A 25-year-old black man was shot dead in Georgia while jogging, prompting online protests labeling the incident as racial profiling

Detaining someone for possible felony is not illegal.

In Georgia, from what I’ve found myself and from reading all that SavannahMann hss posted on this and the other threads, the detainers must have witnessed a felony in progress or have *first hand knowledge of a felony in progress and when bringing lethal force to the citizens arrest they must be absolutely certain that if lethal force were to be used it must be reasonable and fit the crime. Detainers risk going to prison if guess wrong.

in this case there was no felony to be witnessed immediate to then shooting.

I have posted the law MULTIPLE times now. How damn difficult is it to read? There is no such requirement, you only need to SUSPECT a felony if someone is fleeing. In the police report they said they suspected a burglary - a felony.

The Fourth Amendment says that a person shall be secure in his person and papers from unreasonable search and seizure. But we find all sorts of excuses not to do this don’t we? Why? Isn’t it plain that this is prohibited? But the Courts find that each reasonable exception is another foundation for the next reasonable exception. And if the people demand a warrant, the cops go in anyway quite often. Why? Don’t they understand the simple words of the Amendment?

Because our Courts interpret the law. What does it mean, and how does it apply. I posted the words of an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney who said that the law you are reading, is not like that based upon precedence. But we already know that don’t we? The First Amendment says Freedom of Religion. But we would arrest a cult who was murdering people at midnight even if it was their religion wouldn’t we?

The law as interpreted means that the McMichaels do not have that defense. Or you could go and let a lot of people out of prison. Armed Robbers could claim that they were afeared for their lives and had to kill the clerk. They suspected the clerk was selling Cigarettes to underage people, which is a total crime.

Of course, leave it to an idiot to argue law with the cops, who enforce the law and who know it is illegal and wanted to arrest the McMichaels on the spot. The Lawyers who argue the Law and know what the courts have decided. And the Judges who have long ago decided what the law means and how it applies.

Search and seizure?

Nothing to do with the case, now you are bringing in completely unreasonable standards just like far-left Faun, who claims Arbery was coerced into jumping to the shotgun. Do you see any searches or seizures on the video? No, so stop pretending being a retard to defend your black dindunothing.

Get rid of your white sin, it is disturbing.

I was giving an example of what things say and what they are interpreted to mean.

The famous poem. Do good fences make good neighbors? Is that what the poet was saying? Another example of the words and meaning not being the same.

The only people who are supporting McMichaels clearly illegal actions are those with racist motivations, the willfully stupid, and those who are ignorant. I won’t say you fall into a category of the ignorant. Ignorant means you do not know. Stupid means you won’t learn. So either you are willfully stupid refusing to learn or you are a racist. Either way you do not look good.

Everyone who is not mesmerized by the fake news media is supporting the American heroes. You are living in an alternative reality, fake conservative.

Only racists are supporting these 2 racists.
Why was there a struggle over the shotgun?
Who gives a fuck. What was the shotgun out there for when the man was jogging. Why were they following him? They ain't police.

Doesn't matter, these fools think because you are white it automatically gives you authority over folks who are not.
Just as many fools think they have a right to attack white people.

Well when you chase them and threaten them with a gun.

He attacked an armed white man for the same reason Michael Brown tried to get s service revolver from a cop. A firm belief in black superiority.

No, I see it more as a fear to his life which was point on.
No one in fear of their lives tries to grab a shot gun from a man who just drew a bead on you. Only someone who believes they have intimidated the gunman. Now why would he think that NOTHING would happen?

It is true that a cornered Rat will fight. Even when they are outsized tremendously. The animal will fight. When walking in the woods in bear country, you are supposed to make noise, so you do not startle a Bear. That is the most common, and most likely cause of a Bear Attack.

It comes down to the mix in humans of Instinct and Intellect. Our higher minds tell us the situation, but it is our instinctive minds that must choose between fight, or flight.

Remember the school shootings? We always laude as a hero the unarmed Teachers and Staff and sometimes students who move to protect others. Impossible situations where they have to cover too great of a distance to reach the gunman. But they do so. They charge unarmed into almost certain death. We called the cop who didn’t go in a coward During the Parkland shooting didn’t we?

If AA felt cornered, threatened, and believed he would die if he did anything else, then attacking even against overwhelming odds, becomes the only choice you have. If he stops, who knows what will happen. Two armed men, according to the Daddy, said they just want to talk to you. Would you believe them? I know I wouldn’t. They chased me down, and are holding firearms. I may believe that I have one chance in a hundred, or a thousand if I attack. But right then and there, those odds look better than stopping and letting two men who have chased me down with guns get me.

You have to trust that these unknown men, armed, and trying to chase you down, mean you no harm. What evidence would you have for that? I know they have no business doing this. Add to that the common knowledge that Glynn County is rather corrupt even by Georgia Good Old Boy standards. I have no idea what is going to happen if I stop. I can’t outrun the truck. I can’t outrun the bullets. Of the options left, attacking those attacking me, is probably a long shot, but is it a longer shot than letting these idiots get their hands on me?

If I am lucky, perhaps they will just beat me half to death. But what they might do, is unknown. What I do know is that they have armed up and chased me down. The idea that they mean me no harm, is not in evidence. The idea that they are acting legally? Not in Georgia. Everyone knows you can’t do that these two idiots are doing. So if they are willing to break this law, what laws won’t they break?

That is a vital key. Is it reasonable to assume that AA knew that running around town threatening people with firearms is illegal? I have never met a Georgian who thought it was ok. That is white and black folks. So I think it is reasonable to assume that even if he didn’t know the law exactly, AA knew that the two white guys in the truck were breaking the law.

What is telling is that Daddy tried the Police Lies. He treated the incident as if he was a cop, which he has not been since his authorization to carry a Firearm was revoked more than a year ago. It was revoked because he did not go through the annual training and qualifications. Along with it went his powers of arrest. But he phrased the event as if he was still a cop. Reasonable suspicion was tossed out, and all of that. But in Georgia, the cops have much more authority and leeway than a citizen. It is legal for a cop to draw his weapon and hold a suspect at gunpoint. It is not legal for a citizen to do the same. For a cop, reasonable suspicion may give you the authority to chase down a suspect and force him to stop. But for a regular joe CivilIan, that does not apply. If McMichaels was still a cop, he would have identified himself. Police, stop. Then AA would be a fleeing felony suspect.

But Daddy wasn’t a cop anymore. If he shouted it, he did not admit it during the statement. Smart, since in Georgia, impersonating a Police Officer is pretty serious. If you tie it up with the rest of the potential crimes, then Daddy’s bones would be in prison for twenty years after he died.

If Daddy did not identify himself as a Police Officer, then it was two citizens committing crimes to try and illegally detain another citizen. In which case we can discuss the wisdom of stopping and going with the armed criminals, or fighting back against impossible odds to try and survive.

And as fighting back is something every woman is told to do in case she is attacked, why is it insane to think that a man would not want to be taken by two armed individuals? The Federal Government says that women have a lot of reason to be afraid of an attacker, armed or unarmed, who is trying to Rape them. NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

If the McMichaels said the word arrest, then they might have a very slim chance at a successful defense. But according to their statement, they only said stop, stop, we want to talk to you. Their aggressive actions put their words in the category of a lie to anyone hearing them.

This is akin to seeing a police officer and believing he was there to rob you and not to detain you, after you committed crime. Sure you can believe African Americans are this stupid, but no one else.

He fled before.

A police officer has authority that citizens do not. You like to post pictures of AA, fine. Notice something. This guy is in good shape. He exercises regularly. That would include road work, or running. He was wearing running shoes, at least according to the videos and pictures of the day from the Construction Site. Lots of people exercise. And sometimes they take breaks during the run, to catch their breath. Or to look at something.

Now, the authority to stop someone fleeing is very different for a Citizen, and a Cop. If McMichaels was a cop and identified himself, since he was in civilian clothing he would have to, and AA kept running, then force would be justified. If McMichaels had said “You are under arrest” to AA then there would be a very slim chance he could get off of some, but not all, the charges. But they said “Stop. Stop. We want to talk to you.” At least that is what they claim to have said in their statement to police.

So it wasn’t an arrest. That leaves one possibility. An Attempt at Illegal Detainment. If you go off of the McMichaels Statement, you know why the Cops wanted to arrest them. But you refuse to admit that the cops thought they had committed a crime.

What bothers you is this. The Conservatives and the Liberals agree that this is a crime. Usually you can count on the Law and Order Conservatives to support your causes, if not your motivations. It gives the illusion of support for your Radical ideals. Unfortunately, this case is so bad, and the offenses are so outrageous that the Law and Order folks are on the law and order side, and against you.

Once again, Cops, Lawyers, and Judges disagree with your reasoning. Cops wanted to arrest him.

Defense Lawyers, who make their living getting people out of trouble say that the McMichaels committed a crime, and if they lose a motion early in the process, will likely face a very long prison sentence. Now, that does not mean that the Prosecution will not make a mistake somewhere that gets the prosecution tossed. But it does mean that Self Defense or legal use of force is right out.

Now I told you that Glynn County was corrupt. They have a long and well known history of the Good Old Boys Network in full force. Here are the highlights that made national attention.

Only this time the cops on the scene knew that this was too big to cover up. They called and asked for permission to arrest. The DA said no. Now, this is a Police Department that interfered with investigations in the past. Left a wife abusing cop at home with his wife Despite clear evidence he was beating her. He later murdered her. But this time they requested permission to arrest a fellow cop? How egregious does the crime have to be that they do not even try the usual sweep it under the rug tricks?

Cover ups and the internet make for a bad Combination, and things are changing in Glynn County. This time, the misconduct is likely to cost the DA her law license. She may take others down with her.

The GBI and the State are going to crawl up their asses with microscopes. The McMichaels have a very slim chance at getting out of this intact. That is if the Judge approves the motion. It is called an Immunity Motion. What it means is that the Judge wants a hearing to see if it needs to go to trial. It allows the McMichaels to testify without that testimony going on to their trial, about what they were doing and why. If they get that, there is about a coin toss chance either way they go to trial.

If the Judge denies it. The McMichaels best chance is a plea deal. Because a Jury will find them guilty unless there is a lot of evidence that hasn’t been released.

The law that allows for citizen arrest was already posted here. No need to bring in your fake media sources.

If someone is running away and you have a suspicion you can arrest them. The law contains two sentences, you needed a wall of text to delude yourself. Instead of rationalizing your white guilt, stick with the facts only please.

Of course they wanted to talk with him, if it turned out he was not burglarizing there would be no need for arrest.

No you can't arrest someone because you have a suspicion that is just a straight up lie. In Georgia you have to see someone committing a felony. These 2 racist clowns did not see him committing a crime.
Why was there a struggle over the shotgun?
Who gives a fuck. What was the shotgun out there for when the man was jogging. Why were they following him? They ain't police.

Doesn't matter, these fools think because you are white it automatically gives you authority over folks who are not.
Just as many fools think they have a right to attack white people.

Well when you chase them and threaten them with a gun.

He attacked an armed white man for the same reason Michael Brown tried to get s service revolver from a cop. A firm belief in black superiority.

No, I see it more as a fear to his life which was point on.
No one in fear of their lives tries to grab a shot gun from a man who just drew a bead on you. Only someone who believes they have intimidated the gunman. Now why would he think that NOTHING would happen?

It is true that a cornered Rat will fight. Even when they are outsized tremendously. The animal will fight. When walking in the woods in bear country, you are supposed to make noise, so you do not startle a Bear. That is the most common, and most likely cause of a Bear Attack.

It comes down to the mix in humans of Instinct and Intellect. Our higher minds tell us the situation, but it is our instinctive minds that must choose between fight, or flight.

Remember the school shootings? We always laude as a hero the unarmed Teachers and Staff and sometimes students who move to protect others. Impossible situations where they have to cover too great of a distance to reach the gunman. But they do so. They charge unarmed into almost certain death. We called the cop who didn’t go in a coward During the Parkland shooting didn’t we?

If AA felt cornered, threatened, and believed he would die if he did anything else, then attacking even against overwhelming odds, becomes the only choice you have. If he stops, who knows what will happen. Two armed men, according to the Daddy, said they just want to talk to you. Would you believe them? I know I wouldn’t. They chased me down, and are holding firearms. I may believe that I have one chance in a hundred, or a thousand if I attack. But right then and there, those odds look better than stopping and letting two men who have chased me down with guns get me.

You have to trust that these unknown men, armed, and trying to chase you down, mean you no harm. What evidence would you have for that? I know they have no business doing this. Add to that the common knowledge that Glynn County is rather corrupt even by Georgia Good Old Boy standards. I have no idea what is going to happen if I stop. I can’t outrun the truck. I can’t outrun the bullets. Of the options left, attacking those attacking me, is probably a long shot, but is it a longer shot than letting these idiots get their hands on me?

If I am lucky, perhaps they will just beat me half to death. But what they might do, is unknown. What I do know is that they have armed up and chased me down. The idea that they mean me no harm, is not in evidence. The idea that they are acting legally? Not in Georgia. Everyone knows you can’t do that these two idiots are doing. So if they are willing to break this law, what laws won’t they break?

That is a vital key. Is it reasonable to assume that AA knew that running around town threatening people with firearms is illegal? I have never met a Georgian who thought it was ok. That is white and black folks. So I think it is reasonable to assume that even if he didn’t know the law exactly, AA knew that the two white guys in the truck were breaking the law.

What is telling is that Daddy tried the Police Lies. He treated the incident as if he was a cop, which he has not been since his authorization to carry a Firearm was revoked more than a year ago. It was revoked because he did not go through the annual training and qualifications. Along with it went his powers of arrest. But he phrased the event as if he was still a cop. Reasonable suspicion was tossed out, and all of that. But in Georgia, the cops have much more authority and leeway than a citizen. It is legal for a cop to draw his weapon and hold a suspect at gunpoint. It is not legal for a citizen to do the same. For a cop, reasonable suspicion may give you the authority to chase down a suspect and force him to stop. But for a regular joe CivilIan, that does not apply. If McMichaels was still a cop, he would have identified himself. Police, stop. Then AA would be a fleeing felony suspect.

But Daddy wasn’t a cop anymore. If he shouted it, he did not admit it during the statement. Smart, since in Georgia, impersonating a Police Officer is pretty serious. If you tie it up with the rest of the potential crimes, then Daddy’s bones would be in prison for twenty years after he died.

If Daddy did not identify himself as a Police Officer, then it was two citizens committing crimes to try and illegally detain another citizen. In which case we can discuss the wisdom of stopping and going with the armed criminals, or fighting back against impossible odds to try and survive.

And as fighting back is something every woman is told to do in case she is attacked, why is it insane to think that a man would not want to be taken by two armed individuals? The Federal Government says that women have a lot of reason to be afraid of an attacker, armed or unarmed, who is trying to Rape them. NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

If the McMichaels said the word arrest, then they might have a very slim chance at a successful defense. But according to their statement, they only said stop, stop, we want to talk to you. Their aggressive actions put their words in the category of a lie to anyone hearing them.

This is akin to seeing a police officer and believing he was there to rob you and not to detain you, after you committed crime. Sure you can believe African Americans are this stupid, but no one else.

He fled before.

A police officer has authority that citizens do not. You like to post pictures of AA, fine. Notice something. This guy is in good shape. He exercises regularly. That would include road work, or running. He was wearing running shoes, at least according to the videos and pictures of the day from the Construction Site. Lots of people exercise. And sometimes they take breaks during the run, to catch their breath. Or to look at something.

Now, the authority to stop someone fleeing is very different for a Citizen, and a Cop. If McMichaels was a cop and identified himself, since he was in civilian clothing he would have to, and AA kept running, then force would be justified. If McMichaels had said “You are under arrest” to AA then there would be a very slim chance he could get off of some, but not all, the charges. But they said “Stop. Stop. We want to talk to you.” At least that is what they claim to have said in their statement to police.

So it wasn’t an arrest. That leaves one possibility. An Attempt at Illegal Detainment. If you go off of the McMichaels Statement, you know why the Cops wanted to arrest them. But you refuse to admit that the cops thought they had committed a crime.

What bothers you is this. The Conservatives and the Liberals agree that this is a crime. Usually you can count on the Law and Order Conservatives to support your causes, if not your motivations. It gives the illusion of support for your Radical ideals. Unfortunately, this case is so bad, and the offenses are so outrageous that the Law and Order folks are on the law and order side, and against you.

Once again, Cops, Lawyers, and Judges disagree with your reasoning. Cops wanted to arrest him.

Defense Lawyers, who make their living getting people out of trouble say that the McMichaels committed a crime, and if they lose a motion early in the process, will likely face a very long prison sentence. Now, that does not mean that the Prosecution will not make a mistake somewhere that gets the prosecution tossed. But it does mean that Self Defense or legal use of force is right out.

Now I told you that Glynn County was corrupt. They have a long and well known history of the Good Old Boys Network in full force. Here are the highlights that made national attention.

Only this time the cops on the scene knew that this was too big to cover up. They called and asked for permission to arrest. The DA said no. Now, this is a Police Department that interfered with investigations in the past. Left a wife abusing cop at home with his wife Despite clear evidence he was beating her. He later murdered her. But this time they requested permission to arrest a fellow cop? How egregious does the crime have to be that they do not even try the usual sweep it under the rug tricks?

Cover ups and the internet make for a bad Combination, and things are changing in Glynn County. This time, the misconduct is likely to cost the DA her law license. She may take others down with her.

The GBI and the State are going to crawl up their asses with microscopes. The McMichaels have a very slim chance at getting out of this intact. That is if the Judge approves the motion. It is called an Immunity Motion. What it means is that the Judge wants a hearing to see if it needs to go to trial. It allows the McMichaels to testify without that testimony going on to their trial, about what they were doing and why. If they get that, there is about a coin toss chance either way they go to trial.

If the Judge denies it. The McMichaels best chance is a plea deal. Because a Jury will find them guilty unless there is a lot of evidence that hasn’t been released.

The law that allows for citizen arrest was already posted here. No need to bring in your fake media sources.

If someone is running away and you have a suspicion you can arrest them. The law contains two sentences, you needed a wall of text to delude yourself. Instead of rationalizing your white guilt, stick with the facts only please.

Of course they wanted to talk with him, if it turned out he was not burglarizing there would be no need for arrest.

No you can't arrest someone because you have a suspicion that is just a straight up lie. In Georgia you have to see someone committing a felony. These 2 racist clowns did not see him committing a crime.

This is a lie.

The law was already posted, stop claiming you read it while you clearly didn't, liar.

The heroes were directly notified by police about the suspicious activity. If this is not probable cause, then there is no such thing.
Ok. Prove us wrong. Come on down to Georgia and stop your truck in the road. Jump out and wave your shotgun around. Georgians will like it. They will insist you stay for a while.
Here's another idea, "jog" around your state and go into unoccupied property then jog away (really, really fast LOL).

Ok. Providing there are no sighs that say No Trespassing and I have not been told by the owner or his representative to leave then it would be legal.
Ok. Prove us wrong. Come on down to Georgia and stop your truck in the road. Jump out and wave your shotgun around. Georgians will like it. They will insist you stay for a while.
Here's another idea, "jog" around your state and go into unoccupied property then jog away (really, really fast LOL).

Ok. Providing there are no sighs that say No Trespassing and I have not been told by the owner or his representative to leave then it would be legal.
You're not much brighter than the dead thug.

Ok. Quote the law that says I am wrong.
Don't quibble. Just "jog" in and out of private property. See how that works out for you.

As I said. It would be fine. With those provisions. The problem you have is that you refuse to admit that it is not illegal. It just burns your ass worse than 5 alarm Chili the next day.
I did. I saw two white guys breaking the law.

Really. Name the law they broke. And since you obviously enjoy fairy tales post any screenshot from the video where either man 'pointed their gun at the burgler before he attacked them.

For the 372 time. Aggravated Assault. Which is using a weapon or object which could or does cause bodily injury or death in a threatening manner. Assault is the threat. Battery is the action. Which is why people get charged with assault and battery. If AA had stopped the McMichaels would still have committed Aggravated Assault.
Ok. Prove us wrong. Come on down to Georgia and stop your truck in the road. Jump out and wave your shotgun around. Georgians will like it. They will insist you stay for a while.
Here's another idea, "jog" around your state and go into unoccupied property then jog away (really, really fast LOL).

Ok. Providing there are no sighs that say No Trespassing and I have not been told by the owner or his representative to leave then it would be legal.
Ok. Prove us wrong. Come on down to Georgia and stop your truck in the road. Jump out and wave your shotgun around. Georgians will like it. They will insist you stay for a while.
Here's another idea, "jog" around your state and go into unoccupied property then jog away (really, really fast LOL).

Ok. Providing there are no sighs that say No Trespassing and I have not been told by the owner or his representative to leave then it would be legal.
You're not much brighter than the dead thug.

Ok. Quote the law that says I am wrong.
Don't quibble. Just "jog" in and out of private property. See how that works out for you.

As I said. It would be fine. With those provisions. The problem you have is that you refuse to admit that it is not illegal. It just burns your ass worse than 5 alarm Chili the next day.

The situation I just described is exactly the situation AA was in. It is literally the same exact scenario. So why does that scenario make me a coward? If it does, then aren’t you admitting that the McMichaels were and are the criminals?
Why didn't the McMichaels or Perez find any of these white folks entering the property as burglars.

Detaining someone for possible felony is not illegal.

In Georgia, from what I’ve found myself and from reading all that SavannahMann hss posted on this and the other threads, the detainers must have witnessed a felony in progress or have *first hand knowledge of a felony in progress and when bringing lethal force to the citizens arrest they must be absolutely certain that if lethal force were to be used it must be reasonable and fit the crime. Detainers risk going to prison if guess wrong.

in this case there was no felony to be witnessed immediate to then shooting.

I have posted the law MULTIPLE times now. How damn difficult is it to read? There is no such requirement, you only need to SUSPECT a felony if someone is fleeing. In the police report they said they suspected a burglary - a felony.

The Fourth Amendment says that a person shall be secure in his person and papers from unreasonable search and seizure. But we find all sorts of excuses not to do this don’t we? Why? Isn’t it plain that this is prohibited? But the Courts find that each reasonable exception is another foundation for the next reasonable exception. And if the people demand a warrant, the cops go in anyway quite often. Why? Don’t they understand the simple words of the Amendment?

Because our Courts interpret the law. What does it mean, and how does it apply. I posted the words of an experienced Criminal Defense Attorney who said that the law you are reading, is not like that based upon precedence. But we already know that don’t we? The First Amendment says Freedom of Religion. But we would arrest a cult who was murdering people at midnight even if it was their religion wouldn’t we?

The law as interpreted means that the McMichaels do not have that defense. Or you could go and let a lot of people out of prison. Armed Robbers could claim that they were afeared for their lives and had to kill the clerk. They suspected the clerk was selling Cigarettes to underage people, which is a total crime.

Of course, leave it to an idiot to argue law with the cops, who enforce the law and who know it is illegal and wanted to arrest the McMichaels on the spot. The Lawyers who argue the Law and know what the courts have decided. And the Judges who have long ago decided what the law means and how it applies.

Search and seizure?

Nothing to do with the case, now you are bringing in completely unreasonable standards just like far-left Faun, who claims Arbery was coerced into jumping to the shotgun. Do you see any searches or seizures on the video? No, so stop pretending being a retard to defend your black dindunothing.

Get rid of your white sin, it is disturbing.

I was giving an example of what things say and what they are interpreted to mean.

The famous poem. Do good fences make good neighbors? Is that what the poet was saying? Another example of the words and meaning not being the same.

The only people who are supporting McMichaels clearly illegal actions are those with racist motivations, the willfully stupid, and those who are ignorant. I won’t say you fall into a category of the ignorant. Ignorant means you do not know. Stupid means you won’t learn. So either you are willfully stupid refusing to learn or you are a racist. Either way you do not look good.
Racist motivations? Hahaha hahaha all you got huh. Watch the video

We did.
Why was there a struggle over the shotgun?
Who gives a fuck. What was the shotgun out there for when the man was jogging. Why were they following him? They ain't police.

Doesn't matter, these fools think because you are white it automatically gives you authority over folks who are not.
Just as many fools think they have a right to attack white people.

Well when you chase them and threaten them with a gun.

He attacked an armed white man for the same reason Michael Brown tried to get s service revolver from a cop. A firm belief in black superiority.

No, I see it more as a fear to his life which was point on.
No one in fear of their lives tries to grab a shot gun from a man who just drew a bead on you. Only someone who believes they have intimidated the gunman. Now why would he think that NOTHING would happen?

It is true that a cornered Rat will fight. Even when they are outsized tremendously. The animal will fight. When walking in the woods in bear country, you are supposed to make noise, so you do not startle a Bear. That is the most common, and most likely cause of a Bear Attack.

It comes down to the mix in humans of Instinct and Intellect. Our higher minds tell us the situation, but it is our instinctive minds that must choose between fight, or flight.

Remember the school shootings? We always laude as a hero the unarmed Teachers and Staff and sometimes students who move to protect others. Impossible situations where they have to cover too great of a distance to reach the gunman. But they do so. They charge unarmed into almost certain death. We called the cop who didn’t go in a coward During the Parkland shooting didn’t we?

If AA felt cornered, threatened, and believed he would die if he did anything else, then attacking even against overwhelming odds, becomes the only choice you have. If he stops, who knows what will happen. Two armed men, according to the Daddy, said they just want to talk to you. Would you believe them? I know I wouldn’t. They chased me down, and are holding firearms. I may believe that I have one chance in a hundred, or a thousand if I attack. But right then and there, those odds look better than stopping and letting two men who have chased me down with guns get me.

You have to trust that these unknown men, armed, and trying to chase you down, mean you no harm. What evidence would you have for that? I know they have no business doing this. Add to that the common knowledge that Glynn County is rather corrupt even by Georgia Good Old Boy standards. I have no idea what is going to happen if I stop. I can’t outrun the truck. I can’t outrun the bullets. Of the options left, attacking those attacking me, is probably a long shot, but is it a longer shot than letting these idiots get their hands on me?

If I am lucky, perhaps they will just beat me half to death. But what they might do, is unknown. What I do know is that they have armed up and chased me down. The idea that they mean me no harm, is not in evidence. The idea that they are acting legally? Not in Georgia. Everyone knows you can’t do that these two idiots are doing. So if they are willing to break this law, what laws won’t they break?

That is a vital key. Is it reasonable to assume that AA knew that running around town threatening people with firearms is illegal? I have never met a Georgian who thought it was ok. That is white and black folks. So I think it is reasonable to assume that even if he didn’t know the law exactly, AA knew that the two white guys in the truck were breaking the law.

What is telling is that Daddy tried the Police Lies. He treated the incident as if he was a cop, which he has not been since his authorization to carry a Firearm was revoked more than a year ago. It was revoked because he did not go through the annual training and qualifications. Along with it went his powers of arrest. But he phrased the event as if he was still a cop. Reasonable suspicion was tossed out, and all of that. But in Georgia, the cops have much more authority and leeway than a citizen. It is legal for a cop to draw his weapon and hold a suspect at gunpoint. It is not legal for a citizen to do the same. For a cop, reasonable suspicion may give you the authority to chase down a suspect and force him to stop. But for a regular joe CivilIan, that does not apply. If McMichaels was still a cop, he would have identified himself. Police, stop. Then AA would be a fleeing felony suspect.

But Daddy wasn’t a cop anymore. If he shouted it, he did not admit it during the statement. Smart, since in Georgia, impersonating a Police Officer is pretty serious. If you tie it up with the rest of the potential crimes, then Daddy’s bones would be in prison for twenty years after he died.

If Daddy did not identify himself as a Police Officer, then it was two citizens committing crimes to try and illegally detain another citizen. In which case we can discuss the wisdom of stopping and going with the armed criminals, or fighting back against impossible odds to try and survive.

And as fighting back is something every woman is told to do in case she is attacked, why is it insane to think that a man would not want to be taken by two armed individuals? The Federal Government says that women have a lot of reason to be afraid of an attacker, armed or unarmed, who is trying to Rape them. NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

If the McMichaels said the word arrest, then they might have a very slim chance at a successful defense. But according to their statement, they only said stop, stop, we want to talk to you. Their aggressive actions put their words in the category of a lie to anyone hearing them.

This is akin to seeing a police officer and believing he was there to rob you and not to detain you, after you committed crime. Sure you can believe African Americans are this stupid, but no one else.

He fled before.

A police officer has authority that citizens do not. You like to post pictures of AA, fine. Notice something. This guy is in good shape. He exercises regularly. That would include road work, or running. He was wearing running shoes, at least according to the videos and pictures of the day from the Construction Site. Lots of people exercise. And sometimes they take breaks during the run, to catch their breath. Or to look at something.

Now, the authority to stop someone fleeing is very different for a Citizen, and a Cop. If McMichaels was a cop and identified himself, since he was in civilian clothing he would have to, and AA kept running, then force would be justified. If McMichaels had said “You are under arrest” to AA then there would be a very slim chance he could get off of some, but not all, the charges. But they said “Stop. Stop. We want to talk to you.” At least that is what they claim to have said in their statement to police.

So it wasn’t an arrest. That leaves one possibility. An Attempt at Illegal Detainment. If you go off of the McMichaels Statement, you know why the Cops wanted to arrest them. But you refuse to admit that the cops thought they had committed a crime.

What bothers you is this. The Conservatives and the Liberals agree that this is a crime. Usually you can count on the Law and Order Conservatives to support your causes, if not your motivations. It gives the illusion of support for your Radical ideals. Unfortunately, this case is so bad, and the offenses are so outrageous that the Law and Order folks are on the law and order side, and against you.

Once again, Cops, Lawyers, and Judges disagree with your reasoning. Cops wanted to arrest him.

Defense Lawyers, who make their living getting people out of trouble say that the McMichaels committed a crime, and if they lose a motion early in the process, will likely face a very long prison sentence. Now, that does not mean that the Prosecution will not make a mistake somewhere that gets the prosecution tossed. But it does mean that Self Defense or legal use of force is right out.

Now I told you that Glynn County was corrupt. They have a long and well known history of the Good Old Boys Network in full force. Here are the highlights that made national attention.

Only this time the cops on the scene knew that this was too big to cover up. They called and asked for permission to arrest. The DA said no. Now, this is a Police Department that interfered with investigations in the past. Left a wife abusing cop at home with his wife Despite clear evidence he was beating her. He later murdered her. But this time they requested permission to arrest a fellow cop? How egregious does the crime have to be that they do not even try the usual sweep it under the rug tricks?

Cover ups and the internet make for a bad Combination, and things are changing in Glynn County. This time, the misconduct is likely to cost the DA her law license. She may take others down with her.

The GBI and the State are going to crawl up their asses with microscopes. The McMichaels have a very slim chance at getting out of this intact. That is if the Judge approves the motion. It is called an Immunity Motion. What it means is that the Judge wants a hearing to see if it needs to go to trial. It allows the McMichaels to testify without that testimony going on to their trial, about what they were doing and why. If they get that, there is about a coin toss chance either way they go to trial.

If the Judge denies it. The McMichaels best chance is a plea deal. Because a Jury will find them guilty unless there is a lot of evidence that hasn’t been released.

The law that allows for citizen arrest was already posted here. No need to bring in your fake media sources.

If someone is running away and you have a suspicion you can arrest them. The law contains two sentences, you needed a wall of text to delude yourself. Instead of rationalizing your white guilt, stick with the facts only please.

Of course they wanted to talk with him, if it turned out he was not burglarizing there would be no need for arrest.

No you can't arrest someone because you have a suspicion that is just a straight up lie. In Georgia you have to see someone committing a felony. These 2 racist clowns did not see him committing a crime.

This is a lie.

The law was already posted, stop claiming you read it while you clearly didn't, liar.

The heroes were directly notified by police about the suspicious activity. If this is not probable cause, then there is no such thing.

If they had followed the law dumbass, they wouldn't be sitting in jail idiot.
Why was there a struggle over the shotgun?
Who gives a fuck. What was the shotgun out there for when the man was jogging. Why were they following him? They ain't police.

Doesn't matter, these fools think because you are white it automatically gives you authority over folks who are not.
Just as many fools think they have a right to attack white people.

Well when you chase them and threaten them with a gun.

He attacked an armed white man for the same reason Michael Brown tried to get s service revolver from a cop. A firm belief in black superiority.

No, I see it more as a fear to his life which was point on.
No one in fear of their lives tries to grab a shot gun from a man who just drew a bead on you. Only someone who believes they have intimidated the gunman. Now why would he think that NOTHING would happen?

It is true that a cornered Rat will fight. Even when they are outsized tremendously. The animal will fight. When walking in the woods in bear country, you are supposed to make noise, so you do not startle a Bear. That is the most common, and most likely cause of a Bear Attack.

It comes down to the mix in humans of Instinct and Intellect. Our higher minds tell us the situation, but it is our instinctive minds that must choose between fight, or flight.

Remember the school shootings? We always laude as a hero the unarmed Teachers and Staff and sometimes students who move to protect others. Impossible situations where they have to cover too great of a distance to reach the gunman. But they do so. They charge unarmed into almost certain death. We called the cop who didn’t go in a coward During the Parkland shooting didn’t we?

If AA felt cornered, threatened, and believed he would die if he did anything else, then attacking even against overwhelming odds, becomes the only choice you have. If he stops, who knows what will happen. Two armed men, according to the Daddy, said they just want to talk to you. Would you believe them? I know I wouldn’t. They chased me down, and are holding firearms. I may believe that I have one chance in a hundred, or a thousand if I attack. But right then and there, those odds look better than stopping and letting two men who have chased me down with guns get me.

You have to trust that these unknown men, armed, and trying to chase you down, mean you no harm. What evidence would you have for that? I know they have no business doing this. Add to that the common knowledge that Glynn County is rather corrupt even by Georgia Good Old Boy standards. I have no idea what is going to happen if I stop. I can’t outrun the truck. I can’t outrun the bullets. Of the options left, attacking those attacking me, is probably a long shot, but is it a longer shot than letting these idiots get their hands on me?

If I am lucky, perhaps they will just beat me half to death. But what they might do, is unknown. What I do know is that they have armed up and chased me down. The idea that they mean me no harm, is not in evidence. The idea that they are acting legally? Not in Georgia. Everyone knows you can’t do that these two idiots are doing. So if they are willing to break this law, what laws won’t they break?

That is a vital key. Is it reasonable to assume that AA knew that running around town threatening people with firearms is illegal? I have never met a Georgian who thought it was ok. That is white and black folks. So I think it is reasonable to assume that even if he didn’t know the law exactly, AA knew that the two white guys in the truck were breaking the law.

What is telling is that Daddy tried the Police Lies. He treated the incident as if he was a cop, which he has not been since his authorization to carry a Firearm was revoked more than a year ago. It was revoked because he did not go through the annual training and qualifications. Along with it went his powers of arrest. But he phrased the event as if he was still a cop. Reasonable suspicion was tossed out, and all of that. But in Georgia, the cops have much more authority and leeway than a citizen. It is legal for a cop to draw his weapon and hold a suspect at gunpoint. It is not legal for a citizen to do the same. For a cop, reasonable suspicion may give you the authority to chase down a suspect and force him to stop. But for a regular joe CivilIan, that does not apply. If McMichaels was still a cop, he would have identified himself. Police, stop. Then AA would be a fleeing felony suspect.

But Daddy wasn’t a cop anymore. If he shouted it, he did not admit it during the statement. Smart, since in Georgia, impersonating a Police Officer is pretty serious. If you tie it up with the rest of the potential crimes, then Daddy’s bones would be in prison for twenty years after he died.

If Daddy did not identify himself as a Police Officer, then it was two citizens committing crimes to try and illegally detain another citizen. In which case we can discuss the wisdom of stopping and going with the armed criminals, or fighting back against impossible odds to try and survive.

And as fighting back is something every woman is told to do in case she is attacked, why is it insane to think that a man would not want to be taken by two armed individuals? The Federal Government says that women have a lot of reason to be afraid of an attacker, armed or unarmed, who is trying to Rape them. NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

If the McMichaels said the word arrest, then they might have a very slim chance at a successful defense. But according to their statement, they only said stop, stop, we want to talk to you. Their aggressive actions put their words in the category of a lie to anyone hearing them.

This is akin to seeing a police officer and believing he was there to rob you and not to detain you, after you committed crime. Sure you can believe African Americans are this stupid, but no one else.

He fled before.

A police officer has authority that citizens do not. You like to post pictures of AA, fine. Notice something. This guy is in good shape. He exercises regularly. That would include road work, or running. He was wearing running shoes, at least according to the videos and pictures of the day from the Construction Site. Lots of people exercise. And sometimes they take breaks during the run, to catch their breath. Or to look at something.

Now, the authority to stop someone fleeing is very different for a Citizen, and a Cop. If McMichaels was a cop and identified himself, since he was in civilian clothing he would have to, and AA kept running, then force would be justified. If McMichaels had said “You are under arrest” to AA then there would be a very slim chance he could get off of some, but not all, the charges. But they said “Stop. Stop. We want to talk to you.” At least that is what they claim to have said in their statement to police.

So it wasn’t an arrest. That leaves one possibility. An Attempt at Illegal Detainment. If you go off of the McMichaels Statement, you know why the Cops wanted to arrest them. But you refuse to admit that the cops thought they had committed a crime.

What bothers you is this. The Conservatives and the Liberals agree that this is a crime. Usually you can count on the Law and Order Conservatives to support your causes, if not your motivations. It gives the illusion of support for your Radical ideals. Unfortunately, this case is so bad, and the offenses are so outrageous that the Law and Order folks are on the law and order side, and against you.

Once again, Cops, Lawyers, and Judges disagree with your reasoning. Cops wanted to arrest him.

Defense Lawyers, who make their living getting people out of trouble say that the McMichaels committed a crime, and if they lose a motion early in the process, will likely face a very long prison sentence. Now, that does not mean that the Prosecution will not make a mistake somewhere that gets the prosecution tossed. But it does mean that Self Defense or legal use of force is right out.

Now I told you that Glynn County was corrupt. They have a long and well known history of the Good Old Boys Network in full force. Here are the highlights that made national attention.

Only this time the cops on the scene knew that this was too big to cover up. They called and asked for permission to arrest. The DA said no. Now, this is a Police Department that interfered with investigations in the past. Left a wife abusing cop at home with his wife Despite clear evidence he was beating her. He later murdered her. But this time they requested permission to arrest a fellow cop? How egregious does the crime have to be that they do not even try the usual sweep it under the rug tricks?

Cover ups and the internet make for a bad Combination, and things are changing in Glynn County. This time, the misconduct is likely to cost the DA her law license. She may take others down with her.

The GBI and the State are going to crawl up their asses with microscopes. The McMichaels have a very slim chance at getting out of this intact. That is if the Judge approves the motion. It is called an Immunity Motion. What it means is that the Judge wants a hearing to see if it needs to go to trial. It allows the McMichaels to testify without that testimony going on to their trial, about what they were doing and why. If they get that, there is about a coin toss chance either way they go to trial.

If the Judge denies it. The McMichaels best chance is a plea deal. Because a Jury will find them guilty unless there is a lot of evidence that hasn’t been released.

The law that allows for citizen arrest was already posted here. No need to bring in your fake media sources.

If someone is running away and you have a suspicion you can arrest them. The law contains two sentences, you needed a wall of text to delude yourself. Instead of rationalizing your white guilt, stick with the facts only please.

Of course they wanted to talk with him, if it turned out he was not burglarizing there would be no need for arrest.

No you can't arrest someone because you have a suspicion that is just a straight up lie. In Georgia you have to see someone committing a felony. These 2 racist clowns did not see him committing a crime.

This is a lie.

The law was already posted, stop claiming you read it while you clearly didn't, liar.

The heroes were directly notified by police about the suspicious activity. If this is not probable cause, then there is no such thing.

If they had followed the law dumbass, they wouldn't be sitting in jail idiot.
We are sitting in jail because of left-wing social media pressure,, it’s like Trump today said he is not running against Biden Biden is done he’s running against the media..
Why was there a struggle over the shotgun?
Who gives a fuck. What was the shotgun out there for when the man was jogging. Why were they following him? They ain't police.

Doesn't matter, these fools think because you are white it automatically gives you authority over folks who are not.
Just as many fools think they have a right to attack white people.

Well when you chase them and threaten them with a gun.

He attacked an armed white man for the same reason Michael Brown tried to get s service revolver from a cop. A firm belief in black superiority.

No, I see it more as a fear to his life which was point on.
No one in fear of their lives tries to grab a shot gun from a man who just drew a bead on you. Only someone who believes they have intimidated the gunman. Now why would he think that NOTHING would happen?

It is true that a cornered Rat will fight. Even when they are outsized tremendously. The animal will fight. When walking in the woods in bear country, you are supposed to make noise, so you do not startle a Bear. That is the most common, and most likely cause of a Bear Attack.

It comes down to the mix in humans of Instinct and Intellect. Our higher minds tell us the situation, but it is our instinctive minds that must choose between fight, or flight.

Remember the school shootings? We always laude as a hero the unarmed Teachers and Staff and sometimes students who move to protect others. Impossible situations where they have to cover too great of a distance to reach the gunman. But they do so. They charge unarmed into almost certain death. We called the cop who didn’t go in a coward During the Parkland shooting didn’t we?

If AA felt cornered, threatened, and believed he would die if he did anything else, then attacking even against overwhelming odds, becomes the only choice you have. If he stops, who knows what will happen. Two armed men, according to the Daddy, said they just want to talk to you. Would you believe them? I know I wouldn’t. They chased me down, and are holding firearms. I may believe that I have one chance in a hundred, or a thousand if I attack. But right then and there, those odds look better than stopping and letting two men who have chased me down with guns get me.

You have to trust that these unknown men, armed, and trying to chase you down, mean you no harm. What evidence would you have for that? I know they have no business doing this. Add to that the common knowledge that Glynn County is rather corrupt even by Georgia Good Old Boy standards. I have no idea what is going to happen if I stop. I can’t outrun the truck. I can’t outrun the bullets. Of the options left, attacking those attacking me, is probably a long shot, but is it a longer shot than letting these idiots get their hands on me?

If I am lucky, perhaps they will just beat me half to death. But what they might do, is unknown. What I do know is that they have armed up and chased me down. The idea that they mean me no harm, is not in evidence. The idea that they are acting legally? Not in Georgia. Everyone knows you can’t do that these two idiots are doing. So if they are willing to break this law, what laws won’t they break?

That is a vital key. Is it reasonable to assume that AA knew that running around town threatening people with firearms is illegal? I have never met a Georgian who thought it was ok. That is white and black folks. So I think it is reasonable to assume that even if he didn’t know the law exactly, AA knew that the two white guys in the truck were breaking the law.

What is telling is that Daddy tried the Police Lies. He treated the incident as if he was a cop, which he has not been since his authorization to carry a Firearm was revoked more than a year ago. It was revoked because he did not go through the annual training and qualifications. Along with it went his powers of arrest. But he phrased the event as if he was still a cop. Reasonable suspicion was tossed out, and all of that. But in Georgia, the cops have much more authority and leeway than a citizen. It is legal for a cop to draw his weapon and hold a suspect at gunpoint. It is not legal for a citizen to do the same. For a cop, reasonable suspicion may give you the authority to chase down a suspect and force him to stop. But for a regular joe CivilIan, that does not apply. If McMichaels was still a cop, he would have identified himself. Police, stop. Then AA would be a fleeing felony suspect.

But Daddy wasn’t a cop anymore. If he shouted it, he did not admit it during the statement. Smart, since in Georgia, impersonating a Police Officer is pretty serious. If you tie it up with the rest of the potential crimes, then Daddy’s bones would be in prison for twenty years after he died.

If Daddy did not identify himself as a Police Officer, then it was two citizens committing crimes to try and illegally detain another citizen. In which case we can discuss the wisdom of stopping and going with the armed criminals, or fighting back against impossible odds to try and survive.

And as fighting back is something every woman is told to do in case she is attacked, why is it insane to think that a man would not want to be taken by two armed individuals? The Federal Government says that women have a lot of reason to be afraid of an attacker, armed or unarmed, who is trying to Rape them. NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

If the McMichaels said the word arrest, then they might have a very slim chance at a successful defense. But according to their statement, they only said stop, stop, we want to talk to you. Their aggressive actions put their words in the category of a lie to anyone hearing them.

This is akin to seeing a police officer and believing he was there to rob you and not to detain you, after you committed crime. Sure you can believe African Americans are this stupid, but no one else.

He fled before.

A police officer has authority that citizens do not. You like to post pictures of AA, fine. Notice something. This guy is in good shape. He exercises regularly. That would include road work, or running. He was wearing running shoes, at least according to the videos and pictures of the day from the Construction Site. Lots of people exercise. And sometimes they take breaks during the run, to catch their breath. Or to look at something.

Now, the authority to stop someone fleeing is very different for a Citizen, and a Cop. If McMichaels was a cop and identified himself, since he was in civilian clothing he would have to, and AA kept running, then force would be justified. If McMichaels had said “You are under arrest” to AA then there would be a very slim chance he could get off of some, but not all, the charges. But they said “Stop. Stop. We want to talk to you.” At least that is what they claim to have said in their statement to police.

So it wasn’t an arrest. That leaves one possibility. An Attempt at Illegal Detainment. If you go off of the McMichaels Statement, you know why the Cops wanted to arrest them. But you refuse to admit that the cops thought they had committed a crime.

What bothers you is this. The Conservatives and the Liberals agree that this is a crime. Usually you can count on the Law and Order Conservatives to support your causes, if not your motivations. It gives the illusion of support for your Radical ideals. Unfortunately, this case is so bad, and the offenses are so outrageous that the Law and Order folks are on the law and order side, and against you.

Once again, Cops, Lawyers, and Judges disagree with your reasoning. Cops wanted to arrest him.

Defense Lawyers, who make their living getting people out of trouble say that the McMichaels committed a crime, and if they lose a motion early in the process, will likely face a very long prison sentence. Now, that does not mean that the Prosecution will not make a mistake somewhere that gets the prosecution tossed. But it does mean that Self Defense or legal use of force is right out.

Now I told you that Glynn County was corrupt. They have a long and well known history of the Good Old Boys Network in full force. Here are the highlights that made national attention.

Only this time the cops on the scene knew that this was too big to cover up. They called and asked for permission to arrest. The DA said no. Now, this is a Police Department that interfered with investigations in the past. Left a wife abusing cop at home with his wife Despite clear evidence he was beating her. He later murdered her. But this time they requested permission to arrest a fellow cop? How egregious does the crime have to be that they do not even try the usual sweep it under the rug tricks?

Cover ups and the internet make for a bad Combination, and things are changing in Glynn County. This time, the misconduct is likely to cost the DA her law license. She may take others down with her.

The GBI and the State are going to crawl up their asses with microscopes. The McMichaels have a very slim chance at getting out of this intact. That is if the Judge approves the motion. It is called an Immunity Motion. What it means is that the Judge wants a hearing to see if it needs to go to trial. It allows the McMichaels to testify without that testimony going on to their trial, about what they were doing and why. If they get that, there is about a coin toss chance either way they go to trial.

If the Judge denies it. The McMichaels best chance is a plea deal. Because a Jury will find them guilty unless there is a lot of evidence that hasn’t been released.

The law that allows for citizen arrest was already posted here. No need to bring in your fake media sources.

If someone is running away and you have a suspicion you can arrest them. The law contains two sentences, you needed a wall of text to delude yourself. Instead of rationalizing your white guilt, stick with the facts only please.

Of course they wanted to talk with him, if it turned out he was not burglarizing there would be no need for arrest.

No you can't arrest someone because you have a suspicion that is just a straight up lie. In Georgia you have to see someone committing a felony. These 2 racist clowns did not see him committing a crime.

This is a lie.

The law was already posted, stop claiming you read it while you clearly didn't, liar.

The heroes were directly notified by police about the suspicious activity. If this is not probable cause, then there is no such thing.

If they had followed the law dumbass, they wouldn't be sitting in jail idiot.
We are sitting in jail because of left-wing social media pressure,, it’s like Trump today said he is not running against Biden Biden is done he’s running against the media..

No you are sitting in jail because you murdered a young man.
If they had followed the law dumbass, they wouldn't be sitting in jail idiot.

So emotional. Just like you were with TM and we both know how badly you got that wrong too.

No I didn't get that wrong, you got a jury like JW Milam and Roy Bryant.

hahahaha yeah everyone's out to get you. Even the blacks on the jury. So precious.

The liberal school system that taught him to rob and not to stop when facing a shotgun... they did fuck up.

I am sure he knows all about how to perform anal sex though.
If they had followed the law dumbass, they wouldn't be sitting in jail idiot.

So emotional. Just like you were with TM and we both know how badly you got that wrong too.

No I didn't get that wrong, you got a jury like JW Milam and Roy Bryant.

hahahaha yeah everyone's out to get you. Even the blacks on the jury. So precious.

You mean the one black woman on the jury.
Why was there a struggle over the shotgun?
Who gives a fuck. What was the shotgun out there for when the man was jogging. Why were they following him? They ain't police.

Doesn't matter, these fools think because you are white it automatically gives you authority over folks who are not.
Just as many fools think they have a right to attack white people.

Well when you chase them and threaten them with a gun.

He attacked an armed white man for the same reason Michael Brown tried to get s service revolver from a cop. A firm belief in black superiority.

No, I see it more as a fear to his life which was point on.
No one in fear of their lives tries to grab a shot gun from a man who just drew a bead on you. Only someone who believes they have intimidated the gunman. Now why would he think that NOTHING would happen?

It is true that a cornered Rat will fight. Even when they are outsized tremendously. The animal will fight. When walking in the woods in bear country, you are supposed to make noise, so you do not startle a Bear. That is the most common, and most likely cause of a Bear Attack.

It comes down to the mix in humans of Instinct and Intellect. Our higher minds tell us the situation, but it is our instinctive minds that must choose between fight, or flight.

Remember the school shootings? We always laude as a hero the unarmed Teachers and Staff and sometimes students who move to protect others. Impossible situations where they have to cover too great of a distance to reach the gunman. But they do so. They charge unarmed into almost certain death. We called the cop who didn’t go in a coward During the Parkland shooting didn’t we?

If AA felt cornered, threatened, and believed he would die if he did anything else, then attacking even against overwhelming odds, becomes the only choice you have. If he stops, who knows what will happen. Two armed men, according to the Daddy, said they just want to talk to you. Would you believe them? I know I wouldn’t. They chased me down, and are holding firearms. I may believe that I have one chance in a hundred, or a thousand if I attack. But right then and there, those odds look better than stopping and letting two men who have chased me down with guns get me.

You have to trust that these unknown men, armed, and trying to chase you down, mean you no harm. What evidence would you have for that? I know they have no business doing this. Add to that the common knowledge that Glynn County is rather corrupt even by Georgia Good Old Boy standards. I have no idea what is going to happen if I stop. I can’t outrun the truck. I can’t outrun the bullets. Of the options left, attacking those attacking me, is probably a long shot, but is it a longer shot than letting these idiots get their hands on me?

If I am lucky, perhaps they will just beat me half to death. But what they might do, is unknown. What I do know is that they have armed up and chased me down. The idea that they mean me no harm, is not in evidence. The idea that they are acting legally? Not in Georgia. Everyone knows you can’t do that these two idiots are doing. So if they are willing to break this law, what laws won’t they break?

That is a vital key. Is it reasonable to assume that AA knew that running around town threatening people with firearms is illegal? I have never met a Georgian who thought it was ok. That is white and black folks. So I think it is reasonable to assume that even if he didn’t know the law exactly, AA knew that the two white guys in the truck were breaking the law.

What is telling is that Daddy tried the Police Lies. He treated the incident as if he was a cop, which he has not been since his authorization to carry a Firearm was revoked more than a year ago. It was revoked because he did not go through the annual training and qualifications. Along with it went his powers of arrest. But he phrased the event as if he was still a cop. Reasonable suspicion was tossed out, and all of that. But in Georgia, the cops have much more authority and leeway than a citizen. It is legal for a cop to draw his weapon and hold a suspect at gunpoint. It is not legal for a citizen to do the same. For a cop, reasonable suspicion may give you the authority to chase down a suspect and force him to stop. But for a regular joe CivilIan, that does not apply. If McMichaels was still a cop, he would have identified himself. Police, stop. Then AA would be a fleeing felony suspect.

But Daddy wasn’t a cop anymore. If he shouted it, he did not admit it during the statement. Smart, since in Georgia, impersonating a Police Officer is pretty serious. If you tie it up with the rest of the potential crimes, then Daddy’s bones would be in prison for twenty years after he died.

If Daddy did not identify himself as a Police Officer, then it was two citizens committing crimes to try and illegally detain another citizen. In which case we can discuss the wisdom of stopping and going with the armed criminals, or fighting back against impossible odds to try and survive.

And as fighting back is something every woman is told to do in case she is attacked, why is it insane to think that a man would not want to be taken by two armed individuals? The Federal Government says that women have a lot of reason to be afraid of an attacker, armed or unarmed, who is trying to Rape them. NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

If the McMichaels said the word arrest, then they might have a very slim chance at a successful defense. But according to their statement, they only said stop, stop, we want to talk to you. Their aggressive actions put their words in the category of a lie to anyone hearing them.

This is akin to seeing a police officer and believing he was there to rob you and not to detain you, after you committed crime. Sure you can believe African Americans are this stupid, but no one else.

He fled before.

A police officer has authority that citizens do not. You like to post pictures of AA, fine. Notice something. This guy is in good shape. He exercises regularly. That would include road work, or running. He was wearing running shoes, at least according to the videos and pictures of the day from the Construction Site. Lots of people exercise. And sometimes they take breaks during the run, to catch their breath. Or to look at something.

Now, the authority to stop someone fleeing is very different for a Citizen, and a Cop. If McMichaels was a cop and identified himself, since he was in civilian clothing he would have to, and AA kept running, then force would be justified. If McMichaels had said “You are under arrest” to AA then there would be a very slim chance he could get off of some, but not all, the charges. But they said “Stop. Stop. We want to talk to you.” At least that is what they claim to have said in their statement to police.

So it wasn’t an arrest. That leaves one possibility. An Attempt at Illegal Detainment. If you go off of the McMichaels Statement, you know why the Cops wanted to arrest them. But you refuse to admit that the cops thought they had committed a crime.

What bothers you is this. The Conservatives and the Liberals agree that this is a crime. Usually you can count on the Law and Order Conservatives to support your causes, if not your motivations. It gives the illusion of support for your Radical ideals. Unfortunately, this case is so bad, and the offenses are so outrageous that the Law and Order folks are on the law and order side, and against you.

Once again, Cops, Lawyers, and Judges disagree with your reasoning. Cops wanted to arrest him.

Defense Lawyers, who make their living getting people out of trouble say that the McMichaels committed a crime, and if they lose a motion early in the process, will likely face a very long prison sentence. Now, that does not mean that the Prosecution will not make a mistake somewhere that gets the prosecution tossed. But it does mean that Self Defense or legal use of force is right out.

Now I told you that Glynn County was corrupt. They have a long and well known history of the Good Old Boys Network in full force. Here are the highlights that made national attention.

Only this time the cops on the scene knew that this was too big to cover up. They called and asked for permission to arrest. The DA said no. Now, this is a Police Department that interfered with investigations in the past. Left a wife abusing cop at home with his wife Despite clear evidence he was beating her. He later murdered her. But this time they requested permission to arrest a fellow cop? How egregious does the crime have to be that they do not even try the usual sweep it under the rug tricks?

Cover ups and the internet make for a bad Combination, and things are changing in Glynn County. This time, the misconduct is likely to cost the DA her law license. She may take others down with her.

The GBI and the State are going to crawl up their asses with microscopes. The McMichaels have a very slim chance at getting out of this intact. That is if the Judge approves the motion. It is called an Immunity Motion. What it means is that the Judge wants a hearing to see if it needs to go to trial. It allows the McMichaels to testify without that testimony going on to their trial, about what they were doing and why. If they get that, there is about a coin toss chance either way they go to trial.

If the Judge denies it. The McMichaels best chance is a plea deal. Because a Jury will find them guilty unless there is a lot of evidence that hasn’t been released.

The law that allows for citizen arrest was already posted here. No need to bring in your fake media sources.

If someone is running away and you have a suspicion you can arrest them. The law contains two sentences, you needed a wall of text to delude yourself. Instead of rationalizing your white guilt, stick with the facts only please.

Of course they wanted to talk with him, if it turned out he was not burglarizing there would be no need for arrest.

No you can't arrest someone because you have a suspicion that is just a straight up lie. In Georgia you have to see someone committing a felony. These 2 racist clowns did not see him committing a crime.

This is a lie.

The law was already posted, stop claiming you read it while you clearly didn't, liar.

The heroes were directly notified by police about the suspicious activity. If this is not probable cause, then there is no such thing.

If they had followed the law dumbass, they wouldn't be sitting in jail idiot.
We are sitting in jail because of left-wing social media pressure,, it’s like Trump today said he is not running against Biden Biden is done he’s running against the media..

No you are sitting in jail because you murdered a young man.
That’s not what the video shows .. sorry your brother Committed suicide

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