A Black 11 Year Old has an IQ Higher Than Einstein's

Okay racist. ....

Your response was so jumbled that your embarrassment and anger are obviously taking over your intelligence. But I just have to point out some glaring mistakes.

I didn't write post #29 moron!

Here's some basic math: 1% of Britain's population (64 million) is 640,000 . Kinda a lot right? Pretty much lends credence to the person who said, ", it is not news at all that someone in the world has an IQ higher thanEinstein's as there have been hundreds of thousands with such an IQ over the last century"

And since Britain is predominantly White, the statistics also seem to support the other statement (question), "How many white kids with 160 IQs have been tested and yet did not have international celebration all because of a fucking IQ test?"

If you wanted my opinion of the article, I gave it in #50 where I responded to the OP' by acknowledging the statistics nd then stating, "However, I wouldn't say. that an article about a Black kid with a high IQ is therefore really an article about Blacks."

In conclusion, here are your words again ...

"Blacks reading the article would be delighted to know that their kind have geniuses too; this, despite all the raw negativity dispensedfrom American media sources paintingblacks as the "dumbest" people on theplanet."

And ...

"Whites too benefit from knowing there are Black people with high IQs."

And ...

Blacks AND White people depend on the media to connect the dots and keep them informed about their racial group and everything else.
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Okay racist. ....

Your response was so jumbled that your embarrassment and anger are obviously taking over your intelligence. But I just have to point out some glaring mistakes.

I didn't write post #29 moron!

Here's some basic math: 1% of Britain's population (64 million) is 640,000 . Kinda a lot right? Pretty much lends credence to the person who said, ", it is not news at all that someone in the world has an IQ higher thanEinstein's as there have been hundreds of thousands with such an IQ over the last century"

And since Britain is predominantly White, the statistics also seem to support the other statement (question), "How many white kids with 160 IQs have been tested and yet did not have international celebration all because of a fucking IQ test?"

In conclusion, here are your words again ...

"Blacks reading the article would be delighted to know that their kind have geniuses too; this, despite all the raw negativity dispensedfrom American media sources paintingblacks as the "dumbest" people on theplanet."

And ...

"Whites too benefit from knowing there are Black people with high IQs."

And ...

Blacks AND White people depend on the media to connect the dots and keep them informed about their racial group and everything else.

It seems sad that we still have to explain this stuff to people.
Okay racist. ....

Your response was so jumbled that your embarrassment and anger are obviously taking over your intelligence. But I just have to point out some glaring mistakes.

I didn't write post #29 moron!

Here's some basic math: 1% of Britain's population (64 million) is 640,000 . Kinda a lot right? Pretty much lends credence to the person who said, ", it is not news at all that someone in the world has an IQ higher thanEinstein's as there have been hundreds of thousands with such an IQ over the last century"

And since Britain is predominantly White, the statistics also seem to support the other statement (question), "How many white kids with 160 IQs have been tested and yet did not have international celebration all because of a fucking IQ test?"

If you wanted my opinion of the article, I gave it in #50 where I responded to the OP' by acknowledging the statistics nd then stating, "However, I wouldn't say. that an article about a Black kid with a high IQ is therefore really an article about Blacks."

In conclusion, here are your words again ...

"Blacks reading the article would be delighted to know that their kind have geniuses too; this, despite all the raw negativity dispensedfrom American media sources paintingblacks as the "dumbest" people on theplanet."

And ...

"Whites too benefit from knowing there are Black people with high IQs."

And ...

Blacks AND White people depend on the media to connect the dots and keep them informed about their racial group and everything else.

I didn't write post #29 either, moron. Did I say you wrote post #29? If I did, show me where. If I did it could have been due to your personal style of quoting. You really jumble things up with it to the extent that when someone quotes your post using the traditional method, words said by one poster are attributed to you or vice versa. Quotation marks just don't show up as well in fine print.

But to address the rarity of people having IQs over 160, I'd say 640,000 out of 64 million is still remarkable. And without the author's sources, I'd have to wonder just how he was able to ascertain that 1% of Britain's population has an IQ of 160 or better. I'd also like to know how you know that thousands of people in the past century have had such high IQs. Is that documented somewhere or is that another of your assumptions?

But the real issue here is that a White guy (you) have issue with the "praising" of a Black kid who just happened to be the centerpiece of an obscure news piece pulled from among others giving praise to other kids of different races with similar IQ on the very same webpage. Whatever the author intended, I doubt that he would have expected the backlash exhibited by you. What harm has been done by anyone reading that article? Are you afraid that some one might spread the idea that Blacks are equals to Whites in every way?

Sure, there are other kids in Britain that have IQ;s higher than Einstein but I wonder just how many of them are Black too that haven't had news stories published about them.
You gotta be kidding me .. you're back again?

LMAO ... I'm really wondering if you have a language problem, a reading comprehension issue or a substance abuse problem. Whatever the issue, I give up on trying to help you understand.

Remember your exercises - I am not a racist, I am not a racist, etc. But maybe add in a pat on the head with the words, "I'm smarter and I won the argument I'm smarter and I won the argument...."

Hope you feel better.
You gotta be kidding me .. you're back again?

LMAO ... I'm really wondering if you have a language problem, a reading comprehension issue or a substance abuse problem. Whatever the issue, I give up on trying to help you understand.

Remember your exercises - I am not a racist, I am not a racist, etc. But maybe add in a pat on the head with the words, "I'm smarter and I won the argument I'm smarter and I won the argument...."

Hope you feel better.

Just as I thought, you ran out of gas. You were running on fumes to begin with.
You gotta be kidding me .. you're back again?

LMAO ... I'm really wondering if you have a language problem, a reading comprehension issue or a substance abuse problem. Whatever the issue, I give up on trying to help you understand.

Remember your exercises - I am not a racist, I am not a racist, etc. But maybe add in a pat on the head with the words, "I'm smarter and I won the argument I'm smarter and I won the argument...."

Hope you feel better.

Yes, I'm sure you win lots of arguments by being an irritating retard. But keep thinking it's because you outsmarted them all. Lol, what a smart little doggy you are!
You gotta be kidding me .. you're back again?

LMAO ... I'm really wondering if you have a language problem, a reading comprehension issue or a substance abuse problem. Whatever the issue, I give up on trying to help you understand.

Remember your exercises - I am not a racist, I am not a racist, etc. But maybe add in a pat on the head with the words, "I'm smarter and I won the argument I'm smarter and I won the argument...."

Hope you feel better.

Yes, I'm sure you win lots of arguments by being an irritating retard. But keep thinking it's because you outsmarted them all. Lol, what a smart little doggy you are!

Ohhh I feel yer pain, trying to mask it with "ROFLMAO" doesn't make it go away…poor thing…bye, you have nothing left …Now that you have tasted the bitter dregs of defeat, you can only wallow in filth. I refuse to get down there with you…bye...
High IQ scores within the American Black community are slightly LESS RARE than among the urban white American demographic.

The problem is that those potentially great minds are sought out by the lowest common denominator element and convinced to hide their light under a bushel or be terminated with extreme prejudice.

Especially in Chicago.
High IQ scores within the American Black community are slightly LESS RARE than among the urban white American demographic.

The problem is that those potentially great minds are sought out by the lowest common denominator element and convinced to hide their light under a bushel or be terminated with extreme prejudice.

Especially in Chicago.
I'd like to explore your hypothesis further. do you have a source?
High IQ scores within the American Black community are slightly LESS RARE than among the urban white American demographic.

The problem is that those potentially great minds are sought out by the lowest common denominator element and convinced to hide their light under a bushel or be terminated with extreme prejudice.

Especially in Chicago.

I think you are kidding yourself about the size of the difference, but other than that, yes, you are correct.
I think you are kidding yourself about the size of the difference, but other than that, yes, you are correct.

We can never know for sure.

After all, nobody yet has designed a post-mortem IQ test. Never mind that they have found a way for the deceased to complete voter registration forms.
High IQ scores within the American Black community are slightly LESS RARE than among the urban white American demographic.

The problem is that those potentially great minds are sought out by the lowest common denominator element and convinced to hide their light under a bushel or be terminated with extreme prejudice.

Especially in Chicago.

I think you are kidding yourself about the size of the difference, but other than that, yes, you are correct.
I don't know about how slightly rare high IQ is among ANY demographic but I wouldn't be so bold as to say that Blacks having High IQ are sought out by the lowest common denominator element and convinced to hide their light under a bushel or be terminated. You just made that up.
I don't know about how slightly rare high IQ is among ANY demographic but I wouldn't be so bold as to say that Blacks having High IQ are sought out by the lowest common denominator element and convinced to hide their light under a bushel or be terminated. You just made that up.

You cannot hope to understand unless you are Black and of high IQ.
I don't know about how slightly rare high IQ is among ANY demographic but I wouldn't be so bold as to say that Blacks having High IQ are sought out by the lowest common denominator element and convinced to hide their light under a bushel or be terminated. You just made that up.

You cannot hope to understand unless you are Black and of high IQ.
I must, then, assume you know because YOU are Black with a high IQ. If you are not, then I am as much an expert as you on the topic… If you are… I'm listening….
I must, then, assume you know because YOU are Black with a high IQ. If you are not, then I am as much an expert as you on the topic… If you are… I'm listening….

While I do appreciate your rapt attention, it appears (though I do not so assume) that you have never seen "assume" properly parsed.
I must, then, assume you know because YOU are Black with a high IQ. If you are not, then I am as much an expert as you on the topic… If you are… I'm listening….

While I do appreciate your rapt attention, it appears (though I do not so assume) that you have never seen "assume" properly parsed.

A word cannot be "parsed." Parsing has to do with sentence structure and syntax analysis. Try again.

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