A Bunch of 2020 Democratic Candidates Give Very Little to Charity

All the Democratic presidential candidates who have released their tax returns so far have exposed themselves as Scrooges when it comes to charitable giving. Who are we talking about? Such class-warfare peddling, self-proclaimed champions of the poor as Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth I-Lied-for-Decades-About-My-Ethnicity Warren, Beto O'Rourke, Kirsten Gillibrand, Amy Klobuchar, and Jay Inslee. The least stingiest giver is Elizabeth Warren, even though she only gave 5.5% of her $900K household income to charity in 2017:

Several Democratic presidential candidates released their tax returns in an effort to contrast their transparency with President Trump’s opaqueness regarding his finances. But by attempting to prove their virtue, they accomplished just the opposite.

Their tax returns revealed that each of the Democratic candidates gave an embarrassingly low percentage of their sizable income to charity in recent years. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren won the title as most charitable, giving a whopping 5.5 percent of her household’s $906,000 income to charity in 2017. In second place is Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, who, along with his wife, gave 4 percent of their income in 2017. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and her husband contributed 2 percent of their $215,000. Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar contributed 1.9 percent out of $338,500, while California Sen. Kamala Harris contributed just 1.4 percent out of $1.9 million.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders just became a millionaire in 2016, raking in $1,073,333. Yet he gave only $10,600 to charity — less than 1 percent of his income. He upped his generosity in 2017 and 2018, donating an "impressive" 3 percent.

Finally, Beto O’Rourke and his wife gave 0.3 percent of their $366,455 to charity in 2017. Good news: that’s up from 0.2 percent in 2016. Don’t worry, though, O’Rourke’s campaign team has announced they are busy looking for the “thousands of dollars” of charitable giving that weren’t, for some reason, reflected on his tax returns. The American people anxiously await their excavation.

The lack of magnanimity among Democrats isn’t exactly surprising. A 2018 study found that, on average, Republican-leaning counties give more to charity than Democratic-leaning counties. This echoes similar findings from a 2012 study. In general, Republicans and conservatives tend to be more generous than Democrats and progressives. This is probably because Republicans are more likely to be religious than Democrats are, and religion is a major motivating factor in charitable giving. (Allie Beth Stuckey: Democratic presidential candidates have a big charitable giving problem)​
As opposed to stealing from charities........
Another point that should be made is that Trump has never gone around bashing rich people, demonizing corporations, pretending that he cares more about the poor than other people, but Warren, Sanders, Booker, etc., have done these things for years. Yet, now we see that they have practiced "do as I say, not as I do." They bash corporation and rich people for not caring about the poor, yet they've given only a small fraction of their huge incomes to charity.

You won your point in this thread!
The unhinged lefts meltdowns are proof.
What a bunch of cheap bastards, eh?; always expecting hard working American taxpayers to pick up the tab for their social justice lunacy.
Good job.....:clap2::clap2::clap2:
How much should they give? The old hard working American trick. Are Americans really that hard working? Are other countries workers sitting on their asses?
Billionaire Trump gives nothing to charity

Only his Presidential salary, for starters. Please return to your normal activity of banging two rocks together.

Writes it off. Trump is the cheapest billionaire in the world

Uh, one, everyone or nearly everyone writes off their charitable donations. Two, Trump has donated millions to charity over the years, in addition to creating tens of thousands of good jobs. Three, Trump has never pretended to care more about the poor than everyone else, unlike the Dem candidates, and they have given virtually nothing to charity. The point is the hypocrisy of the Dem candidates. The OP does not even mention Trump, because it has nothing to do with Trump. You guys won't talk about the clear hypocrisy of the Dem candidates.

Trump is a conman, a crook and collected money for his charity and used it for himself.

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