A Bottomless Crock Of Shit

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A gigantic pile of GOP b*******as usual...

Nah, it's really a bi-partisan effort

You might think the exceptional democracy has two parties offering the voters a 'choice' but in reality you're ruled by one big, happy, corporate party with two wings, the republican wing that appeal to the religious fruitcakes, 2 amendment fanatics and 'family values' voters and the democratic wing that promotes gay marriage, transgender bathrooms and other assorted hope & change promises.

But when it comes to the right of the exceptional empire to rule the world, tax cuts for the rich, promoting the 'free' market and the Orwellian police state there's really no disagreement

That's why Hillary was the chosen one and Mueller is 'investigating' the vast Russian conspiracy while totally ignoring how the DNC made sure the 'commie' Bernie didn't have a chance. Also, the MSM is constantly crying about how evil Trump is but when he launches big, beautiful missiles they're cheering him on...

Obama had his problems. He continued the wars started by his predecessor. He increased warrant-less wiretapping. He created (and administered) kill lists. He didn't have a single liberal in his Cabinet. He didn't fight for the public option in the health bill. He made concessions to Republicans before they even asked for any.

Obama was a politician. He said a lot of things we like to hear. He did do some good things in office. But he was not a liberal. He did not have progressive policies. Obama was actually center-right.

However, with all his faults, he was a much better President than the one we got now.
“Maybe we pushed too far,” Obama said. “Maybe people just want to fall back into their tribe.” His aides reassured him he still would have won if he’d been able to run for another term, the article says. Obama is delusional, This dude even is taking credit for the Economy .
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That's article sounds like a bunch of 10th graders who just lost a "battle of the bands".

""Well MAYBE --- we were just TOO GOOD for them. ""

But in his next breath, the president made it clear that what he meant was: What if we were wrong in being so right? What if we were too good for these people?

:laughing0301: Exactly Middle School angst... And teen-age drama. Like all those teen movies -- it's about retaining your self-esteem and pride... This is gonna start a whole new Genre of best-selling books to go next to Hillary's and Comey's. The "we were just too good for those low-life voters" series.
We are not "low-life voters". We are "deplorables".

Anybody who voted against handing the USA's nuclear football to Hillary Clinton (D-Punjab), because she openly admitted, even bragged, that she participated in a vodka drinking contest. To be fair, in their youthful indiscretion, a lot of people participated in binge drinking.

However, Hillary is no youthful teenager. She's an old woman, and still binges on hard liquor. That's not even remotely like having a couple glasses of wine with your dinner, or grabbing a few beers with you burger at a cookout. Social drinking. Binge drinking at her age is a nearly 100% confirmation that she has a serious alcohol addiction problem.

She even had to cancel her scheduled campaign appearances because she got alcoholic's pneumonia. And several clueless jackass party of slavery supporters here at USMB have complained that she would have won the election if she bothered to simply show up for her campaign. They never even consider the possibility that she could not campaign because of health issues.

The job of US president requires that you be on call 24/7/365. Even if it is to answer an emergency 2AM phone call. Even if you are fucking wasted on vodka.

If you have ever been even a tiny little bit apprehensive about voting to hand the USA's nuclear football to a person that you cannot confidently say will remain sober for 4 years, you are a sexist and racist deplorable.
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Then problem is education, and how devalued it has become under the GOP. This is all by design.

Never before have we seen the fruits of the Dumbing Down of America like we have with the election, and cult like worship, of Trump by his electorate. This man doesn't even try to pretend to tell the truth, and his base eats up every word he utters, without reservation or skepticism.

What an ignorant laughing stock of a country we are, all thanks to Republicans.
You do realize the education system is run by mostly liberals? I mean are you saying conservatives are teaching 5 years olds that being gay is okay?
Obama had his problems. He continued the wars started by his predecessor. He increased warrant-less wiretapping. He created (and administered) kill lists. He didn't have a single liberal in his Cabinet. He didn't fight for the public option in the health bill. He made concessions to Republicans before they even asked for any.

Obama was a politician. He said a lot of things we like to hear. He did do some good things in office. But he was not a liberal. He did not have progressive policies. Obama was actually center-right.

However, with all his faults, he was a much better President than the one we got now.
SpongeBob SquarePants would be a better president than we have now.
In every single category, Obama was either absent or issued bad policies.
The largest thing he did in office was produce a horrific health paln that addressed none of the problems of health care cost in America. And handing out $trillions of OUR money to the wealthiest corporations in the world.
The irony, of course, us that Obama never actually attended any of his classes in college or at Harvard Law and Larry Tribe took the bar exam for him
It's Maureen Dowd. She writes exclusively to the fan base. But she can't be taken seriously anymore. Just like the paper that she writes for

Why is it okay to leave this in Politics with a one word OP? Because it's slamming Obama?

Because Obama was the worst president in history.:21::21::21::21::21:[/QUOTE]
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