right? These guys thought it was smart to go grab their guns, hop in their pickup truck and pursue this guy cutting him off several times while running? The father used to be a cop. No doubt this father was familiar with the George Zimmerman case. If for some reason Arbery did attack these guys when they got out of their truck with guns I don't blame him. But I seriously doubt it happened that way. Something was said and no doubt these guys pursued him in a very aggressive way. Their actions and lack of common sense in a situation like this led to Arbery's death. Voluntary manslaughter at least.
There is video of the attack.

Yes I've heard. But it's not public so we may never really know what happened. But, it really doesn't matter what is on that video. It's a fact that the two white guys merely saw him run by. Arbery was not breaking and entering at that moment, if he ever was that day (it was 1pm in the afternoon), nor was he attacking anyone. A neighbor told the dispatcher he was walking through a open construction area. So, as we know, Travis and his father grab their guns (Yea, that's a smart thing to do when you're not in any way shape or form being threatened) and chase Arbery down cutting him off several times in an attempt to stop him. That in itself is harassment and intimidating. The son stops and gets out of the truck with his gun. (I'm sure the son was being polite at this moment, Ha!) What the hell is Arbery supposed to think at this moment??? What happens after that is irrelevant. The two white already crossed the line and threatened Arbery. This did not resemble a citizen's arrest at all, more like a posse hunting someone down.

They claim Arbery "violently attacked" the son Travis. I highly question it's that straightforward given Arbery knew Travis had a gun. Arbery was 25, liked to stay in shape, and played football in highschool. If Arbery violently attacks, does Travis win that fight for the gun? But, what I really want to know is, how does Travis get Arbery off of him to maneuver a shotgun in position to fire two shots at Arbery. Most shotgun barrels are 18 inches or longer and are greater than 26 inches in overall length for the entire gun. Where was the father in all of this who is an ex-cop and should be trained in these situations?

This whole story stinks to high heaven. This isn't a clear cut case like Michael Brown and the whole "hands up don't shoot" lie where the cop clearly had a right to fire his weapon. This story is full of holes, bad decisions by the shooters and what appears to be prosecutors covering for an ex-cop.
The authorities saw the video and knew the shooting was justified. Your weird opinions about citizen arrests are just as irrelevant as your paranoid delusions about a cover up.

Amazing that no one else has seen the video and the fact that the first DA who claims the shooting was justified recused himself after it was found out they were buddies.

Can you imagine what would have happened if 2 black men would have grabbed their guns and chased down a white man and killed him. They would be facing the Death Penalty.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Actually they did not accost him over nothing, they identified him as a man that was breaking into local homes and sought to question him. He it seems chose confrontation and attempted to take a shotgun. The cops and DA by now have reviewed the evidence including any video proof and appear at this time to believe the man and son.

No. They think he resembled someone who was committing robberies. From the article,

"Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when Gregory McMichael spotted him and thought he resembled a suspect in a string of recent break-ins."

The white guys had no right to stop him. Certainly by cutting him off several times and stopping him with a gun in hand they were harassing him. The white guys had no right to stop and question him. Go read up on citizen's arrest here,

There's nothing about what the white guys did that even remotely resembles a citizen's arrest. There was no crime being committed at the moment, nor was there a crime commited just before they saw him.
You left out the main part. He was seen fleeing a house under construction THAT DAY, just before the confrontation.

Fleeing the house under construction with what? As the dispatcher asked the 911 caller, what was he doing wrong? Was his only crime he was on premises he wasn't supposed to be on? The caller admitted the site was wide open. Furthermore, how do the two white guys know what he as doing? All Arbery did was run past them and he happened to look like someone they thought was a suspect for previous burglaries. So dial 911, right? These guys thought it was smart to go grab their guns, hop in their pickup truck and pursue this guy cutting him off several times while running? The father used to be a cop. No doubt this father was familiar with the George Zimmerman case. If for some reason Arbery did attack these guys when they got out of their truck with guns I don't blame him. But I seriously doubt it happened that way. Something was said and no doubt these guys pursued him in a very aggressive way. Their actions and lack of common sense in a situation like this led to Arbery's death. Voluntary manslaughter at least.
There is video of the attack.

Yes I've heard. But it's not public so we may never really know what happened. But, it really doesn't matter what is on that video. It's a fact that the two white guys merely saw him run by. Arbery was not breaking and entering at that moment, if he ever was that day (it was 1pm in the afternoon), nor was he attacking anyone. A neighbor told the dispatcher he was walking through a open construction area. So, as we know, Travis and his father grab their guns (Yea, that's a smart thing to do when you're not in any way shape or form being threatened) and chase Arbery down cutting him off several times in an attempt to stop him. That in itself is harassment and intimidating. The son stops and gets out of the truck with his gun. (I'm sure the son was being polite at this moment, Ha!) What the hell is Arbery supposed to think at this moment??? What happens after that is irrelevant. The two white already crossed the line and threatened Arbery. This did not resemble a citizen's arrest at all, more like a posse hunting someone down.

They claim Arbery "violently attacked" the son Travis. I highly question it's that straightforward given Arbery knew Travis had a gun. Arbery was 25, liked to stay in shape, and played football in highschool. If Arbery violently attacks, does Travis win that fight for the gun? But, what I really want to know is, how does Travis get Arbery off of him to maneuver a shotgun in position to fire two shots at Arbery. Most shotgun barrels are 18 inches or longer and are greater than 26 inches in overall length for the entire gun. Where was the father in all of this who is an ex-cop and should be trained in these situations?

This whole story stinks to high heaven. This isn't a clear cut case like Michael Brown and the whole "hands up don't shoot" lie where the cop clearly had a right to fire his weapon. This story is full of holes, bad decisions by the shooters and what appears to be prosecutors covering for an ex-cop.
The authorities saw the video and knew the shooting was justified. Your weird opinions about citizen arrests are just as irrelevant as your paranoid delusions about a cover up.

Amazing that no one else has seen the video and the fact that the first DA who claims the shooting was justified recused himself after it was found out they were buddies.

Can you imagine what would have happened if 2 black men would have grabbed their guns and chased down a white man and killed him. They would be facing the Death Penalty.
You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Actually they did not accost him over nothing, they identified him as a man that was breaking into local homes and sought to question him. He it seems chose confrontation and attempted to take a shotgun. The cops and DA by now have reviewed the evidence including any video proof and appear at this time to believe the man and son.

No. They think he resembled someone who was committing robberies. From the article,

"Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when Gregory McMichael spotted him and thought he resembled a suspect in a string of recent break-ins."

The white guys had no right to stop him. Certainly by cutting him off several times and stopping him with a gun in hand they were harassing him. The white guys had no right to stop and question him. Go read up on citizen's arrest here,

There's nothing about what the white guys did that even remotely resembles a citizen's arrest. There was no crime being committed at the moment, nor was there a crime commited just before they saw him.
You left out the main part. He was seen fleeing a house under construction THAT DAY, just before the confrontation.

Fleeing the house under construction with what? As the dispatcher asked the 911 caller, what was he doing wrong? Was his only crime he was on premises he wasn't supposed to be on? The caller admitted the site was wide open. Furthermore, how do the two white guys know what he as doing? All Arbery did was run past them and he happened to look like someone they thought was a suspect for previous burglaries. So dial 911, right? These guys thought it was smart to go grab their guns, hop in their pickup truck and pursue this guy cutting him off several times while running? The father used to be a cop. No doubt this father was familiar with the George Zimmerman case. If for some reason Arbery did attack these guys when they got out of their truck with guns I don't blame him. But I seriously doubt it happened that way. Something was said and no doubt these guys pursued him in a very aggressive way. Their actions and lack of common sense in a situation like this led to Arbery's death. Voluntary manslaughter at least.
There is video of the attack.

Yes I've heard. But it's not public so we may never really know what happened. But, it really doesn't matter what is on that video. It's a fact that the two white guys merely saw him run by. Arbery was not breaking and entering at that moment, if he ever was that day (it was 1pm in the afternoon), nor was he attacking anyone. A neighbor told the dispatcher he was walking through a open construction area. So, as we know, Travis and his father grab their guns (Yea, that's a smart thing to do when you're not in any way shape or form being threatened) and chase Arbery down cutting him off several times in an attempt to stop him. That in itself is harassment and intimidating. The son stops and gets out of the truck with his gun. (I'm sure the son was being polite at this moment, Ha!) What the hell is Arbery supposed to think at this moment??? What happens after that is irrelevant. The two white already crossed the line and threatened Arbery. This did not resemble a citizen's arrest at all, more like a posse hunting someone down.

They claim Arbery "violently attacked" the son Travis. I highly question it's that straightforward given Arbery knew Travis had a gun. Arbery was 25, liked to stay in shape, and played football in highschool. If Arbery violently attacks, does Travis win that fight for the gun? But, what I really want to know is, how does Travis get Arbery off of him to maneuver a shotgun in position to fire two shots at Arbery. Most shotgun barrels are 18 inches or longer and are greater than 26 inches in overall length for the entire gun. Where was the father in all of this who is an ex-cop and should be trained in these situations?

This whole story stinks to high heaven. This isn't a clear cut case like Michael Brown and the whole "hands up don't shoot" lie where the cop clearly had a right to fire his weapon. This story is full of holes, bad decisions by the shooters and what appears to be prosecutors covering for an ex-cop.
The authorities saw the video and knew the shooting was justified. Your weird opinions about citizen arrests are just as irrelevant as your paranoid delusions about a cover up.

Amazing that no one else has seen the video and the fact that the first DA who claims the shooting was justified recused himself after it was found out they were buddies.

Can you imagine what would have happened if 2 black men would have grabbed their guns and chased down a white man and killed him. They would be facing the Death Penalty.
You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.

Yes we need to see the video, they damn sure plastered the pictures of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown up so that's a lie.
You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.

So, are you suggesting that the black guy's past crimes are justification for Travis McMichael unloading a shotgun into him?

That must be what you're doing, because you're being a complete failure at demonstrating how anything related to this incident warranted his being killed...
If nothing else, it would appear as though Arbery's family has a ridiculously solid grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit against McMichael...

At the very least. But with a competent lawyer and honest prosecutor I can't how this isn't voluntary manslaughter.
You seem to be omitting the fact that the perp fought for one of their guns, instead of cooperating and allowing the police to arrive. If these guys just wanted to murder him, why didn’t they just shoot him when they first saw him? Why question him? Gee, maybe because they wanted to hold him there until police arrived? Then they were attacked, and they defended themselves. Or were the armed white guys supposed to let the burglar get their guns and shoot them?

Why is it if a white man rolls up on a black man the black man has to cooperate with him.

Because he has a gun. Pretty stupid to attack someone if they have a gun and you don’t. But thugs are never smart.

So the two white men have guns the black man doesn't, but in the mind of a racist the black man is the thug. Smfh.
The black man was a thug because he was breaking into properties.

There's absolutely no evidence of that.

You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.

So, are you suggesting that the black guy's past crimes are justification for Travis McMichael unloading a shotgun into him?

That must be what you're doing, because you're being a complete failure at demonstrating how anything related to this incident warranted his being killed...
I'm suggesting that few should give a rat's ass about a dead thug. You'd think by now you would have learned.
You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.

So, are you suggesting that the black guy's past crimes are justification for Travis McMichael unloading a shotgun into him?

That must be what you're doing, because you're being a complete failure at demonstrating how anything related to this incident warranted his being killed...
I'm suggesting that few should give a rat's ass about a dead thug. You'd think by now you would have learned.

Okay, I'll take that as your acknowledgement that the McMichael's had no reason to shoot and kill him.

Got it...
There were two of them. If all they wanted to do was talk there was no need for them to be brandishing weapons...

It was not their place to do that, and certianly not their plac e to chase the guy down to do it. They should've called the police. It's not like the guy was breaking into someone's house when they say him jogging...

If you believe, as they did, that the individual was engaging in break ins throughout the community.... yeah, I would absolute brandish a weapon. Sure.

On what authority?

You're likely one of those guns owners who probably shouldn't own guns. You're not the police, and you're not a posse. You're Joe Schmuckitelli who has no legal right to draw down on someone jogging down the road...

By that logic, then we don't know anything, and you shouldn't be complaining yet about this guy being shot.

Actually, there are things we know. We know he wasn't armed. As such, there's no reason in the world for grown men to draw down on him...

You can't sit there and just say "He was shot for no reason, and therefore it's racism", and then turn around and say "Well we don't have all the facts, so you can't make a judgement call yet".

Sorry. Those are mutually exclusive positions.

The facts we have paint a bleak picture for the white guys...

Brushes? He had a loaded firearm, at a packed high school gym.

There's no indication the gym was packed, but I understand your need for fabrication here. An empty gym just isn't as dramatic.

And that incident took place when the guy was a teenager...

You people need to make up your mind. Is bringing loaded weapons to school bad? Or should we call it "brushes" with the law, and not a big deal?

Yes, you people. People who defend criminals when criminals get killed. This guy was a criminal.

What criminal activity was he engaged in when he was shot and killed? Any prior involvement with the police is meaningless, simply because they guy who shot him wouldn't have known about any of that...

Yeah, and white people who defend criminals die all the time. It's not a race issue. It's a culture issue. As long as people defend evil, and attack the good, people will keep dying.

This guy didn't attack anyone. He was scared shitless because two racists chased him down in a pickup truck and then drew weapons on him...
He was filmed ATTACKING the son with the shotgun.

Have you seen the damn film?
I don't need to 2 competent DA's saw it and chose not to press charges.

You mean two white men said that is what happened and you believe them over a dead ni............

Sure. If that individual has a history of crime, which he does... yeah of course I'll believe the law abiding citizens over a criminal.

You should too.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Actually they did not accost him over nothing, they identified him as a man that was breaking into local homes and sought to question him. He it seems chose confrontation and attempted to take a shotgun. The cops and DA by now have reviewed the evidence including any video proof and appear at this time to believe the man and son.

No. They think he resembled someone who was committing robberies. From the article,

"Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when Gregory McMichael spotted him and thought he resembled a suspect in a string of recent break-ins."

The white guys had no right to stop him. Certainly by cutting him off several times and stopping him with a gun in hand they were harassing him. The white guys had no right to stop and question him. Go read up on citizen's arrest here,

There's nothing about what the white guys did that even remotely resembles a citizen's arrest. There was no crime being committed at the moment, nor was there a crime commited just before they saw him.
You left out the main part. He was seen fleeing a house under construction THAT DAY, just before the confrontation.

Fleeing the house under construction with what? As the dispatcher asked the 911 caller, what was he doing wrong? Was his only crime he was on premises he wasn't supposed to be on? The caller admitted the site was wide open. Furthermore, how do the two white guys know what he as doing? All Arbery did was run past them and he happened to look like someone they thought was a suspect for previous burglaries. So dial 911, right? These guys thought it was smart to go grab their guns, hop in their pickup truck and pursue this guy cutting him off several times while running? The father used to be a cop. No doubt this father was familiar with the George Zimmerman case. If for some reason Arbery did attack these guys when they got out of their truck with guns I don't blame him. But I seriously doubt it happened that way. Something was said and no doubt these guys pursued him in a very aggressive way. Their actions and lack of common sense in a situation like this led to Arbery's death. Voluntary manslaughter at least.
There is video of the attack.

Yes I've heard. But it's not public so we may never really know what happened. But, it really doesn't matter what is on that video. It's a fact that the two white guys merely saw him run by. Arbery was not breaking and entering at that moment, if he ever was that day (it was 1pm in the afternoon), nor was he attacking anyone. A neighbor told the dispatcher he was walking through a open construction area. So, as we know, Travis and his father grab their guns (Yea, that's a smart thing to do when you're not in any way shape or form being threatened) and chase Arbery down cutting him off several times in an attempt to stop him. That in itself is harassment and intimidating. The son stops and gets out of the truck with his gun. (I'm sure the son was being polite at this moment, Ha!) What the hell is Arbery supposed to think at this moment??? What happens after that is irrelevant. The two white already crossed the line and threatened Arbery. This did not resemble a citizen's arrest at all, more like a posse hunting someone down.

They claim Arbery "violently attacked" the son Travis. I highly question it's that straightforward given Arbery knew Travis had a gun. Arbery was 25, liked to stay in shape, and played football in highschool. If Arbery violently attacks, does Travis win that fight for the gun? But, what I really want to know is, how does Travis get Arbery off of him to maneuver a shotgun in position to fire two shots at Arbery. Most shotgun barrels are 18 inches or longer and are greater than 26 inches in overall length for the entire gun. Where was the father in all of this who is an ex-cop and should be trained in these situations?

This whole story stinks to high heaven. This isn't a clear cut case like Michael Brown and the whole "hands up don't shoot" lie where the cop clearly had a right to fire his weapon. This story is full of holes, bad decisions by the shooters and what appears to be prosecutors covering for an ex-cop.
The authorities saw the video and knew the shooting was justified. Your weird opinions about citizen arrests are just as irrelevant as your paranoid delusions about a cover up.

Amazing that no one else has seen the video and the fact that the first DA who claims the shooting was justified recused himself after it was found out they were buddies.

Can you imagine what would have happened if 2 black men would have grabbed their guns and chased down a white man and killed him. They would be facing the Death Penalty.
You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.

Yes we need to see the video, they damn sure plastered the pictures of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown up so that's a lie.
You mean all those pictures the press put out of when they were children? Yeah, i remember that dishonest shit too.
There were two of them. If all they wanted to do was talk there was no need for them to be brandishing weapons...

It was not their place to do that, and certianly not their plac e to chase the guy down to do it. They should've called the police. It's not like the guy was breaking into someone's house when they say him jogging...

If you believe, as they did, that the individual was engaging in break ins throughout the community.... yeah, I would absolute brandish a weapon. Sure.

On what authority?

You're likely one of those guns owners who probably shouldn't own guns. You're not the police, and you're not a posse. You're Joe Schmuckitelli who has no legal right to draw down on someone jogging down the road...

By that logic, then we don't know anything, and you shouldn't be complaining yet about this guy being shot.

Actually, there are things we know. We know he wasn't armed. As such, there's no reason in the world for grown men to draw down on him...

You can't sit there and just say "He was shot for no reason, and therefore it's racism", and then turn around and say "Well we don't have all the facts, so you can't make a judgement call yet".

Sorry. Those are mutually exclusive positions.

The facts we have paint a bleak picture for the white guys...

Brushes? He had a loaded firearm, at a packed high school gym.

There's no indication the gym was packed, but I understand your need for fabrication here. An empty gym just isn't as dramatic.

And that incident took place when the guy was a teenager...

You people need to make up your mind. Is bringing loaded weapons to school bad? Or should we call it "brushes" with the law, and not a big deal?

Yes, you people. People who defend criminals when criminals get killed. This guy was a criminal.

What criminal activity was he engaged in when he was shot and killed? Any prior involvement with the police is meaningless, simply because they guy who shot him wouldn't have known about any of that...

Yeah, and white people who defend criminals die all the time. It's not a race issue. It's a culture issue. As long as people defend evil, and attack the good, people will keep dying.

This guy didn't attack anyone. He was scared shitless because two racists chased him down in a pickup truck and then drew weapons on him...
He was filmed ATTACKING the son with the shotgun.

Have you seen the damn film?
I don't need to 2 competent DA's saw it and chose not to press charges.

You mean two white men said that is what happened and you believe them over a dead ni............

Sure. If that individual has a history of crime, which he does... yeah of course I'll believe the law abiding citizens over a criminal.

You should too.

Hmmm, so did they know what his record was when they took off after him with guns? Since there is nothing indicating he broke any laws I don't give a damn what his record says and of course you are going to believe what the 2 white men said happened. You always do.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Actually they did not accost him over nothing, they identified him as a man that was breaking into local homes and sought to question him. He it seems chose confrontation and attempted to take a shotgun. The cops and DA by now have reviewed the evidence including any video proof and appear at this time to believe the man and son.

No. They think he resembled someone who was committing robberies. From the article,

"Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when Gregory McMichael spotted him and thought he resembled a suspect in a string of recent break-ins."

The white guys had no right to stop him. Certainly by cutting him off several times and stopping him with a gun in hand they were harassing him. The white guys had no right to stop and question him. Go read up on citizen's arrest here,

There's nothing about what the white guys did that even remotely resembles a citizen's arrest. There was no crime being committed at the moment, nor was there a crime commited just before they saw him.
You left out the main part. He was seen fleeing a house under construction THAT DAY, just before the confrontation.

Fleeing the house under construction with what? As the dispatcher asked the 911 caller, what was he doing wrong? Was his only crime he was on premises he wasn't supposed to be on? The caller admitted the site was wide open. Furthermore, how do the two white guys know what he as doing? All Arbery did was run past them and he happened to look like someone they thought was a suspect for previous burglaries. So dial 911, right? These guys thought it was smart to go grab their guns, hop in their pickup truck and pursue this guy cutting him off several times while running? The father used to be a cop. No doubt this father was familiar with the George Zimmerman case. If for some reason Arbery did attack these guys when they got out of their truck with guns I don't blame him. But I seriously doubt it happened that way. Something was said and no doubt these guys pursued him in a very aggressive way. Their actions and lack of common sense in a situation like this led to Arbery's death. Voluntary manslaughter at least.
There is video of the attack.

Yes I've heard. But it's not public so we may never really know what happened. But, it really doesn't matter what is on that video. It's a fact that the two white guys merely saw him run by. Arbery was not breaking and entering at that moment, if he ever was that day (it was 1pm in the afternoon), nor was he attacking anyone. A neighbor told the dispatcher he was walking through a open construction area. So, as we know, Travis and his father grab their guns (Yea, that's a smart thing to do when you're not in any way shape or form being threatened) and chase Arbery down cutting him off several times in an attempt to stop him. That in itself is harassment and intimidating. The son stops and gets out of the truck with his gun. (I'm sure the son was being polite at this moment, Ha!) What the hell is Arbery supposed to think at this moment??? What happens after that is irrelevant. The two white already crossed the line and threatened Arbery. This did not resemble a citizen's arrest at all, more like a posse hunting someone down.

They claim Arbery "violently attacked" the son Travis. I highly question it's that straightforward given Arbery knew Travis had a gun. Arbery was 25, liked to stay in shape, and played football in highschool. If Arbery violently attacks, does Travis win that fight for the gun? But, what I really want to know is, how does Travis get Arbery off of him to maneuver a shotgun in position to fire two shots at Arbery. Most shotgun barrels are 18 inches or longer and are greater than 26 inches in overall length for the entire gun. Where was the father in all of this who is an ex-cop and should be trained in these situations?

This whole story stinks to high heaven. This isn't a clear cut case like Michael Brown and the whole "hands up don't shoot" lie where the cop clearly had a right to fire his weapon. This story is full of holes, bad decisions by the shooters and what appears to be prosecutors covering for an ex-cop.
The authorities saw the video and knew the shooting was justified. Your weird opinions about citizen arrests are just as irrelevant as your paranoid delusions about a cover up.

Amazing that no one else has seen the video and the fact that the first DA who claims the shooting was justified recused himself after it was found out they were buddies.

Can you imagine what would have happened if 2 black men would have grabbed their guns and chased down a white man and killed him. They would be facing the Death Penalty.
You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.

Yes we need to see the video, they damn sure plastered the pictures of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown up so that's a lie.
You mean all those pictures the press put out of when they were children? Yeah, i remember that dishonest shit too.

No I mean both of them lying on the ground with fatal gunshot wounds.
You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.

So, are you suggesting that the black guy's past crimes are justification for Travis McMichael unloading a shotgun into him?

That must be what you're doing, because you're being a complete failure at demonstrating how anything related to this incident warranted his being killed...
Did you quote the wrong person or something? You clearly arent responding to my post. Your response has nothing to do with what i said. Making up fake arguments is what inferior debaters do.
There were two of them. If all they wanted to do was talk there was no need for them to be brandishing weapons...

It was not their place to do that, and certianly not their plac e to chase the guy down to do it. They should've called the police. It's not like the guy was breaking into someone's house when they say him jogging...

If you believe, as they did, that the individual was engaging in break ins throughout the community.... yeah, I would absolute brandish a weapon. Sure.

On what authority?

You're likely one of those guns owners who probably shouldn't own guns. You're not the police, and you're not a posse. You're Joe Schmuckitelli who has no legal right to draw down on someone jogging down the road...

By that logic, then we don't know anything, and you shouldn't be complaining yet about this guy being shot.

Actually, there are things we know. We know he wasn't armed. As such, there's no reason in the world for grown men to draw down on him...

You can't sit there and just say "He was shot for no reason, and therefore it's racism", and then turn around and say "Well we don't have all the facts, so you can't make a judgement call yet".

Sorry. Those are mutually exclusive positions.

The facts we have paint a bleak picture for the white guys...

Brushes? He had a loaded firearm, at a packed high school gym.

There's no indication the gym was packed, but I understand your need for fabrication here. An empty gym just isn't as dramatic.

And that incident took place when the guy was a teenager...

You people need to make up your mind. Is bringing loaded weapons to school bad? Or should we call it "brushes" with the law, and not a big deal?

Yes, you people. People who defend criminals when criminals get killed. This guy was a criminal.

What criminal activity was he engaged in when he was shot and killed? Any prior involvement with the police is meaningless, simply because they guy who shot him wouldn't have known about any of that...

Yeah, and white people who defend criminals die all the time. It's not a race issue. It's a culture issue. As long as people defend evil, and attack the good, people will keep dying.

This guy didn't attack anyone. He was scared shitless because two racists chased him down in a pickup truck and then drew weapons on him...
He was filmed ATTACKING the son with the shotgun.

Have you seen the damn film?
I don't need to 2 competent DA's saw it and chose not to press charges.

You mean two white men said that is what happened and you believe them over a dead ni............

Sure. If that individual has a history of crime, which he does... yeah of course I'll believe the law abiding citizens over a criminal.

You should too.

Hmmm, so did they know what his record was when they took off after him with guns? Since there is nothing indicating he broke any laws I don't give a damn what his record says and of course you are going to believe what the 2 white men said happened. You always do.
All they knew was, he looked like a guy who wasnt from the neighborhood who matched the description of a possible burglar. When they confronted this man, he attacked them, thereby confirming their suspicions.
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Actually they did not accost him over nothing, they identified him as a man that was breaking into local homes and sought to question him. He it seems chose confrontation and attempted to take a shotgun. The cops and DA by now have reviewed the evidence including any video proof and appear at this time to believe the man and son.

No. They think he resembled someone who was committing robberies. From the article,

"Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when Gregory McMichael spotted him and thought he resembled a suspect in a string of recent break-ins."

The white guys had no right to stop him. Certainly by cutting him off several times and stopping him with a gun in hand they were harassing him. The white guys had no right to stop and question him. Go read up on citizen's arrest here,

There's nothing about what the white guys did that even remotely resembles a citizen's arrest. There was no crime being committed at the moment, nor was there a crime commited just before they saw him.
You left out the main part. He was seen fleeing a house under construction THAT DAY, just before the confrontation.

Fleeing the house under construction with what? As the dispatcher asked the 911 caller, what was he doing wrong? Was his only crime he was on premises he wasn't supposed to be on? The caller admitted the site was wide open. Furthermore, how do the two white guys know what he as doing? All Arbery did was run past them and he happened to look like someone they thought was a suspect for previous burglaries. So dial 911, right? These guys thought it was smart to go grab their guns, hop in their pickup truck and pursue this guy cutting him off several times while running? The father used to be a cop. No doubt this father was familiar with the George Zimmerman case. If for some reason Arbery did attack these guys when they got out of their truck with guns I don't blame him. But I seriously doubt it happened that way. Something was said and no doubt these guys pursued him in a very aggressive way. Their actions and lack of common sense in a situation like this led to Arbery's death. Voluntary manslaughter at least.
There is video of the attack.

Yes I've heard. But it's not public so we may never really know what happened. But, it really doesn't matter what is on that video. It's a fact that the two white guys merely saw him run by. Arbery was not breaking and entering at that moment, if he ever was that day (it was 1pm in the afternoon), nor was he attacking anyone. A neighbor told the dispatcher he was walking through a open construction area. So, as we know, Travis and his father grab their guns (Yea, that's a smart thing to do when you're not in any way shape or form being threatened) and chase Arbery down cutting him off several times in an attempt to stop him. That in itself is harassment and intimidating. The son stops and gets out of the truck with his gun. (I'm sure the son was being polite at this moment, Ha!) What the hell is Arbery supposed to think at this moment??? What happens after that is irrelevant. The two white already crossed the line and threatened Arbery. This did not resemble a citizen's arrest at all, more like a posse hunting someone down.

They claim Arbery "violently attacked" the son Travis. I highly question it's that straightforward given Arbery knew Travis had a gun. Arbery was 25, liked to stay in shape, and played football in highschool. If Arbery violently attacks, does Travis win that fight for the gun? But, what I really want to know is, how does Travis get Arbery off of him to maneuver a shotgun in position to fire two shots at Arbery. Most shotgun barrels are 18 inches or longer and are greater than 26 inches in overall length for the entire gun. Where was the father in all of this who is an ex-cop and should be trained in these situations?

This whole story stinks to high heaven. This isn't a clear cut case like Michael Brown and the whole "hands up don't shoot" lie where the cop clearly had a right to fire his weapon. This story is full of holes, bad decisions by the shooters and what appears to be prosecutors covering for an ex-cop.
The authorities saw the video and knew the shooting was justified. Your weird opinions about citizen arrests are just as irrelevant as your paranoid delusions about a cover up.

Amazing that no one else has seen the video and the fact that the first DA who claims the shooting was justified recused himself after it was found out they were buddies.

Can you imagine what would have happened if 2 black men would have grabbed their guns and chased down a white man and killed him. They would be facing the Death Penalty.
You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.

Yes we need to see the video, they damn sure plastered the pictures of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown up so that's a lie.
You mean all those pictures the press put out of when they were children? Yeah, i remember that dishonest shit too.

No I mean both of them lying on the ground with fatal gunshot wounds.
I dont think the police station released those pics, but hopefully the public does get to see him dead too. Maybe it will discourage some people from doing what he did.
There were two of them. If all they wanted to do was talk there was no need for them to be brandishing weapons...

It was not their place to do that, and certianly not their plac e to chase the guy down to do it. They should've called the police. It's not like the guy was breaking into someone's house when they say him jogging...

If you believe, as they did, that the individual was engaging in break ins throughout the community.... yeah, I would absolute brandish a weapon. Sure.

On what authority?

You're likely one of those guns owners who probably shouldn't own guns. You're not the police, and you're not a posse. You're Joe Schmuckitelli who has no legal right to draw down on someone jogging down the road...

By that logic, then we don't know anything, and you shouldn't be complaining yet about this guy being shot.

Actually, there are things we know. We know he wasn't armed. As such, there's no reason in the world for grown men to draw down on him...

You can't sit there and just say "He was shot for no reason, and therefore it's racism", and then turn around and say "Well we don't have all the facts, so you can't make a judgement call yet".

Sorry. Those are mutually exclusive positions.

The facts we have paint a bleak picture for the white guys...

Brushes? He had a loaded firearm, at a packed high school gym.

There's no indication the gym was packed, but I understand your need for fabrication here. An empty gym just isn't as dramatic.

And that incident took place when the guy was a teenager...

You people need to make up your mind. Is bringing loaded weapons to school bad? Or should we call it "brushes" with the law, and not a big deal?

Yes, you people. People who defend criminals when criminals get killed. This guy was a criminal.

What criminal activity was he engaged in when he was shot and killed? Any prior involvement with the police is meaningless, simply because they guy who shot him wouldn't have known about any of that...

Yeah, and white people who defend criminals die all the time. It's not a race issue. It's a culture issue. As long as people defend evil, and attack the good, people will keep dying.

This guy didn't attack anyone. He was scared shitless because two racists chased him down in a pickup truck and then drew weapons on him...
He was filmed ATTACKING the son with the shotgun.

Have you seen the damn film?
I don't need to 2 competent DA's saw it and chose not to press charges.

You mean two white men said that is what happened and you believe them over a dead ni............

Sure. If that individual has a history of crime, which he does... yeah of course I'll believe the law abiding citizens over a criminal.

You should too.

Hmmm, so did they know what his record was when they took off after him with guns? Since there is nothing indicating he broke any laws I don't give a damn what his record says and of course you are going to believe what the 2 white men said happened. You always do.
All they knew was, he looked like a guy who wasnt from the neighborhood who matched the description of a possible burglar.

So you call the police, not grab your guns chase the guy down and kill him. I guess in your mind that's of if he is black.

When they confronted this man, he attacked them, thereby confirming their suspicions.

So 2 guys roll up on you with guns what exactly was he suppose to do?
According to the police report, Gregory McMichael, who was armed with a .357 Magnum handgun, and his son Travis, who was armed with a shotgun, attempted to interrupt Arbery’s run twice. During the first attempt Travis drove down Buford Road and tried unsuccessfully to cut off Arbery with the truck, the report says. During the second attempt Arbery had been “running back in the direction from which he came,” the report said. Travis McMichael again tried to cut Arbery off with the truck without any success, according to the report.

Travis McMichael then pulled up beside Arbery and again made it known they wanted to talk, the report says. At that point, Travis McMichael exited the vehicle, shotgun in hand, according to the police report.

Seriously??? No charges were brought against the two white guys? I jog all the time through different neighborhoods. So someone who wants to interrogate you is allowed to cut you off with their vehicle, then stop and pursue you with a shot gun? WTF????

Who said he was jogging?

Irrelevant. He can just go stand on the corner, walk up and down the street 100 times, run as fast as he can or whatever. Doesn't mean these guys have a right to harass him. The law about citizen's arrest is bullshit. There was no evidence of a crime committed. Sure as hell sounds like something is being covered up.
Actually they did not accost him over nothing, they identified him as a man that was breaking into local homes and sought to question him. He it seems chose confrontation and attempted to take a shotgun. The cops and DA by now have reviewed the evidence including any video proof and appear at this time to believe the man and son.

No. They think he resembled someone who was committing robberies. From the article,

"Ahmaud Arbery was jogging when Gregory McMichael spotted him and thought he resembled a suspect in a string of recent break-ins."

The white guys had no right to stop him. Certainly by cutting him off several times and stopping him with a gun in hand they were harassing him. The white guys had no right to stop and question him. Go read up on citizen's arrest here,

There's nothing about what the white guys did that even remotely resembles a citizen's arrest. There was no crime being committed at the moment, nor was there a crime commited just before they saw him.
You left out the main part. He was seen fleeing a house under construction THAT DAY, just before the confrontation.

Fleeing the house under construction with what? As the dispatcher asked the 911 caller, what was he doing wrong? Was his only crime he was on premises he wasn't supposed to be on? The caller admitted the site was wide open. Furthermore, how do the two white guys know what he as doing? All Arbery did was run past them and he happened to look like someone they thought was a suspect for previous burglaries. So dial 911, right? These guys thought it was smart to go grab their guns, hop in their pickup truck and pursue this guy cutting him off several times while running? The father used to be a cop. No doubt this father was familiar with the George Zimmerman case. If for some reason Arbery did attack these guys when they got out of their truck with guns I don't blame him. But I seriously doubt it happened that way. Something was said and no doubt these guys pursued him in a very aggressive way. Their actions and lack of common sense in a situation like this led to Arbery's death. Voluntary manslaughter at least.
There is video of the attack.

Yes I've heard. But it's not public so we may never really know what happened. But, it really doesn't matter what is on that video. It's a fact that the two white guys merely saw him run by. Arbery was not breaking and entering at that moment, if he ever was that day (it was 1pm in the afternoon), nor was he attacking anyone. A neighbor told the dispatcher he was walking through a open construction area. So, as we know, Travis and his father grab their guns (Yea, that's a smart thing to do when you're not in any way shape or form being threatened) and chase Arbery down cutting him off several times in an attempt to stop him. That in itself is harassment and intimidating. The son stops and gets out of the truck with his gun. (I'm sure the son was being polite at this moment, Ha!) What the hell is Arbery supposed to think at this moment??? What happens after that is irrelevant. The two white already crossed the line and threatened Arbery. This did not resemble a citizen's arrest at all, more like a posse hunting someone down.

They claim Arbery "violently attacked" the son Travis. I highly question it's that straightforward given Arbery knew Travis had a gun. Arbery was 25, liked to stay in shape, and played football in highschool. If Arbery violently attacks, does Travis win that fight for the gun? But, what I really want to know is, how does Travis get Arbery off of him to maneuver a shotgun in position to fire two shots at Arbery. Most shotgun barrels are 18 inches or longer and are greater than 26 inches in overall length for the entire gun. Where was the father in all of this who is an ex-cop and should be trained in these situations?

This whole story stinks to high heaven. This isn't a clear cut case like Michael Brown and the whole "hands up don't shoot" lie where the cop clearly had a right to fire his weapon. This story is full of holes, bad decisions by the shooters and what appears to be prosecutors covering for an ex-cop.
The authorities saw the video and knew the shooting was justified. Your weird opinions about citizen arrests are just as irrelevant as your paranoid delusions about a cover up.

Amazing that no one else has seen the video and the fact that the first DA who claims the shooting was justified recused himself after it was found out they were buddies.

Can you imagine what would have happened if 2 black men would have grabbed their guns and chased down a white man and killed him. They would be facing the Death Penalty.
You dont need to see the video. They dont show us photos of dead rape victims either. That doesnt mean i dont believe the pictures exist. Quit defending criminals.

Yes we need to see the video, they damn sure plastered the pictures of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown up so that's a lie.
You mean all those pictures the press put out of when they were children? Yeah, i remember that dishonest shit too.

No I mean both of them lying on the ground with fatal gunshot wounds.
I dont think the police station released those pics, but hopefully the public does get to see him dead too. Maybe it will discourage some people from doing what he did.

No it will encourage black folks to start carrying a gun of their own.
There were two of them. If all they wanted to do was talk there was no need for them to be brandishing weapons...

It was not their place to do that, and certianly not their plac e to chase the guy down to do it. They should've called the police. It's not like the guy was breaking into someone's house when they say him jogging...

If you believe, as they did, that the individual was engaging in break ins throughout the community.... yeah, I would absolute brandish a weapon. Sure.

On what authority?

You're likely one of those guns owners who probably shouldn't own guns. You're not the police, and you're not a posse. You're Joe Schmuckitelli who has no legal right to draw down on someone jogging down the road...

By that logic, then we don't know anything, and you shouldn't be complaining yet about this guy being shot.

Actually, there are things we know. We know he wasn't armed. As such, there's no reason in the world for grown men to draw down on him...

You can't sit there and just say "He was shot for no reason, and therefore it's racism", and then turn around and say "Well we don't have all the facts, so you can't make a judgement call yet".

Sorry. Those are mutually exclusive positions.

The facts we have paint a bleak picture for the white guys...

Brushes? He had a loaded firearm, at a packed high school gym.

There's no indication the gym was packed, but I understand your need for fabrication here. An empty gym just isn't as dramatic.

And that incident took place when the guy was a teenager...

You people need to make up your mind. Is bringing loaded weapons to school bad? Or should we call it "brushes" with the law, and not a big deal?

Yes, you people. People who defend criminals when criminals get killed. This guy was a criminal.

What criminal activity was he engaged in when he was shot and killed? Any prior involvement with the police is meaningless, simply because they guy who shot him wouldn't have known about any of that...

Yeah, and white people who defend criminals die all the time. It's not a race issue. It's a culture issue. As long as people defend evil, and attack the good, people will keep dying.

This guy didn't attack anyone. He was scared shitless because two racists chased him down in a pickup truck and then drew weapons on him...
He was filmed ATTACKING the son with the shotgun.

Have you seen the damn film?
I don't need to 2 competent DA's saw it and chose not to press charges.

You mean two white men said that is what happened and you believe them over a dead ni............

Sure. If that individual has a history of crime, which he does... yeah of course I'll believe the law abiding citizens over a criminal.

You should too.

Hmmm, so did they know what his record was when they took off after him with guns? Since there is nothing indicating he broke any laws I don't give a damn what his record says and of course you are going to believe what the 2 white men said happened. You always do.
All they knew was, he looked like a guy who wasnt from the neighborhood who matched the description of a possible burglar.

So you call the police, not grab your guns chase the guy down and kill him. I guess in your mind that's of if he is black.

When they confronted this man, he attacked them, thereby confirming their suspicions.

So 2 guys roll up on you with guns what exactly was he suppose to do?
No, you do exactly what they did. These guys are heroes.

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