A bit more of your merciful god.

Someone pointed out once, and I thought it was so profound, that the same people who complain about God being a horrible monster who wiped out this group of people and commanded the destruction of that group of people are also the people who say, "Why does God allow evil to exist?" They demand that He put a stop to evil, and then kvetch and whine when He does.
Not only that, but they have no problem with man doing horrific things in the name of stopping evil. Ask anyone who complains about God if they also complain about the US taking millions of innocent lives to stop Adolph Hitler. I think it's because Hitler is very real to them. They can see the film footage of some of the atrocities he committed and hear the testimonies people who survived the brutality. They don't have any idea of the true extent of the evil the God was judging. They seem to believe that everything was peaceful and just peachy keen when God got mad and let them have it.
Why would I worship him? ANd I had done nothing wrong when Jesus was died because I wasn't alive yet and I do not believe in original sin.

If gods exist they are just another part of the universe and I don;t worship any of those things

I know that the atoms that make up my body were made in the explosions billions of stars over billions of years and I do not worship stars because of that.

You've never done anything wrong in your life? It doesn't matter that you weren't alive yet during Jesus' time. What He did was for all people, past, present and future.

If you think you (body and mind) were put together by a mindless physical object, of course you wouldn't worship that physical object, that would be silly.

But would you appreciate and honor a person who took a bullet for you?

If so, why wouldn't you honor someone who gave their life for you in a much more profound and eternal way? Someone who paid your debt, so that you can have true LIFE (beyond this temporary existence) as well as reconciliation, blessings, peace, joy and unfailing love with the one who gave us life in the first place. (I'm really trying to understand your mindset here.)
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I love my dogs more than I do most people but I don't kid myself into believing it is in any way a relationship where we are on equal footing on any level whatsoever.
Wanted to get back to this.

Think of a person you do love more than your dogs. Imagine one of them suffering from Alzheimer's. Do you write them off when their memories no longer include you, turn your back and never bother with being with them again? Has your love for them vanished? After all, you are no on equal footing with them--probably less equal than you would be with your beloved dogs.
You've never done anything wrong in your life? It doesn't matter that you weren't alive yet during Jesus' time. What He did was for all people, past, present and future.

If you think you (body and mind) were put together by a mindless physical object, of course you wouldn't worship that physical object, that would be silly.

But would you appreciate and honor a person who took a bullet for you?

If so, why wouldn't you honor someone who gave their life for you in a much more profound and eternal way? Someone who paid your debt, so that you can have true LIFE (beyond this temporary existence) as well as reconciliation, blessings, peace, joy and unfailing love with the one who gave us life in the first place. (I'm really trying to understand your mindset here.)

If so, why wouldn't you honor someone who gave their life for you in a much more profound and eternal way?

are you referring to waiting 4 centuries to write their c bible without a single word written by the person crucified or mention a single verse for the liberation theology, self determination they died for but rather their madeup religion of servitude - state religion of the roman empire - christianity - used to persecute and victimize the innocent for centuries ...

will they bring the crucifiers to justice - not a consideration in the mind of a 4th century christian.
Quibble about word choices if you want.

Change achieve to receive if it makes you feel better.

And none of that addresses the differences in the gods that Jews and Christians worship.

Sin is an interesting topic . I guess it depends on how you define it.

Sin as a violation of religious or moral law is defined by the deity worshipped in that religion therefore different religions can have different sins.
I normally would over look word choices but Paul's 13 letter and the reason why Martin Luther split the church was based on saved by grace alone
Abrahamic writings are de facto propaganda of extremism and chauvinism. They are outside the law.
These are their "angels"

The bloody terror of the Inquisition in Europe was built on these writings, they are guilty of the death of innocent women "witches" and scientists, they supported slavery and absolute totalitarianism.

I return your "love" to you

This clip contains a metaphor. She open her eyes.
I also had an epiphany when I saw their history, and their system from the inside, including the moral character of their management itself, which claims to be moral mentoring.
Mylen and her producers are the most brilliant group of the 20th century, they are real prophets.

This is Greatest Art. This is killing of Serpent and rebirth of the Romance.
Mylene is the Good Witch, who was not burned by the Inquisition

She is blessed by the Horned God of the ancient Celts, the Heavenly Father.

She exudes a chivalrous spirit. Through it you can feel the atmosphere of the Europe that was before the Plague. Europe of the Holy Grail.
When the Goths captured Europe, they began to pour blood into the Sacred Chalice, where fire used to burn. It was they who built Notterdam with its horrors
This is why Celtica came to be called France, although the French were never Franks.
How much blood has been shed since the beginning of the Era? From "Christmas"?

Era is the king of the plague in Mesopotamian mythology. A new era means a new plague.
Marduk leaves Babylon for a while, Erra, taking advantage of this, sends plague and disasters to people, wreaks havoc.

Babylon is the Gate of the Gods, the Country of the Heavenly Bull.

Wasn't he the one who destroyed the Tower of Babel, the temple of the Heaven Bull Bel?

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