a classic message restored

Except to this day Trump still thinks they are guilty.

I to this day believe OJ is guilty. So I’m a racist?
Now pap you build straw men congrats

Then explain why is thinking a person is guilty makes them a racist after they are exonerated? It’s an opinion, prove that race is the reason he thinks they are still guilty.
Because the guilty person confessed to the crime. But Trump thinks the boys should still be in prison. Why? He knows they didn't rape the jogger. What does he still think these boys are guilty of after all these years besides being black in the park?

He's a racist or just incredibly, painfully STUPID. Take your pick. I say both.

How would President Trump know that the person who confessed was the actual perp? It was an easy confession to make, he was already serving life and is now deceased.
Because the DNA evidence proved the confessor was the perpetrator and there was no DNA evidence linking the boys to the crime. That's how Trump knows the boys are not guilty. Science. I know, Trump does not believe in science so maybe it's the painfully stupid excuse.
Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Do you just want to wave them all through? Do you have room in your apartment for a couple of families to live? Oh, wait! You live in Canada and you would not let these people in your country either, would you?
I have room for a whole family in my house and I live on the border. I am happy to house 4-6 people at $500 per person/per night. That is a discount over what you are currently paying. Where can I sign up?

No, you don't get paid!
Then what is an Illegal?

An illegal crosses the border, and disappears into the night, with no intention to return to his homeland.

Refugees must be standing on US soil to claim asylum. That's the law. If they cross the border illegally to enter, it's a misdemeanor which will be dismissed if they're granted asylum.

Trump has closed the ports of entry, and only allowing a handful of asylum seekers to enter each day. It's called "metering". He's hoping to trigger riots, or refugees rushing the border - anything to prove the refugees are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed in. Plus he gets to count them as "illegal entries", and thus inflate his illegal numbers to make things look worse than they are.
The obvious solution is to transport the illegals into various cities in Mexico for permanent asylum in Mexico. It's time for Mexico to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
Why doesn't Trump take over Mexico's southern border? Send in the troops. Problem solved.

Not all of the Illegals on the US southern border came through the Mexican southern border. There are a surprising number of Illegals coming over from places like Congo. Of course, they are getting a lot of liberal help. I don't believe that one month someone is swinging from a vine in Deepest, Darkest Africa and the next month they are suddenly on the banks of the Rio Grande.

You think it's the Africans Trump is worried about? That sure isn't what he is saying. I wonder if he'd get more racist support if he'd talk about the dangerous Africans crossing the border. Are black people scarier than brown people in the racist world?

Deepest Darkest Africa? That's a throwback I haven't heard in awhile. Makes it sound so scary and dangerous! Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

I don't think people are that scared of the African natives on the banks of the Rio Grande. But there very presence there indicates to me that this isn't just people organically deciding to come to America.

I don't think there are tigers in Africa, or bears. There are lions, gorillas, cheetahs. Its a different place for sure, I saw enough films about Tarzan as a youth
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Do you just want to wave them all through? Do you have room in your apartment for a couple of families to live? Oh, wait! You live in Canada and you would not let these people in your country either, would you?

No, but I don't think the American people should be paying $700 per day, per person to private corporations to hold these children in crowded, unsanitary conditions, while the government is arguing that they shouldn't have to provide children with clean clothes, soap, showers, toothbrushes or blankets. Geez, Louise, for $510 per day, they can put a family of 4 up at the Four Seasons hotel in Houston, and I'm pretty sure that with the savings of $2290 per day, they can get them some food, toothbrushes, clean clothing, and blankets.

Many of these families have family or friends in the USA who would take them in for free while their cases are being adjudicated. Trump is lying about these people not showing up for court. Statistics show that refugees DO show up for court, when they have assistance with the process.

The children's facility in Florida is getting $1 million per day of taxpayers' money to hold children in a jail. Many of these children have American relative who would care for them. Social workers have called the phone numbers these children have taped to their bodies and found that no one from DHS has even notified them the children were in the USA.

This is a deliberate policy of cruelty towards children. Towards refugees. And the President is prepared to spend any amount of YOUR money, to make it happen.
Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Do you just want to wave them all through? Do you have room in your apartment for a couple of families to live? Oh, wait! You live in Canada and you would not let these people in your country either, would you?

No, but I don't think the American people should be paying $700 per day, per person to private corporations to hold these children in crowded, unsanitary conditions, while the government is arguing that they shouldn't have to provide children with clean clothes, soap, showers, toothbrushes or blankets. Geez, Louise, for $510 per day, they can put a family of 4 up at the Four Seasons hotel in Houston, and I'm pretty sure that with the savings of $2290 per day, they can get them some food, toothbrushes, clean clothing, and blankets.

Many of these families have family or friends in the USA who would take them in for free while their cases are being adjudicated. Trump is lying about these people not showing up for court. Statistics show that refugees DO show up for court, when they have assistance with the process.

The children's facility in Florida is getting $1 million per day of taxpayers' money to hold children in a jail. Many of these children have American relative who would care for them. Social workers have called the phone numbers these children have taped to their bodies and found that no one from DHS has even notified them the children were in the USA.

This is a deliberate policy of cruelty towards children. Towards refugees. And the President is prepared to spend any amount of YOUR money, to make it happen.

the cheapest route is to send them back home,,,
I to this day believe OJ is guilty. So I’m a racist?
Now pap you build straw men congrats

Then explain why is thinking a person is guilty makes them a racist after they are exonerated? It’s an opinion, prove that race is the reason he thinks they are still guilty.
Because the guilty person confessed to the crime. But Trump thinks the boys should still be in prison. Why? He knows they didn't rape the jogger. What does he still think these boys are guilty of after all these years besides being black in the park?

He's a racist or just incredibly, painfully STUPID. Take your pick. I say both.

How would President Trump know that the person who confessed was the actual perp? It was an easy confession to make, he was already serving life and is now deceased.
Because the DNA evidence proved the confessor was the perpetrator and there was no DNA evidence linking the boys to the crime. That's how Trump knows the boys are not guilty. Science. I know, Trump does not believe in science so maybe it's the painfully stupid excuse.

DNA evidence can be tampered with, as we learned from the OJ Simpson trial. The Central Park 5 confessed, you know. I suppose that the confessions might have been false, but Trump wouldn't know about that at all.
You’re a liar, but it’s you
Where is the lie Please let me know Trump kept blacks out of his buildings and wanted innocent blacks to get the death penalty I IMPLORE you to prove I'm wrong
Whoa bub you said he did, prove it! I want a link where he, trump refused anyone
Please I'm more than willing to look for hard to find info BUT this info is written in blood ,,go google it Trump is a fn racist
Dude, you made the claim, I want to know the people and link that donald trump stopped blacks from renting! Go!
One more time
The first quotation from Donald Trump ever to appear in The New York Times came on ... to tell African American lease applicants that there were no open apartments. ..... He said there was no way the tribal chairmen could stop Joey Killer.
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 7/21/19
Donald Trump's long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019 - Vox

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

Jul 25, 2016 - ... Trump hasn't stopped with the racist acts after his 2016 election. Most recently, Trump tweeted that several black and brown members of ... officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to ...
Racial views of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Racial views of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, has a history of racist speech and .... The impetus for the suit was the Trumps' alleged refusal to "rent apartments in one of his .... However, Trump ended up receiving 8% of the African-American vote (about half a million more votes than Mitt Romney received in 2012).
Donald Trump Continues To Show He's Racist | HuffPost

so, too funny. I said a quote from trump where he denied any black anything. you failed. There is nothing within the pages of those links that says anything about racism. not a one. here's what I'll ask but one more time, and your failure to provide the quote is just that, failure.

from the links you provided, provide the item that shows him, trump, racist? copy and paste the line or lines? please, I want to believe you are accurate in your declaration of racism.
On seeing a mental health professional.
If I need mental health help what kind of help do all you folks who can't admit this pos in our WH is a racist and a divider?? That's his election plan Divide America

…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up
if you don't want it, why do you insist on telling lies about our men and women at the borders and accusations of handling of the invaders? you aren't consistent jack.
Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

yet we all know damn well they are not really refugees......now don't we? Refugees don't need to sneak in past border patrol, do they?

Or maybe that is what you think because gee....it's TRUMP and he's bad
Except they really are refugees. They are fleeing violence in their home countries. Your denial of reality does not change reality.
they are? why then are they using children as their shields to get in and then leave the children? you aren't a consistent debater either. too bad. way to come out of the gate and fall flat on your fking face. BTW, what kind of violence are they fleeing? did you witness it?
Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

And if you hear anybody talk bad about America, call them out regardless of their Race, as that is The American Thing to do.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees
Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Do you just want to wave them all through? Do you have room in your apartment for a couple of families to live? Oh, wait! You live in Canada and you would not let these people in your country either, would you?
I have room for a whole family in my house and I live on the border. I am happy to house 4-6 people at $500 per person/per night. That is a discount over what you are currently paying. Where can I sign up?
houseanillegal.gov. let's see you sign up.

another message board leftist that doesn't get that on a message board, anyone can say anything and mean nothing. funny huh? you ain't too bright.
All that is happening at the border is that the Liberals are using the Cloward Piven Strategery to try and bust the system. Through court rulings and regulations, everyone is supposed to be processed in a very short time or released right into the US general population where they can disappear regardless of the merits or lack of merit to their asylum cases. They can't just be deported IF they have children in tow, so they bring some kids along.

The libs in Congress refuse to properly fund, they refuse to change the rules, and then they blame the President for the humanitarian disaster that their own policies have created.

The ICE folks and the detention camps at the border are doing the best they can under difficult circumstances orchestrated by our liberal friends.
Then what is an Illegal?

An illegal crosses the border, and disappears into the night, with no intention to return to his homeland.

Refugees must be standing on US soil to claim asylum. That's the law. If they cross the border illegally to enter, it's a misdemeanor which will be dismissed if they're granted asylum.

Trump has closed the ports of entry, and only allowing a handful of asylum seekers to enter each day. It's called "metering". He's hoping to trigger riots, or refugees rushing the border - anything to prove the refugees are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed in. Plus he gets to count them as "illegal entries", and thus inflate his illegal numbers to make things look worse than they are.
The obvious solution is to transport the illegals into various cities in Mexico for permanent asylum in Mexico. It's time for Mexico to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
Why doesn't Trump take over Mexico's southern border? Send in the troops. Problem solved.

Not all of the Illegals on the US southern border came through the Mexican southern border. There are a surprising number of Illegals coming over from places like Congo. Of course, they are getting a lot of liberal help. I don't believe that one month someone is swinging from a vine in Deepest, Darkest Africa and the next month they are suddenly on the banks of the Rio Grande.

You think it's the Africans Trump is worried about? That sure isn't what he is saying. I wonder if he'd get more racist support if he'd talk about the dangerous Africans crossing the border. Are black people scarier than brown people in the racist world?

Deepest Darkest Africa? That's a throwback I haven't heard in awhile. Makes it sound so scary and dangerous! Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
you can't post one quote from trump that would be considered racist. Not one. you're a message board flunky.

And then the clock stopped and nothing ever changed again.
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

Borrowing money to keep it there...

He is overheating the market... You better understand that as you will want to blame Democrats for that in the future too...
An illegal crosses the border, and disappears into the night, with no intention to return to his homeland.

Refugees must be standing on US soil to claim asylum. That's the law. If they cross the border illegally to enter, it's a misdemeanor which will be dismissed if they're granted asylum.

Trump has closed the ports of entry, and only allowing a handful of asylum seekers to enter each day. It's called "metering". He's hoping to trigger riots, or refugees rushing the border - anything to prove the refugees are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed in. Plus he gets to count them as "illegal entries", and thus inflate his illegal numbers to make things look worse than they are.
The obvious solution is to transport the illegals into various cities in Mexico for permanent asylum in Mexico. It's time for Mexico to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
Why doesn't Trump take over Mexico's southern border? Send in the troops. Problem solved.

Not all of the Illegals on the US southern border came through the Mexican southern border. There are a surprising number of Illegals coming over from places like Congo. Of course, they are getting a lot of liberal help. I don't believe that one month someone is swinging from a vine in Deepest, Darkest Africa and the next month they are suddenly on the banks of the Rio Grande.

You think it's the Africans Trump is worried about? That sure isn't what he is saying. I wonder if he'd get more racist support if he'd talk about the dangerous Africans crossing the border. Are black people scarier than brown people in the racist world?

Deepest Darkest Africa? That's a throwback I haven't heard in awhile. Makes it sound so scary and dangerous! Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
you can't post one quote from trump that would be considered racist. Not one. you're a message board flunky.

Of course that's because Trump isn't a racist at all.

He was on the phone just this weekend to the strongman in charge of Sweden, trying to get a good friend of his, a black American dude, out of the hoosegow in Stockholm. Personally vouched for the man's integrity
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Do you just want to wave them all through? Do you have room in your apartment for a couple of families to live? Oh, wait! You live in Canada and you would not let these people in your country either, would you?
I have room for a whole family in my house and I live on the border. I am happy to house 4-6 people at $500 per person/per night. That is a discount over what you are currently paying. Where can I sign up?

No, you don't get paid!
Admiral, it's a message board, he can say anything without having to actually do any of what he says. he thinks you're a moron and can't figure that out. so sure, he'll say he'll house king kong and clean up his poop and it means nothing. he's a mb failure. he presumes he's smarter than you. I know he isn't.
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

Borrowing money to keep it there...

He is overheating the market... You better understand that as you will want to blame Democrats for that in the future too...

Liberal economists have been trying to talk down the Trumponomics economy for years.
The obvious solution is to transport the illegals into various cities in Mexico for permanent asylum in Mexico. It's time for Mexico to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
Why doesn't Trump take over Mexico's southern border? Send in the troops. Problem solved.

Not all of the Illegals on the US southern border came through the Mexican southern border. There are a surprising number of Illegals coming over from places like Congo. Of course, they are getting a lot of liberal help. I don't believe that one month someone is swinging from a vine in Deepest, Darkest Africa and the next month they are suddenly on the banks of the Rio Grande.

You think it's the Africans Trump is worried about? That sure isn't what he is saying. I wonder if he'd get more racist support if he'd talk about the dangerous Africans crossing the border. Are black people scarier than brown people in the racist world?

Deepest Darkest Africa? That's a throwback I haven't heard in awhile. Makes it sound so scary and dangerous! Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
you can't post one quote from trump that would be considered racist. Not one. you're a message board flunky.

Of course that's because Trump isn't a racist at all.

He was on the phone just this weekend to the strongman in charge of Sweden, trying to get a good friend of his, a black American dude, out of the hoosegow in Stockholm. Personally vouched for the man's integrity
he's freed more black men from prison, then Bill and obammy together. hmmmmm what?
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

Borrowing money to keep it there...

He is overheating the market... You better understand that as you will want to blame Democrats for that in the future too...
what was the debt when he took office? do you have the balls to post that number?

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