A Bold Prediction

You think someone who is "dumb as hell" and who spied for Nixon during Watergate should be president?



I wonder how many 20-somethings Nixon would not have described as 'dumb as a post'? Nevertheless, the not-too-bright Thompson apparently proved himself as being up to the job they gave him. You don't find them complaining that he dropped the ball or didn't get it done or suggesting he be or reassigned. What we have here are some unofficial, off-the-cuff kibitzing between Nixon and his closest associates, all taken out of context, and now being exploited by the left leaning media. It wouldn't be so pathetic if they were equal opportunity in such mild character assassination, but, in my observation, they carefully avoid 'unnecessary' ancient content that would embarrass their own liberal darlings.

A heads up to conservatives, however. If Thompson wins, we can expect at least four more years of the lefties describing the president as 'dumber than dirt'.
It's liberal arrogance. They think they're each personally smarter than anyone else in the world, and they think this gives them the justifcation they need for eroding the power of lesser beings, and breaking the rules.

No matter which Republican makes it (and we will have a Republican pres next time around) prepare yourself for the whining, insulting, tantrum throwing that the libs think they, as superior beings, are entitled to.
thats total bullshit. I am willing to bet that a victory for Rudy would be quite an acceptable situation for the left. I know a lot of lefties eyeing Ron Paul. Thompson, Mccain, Romney and Huckabee have no chance anyway.

Can you rise above the same behaviour for a single dem candidate? As if we don't already know that your side will be foaming at the mouth, dick morris style, if hillary wins.. Heaven fucking forbid a black man with a name like BARAK win.. Lets not pretend that this is a one way street. I've posted cordial observations in this thread about the right and the left.. can you do the same?
Cordial like that post?

We don't object to Obama because he's black, we object to him because he's a nutcase.

I'd vote for Clarence Thomas, if he were to run....
Read the thread.

yes, cordial like that post. Did you not see the potential bipartisan acceptance of Rudy in my words? Saying yes won't revoke your GOP membership, you know.

indeed, calling someone a nutcase sure is an example of thinking critically!
I can handle Guiliani. I've said that before. He did wonderful things for New York. At least he has actual convictions (and not the kind that all the closest friends of the Clintons have had, either).

I get so tired of every lib in the world insisting that if a conservative has a problem with someone who's colored, it's gotta be because they're colored. It apparently means a lot more to you all than it does to us.
And you don't find something highly hypocritical about Rudy running in the party that condemned Bill for a blow job! Isn't SEX your largest problem with being human.

It wasnt the BJ that got him in trouble.. Its the lieing under oath.. that is an impeachable offense..
And it's a crime...and it's a crime he committed for nothing other than saving his own skin. Evidence that he doesn't care about what the rules for the rest of the world.

I could care less how much sloppy sex he had, and I wish the dems would quit bringing it up because, frankly, the thought of those two squealers going at each other makes me nauseuous.
I can handle Guiliani. I've said that before. He did wonderful things for New York. At least he has actual convictions (and not the kind that all the closest friends of the Clintons have had, either).

I get so tired of every lib in the world insisting that if a conservative has a problem with someone who's colored, it's gotta be because they're colored. It apparently means a lot more to you all than it does to us.

colored.. nice.

If you are into memoirs try checking this one out:


anyway, yes. A goodportion of your common voting population WILL have a problem with Baraks skin color. I don't care if that fact makes you nervous. I'm not accusing you of such.. but pretending otherwise is a joke.
Actually, I imagine a larger number of your voters have trouble with skin color than mine.

If it's a fact, find some proof. Otherwise, that's just your own bias speaking.

Again, what you IMAGINE and what is the facts are often like opposite poles of a magnet.

What, do you want the Strom Thurman example or the reality of who gets the black vote? Do you REALLY think the klan is a democratic organization? Do you REALLY think that southern racists vote liberal?

I hope you say yes so that I can enjoy a good laugh
That's not evidence of what you stated, however. Nor is "who gets the black vote" evidence of anything.

Provide evidence of conservative bigotry.

And you know, the places where racism is most rampant are generally Democrat strongholds. Go figure.
uh.. yeeaaaaa... the SOUTH sure is a democratic stronghold...

indeed, nothing says new england liberal quite like all those emmet tills that happened in frickin rhode island.
ouch.. one guy.

I'm not sure that really usurps the party that filibustered 24 hours and 28 minutes trying to derail the civil rights act of '57. Indeed, when the dems started supporting civil right ole STROM sure knew which party to retreat to, didnt he?
uh.. yeeaaaaa... the SOUTH sure is a democratic stronghold...

indeed, nothing says new england liberal quite like all those emmet tills that happened in frickin rhode island.

The south is historically democratic, which explains the myriad problems they've had.

yea.. strom thurman flavoured democratic... If you are not aware of that republican southern strategy during the age of civil rights I suggest you educate yourself.
I'm aware that things have done nothing but improve since the dems there realized they were found out, and that it was time to switch boats. But go back to when they WEREN'T coming into the 20th century, and you'll see a long line of democrats. Intent on keeping a thumb on the little people...keeping them ignorant, poor and unarmed.

Things didn't start improving until the Republicans moved to town.
perhaps you should stop smoking the crack, allie?

indeed, I'm sure the racists in the south were real happy that racist republicans moved south and promised the perpetuation of segregation. Like I said, mine is not the party of the 24 hour + fillibuster against civil rights.
Romney is a weak candidate anyway. But as a Mormon I can tell you any christian that claims we are not christians is as stupid as a rock. We believe in the Bible, we do NOT believe the Book of Mormon is somehow superior to the Bible. We believe all the same things all christians believe. The difference being we believe that God has returned a prophet to the earth.

Mainstream christians believe that god is a flesh and blood man on the planet Kolob, Jesus and Satan are brothers, and that we can become gods in the afterlife?

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