A bridge too far. Trump equates Putin to American killers

Gotta say, it really is refreshing seeing a Politician tell the truth. Big props to Trump. :thup:
Oh bullshit. He didn't tell the truth, he obfuscated. The question had NOTHING TO DO WITH his answer.

I'm sure when Obama went around the world bloviating about America's past mistakes you called that refreshing honesty too?

GTFO with this bullshit

You're buying into Fake News distortions. Obviously Trump loves America. He merely pointed out that America is no angel either. It's been assassinating foreign leaders and invading numerous countries for many years.

In fact, in recent years, no other nation on earth comes close to the US as far as meddling and invading nations goes. Countries like Russia and Iran aren't even close. I know most Americans don't wanna acknowledge that, but it is the truth. I think Trump was incredibly brave stating that truth.
Most Americans don't wanna know the truth. The truth is, no other nation on earth invades more nations and kills more people than the United States does. Russia isn't even close. The US no longer possesses any moral high ground. It may have at one point, but it doesn't now. It has no right to preach to others.
but the question OReilly asked Trump was NOT about Russia or the Nation, it was specifically about Putin... and Trump tried and did, change the subject to Nation killing, to AVOID answering the question about Putin.

We, as a Nation have killed innocent people in our warring and coups and meddling etc, but in no way even close, are we the worst Nation in History of killing more innocent people than any other Nation since our inception....not even in the realm of close....

Sorry, but Russia isn't even close in comparison. We've been assassinating foreign leaders and installing Puppet regimes for many years. Russia does it too, but not on the level we do it. In fact, as we're both typing our posts, the US is bombing and killing people. And many of them are civilians.

We're a very violent nation. And that's what Trump was talking about. He wasn't saying Russia is a better country than the US. That's just a Fake News distortion. Unfortunately, the OP bought into the distortion. Trump loves his country. He was just stating honest reality.
for the last time, bill OReilly, DID NOT ASK Pres Trump about Russia, he was talking SPECIFICALLY about Putin... Trump and YOU are changing the subject about the PERSON Trump was asked about, in to the deeds of a Nation.

Putin KILLS/MURDERS his Russian political opponents...that's like Trump, assassinating Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz or Wolf Blitzer....now if you think we do this in America, and it is authorized by our government to do such, like it is in Russia since 2006, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you! :)
Most Americans don't wanna know the truth. The truth is, no other nation on earth invades more nations and kills more people than the United States does. Russia isn't even close. The US no longer possesses any moral high ground. It may have at one point, but it doesn't now. It has no right to preach to others.
but the question OReilly asked Trump was NOT about Russia or the Nation, it was specifically about Putin, and Trump tried and did, change the subject to Nation killing, to AVOID answering the question about Putin.

We, as a Nation have killed innocent people in our warring and coups and meddling etc, but in no way even close, are we the worst Nation in History of killing more innocent people than any other Nation since our inception....not even in the realm of close....

Sorry, but Russia isn't even close in comparison. We've been assassinating foreign leaders and installing Puppet regimes for many years. Russia does it too, but not on the level we do it. In fact, as we're both typing our posts, the US is bombing and killing people. And many of them are civilians.

We're a very violent nation. And that's what Trump was talking about. He wasn't saying Russia is a better country than the US. That's just a Fake News distortion. Unfortunately, the OP bought into the distortion. Trump loves his country. He was just stating honest reality.
for the last time, bill OReilly, DID NOT ASK Pres Trump about Russia, he was talking SPECIFICALLY about Putin and Trump and YOU are changing the subject about the PERSON Trump was asked about, in to the deeds of a Nation.

Putin KILLS/MURDERS his Russian political opponents...that's like Trump, assassinating Hillary Clinton or Ted Cruz or Wolf Blitzer....now if you think we do this in America, and it is authorized by our government to do such, like it is in Russia since 2006, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you! :)

Got news for ya, your own Government engages in the very same ugliness. The US is an incredibly violent nation.
Putin is not simply a 'killer', he is specifically and individually a MURDERER of his political opponents and journalists... through assassinating them....
Appease Porridge Reheated

Russian jurinalists who wanted their readers to feel sorry for the Chechen Muslims, which evoked the public's violent anger after the Muslims murdered 186 schoolchildren at Beslan.
Most Americans don't wanna know the truth. The truth is, no other nation on earth invades more nations and kills more people than the United States does. Russia isn't even close. The US no longer possesses any moral high ground. It may have at one point, but it doesn't now. It has no right to preach to others.
but the question OReilly asked Trump was NOT about Russia or the Nation, it was specifically about Putin, and Trump tried and did, change the subject to Nation killing, to AVOID answering the question about Putin.

We, as a Nation have killed innocent people in our warring and coups and meddling etc, but in no way even close, are we the worst Nation in History of killing more innocent people than any other Nation since our inception....not even in the realm of close....

Sorry, but Russia isn't even close in comparison. We've been assassinating foreign leaders and installing Puppet regimes for many years. Russia does it too, but not on the level we do it. In fact, as we're both typing our posts, the US is bombing and killing people. And many of them are civilians.

We're a very violent nation. And that's what Trump was talking about. He wasn't saying Russia is a better country than the US. That's just a Fake News distortion. Unfortunately, the OP bought into the distortion. Trump loves his country. He was just stating honest reality.
Putin Has the Right to Weaken the NWO by Any Means Necessary

The reality is that both countries' leaders did most of that for the good of the country. Compared to Yeltsin, Putin has been very good for Russia. It was such a weak, poor, and crime-infested country when he took over that he had to use rough methods to straighten it out.
Most Americans don't wanna know the truth. The truth is, no other nation on earth invades more nations and kills more people than the United States does. Russia isn't even close. The US no longer possesses any moral high ground. It may have at one point, but it doesn't now. It has no right to preach to others.
but the question OReilly asked Trump was NOT about Russia or the Nation, it was specifically about Putin, and Trump tried and did, change the subject to Nation killing, to AVOID answering the question about Putin.

We, as a Nation have killed innocent people in our warring and coups and meddling etc, but in no way even close, are we the worst Nation in History of killing more innocent people than any other Nation since our inception....not even in the realm of close....

Sorry, but Russia isn't even close in comparison. We've been assassinating foreign leaders and installing Puppet regimes for many years. Russia does it too, but not on the level we do it. In fact, as we're both typing our posts, the US is bombing and killing people. And many of them are civilians.

We're a very violent nation. And that's what Trump was talking about. He wasn't saying Russia is a better country than the US. That's just a Fake News distortion. Unfortunately, the OP bought into the distortion. Trump loves his country. He was just stating honest reality.
Putin Has the Right to Weaken the NWO by Any Means Necessary

The reality is that both countries' leaders did most of that for the good of the country. Compared to Yeltsin, Putin has been very good for Russia. It was such a weak, poor, and crime-infested country when he took over that he had to use rough methods to straighten it out.

Putin opposes the NWO Globalists. And so do i. I'm not saying he doesn't have his faults, but overall i agree with him on opposing the NWO Globalists.
Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.
That bridge was built by Obama and the progtards. Bbbbbut Bush being the latest addition. Heard no complaints when Obama was whining. Trump ad-libbing is sometimes painful...we need to breathe and await Spicers spin on what he really meant...or Mike Pence....
Trump wasn't asked about the Clintons or Obama. It is not relevant to what he was asked.

I'm sure O'Reilly would ask if Trump considered Clinton a murderer on a super bowl show.....you drunk again?
O'Reilly wouldn't ask that no matter the show because he has integrity.
The simple fact is, I am right & squirm as you will, you are wrong.
Trump can say American are all shit eaters and the Trump fan boys would be like

Trump: 'You think our country's so innocent'? - YouTube

Yeah I know there's a CNN banner. Try to focus on the content not the parchment.

This was an inexcusable comment unless you're one of the nuts that considered Bush a war criminal.
That bridge was built by Obama and the progtards. Bbbbbut Bush being the latest addition. Heard no complaints when Obama was whining. Trump ad-libbing is sometimes painful...we need to breathe and await Spicers spin on what he really meant...or Mike Pence....
Obama isnt president. Obama wasn't being interviewed. Obama wasn't the topic of the discussion.

You gonna pull the "boooooosh" shit now, only substitute Obama?
The simple fact is, I am right & squirm as you will, you are wrong.

The Clintons are believed to be involved in 46 murders and dozens of felonious assaults. The fact you didn't know that doesn't change anything.
I'm well aware of the deaths surrounding the Clintons. I'm also well aware that YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF POSTING ON FUCKING TOPIC.

This thread is about Trump, O'Reilly & Putin.
The simple fact is, I am right & squirm as you will, you are wrong.

The Clintons are believed to be involved in 46 murders and dozens of felonious assaults. The fact you didn't know that doesn't change anything.
I'm well aware of the deaths surrounding the Clintons. I'm also well aware that YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF POSTING ON FUCKING TOPIC.

This thread is about Trump, O'Reilly & Putin.

...But when Carter was POTUS....
Putin is not simply a 'killer', he is specifically and individually a MURDERER of his political opponents and journalists... through assassinating them....
he's like hitlery and you wanted her in office. wow that's messed up.
It's a shame so many on this board don't have enough integrity to call a spade a spade.
I agree. to say that the US doesn't do random killing well you're just dishonest and don't live in reality.

hell obummer doubled down and let the terrorists out of Gitmo to go kill some more. wow

He also gave Iran 150 million to take out Isreal.
It's a shame so many on this board don't have enough integrity to call a spade a spade.
I agree. to say that the US doesn't do random killing well you're just dishonest and don't live in reality.

hell obummer doubled down and let the terrorists out of Gitmo to go kill some more. wow

He also gave Iran 150 million to take out Isreal.
There it is!

The "I'm so fucking stupid" I have to deflect to previous presidents. Happens when you lack integrity I guess.
Gotta say, it really is refreshing seeing a Politician tell the truth. Big props to Trump. :thup:
Oh bullshit. He didn't tell the truth, he obfuscated. The question had NOTHING TO DO WITH his answer.

I'm sure when Obama went around the world bloviating about America's past mistakes you called that refreshing honesty too?

GTFO with this bullshit
so stupid, is Putin running Russia? Will we need them for anything? Think it's a good idea to deal with them like professionals or enemies? I mean explain what it is you think needs to be in place between the two nations?

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