A brief summary of why Crimea is disputed territory


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021

The people of Crimea never wanted to be part of Ukraine. This is a territorial dispute and the United States has no national interest involved. The only interest is Zionist Fascism protecting a country it stole with Victoria Nuland and American tax dollars playing a huge role.
Aside from Switzerland - Western democracy is known and reputed for mostly excluding it's population onto major decisions. That is how democracy is supposed to be - in order to allow elites and radical political factions like lefty&Libs to do whatever they want. At the same time these hypocrites criticize autocratic governments. Simply because they can't exert their control and agendas onto these countries.
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Except the Ukraine didn't "annex" it, it was given to the Ukraine SSR after a reorganization of the internal borders of the Soviet Republics.
Except the fact the required local referendum wasn't performed, making the transfer neither legal nor binding.
Not to mention the local population uniformly rejects affiliation with Ukraine.

Maybe the head of Ukraine intelligence spilling the beans about the planned genocide didn't help
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The Ukraine SSR had a referendum in 1991 and they voted for independence. Crimea was included in that referendum, which means it was part of Ukraine.

It was the only place where it was close, but 54% voted for independence. It was also the only place that was a low turnout, which means there were a lot of people that boycotted the vote.

That suggests to me they didn't like the choices. They didn't want to be controlled by Kiev or Moscow. But of the people who voted, independence with Kiev as the capital won.

That's what is Internationally recognized, and that's the way it is.

I don't even think if the people of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to stay with the USSR it would have changed the outcome- the referendum wasn't about individual oblasts picking their own status.

If you want to legitimize Russia's annexation by force, you might as well permit Erdo to reclaim the Ottoman Empire while you're at it, because however far you want to turn back the clock, someone else will want to turn it back further.
you are full of crap ivan
the reality :

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262 was adopted on 27 March 2014 by the sixty-eighth session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to the Russian annexation of Crimea and entitled "territorial integrity of Ukraine". ..., affirmed the General Assembly's commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders and underscored the invalidity of the 2014 Crimean referendum.
Read the article. Nikita had no right under Soviet law to do what he did.

He was dictator of the Soviet Union.... Laws don't apply to dictators.


Now, if you want to make an argument that Crimea and Donbass should be part of Russia because their populations are ethnically Russian, that's a valid argument, and should have been negotiated at a peace table. Of course, that would also mean that Russia should give independence to regions like Chechnya that have no desire to be part of Russia.

all of which is a moot point, as Russia gave up any valid claims it had when it tried to invade Ukraine to topple it's government.
Um, that's bizarre... but most of what you say is.

I honestly wish you didn't take an Avi of Voyager's only interesting character, who would probably be appalled at your views.

Unlikely. EMH was about truth, including truth about science. You really hate truth. That is your problem.
I am pretty sure I never heard Robert Picardo go off on anti-Semitic rants on Voyager.

Always a card toss when truth comes out...

EMH would object to Zionist Fascism the same way EMH objects to the Borg...
Except the Ukraine didn't "annex" it, it was given to the Ukraine SSR after a reorganization of the internal borders of the Soviet Republics.
What was given to a friendly country, can be taken back from a hostile puppet of the Evil Empire.
Russia should give independence to regions like Chechnya that have no desire to be part of Russia.
That's what was done in the 90s under the Yeltsin regime. A few years later, the bandit state of Chechnya committed aggression against Dagestan, a part of Russia, after which Chechnya's independence came to an end. A state whose economy is based on banditry and slave trade does not deserve to exist, even if it is swimming in its own juice and especially if it displays aggression towards its neighbors.
But they probably didn't tell you that at the University of Illinois, did they?
That's what was done in the 90s under the Yeltsin regime. A few years later, the bandit state of Chechnya committed aggression against Dagestan, a part of Russia, after which Chechnya's independence came to an end. A state whose economy is based on banditry and slave trade does not deserve to exist, even if it is swimming in its own juice and especially if it displays aggression towards its neighbors.
But they probably didn't tell you that at the University of Illinois, did they?

Probably not, since I graduated well before that happened, Ivan.

But the Russians weren't the good guys there, either.
Read the article. Nikita had no right under Soviet law to do what he did.

Who accepts Soviet laws? And this very interesting historical discussion found anyway an end when Russia started a war against Europe in the Ukraine. How will Russia "pay" all the damages and lost lifes and money and energy which is bound in this war? What to do with the Russian Black Sea fleet and their Crimean home harbor? What about to forbid anyone to enter again the murderous peninsula Crimea and to let it be free nature without any human beings at all? The world needs free nature reservations.
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