A child shall lead them...an 8 year old's open vision


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I came across this at youtube. She is describing a portion of what happens in the spirit for those who can hear it.

I came across this at youtube. She is describing a portion of what happens in the spirit for those who can hear it.

Yo, sounds like God has a mission? Wipe out the evil "Socialist Progressive Democrats" off the face of the earth!!!

I came across this at youtube. She is describing a portion of what happens in the spirit for those who can hear it.

Very intriguing, for me.
And given all that has been revealed about our Lord, this does not surprise me that what she claimed to see she truly did. heavenly.
Thanks Rambo and turzovka,

Satan is the 'adversarial' spirit of that which dwells with fully carnal flesh in the garden. It is also a spirit that teaches 'eat what you like you do not have to die'. Plus that 'adversary spirit' which is with humankind; a spirit which brings death.

Blue Letter Bible has these in there list;

Σατάν Satan 'one who withstands or one who opposes'

  1. adversary (one who opposes another in purpose or act), the name given to
    1. the prince of evil spirits, the inveterate adversary of God and Christ
      1. he incites apostasy from God and to sin

      2. circumventing men by his wiles

      3. the worshippers of idols are said to be under his control

      4. by his demons he is able to take possession of men and inflict them with diseases

      5. by God's assistance he is overcome

      6. on Christ's return from heaven he will be bound with chains for a thousand years, but when the thousand years are finished he will walk the earth in yet greater power, but shortly after will be given over to eternal punishment
    2. a Satan-like man
    Keeping in mind Chaldees are clod breakers such as that which breaks up the hard ground within red earth 'humankind'; planted already thousands of years ago it is a spirit a Believer needs to learn to overcome..
Σατανᾶς Satanâs, sat-an-as'; of Chaldee origin corresponding to H4566 (with the definite affix); the accuser, i.e. the devil:—Satan.

As a Christian once Baptized one is anointed with Jesus Christ 'anointed with Jehovah's Salvation with us'. Jesus then comes with the Saints. I think that is what the little one in this video was seeing. She saw one which became two and from there became many. One Hundred and forty four thousand saints that walk with her in the spirit where ever she goes in this world helping her to overcome. She saw Jesus come again for her personally.

It is after all a personal experience and it does not all happen in one day as many would like to think.

Personal observations concerning a lot of Christians who either do not believe in visions, what they may have seen in their lives is kept from them or they just plain doubt because "well I've never seen anything like that"; It goes something like this, "Oh gee I was Baptized today I never have to worry about it again. Its done Jesus did it all for me." Then one may hear something like this, "I just do not need you telling me anything. I have problems my daughter has cancer, I have......" etc. These who think they don't have to follow the example Jesus gave do not understand that once they accept that anointing they also accept being taught by the rod of correction. That is where one comes to this child born in them in Revelation 'and the child was caught up to heaven to God's throne (that place within humankind where God's spirit dwells that created the living human soul; refer back to the seed given to MAN the first-born made in the image of God male and female Genesis 1:26 this is the first born of heaven.

Adam on the other hand is the red earth (the garden of its own pleasure is the first dwelling place) where the soul resides- Genesis 2:7)

The child who rules the nations (spiritual locations in Red Earth- Adam- human see the entire Bible, written scrolls, history, etc. 'nothing new under the Sun') with an iron rod (ultimate firm respect for God's spirit, law, mercy and justice). And a place is prepared in the wilderness for the woman to flee (refer to how the children of Israel- "contenders" wander through the wilderness in the thought processes human's go through). For with the woman (the spirit of the woman is now also called Israel) who is in the heavens when the dragon seeks to consume her and the child she carries. She has the Twelve Stars [The leaders of the spiritual hosts of the tribes of heaven. The original twelve brought forth of Jacob 'heel catcher- supplanter' who comes by Abraham 'father or chief of a multitude (Abraham populates with hosts; Hebrews 'from the regions beyond (those who have wings or born of spirit)'. Abraham comes from Terah 'station (such as a place which is a guarded area)'. To read more about Terah one can read the book of Jasher- worth reading and it also has how the rod that grows of itself is taken up by Moses while Moses is with Midian 'strife' when he marries Zipporah 'a bird- sparrow (an inscription that soars)'].
Another young person who has had the spirit poured out on him. He has a lot of testimonies of things he has experience or visions he has been given. I found it and started listening wondering if he was a young street preacher I met online back in 1999. Not the same person I chatted with in 1999 but his video's are worth watching if you like hearing other peoples testimonies and hearing about the visions they have been given.

Jonathan Cayol
That girl definitely saw Jesus. No doubt in my mind.

Let's put her in charge of Syria and the Ukraine. And America. And maybe Russia.
How about we put you in charge of shut the fuck up. :slap:
No that girl should be in charge of that. She is the bread of the lamb, and sits at the right hand side of... uh... I dunno the Father maybe. And so she controls us. Or whatever.
That girl definitely saw Jesus. No doubt in my mind.

Let's put her in charge of Syria and the Ukraine. And America. And maybe Russia.
How about we put you in charge of shut the fuck up. :slap:
No that girl should be in charge of that. She is the bread of the lamb, and sits at the right hand side of... uh... I dunno the Father maybe. And so she controls us. Or whatever.
You incongruent collaborative. :slap:
That girl definitely saw Jesus. No doubt in my mind.

Let's put her in charge of Syria and the Ukraine. And America. And maybe Russia.
How about we put you in charge of shut the fuck up. :slap:
No that girl should be in charge of that. She is the bread of the lamb, and sits at the right hand side of... uh... I dunno the Father maybe. And so she controls us. Or whatever.
You incongruent collaborative. :slap:
I hope you're ready for a lynching ******! :mad:
Where did this child ever learn of "Jesus"?

In 20 years, my wife and I have never uttered the word Jesus to our child, and she has had no such visions.
There are believers all over the world Mr. H. When my mother passes I will fully write about and release a childhood experience from when I called on God. I was five years old and an angel was sent to answer my cry for help. The angel showed me a lot of things I would not recall or understand until I was fully grownup (40).
That girl definitely saw Jesus. No doubt in my mind.

Let's put her in charge of Syria and the Ukraine. And America. And maybe Russia.
How about we put you in charge of shut the fuck up. :slap:
No that girl should be in charge of that. She is the bread of the lamb, and sits at the right hand side of... uh... I dunno the Father maybe. And so she controls us. Or whatever.
You incongruent collaborative. :slap:
I hope you're ready for a lynching ******! :mad:
Bring it on, you syphilitic off-breed of a pissing whore.
Where did this child ever learn of "Jesus"?

In 20 years, my wife and I have never uttered the word Jesus to our child, and she has had no such visions.
There are believers all over the world Mr. H. When my mother passes I will fully write about and release a childhood experience from when I called on God. I was five years old and an angel was sent to answer my cry for help. The angel showed me a lot of things I would not recall or understand until I was fully grownup (40).
Mr. H.

You agree that post is insane right?
Where did this child ever learn of "Jesus"?

In 20 years, my wife and I have never uttered the word Jesus to our child, and she has had no such visions.
There are believers all over the world Mr. H. When my mother passes I will fully write about and release a childhood experience from when I called on God. I was five years old and an angel was sent to answer my cry for help. The angel showed me a lot of things I would not recall or understand until I was fully grownup (40).
Mr. H.

You agree that post is insane right?
I wouldn't have it any other way. :beer:

Don't sweat the small stuff. :thup:

We're good.

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