A bridge too far. Trump equates Putin to American killers

America is far from innocent and yeah, we are killers. Always have been and always will be.
she's not a liar, you are just ignorant, and lack any kind of knowledge on Putin and how he kills off his political opponents.
I didn't say Putin was innocent. You can't read for shit.

But you brought up the Clintons. How about Billy bombing a pharmaceutical company in Sudan? That's not killing?

More on Clinton's Sudan bombing.
The administration claimed the plant was actually a disguised chemical weapons factory. Administration officials said that soil samples taken outside the plant had shown the presence of a substance known as Empta, whose only function was to make the nerve gas VX. The plant, moreover, was heavily guarded, the administration said, and it showed a suspicious lack of ordinary commercial activities.


But a British engineer, Thomas Carnaffin, who worked as a technical manager during the plant's construction between 1992 and 1996, emerged to tell reporters there was nothing secret or heavily guarded about the plant at all, and that he never saw any evidence of the production of an ingredient needed for nerve gas.
please, stop trying to change the subject.... this is NOT about collateral damage or mistakes that cause deaths.... it was about Putin KILLING OFF his political opponents (via poisoning or irradiating them) o'reilly WAS NOT talking about killing done, labeled as collateral damage.... and Trump KNEW THAT....

Prove Putin killed them or truly stop making yourself look like an idiot who beleives such propaganda. There is no proof at all.
tucker carlson's site, the dailycaller

Putin’s Opponents ‘Dying Left And Right’ In Strange Circumstances
9:36 AM 08/21/2016
Putin’s Opponents ‘Dying Left And Right’ In Strange Circumstances
A well-known opposition leader to Russian President Vladimir Putin fell into a week-long coma after ingesting a mysterious poison following a visit to Washington, D.C. in 2015 to lobby against Putin.

Political murder was a time honored tradition in the former Soviet Union, and a New York Times investigation reveals it is being used with increasing frequency by Putin.

Political murder, even outside Russian borders, was sanctioned by the Russian parliament in 2006. Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian spy who defected to Britain, died of radiation poisoning in 2006 after Kremlin agents reportedly slipped radioactive material into a cup of his favorite tea.

“The government is using the special services to liquidate its enemies,” former KGB officer and former member of the Russian parliament, Gennadi V. Gudkov, told The New York Times. “It was not just Litvinenko, but many others we don’t know about, classified as accidents or maybe semi-accidents.”

Here’s a list of Putin critics who've ended up dead

Litvinenko: Not first Putin critic to end up dead - CNN.com

Jesus Christ! Putin is almost as bad as the Clintons.
Quite honestly the hypocrisy in this thread is somewhat surprising.

It shouldn't be.

There is a portion of the conservative base who will turn a blind eye and whitewash anything Putin does, whether that's invading and annexing territory of another country, indiscriminately killing Syrian civilians and driving them to Europe and America, or killing and jailing Russian political opponents and journalists.

They live in the fringe media and believe everything RT tells them.

"Useful idiots" used to be the term for the leftist apologists for Russia. Now it's the term for the right-wing apologists for Russia.
she's not a liar, you are just ignorant, and lack any kind of knowledge on Putin and how he kills off his political opponents.
I didn't say Putin was innocent. You can't read for shit.

But you brought up the Clintons. How about Billy bombing a pharmaceutical company in Sudan? That's not killing?

More on Clinton's Sudan bombing.
The administration claimed the plant was actually a disguised chemical weapons factory. Administration officials said that soil samples taken outside the plant had shown the presence of a substance known as Empta, whose only function was to make the nerve gas VX. The plant, moreover, was heavily guarded, the administration said, and it showed a suspicious lack of ordinary commercial activities.


But a British engineer, Thomas Carnaffin, who worked as a technical manager during the plant's construction between 1992 and 1996, emerged to tell reporters there was nothing secret or heavily guarded about the plant at all, and that he never saw any evidence of the production of an ingredient needed for nerve gas.
please, stop trying to change the subject.... this is NOT about collateral damage or mistakes that cause deaths.... it was about Putin KILLING OFF his political opponents (via poisoning or irradiating them) o'reilly WAS NOT talking about killing done, labeled as collateral damage.... and Trump KNEW THAT....
No, I'm not sure Trump did know that. If you've seen the rest of that exchange, when O'Reilly pressed him, Trump did fall back on military "mistakes." What O'Reilly meant and what Trump was thinking of were two different things. Trump did his usual jumping to defend his statements, when he could have correctly pointed out that despite Putin's personal actions, every American president since 1989 has reached out to the Russian leader in hopes of more cooperation. Drop mike. Done.
Trump's comments were absolutely stupid and ignorant and insulting.

He and his crew would be doing us all a favor if they'd just stop doing interviews.
Poor ol' Trump probably thought O'Reilly was safe, but only Hannity, who feeds Trump the answers along with his questions, is really safe for our President to talk to.
It's important to note that the Russian apologists who are here pimping for Putin get much of their information from Russian sources, either directly or indirectly.

Putin - being a former communist KGB agent - knows the power of the media. That's why the Russian media has essentially become a propaganda arm for the Russian state, similar to how it was in the USSR.

Russia press freedom.png

Russia | Country report | Freedom of the Press | 2016
Trump's comments were absolutely stupid and ignorant and insulting. He and his crew would be doing us all a favor if they'd just stop doing interviews..
Poor ol' Trump probably thought O'Reilly was safe, but only Hannity, who feeds Trump the answers along with his questions, is really safe for our President to talk to.
Yup. I was surprised that O'Reilly actually picked up on what Trump said and challenged him on it...

In fact, come to think of it, that was more surprising than the stupid and ignorant and insulting thing that Trump said.
Trump's comments were absolutely stupid and ignorant and insulting.

He and his crew would be doing us all a favor if they'd just stop doing interviews.
Poor ol' Trump probably thought O'Reilly was safe, but only Hannity, who feeds Trump the answers along with his questions, is really safe for our President to talk to.
Safe? Why do you say that? He's been on many interviews, you are apparently ignorant of what's been going on. What exactly did you find wrong?
Trump's comments were absolutely stupid and ignorant and insulting. He and his crew would be doing us all a favor if they'd just stop doing interviews..
Poor ol' Trump probably thought O'Reilly was safe, but only Hannity, who feeds Trump the answers along with his questions, is really safe for our President to talk to.
Yup. I was surprised that O'Reilly actually picked up on what Trump said and challenged him on it...

In fact, come to think of it, that was more surprising than the stupid and ignorant and insulting thing that Trump said.
...which was...?
she's not a liar, you are just ignorant, and lack any kind of knowledge on Putin and how he kills off his political opponents.
I didn't say Putin was innocent. You can't read for shit.

But you brought up the Clintons. How about Billy bombing a pharmaceutical company in Sudan? That's not killing?

More on Clinton's Sudan bombing.
The administration claimed the plant was actually a disguised chemical weapons factory. Administration officials said that soil samples taken outside the plant had shown the presence of a substance known as Empta, whose only function was to make the nerve gas VX. The plant, moreover, was heavily guarded, the administration said, and it showed a suspicious lack of ordinary commercial activities.


But a British engineer, Thomas Carnaffin, who worked as a technical manager during the plant's construction between 1992 and 1996, emerged to tell reporters there was nothing secret or heavily guarded about the plant at all, and that he never saw any evidence of the production of an ingredient needed for nerve gas.
please, stop trying to change the subject.... this is NOT about collateral damage or mistakes that cause deaths.... it was about Putin KILLING OFF his political opponents (via poisoning or irradiating them) o'reilly WAS NOT talking about killing done, labeled as collateral damage.... and Trump KNEW THAT....
No, I'm not sure Trump did know that. If you've seen the rest of that exchange, when O'Reilly pressed him, Trump did fall back on military "mistakes." What O'Reilly meant and what Trump was thinking of were two different things. Trump did his usual jumping to defend his statements, when he could have correctly pointed out that despite Putin's personal actions, every American president since 1989 has reached out to the Russian leader in hopes of more cooperation. Drop mike. Done.
Don't mistake pres trump for not understanding O'Reilly, he PURPOSELY changed what Bill was asking in to what he wanted....this is the second or third time I have seen him do this with various reporters asking, and him converting it, to what he wanted.....

So I wholeheartedly disagree with you, even O'Reilly let out a sigh and just moved on....

So three times now, he avoided answering the question....INTENTIONALLY.

PRES Trump is extremely astute to what is being "said out there on the net"....he didn't miss this "information"....he's avoiding having to answer it......he has his reasons.... maybe even justified....in a sense that should any president call Putin a murderer on the world stage in the open?

Pres. Trumps prepared response of putting us down, instead of some other way to smooth talk his way out of answering, is what is most bothersome to me....
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I've got mixed feelings about this. I don't think we are killers like Putin. I sincerely hope our government is like that. But then I am also aware how many babies have been killed by abortion with a large segment of our nation being happy about it and celebrating it.
Most Americans don't wanna know the truth. The truth is, no other nation on earth invades more nations and kills more people than the United States does. Russia isn't even close. The US no longer possesses any moral high ground. It may have at one point, but it doesn't now. It has no right to preach to others.
Most Americans don't wanna know the truth. The truth is, no other nation on earth invades more nations and kills more people than the United States does. Russia isn't even close. The US no longer possesses any moral high ground. It may have at one point, but it doesn't now. It has no right to preach to others.

Damn I wish there was an 'exactly' rating button.
Putin indiscriminately kills in Syria & Ukraine. Putin has CLEARLY assassinated people in the past that opposed him.

There is NO comparison to modern day America.
didn't obummer drone kill folks? I'm just saying what do you think was happening there? come on dude. don't act so stupid.
Putin indiscriminately kills in Syria & Ukraine. Putin has CLEARLY assassinated people in the past that opposed him.

There is NO comparison to modern day America.
you forget about bill and hildabeast's victims?

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