A Challenge to Trump Supporters

He doesn't know when it's time to STFU.
Of course, neither do his detractors. Both President Trump and the virulent people who are against him would actually improve their political positions if they would just keep quiet for a while.
Why wouldn't you leave him with your daughter? Locker room banter that happened to be recorded?
Have you ever said anything that you'd rather not be recorded and broadcast to the world?
Stupid ass thread. You clowns are running out of ammo. It might more productive to just play the race card on your next attempt to trash the president.

"You clowns." Hysterical. You are so keen to have a fight you don't notice when someone is on your side. And in answer to your question, there is no way on God's green earth I would leave my daughter alone with this man. If you've read Hegel, you will also recognize that words lead to action. His words, if they are in fact only words despite the evidence to the contrary from his first wife, indicate that women are sexual objects. That is the attitude that cost my daughter dearly. So don't lecture me about what I would do with my family. That's basically the same as a "liberal" telling me how to think.
You're not on my side.
Now go take a long walk on a short plank.

I'm an American. I'm a patriot. That means we are fellow citizens. I respect your views and your positions. But the fact that we disagree on how women should be treated doesn't mean that I should be compelled to move out of the country. This is the danger of what President Trump said in his Inauguration speech about demanding "total allegiance." Who decides what "total allegiance" is? If it's you, I suppose I will be deported. That is fundamentally un-American.
Hey, genius - I don't disagree with you on how women should be treated. I've been married for 32 years with 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters. I would have no problem leaving any of them with them with the president.
I disagree with you that Trump treats women the way you claim.
In other words, I think that you may have contracted "Maddow On The Brain Disease".
It happens.
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump. I'll start: Although I am willing to wait and see if he actually effectuates many of the policies he espouses, I cannot get by the personal issue of the way he has talked about and treated women. I have a daughter who has been through some things in her life, and watching a president who would treat my daughter in a way I find reprehensible is something I have a hard time separating from his policies. In the same way I couldn't separate Bill Clinton's behavior from his policies (some of which I supported), I cannot separate President Trump from his behavior. In short, he's a guy that I wouldn't let alone with my daughter. And the model he sets for behavior among men is manifestly evident in our society. Demeaning people because you can get away with it is no virtue (although many people applaud him for it these days). Civility is no vice. (Reagan: We can disagree without being disagreeable.)
I can understand your concern for your daughter [unless of course you would let her attend a march such as the one we witnessed this past week without explaining that that is just as misogynistic ] but to name "just one thing" I do not like about Trump might lead some to believe that that is the only thing I don't like so let me say now it is not!

One of my own personal beliefs is that Trump is personally broke i.e. his businesses are generating just enough money to sustain themselves [maybe not even that much] and he was on the verge of losing everything, if everyone will remember, he was shorting the market regularly in the early 2000's and if he wanted to make a killing all he had to do was short a sure thing like the housing market, wait for it to implode, and then walk away with billions...but as we all know Obama threw a monkey wrench into those works for him [if he was in fact shorting that market], now if you look at what trump did after the bail out it will give some context to my claim, he took a "regular" job, went on a "birther" rampage stopped contributing money to democratic campaigns and now has good reason why he cannot afford to have his taxes viewed publicly [which he has every legal right to do]...then did the only thing that could save his empire...run for president.

I never liked or trusted trump going back to the 70's/80's when he was adoringly referred to by the left as "the boy builder", I didn't vote for him and probably won't if he is around to run again, unless he is able to do something about the state of Political Correctness that is suffocating this country, ya want trump out denounce and demand the left drop the current labeling and institutional teachings of "racist", "misogynist" "homophobic" "white supremacy" "xenophobic" etc. etc. etc. of folks who do not agree with their dogma, do that and I can return to a once proud but now disgusting party...so, the only thing trump has going for him in my opinion is the most important thing...he aint the left... and until the left drops their hatred of white america I will continue to go full throttle for the "fascist" the left so despises.
Why wouldn't you leave him with your daughter? Locker room banter that happened to be recorded?
Have you ever said anything that you'd rather not be recorded and broadcast to the world?
Stupid ass thread. You clowns are running out of ammo. It might more productive to just play the race card on your next attempt to trash the president.

"You clowns." Hysterical. You are so keen to have a fight you don't notice when someone is on your side. And in answer to your question, there is no way on God's green earth I would leave my daughter alone with this man. If you've read Hegel, you will also recognize that words lead to action. His words, if they are in fact only words despite the evidence to the contrary from his first wife, indicate that women are sexual objects. That is the attitude that cost my daughter dearly. So don't lecture me about what I would do with my family. That's basically the same as a "liberal" telling me how to think.
Yeah, Sport. A sexist puts a woman in charge of the most important event of his life.

Obama was president first, what don't you like about him? Detail his flaws and shortcomings and we'll see if you can practice what you preach.
Why wouldn't you leave him with your daughter? Locker room banter that happened to be recorded?
Have you ever said anything that you'd rather not be recorded and broadcast to the world?
Stupid ass thread. You clowns are running out of ammo. It might more productive to just play the race card on your next attempt to trash the president.

"You clowns." Hysterical. You are so keen to have a fight you don't notice when someone is on your side. And in answer to your question, there is no way on God's green earth I would leave my daughter alone with this man. If you've read Hegel, you will also recognize that words lead to action. His words, if they are in fact only words despite the evidence to the contrary from his first wife, indicate that women are sexual objects. That is the attitude that cost my daughter dearly. So don't lecture me about what I would do with my family. That's basically the same as a "liberal" telling me how to think.
You're not on my side.
Now go take a long walk on a short plank.

I'm an American. I'm a patriot. That means we are fellow citizens. I respect your views and your positions. But the fact that we disagree on how women should be treated doesn't mean that I should be compelled to move out of the country. This is the danger of what President Trump said in his Inauguration speech about demanding "total allegiance." Who decides what "total allegiance" is? If it's you, I suppose I will be deported. That is fundamentally un-American.
Hey, genius - I don't disagree with you on how women should be treated. I've been married for 32 years with 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters. I would have no problem leaving any of them with them with the president.
I disagree with you that Trump treats women the way you claim.
In other words, I think that you may have contracted "Maddow On The Brain Disease".
It happens.

I just listen to what he says, my man. Congrats on your long relationship! I'm only 25 years in...
Why wouldn't you leave him with your daughter? Locker room banter that happened to be recorded?
Have you ever said anything that you'd rather not be recorded and broadcast to the world?
Stupid ass thread. You clowns are running out of ammo. It might more productive to just play the race card on your next attempt to trash the president.

"You clowns." Hysterical. You are so keen to have a fight you don't notice when someone is on your side. And in answer to your question, there is no way on God's green earth I would leave my daughter alone with this man. If you've read Hegel, you will also recognize that words lead to action. His words, if they are in fact only words despite the evidence to the contrary from his first wife, indicate that women are sexual objects. That is the attitude that cost my daughter dearly. So don't lecture me about what I would do with my family. That's basically the same as a "liberal" telling me how to think.
Yeah, Sport. A sexist puts a woman in charge of the most important event of his life.

Obama was president first, what don't you like about him? Detail his flaws and shortcomings and we'll see if you can practice what you preach.
ACA was a horrible horrible horrible decision. And his lack of outreach to Congress was just plain stupid. But if you have a need to see me as your enemy, rock on, my brother.
Say one thing you don't like about President Trump. I'll start: Although I am willing to wait and see if he actually effectuates many of the policies he espouses, I cannot get by the personal issue of the way he has talked about and treated women. I have a daughter who has been through some things in her life, and watching a president who would treat my daughter in a way I find reprehensible is something I have a hard time separating from his policies. In the same way I couldn't separate Bill Clinton's behavior from his policies (some of which I supported), I cannot separate President Trump from his behavior. In short, he's a guy that I wouldn't let alone with my daughter. And the model he sets for behavior among men is manifestly evident in our society. Demeaning people because you can get away with it is no virtue (although many people applaud him for it these days). Civility is no vice. (Reagan: We can disagree without being disagreeable.)
I can understand your concern for your daughter [unless of course you would let her attend a march such as the one we witnessed this past week without explaining that that is just as misogynistic ] but to name "just one thing" I do not like about Trump might lead some to believe that that is the only thing I don't like so let me say now it is not!

One of my own personal beliefs is that Trump is personally broke i.e. his businesses are generating just enough money to sustain themselves [maybe not even that much] and he was on the verge of losing everything, if everyone will remember, he was shorting the market regularly in the early 2000's and if he wanted to make a killing all he had to do was short a sure thing like the housing market, wait for it to implode, and then walk away with billions...but as we all know Obama threw a monkey wrench into those works for him [if he was in fact shorting that market], now if you look at what trump did after the bail out it will give some context to my claim, he took a "regular" job, went on a "birther" rampage stopped contributing money to democratic campaigns and now has good reason why he cannot afford to have his taxes viewed publicly [which he has every legal right to do]...then did the only thing that could save his empire...run for president.

I never liked or trusted trump going back to the 70's/80's when he was adoringly referred to by the left as "the boy builder", I didn't vote for him and probably won't if he is around to run again, unless he is able to do something about the state of Political Correctness that is suffocating this country, ya want trump out denounce and demand the left drop the current labeling and institutional teachings of "racist", "misogynist" "homophobic" "white supremacy" "xenophobic" etc. etc. etc. of folks who do not agree with their dogma, do that and I can return to a once proud but now disgusting party...so, the only thing trump has going for him in my opinion is the most important thing...he aint the left... and until the left drops their hatred of white america I will continue to go full throttle for the "fascist" the left so despises.

Thank you for your thoughtful and civil response.

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