A Brief Presentation of White Privilege

Somewhere around 11.30 he's claiming members of the 'dominant group' of (goes back a number of years) stated there 'is no problem' as an indication of denial.

He's right, but constraining that to American history is what is wrong here

Because the human race's entire history has been one of subjugation since the cromagnons had it out with the neaderthals.

To this day that is the social gestalt in many countries around this rock ,and may i point out many have not evolved to any civil rights level, nor wish to
>>>>Shocking Statistics, Encouraging Commitments at United Nations « Free the Slaves

The least we can say is America created an awareness ,along with some sort of effort in the 60's albeit's efficacy dubious

You see Marc, somewhere past all this denial, all the privelege ,victimhood ,appologists ,guilt fades away when one accepts the facts of human nature

So your underlying point is.....?

That rasicm has existed ,does exist, and will most likey continue to exist in many forms on this rock, because it is our nature to do so

the fact is , our racist issues here are no where near what they are elsewhere

That I don't read anything on that in the 'Race Realtions' section of the USMB means we either accept , or deny it exists


Yeah, if you are white.
I expected this was the direction you were going, but I wanted to make sure before I responded. I think your analogy is obviously flawed, and it fails in a way that demonstrates precisely the kind of prejudice that I'm talking about. Indeed, it is the kind of prejudice that I would expect a 14 year old to be able to spot.

So, in your new analogy, Wells Fargo stands in for black people, and BMAL for white people, or some other group. I would hope that just stating the analogy plainly makes the prejudice clear, but I'll spell it out anyway: Wells Fargo is a specific, individual entity with a history of illegal behavior. It's not unreasonable for their actions in relation to that kind of behavior to receive heightened scrutiny. The problem is that "black people" is not a good analogue to Wells Fargo, and treating it as such is explicitly prejudicial. Doing so involves treating millions of people as if they were literally known criminals with no individual reason to do so. It's a form of guilt-by-association where the association (race) does not actually provide any legitimate reason to suspect anyone of a crime.

A better analogue to Wells Fargo would be an individual with a history of crime, not an entire diffuse group of people, many of whom are entirely innocent and merely going about their day to day lives. So, if a police officer was more likely to pay attention to the movements of some known thief when that thief was spotted in an unlikely area in the middle of the night, that would be defensible. Stopping people solely on the basis of their race is not.

WTF with the poetic language. In fact it is. Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population. In inner city Baltimore or Chicago they will get more scrutiny and that comes from both black and white police officers. BAML is not "white people". LOL. White people in sketchy areas will get frisked as well. There are just fewer of them in the aforementioned Chicago and NY. Are you saying its racism that results in 70% of kids growing up with one parent, high HS drop out rates and high crime rates?

Police have their intel. They should follow it. You're not a police officer. Are you crying that 75% of the NBA is black? They get recruited at a much more aggressive pace to colleges for football and hoops as well? Why? Because they are better. That is not racism. It is just logic.

Blacks don't commit 50 percent of the crimes. Not according to the FBI Uniform crime reports. The UCR says whites commit 70 percent of all crime.

Ad why do you only talk about the NBA?

Try again Jewish neo nazi.

Calling me a Jewish Nazi is like calling someone a giant midget. You need an education.

Not when you adopt the same beliefs as neo nazis.

Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."
WTF with the poetic language. In fact it is. Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population. In inner city Baltimore or Chicago they will get more scrutiny and that comes from both black and white police officers. BAML is not "white people". LOL. White people in sketchy areas will get frisked as well. There are just fewer of them in the aforementioned Chicago and NY. Are you saying its racism that results in 70% of kids growing up with one parent, high HS drop out rates and high crime rates?

Police have their intel. They should follow it. You're not a police officer. Are you crying that 75% of the NBA is black? They get recruited at a much more aggressive pace to colleges for football and hoops as well? Why? Because they are better. That is not racism. It is just logic.

Blacks don't commit 50 percent of the crimes. Not according to the FBI Uniform crime reports. The UCR says whites commit 70 percent of all crime.

Ad why do you only talk about the NBA?

Try again Jewish neo nazi.

Calling me a Jewish Nazi is like calling someone a giant midget. You need an education.

Not when you adopt the same beliefs as neo nazis.

Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."

Facts make me racist? LOL
Not surprisingly....this is your best response.

A deflection.

WTF with the poetic language. In fact it is. Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population. In inner city Baltimore or Chicago they will get more scrutiny and that comes from both black and white police officers. BAML is not "white people". LOL. White people in sketchy areas will get frisked as well. There are just fewer of them in the aforementioned Chicago and NY. Are you saying its racism that results in 70% of kids growing up with one parent, high HS drop out rates and high crime rates?

Police have their intel. They should follow it. You're not a police officer. Are you crying that 75% of the NBA is black? They get recruited at a much more aggressive pace to colleges for football and hoops as well? Why? Because they are better. That is not racism. It is just logic.

Blacks don't commit 50 percent of the crimes. Not according to the FBI Uniform crime reports. The UCR says whites commit 70 percent of all crime.

Ad why do you only talk about the NBA?

Try again Jewish neo nazi.

Calling me a Jewish Nazi is like calling someone a giant midget. You need an education.

Not when you adopt the same beliefs as neo nazis.

Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."

Only 50% ?

Things have IMPROVED.
Blacks don't commit 50 percent of the crimes. Not according to the FBI Uniform crime reports. The UCR says whites commit 70 percent of all crime.

Ad why do you only talk about the NBA?

Try again Jewish neo nazi.

Calling me a Jewish Nazi is like calling someone a giant midget. You need an education.

Not when you adopt the same beliefs as neo nazis.

Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."

Facts make me racist? LOL

Ain't it a bitch.
WTF with the poetic language. In fact it is. Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population. In inner city Baltimore or Chicago they will get more scrutiny and that comes from both black and white police officers. BAML is not "white people". LOL. White people in sketchy areas will get frisked as well. There are just fewer of them in the aforementioned Chicago and NY. Are you saying its racism that results in 70% of kids growing up with one parent, high HS drop out rates and high crime rates?

Police have their intel. They should follow it. You're not a police officer. Are you crying that 75% of the NBA is black? They get recruited at a much more aggressive pace to colleges for football and hoops as well? Why? Because they are better. That is not racism. It is just logic.

Blacks don't commit 50 percent of the crimes. Not according to the FBI Uniform crime reports. The UCR says whites commit 70 percent of all crime.

Ad why do you only talk about the NBA?

Try again Jewish neo nazi.

Calling me a Jewish Nazi is like calling someone a giant midget. You need an education.

Not when you adopt the same beliefs as neo nazis.

Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."

African Americans accounted for between 45 percent and 50 percent of crimes for murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. In general, African Americans are approximately six times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes than are whites. African Americans are also most overrepresented in robbery, comprising 62 percent of arrestees. African Americans accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites while blacks account for less than 15% of people living in the United States.

African Americans accounted for between 45 percent and 50 percent of crimes for murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. In general, African Americans are approximately six times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes than are whites. African Americans are also most overrepresented in robbery, comprising 62 percent of arrestees. African Americans accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites while blacks account for less than 15% of people living in the United States.


The text you posted does not come from that document. I'm curious where you actually pasted it from. I covered some of this already in the post that you (allegedly) refused to read:

I can't be sure, but I expect the error you are making is that you are conflating arrests on murder charges with all crime. Here, for example is FBI data on arrests for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. You'll see that it is true that blacks represent about 50-53% of arrests on murder charges. You'll also see that arrests for murder make up 0.1% of all arrests, and that overall blacks make up about 27% of arrests across all charges, or just about half of what you claimed, and of course it varies a lot by offense type.

Note that several facts in your blurb above are false. Not only does the text not originate with the source you cited, but some of it is made up. I suspect you took that blurb from some racist website. You should be more careful of the way you source information.
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of rape arrests. The real number is < 30%
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of aggravated assault arrests. The real number is about 33%
  • Blacks do not constitute 62 percent of arrests for robbery, either, The real number is about 50%
All of the above from links provided in my previous post. So first you claimed that black people are responsible for 50% of all crime, which was false. Now you're citing fake statistics for only violent crime (something like 10% of all arrests) and misrepresenting the source of your claims. We haven't even dealt with the fact that arrests are neither convictions or offenses.

Most importantly, you really ought to pay attention to this:

Part of what makes racial stereotypes about criminality and poverty so pernicious is the way these things are self-sustaining. So, I do not think it's racist to observe that there are racial disparities in crime rates. I think that those disparities indicate a problem that we ought to pay attention to. Why do these disparities exist, not just in crime but in wealth, income, education, and so on? No reasonable answers can be given to those questions if we ignore the actual history of racism in the US, which is why I provided so many links, and have referenced several books about that history.

What do you think is the answer to the bolded question?
African Americans accounted for between 45 percent and 50 percent of crimes for murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. In general, African Americans are approximately six times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes than are whites. African Americans are also most overrepresented in robbery, comprising 62 percent of arrestees. African Americans accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites while blacks account for less than 15% of people living in the United States.


The text you posted does not come from that document. I'm curious where you actually pasted it from. I covered some of this already in the post that you (allegedly) refused to read:

I can't be sure, but I expect the error you are making is that you are conflating arrests on murder charges with all crime. Here, for example is FBI data on arrests for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. You'll see that it is true that blacks represent about 50-53% of arrests on murder charges. You'll also see that arrests for murder make up 0.1% of all arrests, and that overall blacks make up about 27% of arrests across all charges, or just about half of what you claimed, and of course it varies a lot by offense type.

Note that several facts in your blurb above are false. Not only does the text not originate with the source you cited, but some of it is made up. I suspect you took that blurb from some racist website. You should be more careful of the way you source information.
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of rape arrests. The real number is < 30%
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of aggravated assault arrests. The real number is about 33%
  • Blacks do not constitute 62 percent of arrests for robbery, either, The real number is about 50%
All of the above from links provided in my previous post. So first you claimed that black people are responsible for 50% of all crime, which was false. Now you're citing fake statistics for only violent crime (something like 10% of all arrests) and misrepresenting the source of your claims. We haven't even dealt with the fact that arrests are neither convictions or offenses.

Most importantly, you really ought to pay attention to this:

Part of what makes racial stereotypes about criminality and poverty so pernicious is the way these things are self-sustaining. So, I do not think it's racist to observe that there are racial disparities in crime rates. I think that those disparities indicate a problem that we ought to pay attention to. Why do these disparities exist, not just in crime but in wealth, income, education, and so on? No reasonable answers can be given to those questions if we ignore the actual history of racism in the US, which is why I provided so many links, and have referenced several books about that history.

What do you think is the answer to the bolded question?

You again. OMG...let me dumb this down for you. Let's for arguments sake say I am the biggest racist in the world. How is it my fault that African American kids drop out of school more often than whites, 70% grow up with only one parent and kill one another at ridiculous rates? You reference obscure books and links and use snooty lingo but how about the naked eye test? Black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent? Why is that do you think?

What I am describing below?

  1. Broken down and dilapidated and unsafe housing.
  2. Broken families.
  3. A high degree of violence required in order to hold the place together.
  4. Everybody gets a basic provision, but nobody gets ahead.
  5. Nihilism and despair. This is an intergenerational, ongoing, lasting way of life.
Blacks don't commit 50 percent of the crimes. Not according to the FBI Uniform crime reports. The UCR says whites commit 70 percent of all crime.

Ad why do you only talk about the NBA?

Try again Jewish neo nazi.

Calling me a Jewish Nazi is like calling someone a giant midget. You need an education.

Not when you adopt the same beliefs as neo nazis.

Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."

Facts make me racist? LOL

But that isn't fact. It is a lie provable by looking at crime statistics.
Calling me a Jewish Nazi is like calling someone a giant midget. You need an education.

Not when you adopt the same beliefs as neo nazis.

Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."

Facts make me racist? LOL

But that isn't fact. It is a lie provable by looking at crime statistics.

Calling me a Jewish Nazi is like calling someone a giant midget. You need an education.

Not when you adopt the same beliefs as neo nazis.

Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."

Facts make me racist? LOL

But that isn't fact. It is a lie provable by looking at crime statistics.

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.


FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
African Americans accounted for between 45 percent and 50 percent of crimes for murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. In general, African Americans are approximately six times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes than are whites. African Americans are also most overrepresented in robbery, comprising 62 percent of arrestees. African Americans accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites while blacks account for less than 15% of people living in the United States.


The text you posted does not come from that document. I'm curious where you actually pasted it from. I covered some of this already in the post that you (allegedly) refused to read:

I can't be sure, but I expect the error you are making is that you are conflating arrests on murder charges with all crime. Here, for example is FBI data on arrests for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. You'll see that it is true that blacks represent about 50-53% of arrests on murder charges. You'll also see that arrests for murder make up 0.1% of all arrests, and that overall blacks make up about 27% of arrests across all charges, or just about half of what you claimed, and of course it varies a lot by offense type.

Note that several facts in your blurb above are false. Not only does the text not originate with the source you cited, but some of it is made up. I suspect you took that blurb from some racist website. You should be more careful of the way you source information.
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of rape arrests. The real number is < 30%
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of aggravated assault arrests. The real number is about 33%
  • Blacks do not constitute 62 percent of arrests for robbery, either, The real number is about 50%
All of the above from links provided in my previous post. So first you claimed that black people are responsible for 50% of all crime, which was false. Now you're citing fake statistics for only violent crime (something like 10% of all arrests) and misrepresenting the source of your claims. We haven't even dealt with the fact that arrests are neither convictions or offenses.

Most importantly, you really ought to pay attention to this:

Part of what makes racial stereotypes about criminality and poverty so pernicious is the way these things are self-sustaining. So, I do not think it's racist to observe that there are racial disparities in crime rates. I think that those disparities indicate a problem that we ought to pay attention to. Why do these disparities exist, not just in crime but in wealth, income, education, and so on? No reasonable answers can be given to those questions if we ignore the actual history of racism in the US, which is why I provided so many links, and have referenced several books about that history.

What do you think is the answer to the bolded question?

You again. OMG...let me dumb this down for you. Let's for arguments sake say I am the biggest racist in the world. How is it my fault that African American kids drop out of school more often than whites, 70% grow up with only one parent and kill one another at ridiculous rates? You reference obscure books and links and use snooty lingo but how about the naked eye test? Black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent? Why is that do you think?

What I am describing below?

  1. Broken down and dilapidated and unsafe housing.
  2. Broken families.
  3. A high degree of violence required in order to hold the place together.
  4. Everybody gets a basic provision, but nobody gets ahead.
  5. Nihilism and despair. This is an intergenerational, ongoing, lasting way of life.

More lies. Where do you get this shit from neo nazi jew?

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE shows That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today ad 95.6 percent of whites do.

84-86 percent of all whites are killed by another white person.. So whites are killing each other in just as high amounts.

The divorce rate in the white community is 50 percent. 70 percent of all blacks do not grow up with one parent.

How is it my fault that African American kids drop out of school more often than whites, 70% grow up with only one parent and kill one another at ridiculous rates?

I don't recall suggesting that it was your fault. It's difficult for us to have a discussion because I'm reading your posts and responding to them, but you aren't reading mine, and hence you aren't responding to what I've written.

What I am describing below?
  1. Broken down and dilapidated and unsafe housing.
  2. Broken families.
  3. A high degree of violence required in order to hold the place together.
  4. Everybody gets a basic provision, but nobody gets ahead.
  5. Nihilism and despair. This is an intergenerational, ongoing, lasting way of life.

I think it would be more useful for you to tell me what you think. In fact I just asked you to do so!

I've already acknowledged the realities of racial disparities, and given a rough outline of my views on how the things you describe above came to exist. My explanation incorporated a historical analysis of how we got broken down and unsafe housing (de jure segregation and discrimination), broken families (mass incarceration as a policy; poverty), violence and lack of economic mobility (neighborhoods of concentrated poverty; again in part a consequence of segregation). I haven't explicitly touched on the cultural consequences of some of these facts but I do think it's an important -- though difficult -- topic. It turns out if you want to know what I think all you have to do is read the post you refused to engage with yesterday.
African Americans accounted for between 45 percent and 50 percent of crimes for murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. In general, African Americans are approximately six times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes than are whites. African Americans are also most overrepresented in robbery, comprising 62 percent of arrestees. African Americans accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites while blacks account for less than 15% of people living in the United States.


The text you posted does not come from that document. I'm curious where you actually pasted it from. I covered some of this already in the post that you (allegedly) refused to read:

I can't be sure, but I expect the error you are making is that you are conflating arrests on murder charges with all crime. Here, for example is FBI data on arrests for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. You'll see that it is true that blacks represent about 50-53% of arrests on murder charges. You'll also see that arrests for murder make up 0.1% of all arrests, and that overall blacks make up about 27% of arrests across all charges, or just about half of what you claimed, and of course it varies a lot by offense type.

Note that several facts in your blurb above are false. Not only does the text not originate with the source you cited, but some of it is made up. I suspect you took that blurb from some racist website. You should be more careful of the way you source information.
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of rape arrests. The real number is < 30%
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of aggravated assault arrests. The real number is about 33%
  • Blacks do not constitute 62 percent of arrests for robbery, either, The real number is about 50%
All of the above from links provided in my previous post. So first you claimed that black people are responsible for 50% of all crime, which was false. Now you're citing fake statistics for only violent crime (something like 10% of all arrests) and misrepresenting the source of your claims. We haven't even dealt with the fact that arrests are neither convictions or offenses.

Most importantly, you really ought to pay attention to this:

Part of what makes racial stereotypes about criminality and poverty so pernicious is the way these things are self-sustaining. So, I do not think it's racist to observe that there are racial disparities in crime rates. I think that those disparities indicate a problem that we ought to pay attention to. Why do these disparities exist, not just in crime but in wealth, income, education, and so on? No reasonable answers can be given to those questions if we ignore the actual history of racism in the US, which is why I provided so many links, and have referenced several books about that history.

What do you think is the answer to the bolded question?

You again. OMG...let me dumb this down for you. Let's for arguments sake say I am the biggest racist in the world. How is it my fault that African American kids drop out of school more often than whites, 70% grow up with only one parent and kill one another at ridiculous rates? You reference obscure books and links and use snooty lingo but how about the naked eye test? Black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent? Why is that do you think?

What I am describing below?

  1. Broken down and dilapidated and unsafe housing.
  2. Broken families.
  3. A high degree of violence required in order to hold the place together.
  4. Everybody gets a basic provision, but nobody gets ahead.
  5. Nihilism and despair. This is an intergenerational, ongoing, lasting way of life.

More lies. Where do you get this shit from neo nazi jew?

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE shows That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today ad 95.6 percent of whites do.

84-86 percent of all whites are killed by another white person.. So whites are killing each other in just as high amounts.

The divorce rate in the white community is 50 percent. 70 percent of all blacks do not grow up with one parent.


You antisemitic asshole. Google is yo
African Americans accounted for between 45 percent and 50 percent of crimes for murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. In general, African Americans are approximately six times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes than are whites. African Americans are also most overrepresented in robbery, comprising 62 percent of arrestees. African Americans accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites while blacks account for less than 15% of people living in the United States.


The text you posted does not come from that document. I'm curious where you actually pasted it from. I covered some of this already in the post that you (allegedly) refused to read:

I can't be sure, but I expect the error you are making is that you are conflating arrests on murder charges with all crime. Here, for example is FBI data on arrests for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. You'll see that it is true that blacks represent about 50-53% of arrests on murder charges. You'll also see that arrests for murder make up 0.1% of all arrests, and that overall blacks make up about 27% of arrests across all charges, or just about half of what you claimed, and of course it varies a lot by offense type.

Note that several facts in your blurb above are false. Not only does the text not originate with the source you cited, but some of it is made up. I suspect you took that blurb from some racist website. You should be more careful of the way you source information.
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of rape arrests. The real number is < 30%
  • Blacks do not constitute 45-50 percent of aggravated assault arrests. The real number is about 33%
  • Blacks do not constitute 62 percent of arrests for robbery, either, The real number is about 50%
All of the above from links provided in my previous post. So first you claimed that black people are responsible for 50% of all crime, which was false. Now you're citing fake statistics for only violent crime (something like 10% of all arrests) and misrepresenting the source of your claims. We haven't even dealt with the fact that arrests are neither convictions or offenses.

Most importantly, you really ought to pay attention to this:

Part of what makes racial stereotypes about criminality and poverty so pernicious is the way these things are self-sustaining. So, I do not think it's racist to observe that there are racial disparities in crime rates. I think that those disparities indicate a problem that we ought to pay attention to. Why do these disparities exist, not just in crime but in wealth, income, education, and so on? No reasonable answers can be given to those questions if we ignore the actual history of racism in the US, which is why I provided so many links, and have referenced several books about that history.

What do you think is the answer to the bolded question?

You again. OMG...let me dumb this down for you. Let's for arguments sake say I am the biggest racist in the world. How is it my fault that African American kids drop out of school more often than whites, 70% grow up with only one parent and kill one another at ridiculous rates? You reference obscure books and links and use snooty lingo but how about the naked eye test? Black kids with two parents are significantly more successful than white kids with one parent? Why is that do you think?

What I am describing below?

  1. Broken down and dilapidated and unsafe housing.
  2. Broken families.
  3. A high degree of violence required in order to hold the place together.
  4. Everybody gets a basic provision, but nobody gets ahead.
  5. Nihilism and despair. This is an intergenerational, ongoing, lasting way of life.

More lies. Where do you get this shit from neo nazi jew?

A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE shows That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today ad 95.6 percent of whites do.

84-86 percent of all whites are killed by another white person.. So whites are killing each other in just as high amounts.

The divorce rate in the white community is 50 percent. 70 percent of all blacks do not grow up with one parent.


Children in single-parent families by race | KIDS COUNT Data Center

I made them up. LOL. Yes they do. Face it, retired criminal. Stats don't care about your feelings.
A recent study by the ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE shows That 92.3 percent of all blacks have a high school diploma today ad 95.6 percent of whites do.

Yeah I think a potential downside of the way I've pursued this conversation is that it might be construed as endorsing yet another stereotype that all black people live in dire poverty, are uneducated, in jail, or etc. Which obviously isn't even close to being true. But the disparities between whites and blacks on average are nevertheless alarming, and I'm not sure if it's possible to discuss the issues without clarifying what they actually are. I'm sorry if I'm contributing at all to false perceptions. I think people often struggle to put statistical data into perspective. I don't have a great solution for that problem.
How is it my fault that African American kids drop out of school more often than whites, 70% grow up with only one parent and kill one another at ridiculous rates?

I don't recall suggesting that it was your fault. It's difficult for us to have a discussion because I'm reading your posts and responding to them, but you aren't reading mine, and hence you aren't responding to what I've written.

What I am describing below?
  1. Broken down and dilapidated and unsafe housing.
  2. Broken families.
  3. A high degree of violence required in order to hold the place together.
  4. Everybody gets a basic provision, but nobody gets ahead.
  5. Nihilism and despair. This is an intergenerational, ongoing, lasting way of life.

I think it would be more useful for you to tell me what you think. In fact I just asked you to do so!

I've already acknowledged the realities of racial disparities, and given a rough outline of my views on how the things you describe above came to exist. My explanation incorporated a historical analysis of how we got broken down and unsafe housing (de jure segregation and discrimination), broken families (mass incarceration as a policy; poverty), violence and lack of economic mobility (neighborhoods of concentrated poverty; again in part a consequence of segregation). I haven't explicitly touched on the cultural consequences of some of these facts but I do think it's an important -- though difficult -- topic. It turns out if you want to know what I think all you have to do is read the post you refused to engage with yesterday.

Answer my question. Those 5 pts. What am I describing? Seems simple.

You answer that and I will answer any question you may have. But use logic not some odd links or biased books. Just simple logic. Let's try it and see where we get to. And please keep your posts brief. My goodness are you wordy.
Not when you adopt the same beliefs as neo nazis.

Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."

Facts make me racist? LOL

But that isn't fact. It is a lie provable by looking at crime statistics.

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.


FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

And what is not true is that blacks commit 52 prcent of all crime. Channel 4 is not the FBI Uniform crime reports and homicide is not all crime.
Examples please?

"Black people commit 50% of crimes and are 13% of the population."

Facts make me racist? LOL

But that isn't fact. It is a lie provable by looking at crime statistics.

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.


FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?

And what is not true is that blacks commit 52 prcent of all crime. Channel 4 is not the FBI Uniform crime reports and homicide is not all crime.

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