a classic message restored

Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics
We'll sell our souls, abandon our political ideology, accept racism, sexism, and polarization for low unemployment! For, you see, we're Trumpians! We play a short game.

The ironic thing is your party is the party of overt racism.
Trump hit us in the face with his racism like a political cream pie.

And now Trumpians are complaining Democrats are exploiting racism as a political issue.

Can you see the irony in that?
How about Lindsey Graham calling trump a racist and worse in 2015 and now,,,,,,,magic,,,,Graham says Trump is not a racist How can anyone believe any crap out of republican mouths?

Lindsey Scarlett had a come-to-cheeto-jesus moment.

(the thought of a primary opponent)
On seeing a mental health professional.
If I need mental health help what kind of help do all you folks who can't admit this pos in our WH is a racist and a divider?? That's his election plan Divide America

…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

They've been driven crazy by the hate-mongering and fear-mongering.
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

Borrowing money to keep it there...

He is overheating the market... You better understand that as you will want to blame Democrats for that in the future too...
Too cut or not to cut ,,That is the question
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

Borrowing money to keep it there...

He is overheating the market... You better understand that as you will want to blame Democrats for that in the future too...
what was the debt when he took office? do you have the balls to post that number?
The debt was inflated because of the obama bail out of America which needed bailing because of the repub moron GWB Now your moron exacerbates the problems with a fn tax cut for the 1%??
The buildings Trumps Pals the Arabs knocked down?

To compensate, Trump wants to allow the Saudis to build our own high-tech weaponry for us.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been really improving, their opposition to the Iranian mullahs is important you know.

Moe Salman seems to be doing a good job at dealing with radical extremists among his subjects, guys like Mr. Khashoggi.
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

Borrowing money to keep it there...

He is overheating the market... You better understand that as you will want to blame Democrats for that in the future too...
Have no problem pinning the tail on whichever donkey is to blame
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

Borrowing money to keep it there...

He is overheating the market... You better understand that as you will want to blame Democrats for that in the future too...
what was the debt when he took office? do you have the balls to post that number?
The debt was inflated because of the obama bail out of America which needed bailing because of the repub moron GWB Now your moron exacerbates the problems with a fn tax cut for the 1%??

How do you libs plan to pay for Medicare for All, the New Green Deal and Slave Reparations, ed?

Borrow more money , raise taxes, or both?

What do you think that will do to the country
I to this day believe OJ is guilty. So I’m a racist?
Now pap you build straw men congrats

Then explain why is thinking a person is guilty makes them a racist after they are exonerated? It’s an opinion, prove that race is the reason he thinks they are still guilty.
Because the guilty person confessed to the crime. But Trump thinks the boys should still be in prison. Why? He knows they didn't rape the jogger. What does he still think these boys are guilty of after all these years besides being black in the park?

He's a racist or just incredibly, painfully STUPID. Take your pick. I say both.

How would President Trump know that the person who confessed was the actual perp? It was an easy confession to make, he was already serving life and is now deceased.
Because the DNA evidence proved the confessor was the perpetrator and there was no DNA evidence linking the boys to the crime. That's how Trump knows the boys are not guilty. Science. I know, Trump does not believe in science so maybe it's the painfully stupid excuse.
And the perp never mentioned the other boys
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

Borrowing money to keep it there...

He is overheating the market... You better understand that as you will want to blame Democrats for that in the future too...
what was the debt when he took office? do you have the balls to post that number?
The debt was inflated because of the obama bail out of America which needed bailing because of the repub moron GWB Now your moron exacerbates the problems with a fn tax cut for the 1%??
The buildings Trumps Pals the Arabs knocked down?

To compensate, Trump wants to allow the Saudis to build our own high-tech weaponry for us.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been really improving, their opposition to the Iranian mullahs is important you know.

Moe Salman seems to be doing a good job at dealing with radical extremists among his subjects, guys like Mr. Khashoggi.

King Donald, First of His Name, Breaker of Deals, couldn't get Congressional approval for the absurd proposition, so he declared another phony emergency to keep the sale alive. His loyal subjects are so proud.
The buildings Trumps Pals the Arabs knocked down?

To compensate, Trump wants to allow the Saudis to build our own high-tech weaponry for us.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been really improving, their opposition to the Iranian mullahs is important you know.

Moe Salman seems to be doing a good job at dealing with radical extremists among his subjects, guys like Mr. Khashoggi.

King Donald, First of His Name, Breaker of Deals, couldn't get Congressional approval for the absurd proposition, so he declared another phony emergency to keep the sale alive. His loyal subjects are so proud.
I caution his subjects to make sure Trump showers before they kiss his royal butt
The buildings Trumps Pals the Arabs knocked down?

To compensate, Trump wants to allow the Saudis to build our own high-tech weaponry for us.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been really improving, their opposition to the Iranian mullahs is important you know.

Moe Salman seems to be doing a good job at dealing with radical extremists among his subjects, guys like Mr. Khashoggi.

King Donald, First of His Name, Breaker of Deals, couldn't get Congressional approval for the absurd proposition, so he declared another phony emergency to keep the sale alive. His loyal subjects are so proud.
what phony emergency?
The buildings Trumps Pals the Arabs knocked down?

To compensate, Trump wants to allow the Saudis to build our own high-tech weaponry for us.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been really improving, their opposition to the Iranian mullahs is important you know.

Moe Salman seems to be doing a good job at dealing with radical extremists among his subjects, guys like Mr. Khashoggi.

King Donald, First of His Name, Breaker of Deals, couldn't get Congressional approval for the absurd proposition, so he declared another phony emergency to keep the sale alive. His loyal subjects are so proud.
I caution his subjects to make sure Trump showers before they kiss his royal butt
have you found that racist quote yet? it seems you be the ass kisser, parrot.
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Do you just want to wave them all through? Do you have room in your apartment for a couple of families to live? Oh, wait! You live in Canada and you would not let these people in your country either, would you?
I have room for a whole family in my house and I live on the border. I am happy to house 4-6 people at $500 per person/per night. That is a discount over what you are currently paying. Where can I sign up?

No, you don't get paid!
Of course I get paid. Oh, you think people work for free? I am offering a service at a discount. Capitalism.
The buildings Trumps Pals the Arabs knocked down?

To compensate, Trump wants to allow the Saudis to build our own high-tech weaponry for us.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been really improving, their opposition to the Iranian mullahs is important you know.

Moe Salman seems to be doing a good job at dealing with radical extremists among his subjects, guys like Mr. Khashoggi.

King Donald, First of His Name, Breaker of Deals, couldn't get Congressional approval for the absurd proposition, so he declared another phony emergency to keep the sale alive. His loyal subjects are so proud.
what phony emergency?

Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

And if you hear anybody talk bad about America, call them out regardless of their Race, as that is The American Thing to do.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:
The buildings Trumps Pals the Arabs knocked down?

To compensate, Trump wants to allow the Saudis to build our own high-tech weaponry for us.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been really improving, their opposition to the Iranian mullahs is important you know.

Moe Salman seems to be doing a good job at dealing with radical extremists among his subjects, guys like Mr. Khashoggi.

King Donald, First of His Name, Breaker of Deals, couldn't get Congressional approval for the absurd proposition, so he declared another phony emergency to keep the sale alive. His loyal subjects are so proud.

There was no deal between American and the Iranian Mullahs.

Or with the Paris Accords either for that matter.

Neither treaty was ever ratified. So the deals were between Obama alone and the Mullahs and the Eurotrash.
The buildings Trumps Pals the Arabs knocked down?

To compensate, Trump wants to allow the Saudis to build our own high-tech weaponry for us.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been really improving, their opposition to the Iranian mullahs is important you know.

Moe Salman seems to be doing a good job at dealing with radical extremists among his subjects, guys like Mr. Khashoggi.

King Donald, First of His Name, Breaker of Deals, couldn't get Congressional approval for the absurd proposition, so he declared another phony emergency to keep the sale alive. His loyal subjects are so proud.
I caution his subjects to make sure Trump showers before they kiss his royal butt
have you found that racist quote yet? it seems you be the ass kisser, parrot.
More people from Norway not shithole countries ? Does that count JC
President Donald Trump ignited a political firestorm Sunday when he once again said something racist.

He told four Democratic congresswomen to “go back” to the countries from which they came, because they’d had the audacity to criticize his policies. All four of them, not coincidentally, are people of color. “Go back to where you came from” is a slur with a long history, and people of color have countless stories of being told they don’t belong ― in a way that white Americans do not.
Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

But please tell them to assimilate that’s the only way we have a functioning country

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