A Challenge to Trump Supporters


Dim Bulb

Say one thing you don't like about President Trump. I'll start: Although I am willing to wait and see if he actually effectuates many of the policies he espouses, I cannot get by the personal issue of the way he has talked about and treated women. I have a daughter who has been through some things in her life, and watching a president who would treat my daughter in a way I find reprehensible is something I have a hard time separating from his policies. In the same way I couldn't separate Bill Clinton's behavior from his policies (some of which I supported), I cannot separate President Trump from his behavior. In short, he's a guy that I wouldn't let alone with my daughter. And the model he sets for behavior among men is manifestly evident in our society. Demeaning people because you can get away with it is no virtue (although many people applaud him for it these days). Civility is no vice. (Reagan: We can disagree without being disagreeable.)
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump.

He's only going to get two terms.
You don't know that yet. It is possible he will bully the largely Republican state legislatures to amend the constitution for him. And his supporters who cannot see anything negative about him or his policies will wholeheartedly support it, I suspect. You are evidence of that possibility, I suppose.
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump. I'll start: Although I am willing to wait and see if he actually effectuates many of the policies he espouses, I cannot get by the personal issue of the way he has talked about and treated women. I have a daughter who has been through some things in her life, and watching a president who would treat my daughter in a way I find reprehensible is something I have a hard time separating from his policies. In the same way I couldn't separate Bill Clinton's behavior from his policies (some of which I supported), I cannot separate President Trump from his behavior. In short, he's a guy that I wouldn't let alone with my daughter. And the model he sets for behavior among men is manifestly evident in our society. Demeaning people because you can get away with it is no virtue (although many people applaud him for it these days). Civility is no vice. (Reagan: We can disagree without being disagreeable.)
His ass kissing of Israel. Right now that's the only thing. On and his bringing in so many damn ppl I consider part of the problem like manuchin for treasury etc
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump.

He's only going to get two terms.
You don't know that yet. It is possible he will bully the largely Republican state legislatures to amend the constitution for him. And his supporters who cannot see anything negative about him or his policies will wholeheartedly support it, I suspect. You are evidence of that possibility, I suppose.
I truly hope that happens! I am afraid of after 8 years wecwontbget another great populist as president I prefer to keep trump president
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump. I'll start: Although I am willing to wait and see if he actually effectuates many of the policies he espouses, I cannot get by the personal issue of the way he has talked about and treated women. I have a daughter who has been through some things in her life, and watching a president who would treat my daughter in a way I find reprehensible is something I have a hard time separating from his policies. In the same way I couldn't separate Bill Clinton's behavior from his policies (some of which I supported), I cannot separate President Trump from his behavior. In short, he's a guy that I wouldn't let alone with my daughter. And the model he sets for behavior among men is manifestly evident in our society. Demeaning people because you can get away with it is no virtue (although many people applaud him for it these days). Civility is no vice. (Reagan: We can disagree without being disagreeable.)
His ass kissing of Israel. Right now that's the only thing. On and his bringing in so many damn ppl I consider part of the problem like manuchin for treasury etc

Don't agree with you on Israel, but I hear your point. He and Netanyahu deserve each other though. Yeah I am not enamoured of all the Goldman veterans in his administration either. But I'm willing to see what they do. They leap at the chance to serve in government to defer the taxes on the sales of their stakes. It's a bit sickening to see their greed, but let's see their policies is my attitude.
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump.

He's only going to get two terms.
You don't know that yet. It is possible he will bully the largely Republican state legislatures to amend the constitution for him. And his supporters who cannot see anything negative about him or his policies will wholeheartedly support it, I suspect. You are evidence of that possibility, I suppose.
I truly hope that happens! I am afraid of after 8 years wecwontbget another great populist as president I prefer to keep trump president
Yikes. If two terms were good enough for George Washington, they're good enough for me. I'm a conservative on stuff like this and don't like making situational changes just because some people worship a politician. That kind of worship never leads to anything good, in my experience.
Why wouldn't you leave him with your daughter? Locker room banter that happened to be recorded?
Have you ever said anything that you'd rather not be recorded and broadcast to the world?
Stupid ass thread. You clowns are running out of ammo. It might more productive to just play the race card on your next attempt to trash the president.
I don't care for some of his protectionism and willingness to interfere in the market.

When government interferes, shit gets fucked up.

There are enough bed wetting liberals all through the bureaucracy that are determined to make Trump's agenda shit the bed.

Hopefully he can fire them all.

The funny thing is this thread is one you never saw started up by a Liberal about Barak Obama and one you would never have seen started up by a liberal about Hillary.

I am 'anxious' (no, not really) to see if a Liberal starts a thread asking for everyone - to include other liberals - to name at least one think they LIKE (something positive versus negative) about Trump. (NOT gonna happen.... :p )
Why wouldn't you leave him with your daughter? Locker room banter that happened to be recorded?
Have you ever said anything that you'd rather not be recorded and broadcast to the world?
Stupid ass thread. You clowns are running out of ammo. It might more productive to just play the race card on your next attempt to trash the president.

"You clowns." Hysterical. You are so keen to have a fight you don't notice when someone is on your side. And in answer to your question, there is no way on God's green earth I would leave my daughter alone with this man. If you've read Hegel, you will also recognize that words lead to action. His words, if they are in fact only words despite the evidence to the contrary from his first wife, indicate that women are sexual objects. That is the attitude that cost my daughter dearly. So don't lecture me about what I would do with my family. That's basically the same as a "liberal" telling me how to think.
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump. I'll start: Although I am willing to wait and see if he actually effectuates many of the policies he espouses, I cannot get by the personal issue of the way he has talked about and treated women. I have a daughter who has been through some things in her life, and watching a president who would treat my daughter in a way I find reprehensible is something I have a hard time separating from his policies. In the same way I couldn't separate Bill Clinton's behavior from his policies (some of which I supported), I cannot separate President Trump from his behavior. In short, he's a guy that I wouldn't let alone with my daughter. And the model he sets for behavior among men is manifestly evident in our society. Demeaning people because you can get away with it is no virtue (although many people applaud him for it these days). Civility is no vice. (Reagan: We can disagree without being disagreeable.)
Of course the other candidate that had a vagina, enabled her husband to actually rape and abuse women while not only being a governor of Arkansas, but also the president of the US of A. If you want to talk bad about someone who used "Man" talk without knowing he was being taped, go ahead, that is your choice, but I knew for sure, the other person was far worse.


The funny thing is this thread is one you never saw started up by a Liberal about Barak Obama and one you would never have seen started up by a liberal about Hillary.

I am 'anxious' (no, not really) to see if a Liberal starts a thread asking for everyone - to include other liberals - to name at least one think they LIKE (something positive versus negative) about Trump. (NOT gonna happen.... :p )

The "Trump Detractor" thread that I started below has zero replies. Don't know what that means.
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump. I'll start: Although I am willing to wait and see if he actually effectuates many of the policies he espouses, I cannot get by the personal issue of the way he has talked about and treated women. I have a daughter who has been through some things in her life, and watching a president who would treat my daughter in a way I find reprehensible is something I have a hard time separating from his policies. In the same way I couldn't separate Bill Clinton's behavior from his policies (some of which I supported), I cannot separate President Trump from his behavior. In short, he's a guy that I wouldn't let alone with my daughter. And the model he sets for behavior among men is manifestly evident in our society. Demeaning people because you can get away with it is no virtue (although many people applaud him for it these days). Civility is no vice. (Reagan: We can disagree without being disagreeable.)
Of course the other candidate that had a vagina, enabled her husband to actually rape and abuse women while not only being a governor of Arkansas, but also the president of the US of A. If you want to talk bad about someone who used "Man" talk without knowing he was being taped, go ahead, that is your choice, but I knew for sure, the other person was far worse.


Guess you missed the part where I talked about how I had a real problem with Bill Clinton for the same reason.
Why wouldn't you leave him with your daughter? Locker room banter that happened to be recorded?
Have you ever said anything that you'd rather not be recorded and broadcast to the world?
Stupid ass thread. You clowns are running out of ammo. It might more productive to just play the race card on your next attempt to trash the president.

"You clowns." Hysterical. You are so keen to have a fight you don't notice when someone is on your side. And in answer to your question, there is no way on God's green earth I would leave my daughter alone with this man. If you've read Hegel, you will also recognize that words lead to action. His words, if they are in fact only words despite the evidence to the contrary from his first wife, indicate that women are sexual objects. That is the attitude that cost my daughter dearly. So don't lecture me about what I would do with my family. That's basically the same as a "liberal" telling me how to think.
You're not on my side.
Now go take a long walk on a short plank.
Why wouldn't you leave him with your daughter? Locker room banter that happened to be recorded?
Have you ever said anything that you'd rather not be recorded and broadcast to the world?
Stupid ass thread. You clowns are running out of ammo. It might more productive to just play the race card on your next attempt to trash the president.

"You clowns." Hysterical. You are so keen to have a fight you don't notice when someone is on your side. And in answer to your question, there is no way on God's green earth I would leave my daughter alone with this man. If you've read Hegel, you will also recognize that words lead to action. His words, if they are in fact only words despite the evidence to the contrary from his first wife, indicate that women are sexual objects. That is the attitude that cost my daughter dearly. So don't lecture me about what I would do with my family. That's basically the same as a "liberal" telling me how to think.
You're not on my side.
Now go take a long walk on a short plank.

I'm an American. I'm a patriot. That means we are fellow citizens. I respect your views and your positions. But the fact that we disagree on how women should be treated doesn't mean that I should be compelled to move out of the country. This is the danger of what President Trump said in his Inauguration speech about demanding "total allegiance." Who decides what "total allegiance" is? If it's you, I suppose I will be deported. That is fundamentally un-American.
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump. I'll start: Although I am willing to wait and see if he actually effectuates many of the policies he espouses, I cannot get by the personal issue of the way he has talked about and treated women. I have a daughter who has been through some things in her life, and watching a president who would treat my daughter in a way I find reprehensible is something I have a hard time separating from his policies. In the same way I couldn't separate Bill Clinton's behavior from his policies (some of which I supported), I cannot separate President Trump from his behavior. In short, he's a guy that I wouldn't let alone with my daughter. And the model he sets for behavior among men is manifestly evident in our society. Demeaning people because you can get away with it is no virtue (although many people applaud him for it these days). Civility is no vice. (Reagan: We can disagree without being disagreeable.)
Of course the other candidate that had a vagina, enabled her husband to actually rape and abuse women while not only being a governor of Arkansas, but also the president of the US of A. If you want to talk bad about someone who used "Man" talk without knowing he was being taped, go ahead, that is your choice, but I knew for sure, the other person was far worse.



That's the number of women who have accused Trump.

After his comments about grabbing pu$$y, it's not like he could deny it.

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