A Church Can Have its Own Police Force, Alabama's Senate Decided!!

Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?

Yes very easily. The first amendment doesn’t mention the subject at all. Stop making things up.
Read the first amendment

If you are referring to the establishment clause, you're out of your mind. Forming a police force to protect their church in no way establishes a state religion. They are safeguarding their lives and their property against anti Christian wackos.

Have they shown up at your door yet with guns to force you to go to their church? Let us know when that happens.


Read it again. State religions aren’t banned. Congress is forbidden to establish a church. No mention of states.
Alabama is a Christian state per its Constitution.

“...invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution and form of government for the State of Alabama.”
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Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."

If only there was a branch of Government that was empowered to judge the actions of the Police, and hold the police accountable for abuses. Some sort of fellow who would decide if the laws had been broken, and what punishment those who broke the law would receive. I guess we could call it a Court. We could call the person empowered to make decisions a Judge.
Read the first amendment

If you are referring to the establishment clause, you're out of your mind. Forming a police force to protect their church in no way establishes a state religion. They are safeguarding their lives and their property against anti Christian wackos.

Have they shown up at your door yet with guns to force you to go to their church? Let us know when that happens.


Read it again. State religions aren’t banned. Congress is forbidden to establish a church. No mention of states.
Alabama is a Christian state per its Constitution.

“...invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution and form of government for the State of Alabama.”
Wrong!! The 14th amendment extended to bill of rights to the states . States are bound by it

Incorporation of the Bill of Rights into the 14th Amendment
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?

Yes very easily. The first amendment doesn’t mention the subject at all. Stop making things up.
I'm not making anything up> You would have to be an idiot to believe that something has to be specifically mentioned in the constitution for it to be effected one way or the other by the constitution
Read the first amendment

If you are referring to the establishment clause, you're out of your mind. Forming a police force to protect their church in no way establishes a state religion. They are safeguarding their lives and their property against anti Christian wackos.

Have they shown up at your door yet with guns to force you to go to their church? Let us know when that happens.

Read it again. The force of law is bestowed by the state, in this case to a religious institution. That is "making a law respecting the establishment of religion"
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?

Yes very easily. The first amendment doesn’t mention the subject at all. Stop making things up.
I'm not making anything up> You would have to be an idiot to believe that something has to be specifically mentioned in the constitution for it to be effected one way or the other by the constitution

Yes, dumbass. If it is not specifically prohibited by the COTUS, it is legal.

Get that through your thick skull.
Read the first amendment

If you are referring to the establishment clause, you're out of your mind. Forming a police force to protect their church in no way establishes a state religion. They are safeguarding their lives and their property against anti Christian wackos.

Have they shown up at your door yet with guns to force you to go to their church? Let us know when that happens.


Read it again. State religions aren’t banned. Congress is forbidden to establish a church. No mention of states.
Alabama is a Christian state per its Constitution.

“...invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God, do ordain and establish the following Constitution and form of government for the State of Alabama.”
Wrong!! The 14th amendment extended to bill of rights to the states . States are bound by it

Incorporation of the Bill of Rights into the 14th Amendment

Then it extended the prohibition on Congress establishing a national church. That wouldn’t make sense.
Kept inventing.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?

Yes very easily. The first amendment doesn’t mention the subject at all. Stop making things up.
I'm not making anything up> You would have to be an idiot to believe that something has to be specifically mentioned in the constitution for it to be effected one way or the other by the constitution

Yeah imagine wanting to go by the actual words in the Constitution!
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?

Yes very easily. The first amendment doesn’t mention the subject at all. Stop making things up.
I'm not making anything up> You would have to be an idiot to believe that something has to be specifically mentioned in the constitution for it to be effected one way or the other by the constitution

Yeah imagine wanting to go by the actual words in the Constitution!

Imagine. Some states might still prohibit interracial marriages

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?

Yes very easily. The first amendment doesn’t mention the subject at all. Stop making things up.
I'm not making anything up> You would have to be an idiot to believe that something has to be specifically mentioned in the constitution for it to be effected one way or the other by the constitution

Yeah imagine wanting to go by the actual words in the Constitution!

Imagine. Some states might still prohibit interracial marriages

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They might if their wise benevolent overseeers hadn’t stepped in and stopped that self government nonsense.
And now we have a Supreme Court citing Loving v Virginia to force gay marriage on us.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?
Law and order is a specific atheist position?

You’re a special kind of stupid.

Large churches exist that cover areas larger than some colleges.

Hilarious you feel so threatened about law enforcement.
The level of your hysteria is astonishing. You immediately descend to accusations of behaviors that only progressives loons, like you, engage in.
I am not in the lease bit hysterical.

Of course you are, your hormones have you completely off kilter. If a Church wants it's own security/police force who are you to say no?
My hormones? You fucking idiot. I'm 72 years old. It's not me who is saying that a Church can't have a police force.Its the fucking constitution!

Where exactly does the Constitution say that a church can't have a police force?

Read the first amendment

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Do tell us where in the Constitution it says a church can’t have a police force.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?
Law and order is a specific atheist position?

You’re a special kind of stupid.

Large churches exist that cover areas larger than some colleges.

Hilarious you feel so threatened about law enforcement.

Christianity and law enforcement...two pillars of civilization the left fears.
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?

Yes very easily. The first amendment doesn’t mention the subject at all. Stop making things up.
I'm not making anything up> You would have to be an idiot to believe that something has to be specifically mentioned in the constitution for it to be effected one way or the other by the constitution

Yeah imagine wanting to go by the actual words in the Constitution!

Imagine. Some states might still prohibit interracial marriages

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They might if their wise benevolent overseeers hadn’t stepped in and stopped that self government nonsense.
And now we have a Supreme Court citing Loving v Virginia to force gay marriage on us.
So you disagree with the decision to prohibit interracial marriage, you think that prohibiting same sex marriage should be allowed, and you don't understand that Loving had something to do with same sex marriage and Obergefell were decided on the same legal principles. ??. Holy shit! Really?
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force

The move would be unprecedented in the United States. And, according to experts, it would also be unquestionably unconstitutional.

Violation of Church and State?
The church's original press release stated that it intended only to "mirror" a Alabama law that allows educational institutions to have its own police forces.

But vesting those state powers in the hands of a religious institution, no matter how large, would violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution—the separation of church and state—according to the Alabama chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"What the bill attempts to do is to take what is a quintessential governmental power—law enforcement—and vest that police power in the hands of a religious institution," legal director Randall Marshall told Newsweek. "That would give church officials who run a police department the decision as to what laws to enforce, who to arrest, what levels of force would be needed to effectuate such an arrest. It so intertwines the church with state powers that it truly is an establishment clause problem."
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?
Law and order is a specific atheist position?

You’re a special kind of stupid.

Large churches exist that cover areas larger than some colleges.

Hilarious you feel so threatened about law enforcement.
You call me stupid while clearly demonstrating that you don't know the difference between a school and a church or appreciate the constitutional issues involved in giving governmental powers to a church
I am not in the lease bit hysterical.

Of course you are, your hormones have you completely off kilter. If a Church wants it's own security/police force who are you to say no?
My hormones? You fucking idiot. I'm 72 years old. It's not me who is saying that a Church can't have a police force.Its the fucking constitution!

Where exactly does the Constitution say that a church can't have a police force?

Read the first amendment

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Do tell us where in the Constitution it says a church can’t have a police force.
Not that nonsense again!! It's been addressed. See above.
Holly shit! Really? Church Police? This is frightening! Sure, the stated purpose is to fight crime on church property, there is no assurance that they wont abuse their police power. Will they be targeting minorities??? This is a racist, homophobic church. Will they be harassing people who don't come to church on a regular basis?

In any case, this is a clear violation of the constitution. The State of Alabama is about to bestow the power of the government on a religious institution!

Alabama's Senate just voted to allow a church to have its own police force
Most universities have their own police force, shitforbrains.

Catholic universities have their own police forces.

View attachment 265925
So what do you think that this proves? It's a school. It has a primary secular purpose. Can you give any example of a church having a police force and explain how doing so is not a violation of the first amendment?
Law and order is a specific atheist position?

You’re a special kind of stupid.

Large churches exist that cover areas larger than some colleges.

Hilarious you feel so threatened about law enforcement.

Christianity and law enforcement...two pillars of civilization the left fears.
The Constitution and the Courts are the two pillars of our Constitutional Republic which the right clearly fears and loathes-except when they can get them to do their bidding.

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