A Civilized Constitution, based on the American one

The Bill of rights was a hastily written piece of legislation designed to protect the interests of criminals in a crime trend that no longer exists today in the western world...
And it was created based on a web of lies.

Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

Pussy ;)
Run forest run......
The Bill of rights was a hastily written piece of legislation designed to protect the interests of criminals in a crime trend that no longer exists today in the western world...
And it was created based on a web of lies.

Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

Here, you come with IceMan and try to take them ;)
muuuuuuuuh guuuuuuuunz

what about freedom of religion? do you care about whether or not the president is a muslim? or that you too concerned with putting muslims in internement camps, and blocking poor people from coming to america because their the wrong skin color?

Does Barak subscribe to Sharia?
what if he did? does he have the freedom to? what if he was an atheist? why does it matter?

do you believe in freedom of religion or the freedom to be YOUR RELIGION
So you will celebrate going to prison or worse?
I'm not the one going to prison with such laws existing, the GOP and you are.

We'll all be going to the Gulag if you ever get your agenda passed into law.
America already has the worlds highest prison population.... russian gulag system, would be a step up as far as human rights are concerned ever heard prison labor private prisons? what about the death penalty?

You are a loony tune from cloud cuckoo land, aren't you?
Americ has more people in prison than anyother country by far Does the United States really have 5 percent of the world’s population and one quarter of the world’s prisoners?
The Purple Owl Boutique
Too many Whites on this page?
The Bill of rights was a hastily written piece of legislation designed to protect the interests of criminals in a crime trend that no longer exists today in the western world...
And it was created based on a web of lies.

Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?
Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

Here, you come with IceMan and try to take them ;)
muuuuuuuuh guuuuuuuunz

what about freedom of religion? do you care about whether or not the president is a muslim? or that you too concerned with putting muslims in internement camps, and blocking poor people from coming to america because their the wrong skin color?

Does Barak subscribe to Sharia?
what if he did? does he have the freedom to? what if he was an atheist? why does it matter?

do you believe in freedom of religion or the freedom to be YOUR RELIGION

What if he imposed Sharia on you and your wife and daughter?
Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?

According to the OSHA and Police protocol.
Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?
whats your problem with hitler you guys have everything in common?

do you think hitler outlawed racial slurs or something? are you insane?
finally someone mentioned guns

Here, you come with IceMan and try to take them ;)
muuuuuuuuh guuuuuuuunz

what about freedom of religion? do you care about whether or not the president is a muslim? or that you too concerned with putting muslims in internement camps, and blocking poor people from coming to america because their the wrong skin color?

Does Barak subscribe to Sharia?
what if he did? does he have the freedom to? what if he was an atheist? why does it matter?

do you believe in freedom of religion or the freedom to be YOUR RELIGION

What if he imposed Sharia on you and your wife and daughter?
you want to impose your religion on my wife and daughter, so fuck you and your hypothetical racist conspiracy theory nonsense
finally someone mentioned guns

I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?
whats your problem with hitler you guys have everything in common?

do you think hitler outlawed racial slurs or something? are you insane?

He outlawed the Jewish religion, and he outlawed any criticism of his regime.
uh oh george soros whats thats tricky jew up to now? lol

stupid nazis are stupid

Was that intended to signify some kind of rational thought?
nazis love the bill of rights when it comes to protecting hate speech thats about all you care about

ROFL! Freedom lovers are opposed to the Bill of Rights? Is that really what you wanted to say?

Only a true Nazi would possibly attempt to claim the Bill of Rights is something despicable.
you probably dont even know the bill of rights just freedom of hate speech part and the part about guns thats it

So which part do you think I'm against? Which part do you support?

I know for a fact that you are against the 7th, 8th and 14th Amendments just by the history of the GOP.

Why would I be against the 7th and 8th amendments? The 14th, on the other hand, was not passed legitimately. Most of the Southern states were under union occupation at the time.

The 14th amendment has never been part of the bill of rights
Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

Here, you come with IceMan and try to take them ;)
muuuuuuuuh guuuuuuuunz

what about freedom of religion? do you care about whether or not the president is a muslim? or that you too concerned with putting muslims in internement camps, and blocking poor people from coming to america because their the wrong skin color?

Does Barak subscribe to Sharia?
what if he did? does he have the freedom to? what if he was an atheist? why does it matter?

do you believe in freedom of religion or the freedom to be YOUR RELIGION

You are about to be eaten boy.
You would support Barak demanding that women wear Burkas.
You would support Barak throwing homosexuals off of roofs.
You would support Barak decreeing that women CANNOT get an education.
You would eagerly await the Mahdi to come out of his well.
You would demand that women give up driving or being alone in public.

In short you are an imbecile who cannot think things through.
I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?
whats your problem with hitler you guys have everything in common?

do you think hitler outlawed racial slurs or something? are you insane?

He outlawed the Jewish religion, and he outlawed any criticism of his regime.

Which nothing I said does.
Here, you come with IceMan and try to take them ;)
muuuuuuuuh guuuuuuuunz

what about freedom of religion? do you care about whether or not the president is a muslim? or that you too concerned with putting muslims in internement camps, and blocking poor people from coming to america because their the wrong skin color?

Does Barak subscribe to Sharia?
what if he did? does he have the freedom to? what if he was an atheist? why does it matter?

do you believe in freedom of religion or the freedom to be YOUR RELIGION

What if he imposed Sharia on you and your wife and daughter?
you want to impose your religion on my wife and daughter, so fuck you and your hypothetical racist conspiracy theory nonsense

I'm an atheist, so what do you imagine I want to impose on them? I'm the one defending the First Amendment, not you, moron.
I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?
whats your problem with hitler you guys have everything in common?

do you think hitler outlawed racial slurs or something? are you insane?

He outlawed the Jewish religion, and he outlawed any criticism of his regime.
you want to outlaw every religion too and outlaw criticism of republicans like freedom to protest or freedom of the press
Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?
whats your problem with hitler you guys have everything in common?

do you think hitler outlawed racial slurs or something? are you insane?

He outlawed the Jewish religion, and he outlawed any criticism of his regime.

Which nothing I said does.

It allows the government to, moron.
Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?
whats your problem with hitler you guys have everything in common?

do you think hitler outlawed racial slurs or something? are you insane?

He outlawed the Jewish religion, and he outlawed any criticism of his regime.
you want to outlaw every religion too and outlaw criticism of republicans like freedom to protest or freedom of the press

I'm the one defending the First Amendment as written, not you, moron.
I told you he was against Equality, see ?
he hates the 14th Amendment !
muuuuuuuuh guuuuuuuunz

what about freedom of religion? do you care about whether or not the president is a muslim? or that you too concerned with putting muslims in internement camps, and blocking poor people from coming to america because their the wrong skin color?

Does Barak subscribe to Sharia?
what if he did? does he have the freedom to? what if he was an atheist? why does it matter?

do you believe in freedom of religion or the freedom to be YOUR RELIGION

What if he imposed Sharia on you and your wife and daughter?
you want to impose your religion on my wife and daughter, so fuck you and your hypothetical racist conspiracy theory nonsense

I'm an atheist, so what do you imagine I want to impose on them? I'm the one defending the First Amendment, not you, moron.
then why are you a republican? cause you think Christianity is wrong but its still the best religion or some bullshit?
What exactly is civilized about stripping people of their right to think, worship, speak and defend themselves? Sounds barbaric to me.

The only thing barbaric is the USA's repukes that allows the westboro baptist church to protest funerals, and for the skinheads to harass Jews, or people they think are Jews.

So when the government comes to shut down your hate speech you are going to be alright with it?

yep, I'm fact... that's the day that I'll decide to celebrate the 4th of july.

So you will celebrate going to prison or worse?
I'm not the one going to prison with such laws existing, the GOP and you are.

Your hate speech against the GOP and southerners in this thread alone is enough to violate hate speech laws.

Or did you really think hate speech laws would only apply to your enemies?

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