A Civilized Constitution, based on the American one

What exactly is civilized about stripping people of their right to think, worship, speak and defend themselves? Sounds barbaric to me.

The only thing barbaric is the USA's repukes that allows the westboro baptist church to protest funerals, and for the skinheads to harass Jews, or people they think are Jews.

Sure thing punk, except that I've stood between the Westboro folks and veterans funerals, you?
You've never done a fucking thing for anyone but you.

I have a scar on my chest that I wear like medal, that says otherwise.
Purpleowl stab himself?
Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?
whats your problem with hitler you guys have everything in common?

do you think hitler outlawed racial slurs or something? are you insane?

He outlawed the Jewish religion, and he outlawed any criticism of his regime.
you want to outlaw every religion too and outlaw criticism of republicans like freedom to protest or freedom of the press

I'm the one defending the First Amendment as written, not you, moron.
defending your right to call your employees racial slurs is not defending the first amendment you fucking moron...

.your not defending it your hiding behind it because you have no other argument
The only thing barbaric is the USA's repukes that allows the westboro baptist church to protest funerals, and for the skinheads to harass Jews, or people they think are Jews.

So when the government comes to shut down your hate speech you are going to be alright with it?

yep, I'm fact... that's the day that I'll decide to celebrate the 4th of july.

So you will celebrate going to prison or worse?
I'm not the one going to prison with such laws existing, the GOP and you are.

Your hate speech against the GOP and southerners in this thread alone is enough to violate hate speech laws.

Or did you really think hate speech laws would only apply to your enemies?

Nothing about pointing out the bigot republican south is hate speech.
The Bill of rights was a hastily written piece of legislation designed to protect the interests of criminals in a crime trend that no longer exists today in the western world...
And it was created based on a web of lies.

Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

You aren't very good at it
Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

You aren't very good at it

If I wasn't good at it, I'd be dead.
finally someone mentioned guns

I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

You aren't very good at it

If I wasn't good at it, I'd be dead.

If you attempt any of it you will be.
No he's just one more indoctrinated little punk.
You know the kind, they can't do anything for themselves....they think that the Gov is their own personal bludgeon to get their with.
He's terrified of American men because he knows we'll beat his ass if actually tries to take our weapons or our freedoms.

Oh yeah, I'm scared of a redneck when I have 10,000 tanks and only need one of them at most, for you.
Whoa! You have 10,000 tanks that you can use against us? Are you Kim Jong Un? I didn't know you had internet.
What you defend is guns violence, hate and the rich.

You defend totalitarianism, troll, and you have admitted you hate the Bill of Rights.

You're a good little Nazi.

The Bill of rights was a hastily written piece of legislation designed to protect the interests of criminals in a crime trend that no longer exists today in the western world...
And it was created based on a web of lies.

Too fucking funny.
COME get my guns boy.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
finally someone mentioned guns

I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Has 1000's of tanks.
the only person Ive heard ever say we need to confiscate guns are right wingers saying we should make it illegal for black and hispanics to own one
I love how that retard thinks his pea shooter can take out a tank too.

Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

You aren't very good at it

If I wasn't good at it, I'd be dead.

If you attempt any of it you will be.

Is that why the Branch Davidians lost ?
the only person Ive heard ever say we need to confiscate guns are right wingers saying we should make it illegal for black and hispanics to own one
I'm a liberal, and we should confiscate guns period, without race or ethnicity being an issue...
But public safety.
Why change the parameters punk?
You were going to come take my guns.....now you need daddy Barak to order someone to do it?
You've been a pussy your entire life boy.

Yes its my job to do things the way they're supposed to be done.

You aren't very good at it

If I wasn't good at it, I'd be dead.

If you attempt any of it you will be.

Is that why the Branch Davidians lost ?

You have a standing invitation to Omaha old man.
Say when.
the only person Ive heard ever say we need to confiscate guns are right wingers saying we should make it illegal for black and hispanics to own one
I'm a liberal, and we should confiscate guns period, without race or ethnicity being an issue...
But public safety.
Who is we? Boy.

The Federal Government of the United States.
Oh. So purpleowl is the federal government.
the only person Ive heard ever say we need to confiscate guns are right wingers saying we should make it illegal for black and hispanics to own one
I'm a liberal, and we should confiscate guns period, without race or ethnicity being an issue...
But public safety.
Who is we? Boy.

The Federal Government of the United States.
Even the federal government couldn't do it.

If they tried, it might be just the housecleaning we need to have.
The way they are supposed to be done according to your hero Adolf Hitler?
whats your problem with hitler you guys have everything in common?

do you think hitler outlawed racial slurs or something? are you insane?

He outlawed the Jewish religion, and he outlawed any criticism of his regime.
you want to outlaw every religion too and outlaw criticism of republicans like freedom to protest or freedom of the press

I'm the one defending the First Amendment as written, not you, moron.
defending your right to call your employees racial slurs is not defending the first amendment you fucking moron...

.your not defending it your hiding behind it because you have no other argument

Why would any employer call their employees racial slurs? It does defend your right to use racial slurs, however. Has anyone ever been arrested for using them in public?

Your definition of "freedom" means free to do whatever the government allows you to do.

You're a goose stepping Nazi.
the only person Ive heard ever say we need to confiscate guns are right wingers saying we should make it illegal for black and hispanics to own one
I'm a liberal, and we should confiscate guns period, without race or ethnicity being an issue...
But public safety.
Who is we? Boy.

The Federal Government of the United States.
Even the federal government couldn't do it.

If they tried, it might be just the housecleaning we need to have.

The government has done it before and we'll be glad to do it again.
the only person Ive heard ever say we need to confiscate guns are right wingers saying we should make it illegal for black and hispanics to own one

They have never said any such thing. I challenge you to produce a quote of one saying that.
the only person Ive heard ever say we need to confiscate guns are right wingers saying we should make it illegal for black and hispanics to own one
I'm a liberal, and we should confiscate guns period, without race or ethnicity being an issue...
But public safety.
Who is we? Boy.

The Federal Government of the United States.
Even the federal government couldn't do it.

If they tried, it might be just the housecleaning we need to have.
Save the taxpayers from the expense of feeding these parasites.

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