a classic message restored

If I need mental health help what kind of help do all you folks who can't admit this pos in our WH is a racist and a divider?? That's his election plan Divide America

…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
The 9/11 attackers did not come through our Southern Border. They all came here legally on visas.

But I know......those brown women and children......so frightening......who has time for middle eastern terrorists who really just want to knock down our buildings?

Sure they DID, then they were restricted by the travel ban from those countries...….Mexico/South America doesn't have restrictions or bans in place.

If you were a terrorist wanting to come to this country to do harm......wouldn't you come thru the 'easy' route??? Remember it's only easy because Democrats won't do a damn thing about it and keep screaming to welcome everyone with open arms no matter who or what they are.

BTW...…….don't forget the thousands of PEOPLE that were in those buildings that got knocked down.
The buildings that trump knew 1000's of muslims cheered as they went down?
…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?
Biggest crisis is trumps concentration camps

And just why do we have those 'Concentration Camps'???

hint: 'illegal immigration'
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?
Biggest crisis is trumps concentration camps

And just why do we have those 'Concentration Camps'???

hint: 'illegal immigration'
We treat murderers in prisons better than those kids are being treated Aren't you the least bit ashamed of your party?
If I need mental health help what kind of help do all you folks who can't admit this pos in our WH is a racist and a divider?? That's his election plan Divide America

…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.
…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Then what is an Illegal?
Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?
Biggest crisis is trumps concentration camps

And just why do we have those 'Concentration Camps'???

hint: 'illegal immigration'
We treat murderers in prisons better than those kids are being treated Aren't you the least bit ashamed of your party?

Aren't you the least bit ashamed of YOUR party for encouraging the need?

And honestly I don't know just how they are being treated because I'm not there to see it for myself.....because I won't rely on FAKE NEWS media to tell me.
…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

yet we all know damn well they are not really refugees......now don't we? Refugees don't need to sneak in past border patrol, do they?

Or maybe that is what you think because gee....it's TRUMP and he's bad
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Then what is an Illegal?

An illegal crosses the border, and disappears into the night, with no intention to return to his homeland.

Refugees must be standing on US soil to claim asylum. That's the law. If they cross the border illegally to enter, it's a misdemeanor which will be dismissed if they're granted asylum.

Trump has closed the ports of entry, and only allowing a handful of asylum seekers to enter each day. It's called "metering". He's hoping to trigger riots, or refugees rushing the border - anything to prove the refugees are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed in. Plus he gets to count them as "illegal entries", and thus inflate his illegal numbers to make things look worse than they are.
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics
We'll sell our souls, abandon our political ideology, accept racism, sexism, and polarization for low unemployment! For, you see, we're Trumpians! We play a short game.
More broadbrushing from the site idiot.

So why do you keep posting?
Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Then what is an Illegal?

An illegal crosses the border, and disappears into the night, with no intention to return to his homeland.

Refugees must be standing on US soil to claim asylum. That's the law. If they cross the border illegally to enter, it's a misdemeanor which will be dismissed if they're granted asylum.

Trump has closed the ports of entry, and only allowing a handful of asylum seekers to enter each day. It's called "metering". He's hoping to trigger riots, or refugees rushing the border - anything to prove the refugees are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed in. Plus he gets to count them as "illegal entries", and thus inflate his illegal numbers to make things look worse than they are.
The obvious solution is to transport the illegals into various cities in Mexico for permanent asylum in Mexico. It's time for Mexico to be part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.
Sure......you pick one thing that gets ya right there in the feels....

but let me ask you...…….who in the world is trying to block border security and enforcement of immigration laws so we don't have another 911???????
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Then what is an Illegal?

An illegal crosses the border, and disappears into the night, with no intention to return to his homeland.

Refugees must be standing on US soil to claim asylum. That's the law. If they cross the border illegally to enter, it's a misdemeanor which will be dismissed if they're granted asylum.

Trump has closed the ports of entry, and only allowing a handful of asylum seekers to enter each day. It's called "metering". He's hoping to trigger riots, or refugees rushing the border - anything to prove the refugees are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed in. Plus he gets to count them as "illegal entries", and thus inflate his illegal numbers to make things look worse than they are.

Nice fantasy! Did you get paid by the DNC to come up with that or are you parroting an email from Donkey Chompers herself?
Then I couldn't be in better company!
I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.

Where did he say anything about race, you lying piece of filth?
So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.
You're liar.

Here are the tweets:

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly.....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how........it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Trump claims they weren't born in the USA, says they have no right to tell the people of the United States, how "our government" is to be run. Trump igored that they are American citizens, fully endowed with the right of free speech, under the Costitution, and that as elected members of Congress, their Constituents asked them to go to Washington, and help run the government.

These tweets mention nothing about the policies these women espouse, just simply that immigrant women from shithole countries have no right to tell real Americans how to run their government. And you say it's not racist.


So where did he mention race?
The black men turned out to be innocent, Trump had nothing to do with their trial. As far as the death penalty, I am all for it. The incident was in the 70’’s and though wrong, I believe people change, look at Byrd.
Except to this day Trump still thinks they are guilty.

I to this day believe OJ is guilty. So I’m a racist?
Now pap you build straw men congrats

Then explain why is thinking a person is guilty makes them a racist after they are exonerated? It’s an opinion, prove that race is the reason he thinks they are still guilty.
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics
We'll sell our souls, abandon our political ideology, accept racism, sexism, and polarization for low unemployment! For, you see, we're Trumpians! We play a short game.

The ironic thing is your party is the party of overt racism.
Trump hit us in the face with his racism like a political cream pie.

And now Trumpians are complaining Democrats are exploiting racism as a political issue.

Can you see the irony in that?

The only cream pie you got was from your boyfriend when the condom broke!

Trump is not and never has been a racist. That just triggers you, doesn't it?
Trump is a bigot and racist – a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

You are a bigot and a racist, a fact beyond dispute. That is easy, label away, simpleton.
Come on pap you can't see that trump has been a racist NOT just now but all his life ?? Surely you're bright enough to see that

Before 2015 no one considered Trump racist. The hip hop world adored Trump. He partied with them, yet now he isn’t. That is because before he was a Democrat and now he is a Republican,

But in 1927 his father attended a Klan rally, so that makes Trump a racist. Al Gore’s father was a racist, is Gore a racist? Byrd was a KKK member and the Democrats claim he wasn’t.

Trump is a dumb shock radio DJ, nothing more. It’s a real dumb approach but he is a politician.
Trump is considered a racist because he makes racist statements.

If it looks like a racist pig, smells like a racist pig, grunts like a racist pig.......it is a racist pig.

Name a racist statement Trump has made. We won't hold our breath while you search for something to lie about.

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