A bit of "irony" on Libby's pardoning.....

who did Armitage get his information about Plame from....?

Answer: From a memo that LIBBY wrote ........trying to discredit Wilson and listing that the ONLY reason that the inept GWB administration sent an honest democrat to Niger, was because his wife worked at the CIA and had recommended her husband for the investigation on the yellow cake......

BUT, Trump cult members want to erect a statue "honoring: the scum bucket, Libby and his puppet-master Dick-face Cheney.
And neither was charged with a crime because there was nothing illegal about “leaking” her name

Plame was 'covert' agent at time of name leak

The special counsel recommended to the judge that Libby not receive any leniency, because, he writes, "He has expressed no remorse, no acceptance of responsibility, and no recognition that there is anything he should have done differently - either with respect to his false statements and testimony, or his role in providing reporters with classified information about Ms. Wilson's affiliation with the CIA."..........Libby was convicted....of four of five felony counts against him.

Plame was ‘covert’ agent at time of name leak

No she wasn’t. That’s why Armitage was never arrested
yes she was....according to the prosecutor...?

In the "unclassified summary" of his memorandum which was based on information cleared by the CIA and became publicly available Tuesday, Fitzgerald provided new details about Wilson's previously classified activities at the agency. In January 2002, she was working for the agency "as an operations officer" in the Directorate of Operations's Counterproliferation Division (CPD) and serving as "chief" of a unit with responsibility for weapons-proliferation issues related to Iraq. In that capacity, he added, she traveled overseas in an undercover capacity.

"She traveled at least seven times to more than 10 countries," the document states. "When traveling overseas, Ms. Wilson always traveled under a cover identity … At the time of the initial unauthorized disclosure in the media of Ms. Wilson's employment relationship with the CIA on 14 July 2003, Ms. Wilson was a covert CIA employee for whom the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States."

Libby's trial earlier this year established that at least three other Bush administration officials—former deputy secretary of State Richard Armitage, White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove and former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer (who testified under a grant of immunity)—also disclosed information about Valerie Wilson's identity to journalists. But Fitzgerald contends that Libby's disclosures—primarily to New York Times reporter Judith Miller—were made "deliberately and for the purpose for influencing media coverage of the public debate concerning intelligence leading to the war in Iraq" and, according to Libby's own testimony, "may have been sanctioned by the Vice President." Moreover, while Libby denied ever knowing that Valerie Wilson was a covert agent (and prosecutors never introduced any evidence that he had) "other evidence obtained by the grand jury indicated that defendant learned that Ms. Wilson worked at the CIA from multiple government officials under circumstances that, at a bare minimum, warranted inquiry before the information was publicly disseminated."

Fitzgerald Says Plame Was a Covert Agent

Prosecutors have opinions just like everyone else. The grand jury made the decision that Armitage did not commit a crime. Plame was working openly at the CIA, and had been outed before. The Russians and the Chinese knew who she was, and therefore all of their client states knew who she was. It was unlikely that she would ever go back into the field as a secret agent.

The CIA was so concerned with her name being outed that they did not even make a referral on it until pressured by democrat senators. Just routine Democrat politics.
Might wanna do a little research
Richard Armatridge was the leaker

yes, but Rove and Libby repeated the stories in attempts to discredit Wilson.

that in and of itself isn't a crime. But lying to investigators was.

Now, here's my issue... We've weaponized this process. It probably started with Nixon, when one side realized it could overturn an election with criminal investigations and prosecutions. But we've seen this crap go on for 40 years now- Iran-contra, Whitewater, Lewinski, Plame, Hillary's Emails and now the Russia thing.

Where does it stop?

Unless "We the People" do something it will never stop.
who did Armitage get his information about Plame from....?

Answer: From a memo that LIBBY wrote ........trying to discredit Wilson and listing that the ONLY reason that the inept GWB administration sent an honest democrat to Niger, was because his wife worked at the CIA and had recommended her husband for the investigation on the yellow cake......

BUT, Trump cult members want to erect a statue "honoring: the scum bucket, Libby and his puppet-master Dick-face Cheney.

LOL, source dumbass. If that's true and YOU can find it why didn't Fitz get him?
You really are a dumbass kid.
Might wanna do a little research
Richard Armatridge was the leaker

yes, but Rove and Libby repeated the stories in attempts to discredit Wilson.

that in and of itself isn't a crime. But lying to investigators was.

Now, here's my issue... We've weaponized this process. It probably started with Nixon, when one side realized it could overturn an election with criminal investigations and prosecutions. But we've seen this crap go on for 40 years now- Iran-contra, Whitewater, Lewinski, Plame, Hillary's Emails and now the Russia thing.

Where does it stop?
The Russian thingy as far as Trump, isn’t a crime
yes she was....according to the prosecutor...?

In the "unclassified summary" of his memorandum which was based on information cleared by the CIA and became publicly available Tuesday, Fitzgerald provided new details about Wilson's previously classified activities at the agency. In January 2002, she was working for the agency "as an operations officer" in the Directorate of Operations's Counterproliferation Division (CPD) and serving as "chief" of a unit with responsibility for weapons-proliferation issues related to Iraq. In that capacity, he added, she traveled overseas in an undercover capacity.

"She traveled at least seven times to more than 10 countries," the document states. "When traveling overseas, Ms. Wilson always traveled under a cover identity … At the time of the initial unauthorized disclosure in the media of Ms. Wilson's employment relationship with the CIA on 14 July 2003, Ms. Wilson was a covert CIA employee for whom the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States."

Libby's trial earlier this year established that at least three other Bush administration officials—former deputy secretary of State Richard Armitage, White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove and former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer (who testified under a grant of immunity)—also disclosed information about Valerie Wilson's identity to journalists. But Fitzgerald contends that Libby's disclosures—primarily to New York Times reporter Judith Miller—were made "deliberately and for the purpose for influencing media coverage of the public debate concerning intelligence leading to the war in Iraq" and, according to Libby's own testimony, "may have been sanctioned by the Vice President." Moreover, while Libby denied ever knowing that Valerie Wilson was a covert agent (and prosecutors never introduced any evidence that he had) "other evidence obtained by the grand jury indicated that defendant learned that Ms. Wilson worked at the CIA from multiple government officials under circumstances that, at a bare minimum, warranted inquiry before the information was publicly disseminated."

Fitzgerald Says Plame Was a Covert Agent

Immaterial, Libby didn't "out" her.
who did Armitage get his information about Plame from....?

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage was the source who revealed the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame to syndicated columnist Robert Novak in 2003, touching off a federal investigation, two sources familiar with Armitage's role tell CNN.

The sources said Armitage revealed Plame's role at the CIA almost inadvertently in a casual conversation with Novak, and it is not clear if he knew her identity was classified at the time.

Armitage was not indicted by the federal grand jury that investigated the disclosure of Plame's name to Novak and other journalists. Deliberately revealing the identify of a CIA operative can be a crime.

CNN.com - Sources: State Department official source of Plame leak - Aug 30, 2006
armitage leaked to novak.
Libby leaked to Judith Miller,

Rove leaked to other reporters, Ari passed a bunch of info in his press meetings...

to expose her....

I am sorry but you are the WORST kind of partisan. You believe ONLY what you want to no matter how much proof your shown. Libby didn't do it, Armitage gave it to Novak who had NO idea that it wasn't already known. The biggest crime in the world is the one of a closed mind. You're, I actually think you KNOW that you're wrong but too but your pride is too great to admit it.

Libby didn't do it, time to put our big girl pants on.
Doc, what I have posted is straight from the horse's mouth, not a third party news paper's opinion, but from the Special Counselor in charge of the official investigation, Patrick Fitzgerald himself...

So, I am not making this up out of thin air, it is all what Counselor Fitzgerald discover when investigating for the truth....

This was a concerted effort to demean Wilson's op through his wife....directed by Cheney, not President Bush....he was left out of the loop...imo....by the way he responded when he was first told and the press hit him up on it...

But what was not proved, or even pursued, was whether Libby was really aware that Plame was also acting as a NOC when traveling overseas....did he know she was a covert operative?

Yes, he knew she worked in the CIA and her position there.... but did he know she went undercover???

He should have checked further before the planned leak of her working for the CIA....just by the position she did hold..... but this info was all on the down and low.....so they skipped that part of normal protocol....

But, at the same time, because none of the leakers probably did not know, she was a Covert Operative, and what they did by exposing her as a covert operative....was not done with intent to expose that she was a covert operative....it was for other Dirty Trickster reasons.

Us arguing about whether she was or was not a covert operative, really is just a side show of what they want us to focus on....

instead of the fact that our government, via the Vice President's direction, all being paid by us, used their time to play the dirtiest of dirty, politics.... AND they lied to us about the yellow-cake from Africa/Niger and were trying to subvert what happened and deflect our attention from that... imo.
instead of the fact that our government, via the Vice President's direction, all being paid by us, used their time to play the dirtiest of dirty, politics.... AND they lied to us about the yellow-cake from Africa/Niger and were trying to subvert what happened and deflect our attention from that... imo.

RIGHT ON TARGET, my friend.....

(since you seem to have a special interest in this case, (as I have had).....I'd encourage you to research something called the "Italian letter" ....how a very low-level Italian spy agent stole some stationary from the Niger office and, for a few bucks sold it to the Brits and the CIA, and actually gave the bastard, Cheney, fodder to invade Iraq.
instead of the fact that our government, via the Vice President's direction, all being paid by us, used their time to play the dirtiest of dirty, politics.... AND they lied to us about the yellow-cake from Africa/Niger and were trying to subvert what happened and deflect our attention from that... imo.

RIGHT ON TARGET, my friend.....

(since you seem to have a special interest in this case, (as I have had).....I'd encourage you to research something called the "Italian letter" ....how a very low-level Italian spy agent stole some stationary from the Niger office and, for a few bucks sold it to the Brits and the CIA, and actually gave the bastard, Cheney, fodder to invade Iraq.
yes, I had read that several years ago!
And neither was charged with a crime because there was nothing illegal about “leaking” her name

Plame was 'covert' agent at time of name leak

The special counsel recommended to the judge that Libby not receive any leniency, because, he writes, "He has expressed no remorse, no acceptance of responsibility, and no recognition that there is anything he should have done differently - either with respect to his false statements and testimony, or his role in providing reporters with classified information about Ms. Wilson's affiliation with the CIA."..........Libby was convicted....of four of five felony counts against him.

Plame was ‘covert’ agent at time of name leak

No she wasn’t. That’s why Armitage was never arrested
yes she was....according to the prosecutor...?

In the "unclassified summary" of his memorandum which was based on information cleared by the CIA and became publicly available Tuesday, Fitzgerald provided new details about Wilson's previously classified activities at the agency. In January 2002, she was working for the agency "as an operations officer" in the Directorate of Operations's Counterproliferation Division (CPD) and serving as "chief" of a unit with responsibility for weapons-proliferation issues related to Iraq. In that capacity, he added, she traveled overseas in an undercover capacity.

"She traveled at least seven times to more than 10 countries," the document states. "When traveling overseas, Ms. Wilson always traveled under a cover identity … At the time of the initial unauthorized disclosure in the media of Ms. Wilson's employment relationship with the CIA on 14 July 2003, Ms. Wilson was a covert CIA employee for whom the CIA was taking affirmative measures to conceal her intelligence relationship to the United States."

Libby's trial earlier this year established that at least three other Bush administration officials—former deputy secretary of State Richard Armitage, White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove and former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer (who testified under a grant of immunity)—also disclosed information about Valerie Wilson's identity to journalists. But Fitzgerald contends that Libby's disclosures—primarily to New York Times reporter Judith Miller—were made "deliberately and for the purpose for influencing media coverage of the public debate concerning intelligence leading to the war in Iraq" and, according to Libby's own testimony, "may have been sanctioned by the Vice President." Moreover, while Libby denied ever knowing that Valerie Wilson was a covert agent (and prosecutors never introduced any evidence that he had) "other evidence obtained by the grand jury indicated that defendant learned that Ms. Wilson worked at the CIA from multiple government officials under circumstances that, at a bare minimum, warranted inquiry before the information was publicly disseminated."

Fitzgerald Says Plame Was a Covert Agent

Immaterial, Libby didn't "out" her.
who did Armitage get his information about Plame from....?

Irrelevant, because that wasn't a leak. Him passing it on was the leak.
who did Armitage get his information about Plame from....?

Answer: From a memo that LIBBY wrote ........trying to discredit Wilson and listing that the ONLY reason that the inept GWB administration sent an honest democrat to Niger, was because his wife worked at the CIA and had recommended her husband for the investigation on the yellow cake......

BUT, Trump cult members want to erect a statue "honoring: the scum bucket, Libby and his puppet-master Dick-face Cheney.

Internal memos are always more candid. Why do you think Hillary was so quick to destroy 30,000 of hers?
Might wanna do a little research
Richard Armatridge was the leaker

yes, but Rove and Libby repeated the stories in attempts to discredit Wilson.

that in and of itself isn't a crime. But lying to investigators was.

Now, here's my issue... We've weaponized this process. It probably started with Nixon, when one side realized it could overturn an election with criminal investigations and prosecutions. But we've seen this crap go on for 40 years now- Iran-contra, Whitewater, Lewinski, Plame, Hillary's Emails and now the Russia thing.

Where does it stop?
The Russian thingy as far as Trump, isn’t a crime

Which is why they go so far to set up other crimes.

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