A bit more of your merciful god.

I don't. There is a lot I cannot do because I am not a chinchilla. There is a lot they cannot do because they are not human. But there are areas where we can relate.

The same is true with my friends. There are some things they cannot do because they do not have my skill set or interests. There are some things I cannot do because I do not have theirs. However, there are still areas where we can relate to each other.

Perhaps you see the idea of a greater Being as some kind of competition where you will lose? I see however two beings relate, no matter how small, both derive enjoyment from that relationship.
You still try to compare an omnipotent, omniscient being with mere mortals.

Your relationships with people all contain a large measure of equity.

And it's not a competition because if such a being exists there is absolutely no way any mortal can compete with them.

Like i said the reltionship will be very much like that of a mouse's "relationship" with a human.
And being equal is important to you?
I never said equal.

But a relationship requires give and take and the participants each bring something and a mere mortal can bring nothing to a relitionship with an omniscient omnipotent being other that feeble minded adoration like your chinchillas have for you
I have a blue stone. If the Jews say it is red, is it no longer blue? The Jews believe in the same God that I do, but not in His Son. Their disbelief does not make His Son less real. It makes them spiritually blind. And the time is coming when they will accept Him, and run to Him when He returns. There is no reason for me not to believe in Him in the meantime.

For I, brethren, would not have you be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits: that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.
And you phrase that as if you are right and the Jews are wrong.

So you think that Chrisitianity is the "right" choice and that sooner or later everyone else who believes otherwise will realize the error of their ways.

For you Jesus was a god incarnate but the Jews do not believe that the god they worship ever walked the earth in the guise of a man

I really don;t see how you can maintain that the 2 gods are the same.

There is an equal chance that you are wrong and that the Jews or the Muslims are right.
Satan wants equality with God:
You said in your heart,
“I will ascend to heaven;

I will raise my throne above the stars of God;
I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.” - Isaiah 14:13-14

Is it necessary for you to be equal to other humans to have a relationship with them too? If someone is poorer than you, can you still have a relationship? Can a blind person be friends with you? Could you have a relationship with LeBron James? Are you as talented?

My Daddy was a sharp shooter in the service. Shooting skeet became our hobby. I am a really good shot, but not quite as good as my Dad. My brother could out shoot my Dad. We both had loving relationships with our Dad despite our inequality.

My Dad was a master gardener. Our gardens are as nice as my Dad's because He walked with us in his garden in the cool of the evening and taught us his ways.

You may never be your Father's equal, but man o man, you'll find being His son, magnificent...

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Your god created Satan.
You're starting off with a wrong assumption. And how you stated that assumption right off the bat is telling, it shows that your mind is closed.

I hope we can agree that when it comes to the pursuit of truth (ANY truth, not just what we're talking about here) you can't start off with a specific position and then try to conform everything to that pre-existing belief. Matter of fact, that's the problem with modern science. It starts with the assumption of materialism, and immediately rules out anything to the contrary, rather than starting with a clean slate and a genuinely impartial mindset. Truth should always be first, even if it leads you to a place you didn't anticipate.

There's more to be said here, and I want to get back to what you said about the ice age, but I'll get back to it another time, when I have more time. (I know your reply was from a few days ago, but I didn't even read my notifications of this thread until today.)
And those that start with the assumption that the Bible is the actual word of a god are not starting with the wrong assumption ?

And I am open to the possibility that gods may not exist because there is no evidence that they do.
You've never done anything wrong in your life? It doesn't matter that you weren't alive yet during Jesus' time. What He did was for all people, past, present and future.

If you think you (body and mind) were put together by a mindless physical object, of course you wouldn't worship that physical object, that would be silly.

But would you appreciate and honor a person who took a bullet for you?

If so, why wouldn't you honor someone who gave their life for you in a much more profound and eternal way? Someone who paid your debt, so that you can have true LIFE (beyond this temporary existence) as well as reconciliation, blessings, peace, joy and unfailing love with the one who gave us life in the first place. (I'm really trying to understand your mindset here.)
I just don't believe that

And There is no separation between body and mind.

The mind is an artifact of the brain's function the brain is of the body.

Your mind can be diminished by a traumatic brain injury because the mind is a function of the brain.

you want me to make the assumption that Jesus was a god incarnate because that is the assumption you make and you think it's the correct one.
Wanted to get back to this.

Think of a person you do love more than your dogs. Imagine one of them suffering from Alzheimer's. Do you write them off when their memories no longer include you, turn your back and never bother with being with them again? Has your love for them vanished? After all, you are no on equal footing with them--probably less equal than you would be with your beloved dogs.

Another poor analogy to a god.

You keep trying to compare an omniscient omnipoten being to humans which indicates to me that you can't imagine the vast and irreconcilable differences between the two
To get back to the topic at hand, why do the same people who complain that God takes drastic steps to stop evil honor and applaud man for devastating entire countries and killing untold numbers of innocents to stop evil?
You still try to compare an omnipotent, omniscient being with mere mortals.
I do not. It is what started this part of our discussion was it not, when I stated I only knew an iota about God; others may know a different iota. About the best we can do is contrast.
Your relationships with people all contain a large measure of equity.
This is getting better and better. Now you know those I know/have known better than I? And you know me better than I know myself? Once again, here is this inability to accept what I say of my own experiences as fact. I guess you are thinking I am just imagining the equity?
other that feeble minded adoration like your chinchillas have for you
This is hilarious. You know nothing about chinchillas, do you? They have no feelings at all for me, let alone adoration. Doesn't mean we can't find other ways to relate, even though I have an attachment to them they do not have for me.

My point is both human beings and the Divine have an ability to relate to others. Our love is not limited to our equals. Our service is not limited to our equals. Nor is our love.
Another poor analogy to a god.
It is a poor analogy about God because I was not talking or even thinking about God when I wrote it. I am talking about you and whether you would turn away from a loved one once they developed Alzheimer's because there was no longer "equity" between you. (Take note of how often I used a version of 'you' in that post.)

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