A challenge for all of you atheists.

I hear it all the time. Being told that Christians are not only anti science, but just plain scientific illiterates. So here is a challenge. I dare one of you atheists to discuss any of the hard sciences with me. I'll even let you pick the topic. I'm no scientists, but I am well read. I have a passing familiarity with many scientific subjects. So, how about it. Anyone feeling froggy?

Dale Smith wants to talk to you about Time Travel, and whether or not Jesus Christ was on the grassy knoll.
And finally, this is nothing more than your opinion. Now, if you would like to discuss real science, just pick a topic.
No, you yammering imbecile, it is the opinion of just about every mainstream reference source in regard to the hard and soft sciences. You don't know what science means even after I posted the definition. You really are a yammering imbecile.
There are peer reviewed scientists who don't believe in Darwinian evolution. Would you like to see a list?
There are always scientists who disagree with the consensus. Always. So what? A tiny minority provides a foothold for yammering imbeciles, big deal. That is why you didn't want to discuss the concept of the scientific consensus, even though you appeal to it with your 'peer reviewed' wibble.
Tell you what. I'll chose a topic, and someone can decide whether or not they want to discuss it. I'll do better than that. I'll give you a choice.

Information theory
Quantum mechanics

I can have a knowledgeable discussion on any of those. Anyone?

I'm guessing no one will accept. A Christian who actually knows something about science would simply shatter your world view, wouldn't it? Lol
Ok. I'm game. I'll take nanotechnology

OK, but it's a pretty broad subject. Would you prefer a general discussion, or would you rather focus on a particular branch, such as how it relates to medicine?
I would like to know why "GAAWWDD" didn't come up with something better than some chiseled rocks to convey the Commandments. Seems a little crude. After all he is all seeing and all knowing. Couldn't he have thrown together a 3D printer and come up with something a little more "Godly"?
I would like to know why you are bringing up religion. I ask for a discussion about science.

I did ask about science. I encorporated several scientific achievements that led to the invention of the 3D printer that god should have known about. You can pick from any number of them.

It was YOU that brought up religion or the lack thereof.

Did you even bother to read the title of your own thread?

Do try to keep up newbie.

Your thread is too vague. Atheism is specific.
And yet atheists are the ones who claim that Christians are anti science. That is why I brought it up. I also notice that not a single one of you gutless cowards had the balls to accept my challenge.

When referring to "atheists" you need to single out which one you are addressing. No atheist speaks for all atheists. There is no atheist organization or club. There is no "card" or manual that dictates what an atheist is supposed to think. That is the whole point of being an atheist. That is the only thing we have in common. We all think for ourselves unlike you brainwashed christian lemmings.

Go drink some kool aid. Jimmy Jones is calling you. Go to him.
I would like to know why "GAAWWDD" didn't come up with something better than some chiseled rocks to convey the Commandments. Seems a little crude. After all he is all seeing and all knowing. Couldn't he have thrown together a 3D printer and come up with something a little more "Godly"?
I would like to know why you are bringing up religion. I ask for a discussion about science.

I did ask about science. I encorporated several scientific achievements that led to the invention of the 3D printer that god should have known about. You can pick from any number of them.

It was YOU that brought up religion or the lack thereof.

Did you even bother to read the title of your own thread?

Do try to keep up newbie.

Your thread is too vague. Atheism is specific.
And yet atheists are the ones who claim that Christians are anti science. That is why I brought it up. I also notice that not a single one of you gutless cowards had the balls to accept my challenge.

When referring to "atheists" you need to single out which one you are addressing. No atheist speaks for all atheists. There is no atheist organization or club. There is no "card" or manual that dictates what an atheist is supposed to think. That is the whole point of being an atheist. That is the only thing we have in common. We all think for ourselves unlike you brainwashed christian lemmings.

Go drink some kool aid. Jimmy Jones is calling you. Go to him.
Well well. I just thought I'd view my ignored content to see if you have gained some manners. What a waste of time. LOL! Bye bye.
I am not a atheists but a logical christian that sees that god is powerful and great enough to design evolution and the scientific functions of our universe to make things work. He made us and probably millions of other intelligent beings capable of understanding and using the brains that he gave us. No, op, god is far more powerful then one that pulls some strings and expects us to only understand one 2,000 year book written to be understood for those times at the most basic levels.

Humanity must help its self and he expects us to learn to understand his creation. It is a insult to god to consider him so small that he didn't design evolution and science in the way we're clearly seeing right before out eyes.
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I'm guessing no one will accept. A Christian who actually knows something about science would simply shatter your world view, wouldn't it? Lol
Whereas a yammering imbecile who doesn't even know the meaning of science would reinforce it.
a patio shouldnt really need rebar unless youre gunna drive on it
I'm guessing no one will accept. A Christian who actually knows something about science would simply shatter your world view, wouldn't it? Lol
Whereas a yammering imbecile who doesn't even know the meaning of science would reinforce it.
  1. the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
What's YOUR definition?
What's YOUR definition?
I gave it a few posts back, with a link, unlike you. So that covers the physical and chemical properties of patio construction materials, and the biological and geological factors of evolution, both of which you decline to discuss; not to mention the basic concept of scientific consensus, to which you appeal but refuse to argue.
I am not a atheists but a logical christian that sees that god is powerful and great enough to design evolution and the scientific functions of our universe to make things work. He made us and probably millions of other intelligent beings capable of understanding and using the brains that he gave us. No, op, god is far more powerful then one that pulls some strings and expects us to only understand one 2,000 year book written to be understood for those times at the most basic levels.

Humanity must help its self and he expects us to learn to understand his creation. It is a insult to god to consider him so small that he didn't design evolution and science in the way we're clearly seeing right before out eyes.

You have constructed yourself an awesome god. It seems to cover all of your needs. Or should I say you have "designed" yourself an awesome god. You have attempted to do so "intelligently" for sure. One may infer by that, that your god was indeed created by "Intelligent design".
What's YOUR definition?
I gave it a few posts back, with a link, unlike you. So that covers the physical and chemical properties of patio construction materials, and the biological and geological factors of evolution, both of which you decline to discuss; not to mention the basic concept of scientific consensus, to which you appeal but refuse to argue.
I gave the dictionary definition.

And patio construction materials are soooooo boring. How could you expect anyone to want to discuss THAT. And evolution is not a hard science.

And I believe you must have know what I meant when I said the hard sciences. This usually refers to physical sciences, such as chemistry or quantum mechanics.
I would like to know why "GAAWWDD" didn't come up with something better than some chiseled rocks to convey the Commandments. Seems a little crude. After all he is all seeing and all knowing. Couldn't he have thrown together a 3D printer and come up with something a little more "Godly"?
I would like to know why you are bringing up religion. I ask for a discussion about science.

I did ask about science. I encorporated several scientific achievements that led to the invention of the 3D printer that god should have known about. You can pick from any number of them.

It was YOU that brought up religion or the lack thereof.

Did you even bother to read the title of your own thread?

Do try to keep up newbie.

Your thread is too vague. Atheism is specific.
And yet atheists are the ones who claim that Christians are anti science. That is why I brought it up. I also notice that not a single one of you gutless cowards had the balls to accept my challenge.

When referring to "atheists" you need to single out which one you are addressing. No atheist speaks for all atheists. There is no atheist organization or club. There is no "card" or manual that dictates what an atheist is supposed to think. That is the whole point of being an atheist. That is the only thing we have in common. We all think for ourselves unlike you brainwashed christian lemmings.

Go drink some kool aid. Jimmy Jones is calling you. Go to him.
Well well. I just thought I'd view my ignored content to see if you have gained some manners. What a waste of time. LOL! Bye bye.

Wasting time is what you do best.

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