A Call to Reason: Why Background Checks Don’t Work

Should the government infringe on rights granted in the constitution, for "public safety".

  • No. Personal safety is incumbent on the individual

  • No, but the public needs better education about gun safety and self defense

  • Yes, those deemed a danger to society- NO GUNS! Even at the expense of my rights.

  • Yes, I'm a fascist pig and I hate guns because I was programmed to in school.

  • Yes, people are too stupid to protect themselves

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The rest of the article is here.
There is a lot of repetition and not a shred of logic used in that article.

The idea of background checks between private parties is to close one more channel used by people who should not be buying guns. It will make it harder for felons to acquire them.

And saying that background checks don't work because people who shouldn't get them are still getting guns is as stupid as saying laws against murder don't work because people are still being murdered.

Once again the far left needs to check statics on how many felons steal vs buy gun..

I am all for background checks, just need the far left to stay of writing the laws..

Gun laws work

Your chart is false.

Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sort it by the last column, Gun Murders Per 100,000. Vermont has the least and also has virtually no gun laws whatsoever. Washington D.C. has the most murders and has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. In fact, most of the states in your chart in reality are nowhere near the top of states with lowest gun related murders.
Try again: Number of Deaths Due to Injury by Firearms per 100 000 Population The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

Once again the far left needs to check statics on how many felons steal vs buy gun..

Once again, you are parroting a bogus meme.

Ask a cop on the beat how criminals get guns and you're likely to hear this hard boiled response: "They steal them." But this street wisdom is wrong, according to one frustrated Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agent who is tired of battling this popular misconception. An expert on crime gun patterns, ATF agent Jay Wachtel says that most guns used in crimes are not stolen out of private gun owners' homes and cars. "Stolen guns account for only about 10% to 15% of guns used in crimes,"

In fact, there are a number of sources that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands, with gun thefts at the bottom of the list. Wachtel says one of the most common ways criminals get guns is through straw purchase sales.
Once again the far left needs to check statics on how many felons steal vs buy gun..

Once again, you are parroting a bogus meme.

Ask a cop on the beat how criminals get guns and you're likely to hear this hard boiled response: "They steal them." But this street wisdom is wrong, according to one frustrated Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agent who is tired of battling this popular misconception. An expert on crime gun patterns, ATF agent Jay Wachtel says that most guns used in crimes are not stolen out of private gun owners' homes and cars. "Stolen guns account for only about 10% to 15% of guns used in crimes,"

In fact, there are a number of sources that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands, with gun thefts at the bottom of the list. Wachtel says one of the most common ways criminals get guns is through straw purchase sales.

Once again the far left just posts links and numbers that do not support their position..

Once again the far left needs to check statics on how many felons steal vs buy gun.
I am all for background checks, just need the far left to stay of writing the laws..

I would like to see buyers registered instead of guns. You pass a background check and then you can buy or not buy as many guns as you like. You go to a gun shop, the seller looks up your names, and if you are on the registered buyers list, you can buy whatever you like, and the government doesn't need to know what you bought or how much you bought.
Once again the far left needs to check statics on how many felons steal vs buy gun..

Once again, you are parroting a bogus meme.

Ask a cop on the beat how criminals get guns and you're likely to hear this hard boiled response: "They steal them." But this street wisdom is wrong, according to one frustrated Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agent who is tired of battling this popular misconception. An expert on crime gun patterns, ATF agent Jay Wachtel says that most guns used in crimes are not stolen out of private gun owners' homes and cars. "Stolen guns account for only about 10% to 15% of guns used in crimes,"

In fact, there are a number of sources that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands, with gun thefts at the bottom of the list. Wachtel says one of the most common ways criminals get guns is through straw purchase sales.

Once again the far left just posts links and numbers that do not support their position..

Are you retarded, illiterate, or both?

I provided a link. READ. IT.
Once again the far left needs to check statics on how many felons steal vs buy gun..

Once again, you are parroting a bogus meme.

Ask a cop on the beat how criminals get guns and you're likely to hear this hard boiled response: "They steal them." But this street wisdom is wrong, according to one frustrated Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agent who is tired of battling this popular misconception. An expert on crime gun patterns, ATF agent Jay Wachtel says that most guns used in crimes are not stolen out of private gun owners' homes and cars. "Stolen guns account for only about 10% to 15% of guns used in crimes,"

In fact, there are a number of sources that allow guns to fall into the wrong hands, with gun thefts at the bottom of the list. Wachtel says one of the most common ways criminals get guns is through straw purchase sales.

Once again the far left just posts links and numbers that do not support their position..

Are you retarded, illiterate, or both?

I provided a link. READ. IT.

And always the far left thinks if they just provide any old link that is good enough even if it does not fit the subject..

Once again the far left needs to check statics on how many felons steal vs buy gun.
All stolen guns are available to criminals by definition. Recent studies of adult and juvenile offenders show that many have either stolen a firearm or kept, sold, or traded a stolen firearm: According to the 1991 Survey of State Prison Inmates, among those inmates who possessed a handgun, 9% had acquired it through theft, and 28% had acquired it through an illegal market such as a drug dealer or fence. Of all inmates, 10% had stolen at least one gun, and 11% had sold or traded stolen guns.

All stolen guns are available to criminals by definition. Recent studies of adult and juvenile offenders show that many have either stolen a firearm or kept, sold, or traded a stolen firearm: According to the 1991 Survey of State Prison Inmates, among those inmates who possessed a handgun, 9% had acquired it through theft, and 28% had acquired it through an illegal market such as a drug dealer or fence. Of all inmates, 10% had stolen at least one gun, and 11% had sold or traded stolen guns.


I love how the far left drones will still dig their hole deeper with each and every post!
The supreme court ruled that rights from the constitution can be reasonably regulated. I don't understand how background checks don't work, and your quote doesn't very well explain it. If someone has a reasonable criminal history, they probably shouldn't fucking have guns.

The entire point of owning a firearm is to protect yourself from criminals. When seconds count, the police are minutes away. A criminal history background check ensures that criminals won't legally acquire guns.

Try reading the entire article as I suggested. Mr Knox made a good case on why BG checks fail.

Criminals will get guns in spite of any law, they kill people in spite of laws. Why this simple truth is so difficult for people to understand escapes me.

Secondly, if the penal system releases a convict into society I do not think that person should be disarmed. If he is too much of a danger in the first place he shouldn't be free.

Just how far back in our back grounds are we talking here? Like Obama's improbable immigration and religious status, nasi in Bavarian means stupid or Lincoln was bisexual?
Just how far back in our back grounds are we talking here? Like Obama's improbable immigration and religious status, nasi in Bavarian means stupid or Lincoln was bisexual?

All the way back. In fact if you were ever even charged for certain offenses and plead to a lower offense you're still disqualified, forever.
Gun laws are worthless. None of them work. None of them. We have 100 years of history with gun control and it's all worthless.
RIGHTS aren't granted in the Constitution as Rights are recognized as preexisting in the Constitution , Bill of Rights . Rights are pre existing and they are God given or what some people refer to as 'natural' Rights !!

The invisible man in the sky wants you to have an AR-15...???

Gun laws are worthless. None of them work. None of them. We have 100 years of history with gun control and it's all worthless.

You're an idiot.

Of course they work.

Everyday someone is arrest for illegal possession of a handgun or other weapon.

Everyday someone is deterred from purchasing and illegal.

By your idiot logic, rape laws don't work because rapes occur.

Fucking moron. Get off this board. It's for adults.
I'm talking about RIGHT's 'Hazel' , Rights are God given or at least natural and man adapts to his Rights with brain , fists , teeth , clubs , rocks , knives or AR15 as the situation requires !!

Gun laws work

Your chart is false.

Gun violence in the United States by state - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Sort it by the last column, Gun Murders Per 100,000. Vermont has the least and also has virtually no gun laws whatsoever. Washington D.C. has the most murders and has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. In fact, most of the states in your chart in reality are nowhere near the top of states with lowest gun related murders.
Try again: Number of Deaths Due to Injury by Firearms per 100 000 Population The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation


Two different stats. Yours says death due to injury. Mine is death due to murder.
Should the government infringe on rights granted in the constitution, for "public safety".


Should the government establish and enforce standards for the licensing of gun-owners and the registration of firearms?


There is no reason for firearms to be registered with the government. It's not their concern whether or not you own one or how many.
Gun laws are worthless. None of them work. None of them. We have 100 years of history with gun control and it's all worthless.

You're an idiot.

Of course they work.

Everyday someone is arrest for illegal possession of a handgun or other weapon.

So wouldn't that be proof they aren't working?
RIGHTS aren't granted in the Constitution as Rights are recognized as preexisting in the Constitution , Bill of Rights . Rights are pre existing and they are God given or what some people refer to as 'natural' Rights !!
I don't know if you are aware this but the Bill of Rights still has limitations. Take the 1st amendment for example. Defamation and child pornography are illegal. That means we can set limits on the 2nd.

Background checks are extremely important as are closing gun show loopholes. Virtually no one, especially democrats, want to ban the ownership of guns altogether.

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