a classic message restored

Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

And if you hear anybody talk bad about America, call them out regardless of their Race, as that is The American Thing to do.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?
Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

Are we agreed that, based on this 70 years-old message, counter-factual though it was and is, Trumpletons are now disavowing that all-American icon, Superman? Because inclusion inexorably runs counter to their Dear Leader's tenets?

He isn’t real, Superman is science fiction. He is still a good cartoon character.
Trump will make for a great cartoon character too,,,,only change needed is give him teeth like dracula
Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The President of the United States doesn't have the power to silence anyone.

The 1st Amendment gives every citizen the right to Free Speech.

I know that libs don't like it, but its a fact.

If President Trump were to have ordered silence, libs would have a conniption.
Only Google, Twitter, and Facebook have that power!
People from trump campaign were in the audience to start the chant
"Return" is the word you're looking for. Obama didn't have the money, and he most certainly did not "give" money to the Iranians. The Iranians deposited the money in their American bank accounts, where it has sat since the Iranian hostage crisis, being invested by those American banks in American businesses and homes, and earning American interest, just like every other bank account in Capitalist America. Obama returned the money in the Iranian government's bank accounts to the government of Iran.

When you hand something back to its rightful owner, as Ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, it's not a "gift", and you're "returning" it, not "giving" it.

This is the essence of the psychometrics of language, and why precise language matters. Conservatives constantly try to twist words and deed into something they're not by twisting language. Then our little Russian troll says it's "semantics", and tries to twist the language to say that Obama gave the Iran's a gift, when all he did was to return their own money to them.

Actually, you have it half assed backwards, DL.

The money belonged to the Iranian PEOPLE, not the mullahs who weren't even in power when the money was deposited. To give money being held for someone, only to turn it over to their oppressors and overseers is an outrage. The day will come, maybe next year or maybe in a thousand years, when the Iranian people throw off their chains , hang the mullahs and restore the beloved Peacock Throne.

At that point in time, they'll be coming for their money we were holding for them, so they can rebuild their nation.

The libs will have to explain they gave the money away to those who oppressed the Iranian people.
Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The President of the United States doesn't have the power to silence anyone.

The 1st Amendment gives every citizen the right to Free Speech.

I know that libs don't like it, but its a fact.

If President Trump were to have ordered silence, libs would have a conniption.
Only Google, Twitter, and Facebook have that power!
People from trump campaign were in the audience to start the chant
wow you have the imagination on things you know nothing about. amazing.
No one wants illegal immigration That's just repub BS that their followers eat up

Really???? Maybe you should tell those Congresspeople cause they keep saying illegals? What illegals? Remember when your buddies all said there was no border crisis??? Now they admit otherwise?

Refugees are not "illegals". They have the legal right to come into the USA and claim refugee status.

The crisis at the border is the treatment of refugees by the Trump Administration. Before Trump started separating families, and holding refugees in internment camps, there was no crisis.

Do you just want to wave them all through? Do you have room in your apartment for a couple of families to live? Oh, wait! You live in Canada and you would not let these people in your country either, would you?

No, but I don't think the American people should be paying $700 per day, per person to private corporations to hold these children in crowded, unsanitary conditions, while the government is arguing that they shouldn't have to provide children with clean clothes, soap, showers, toothbrushes or blankets. Geez, Louise, for $510 per day, they can put a family of 4 up at the Four Seasons hotel in Houston, and I'm pretty sure that with the savings of $2290 per day, they can get them some food, toothbrushes, clean clothing, and blankets.

Many of these families have family or friends in the USA who would take them in for free while their cases are being adjudicated. Trump is lying about these people not showing up for court. Statistics show that refugees DO show up for court, when they have assistance with the process.

The children's facility in Florida is getting $1 million per day of taxpayers' money to hold children in a jail. Many of these children have American relative who would care for them. Social workers have called the phone numbers these children have taped to their bodies and found that no one from DHS has even notified them the children were in the USA.

This is a deliberate policy of cruelty towards children. Towards refugees. And the President is prepared to spend any amount of YOUR money, to make it happen.

These "private corporations" are non-profits. Also the Four Seasons doesn't have to usually stop fights between the guests or keep them from wandering off the premises. Why don't you think before offering up a knee jerk idiotic response?

No the corporations running the detention centres are the same "for-profit" prison companies which donated heavily to the Trump "Inauguration Fund", which was being investigated as "pay for play" scheme by the SDNY, until William Barr quashed the Investigation. Obama's 2012 Inauguration was the largest, most star-studded Inauguration ever. Democrats spent the entire $40 million raised for Obama's Inauguration and provided audited financials to prove it. Michael Cohen headed the Inauguration Fund's fundraising. Over $100 million was raised, more than twice what Democrats spent, and the yet Inauguration itself was the smallest in recent history. The Hollywood glitterati stayed away, and no big named stars performed. The Administration initially promised to release it's audited financial statements, but is now steadfastly refusing to do so.

Under Siege And Largely Secret: Businesses That Serve Immigration Detention

Private Companies Are Cashing in on ICE's Detention Centers

Lawsuit Could Force For-Profit Detention Centers to Pay Detainees Minimum Wage

And some stories on the Inauguration fund:

What's happened to Trump's leftover inaugural money? Six months later, we don’t know.

Private prisons back Trump and could see big payoffs with new policies

The Trump Inaugural Committee Promised Charity Donations — So Where Are They?
Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

And if you hear anybody talk bad about America, call them out regardless of their Race, as that is The American Thing to do.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?

When Trump stops "metering" people at the ports of entry, and stops trying to force them to try to cross illegally so he can boost the number of illegal crossings and take their children away on the grounds that they're criminal, we can consider having this discussion, but not until Trump stops defying all of the court orders on his treatment of refugee claimants.

Canada took in 25,000 asylum seekers last year. The USA took in 22,500. Your population is 10 times that of Canada, and your GDP dwarfs ours, and yet we took in more refugees than you. In fact, Canada took in more asylum seekers than any other first world nation. So when you start bringing in 250,000 refugees a year, instead of the paltry 22,500 you accepted last year, we'll talk.

ETA: We give ALL asylum seekers free health care, free education, and free English classes. Church volunteers team with immigrant families to help them adjust to the Canadian way of life - banking, English skills, shopping malls, driving. And they get help in finding housing and jobs from their communities. During the Ft. McMurray fires, the Syrian Refugee community in Calgary sent baggies of personal hygene products to the evacuees because toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and hairbruses were the things they most missed in the refugee camps. These were recent arrivals who had almost nothing, but were ready to give back to our country, with gratitude.
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And if you hear anybody talk bad about America, call them out regardless of their Race, as that is The American Thing to do.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?

When Trump stops "metering" people at the ports of entry, and stops trying to force them to try to cross illegally so he can boost the number of illegal crossings and take their children away on the grounds that they're criminal, we can consider having this discussion, but not until Trump stops defying all of the court orders on his treatment of refugee claimants.

Canada took in 25,000 asylum seekers last year. The USA took in 22,500. Your population is 10 times that of Canada, and your GDP dwarfs ours, and yet we took in more refugees than you. In fact, Canada took in more asylum seekers than any other first world nation. So when you start bringing in 250,000 refugees a year, instead of the paltry 22,500 you accepted last year, we'll talk.
We are not going to allow Illegal Immigration, and FAUX Asylum Status to be used as a Vehicle to Accomplish Wealth Redistribution.

No person has a right to IMMIGRATE to America, Legally or Illegally.

No one forces anyone to commit a crime.

Crimes are a choice, and Choices have Consequences.

How about you try to enter Mexico Illegally and see what Mexico does with your communist ass.

They will squeeze that fat ass in to a tiny little cell, and you will cry mommy, and Mommy Government will let you sit there for a long long time, and probably forget your ass, unless President Trump decides to rescue it.
And if you hear anybody talk bad about America, call them out regardless of their Race, as that is The American Thing to do.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?

When Trump stops "metering" people at the ports of entry, and stops trying to force them to try to cross illegally so he can boost the number of illegal crossings and take their children away on the grounds that they're criminal, we can consider having this discussion, but not until Trump stops defying all of the court orders on his treatment of refugee claimants.

Canada took in 25,000 asylum seekers last year. The USA took in 22,500. Your population is 10 times that of Canada, and your GDP dwarfs ours, and yet we took in more refugees than you. In fact, Canada took in more asylum seekers than any other first world nation. So when you start bringing in 250,000 refugees a year, instead of the paltry 22,500 you accepted last year, we'll talk.

ETA: We give ALL asylum seekers free health care, free education, and free English classes. Church volunteers team with immigrant families to help them adjust to the Canadian way of life - banking, English skills, shopping malls, driving. And they get help in finding housing and jobs from their communities. During the Ft. McMurray fires, the Syrian Refugee community in Calgary sent baggies of personal hygene products to the evacuees because toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and hairbruses were the things they most missed in the refugee camps. These were recent arrivals who had almost nothing, but were ready to give back to our country, with gratitude.

If Canada is willing and ready to take Illegals into their nation and provide them with all kinds of bennies, maybe that's the key.

Give the Illegals at our southern border "passage only" visas, and bus them up to our northern border and they can seek asylum in the Dominions of Canada.
And if you hear anybody talk bad about America, call them out regardless of their Race, as that is The American Thing to do.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?

When Trump stops "metering" people at the ports of entry, and stops trying to force them to try to cross illegally so he can boost the number of illegal crossings and take their children away on the grounds that they're criminal, we can consider having this discussion, but not until Trump stops defying all of the court orders on his treatment of refugee claimants.

Canada took in 25,000 asylum seekers last year. The USA took in 22,500. Your population is 10 times that of Canada, and your GDP dwarfs ours, and yet we took in more refugees than you. In fact, Canada took in more asylum seekers than any other first world nation. So when you start bringing in 250,000 refugees a year, instead of the paltry 22,500 you accepted last year, we'll talk.

ETA: We give ALL asylum seekers free health care, free education, and free English classes. Church volunteers team with immigrant families to help them adjust to the Canadian way of life - banking, English skills, shopping malls, driving. And they get help in finding housing and jobs from their communities. During the Ft. McMurray fires, the Syrian Refugee community in Calgary sent baggies of personal hygene products to the evacuees because toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and hairbruses were the things they most missed in the refugee camps. These were recent arrivals who had almost nothing, but were ready to give back to our country, with gratitude.

BTW, does Canada have any MS13 refugees? They are finding America to be less than hospitable, and might want to find someplace else to hang out, eh?
The dems turn to cartoon characters for support.....ahhhhhhh how cute....lunch is ready get in your high chairs and booster seats....
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?

When Trump stops "metering" people at the ports of entry, and stops trying to force them to try to cross illegally so he can boost the number of illegal crossings and take their children away on the grounds that they're criminal, we can consider having this discussion, but not until Trump stops defying all of the court orders on his treatment of refugee claimants.

Canada took in 25,000 asylum seekers last year. The USA took in 22,500. Your population is 10 times that of Canada, and your GDP dwarfs ours, and yet we took in more refugees than you. In fact, Canada took in more asylum seekers than any other first world nation. So when you start bringing in 250,000 refugees a year, instead of the paltry 22,500 you accepted last year, we'll talk.

ETA: We give ALL asylum seekers free health care, free education, and free English classes. Church volunteers team with immigrant families to help them adjust to the Canadian way of life - banking, English skills, shopping malls, driving. And they get help in finding housing and jobs from their communities. During the Ft. McMurray fires, the Syrian Refugee community in Calgary sent baggies of personal hygene products to the evacuees because toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and hairbruses were the things they most missed in the refugee camps. These were recent arrivals who had almost nothing, but were ready to give back to our country, with gratitude.

If Canada is willing and ready to take Illegals into their nation and provide them with all kinds of bennies, maybe that's the key.

Give the Illegals at our southern border "passage only" visas, and bus them up to our northern border and they can seek asylum in the Dominions of Canada.

Fly them up there in big C-130s and have them parachute out of the plane like a modern day Normandy Invasion of Canada.
And if you hear anybody talk bad about America, call them out regardless of their Race, as that is The American Thing to do.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?

When Trump stops "metering" people at the ports of entry, and stops trying to force them to try to cross illegally so he can boost the number of illegal crossings and take their children away on the grounds that they're criminal, we can consider having this discussion, but not until Trump stops defying all of the court orders on his treatment of refugee claimants.

Canada took in 25,000 asylum seekers last year. The USA took in 22,500. Your population is 10 times that of Canada, and your GDP dwarfs ours, and yet we took in more refugees than you. In fact, Canada took in more asylum seekers than any other first world nation. So when you start bringing in 250,000 refugees a year, instead of the paltry 22,500 you accepted last year, we'll talk.

ETA: We give ALL asylum seekers free health care, free education, and free English classes. Church volunteers team with immigrant families to help them adjust to the Canadian way of life - banking, English skills, shopping malls, driving. And they get help in finding housing and jobs from their communities. During the Ft. McMurray fires, the Syrian Refugee community in Calgary sent baggies of personal hygene products to the evacuees because toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and hairbruses were the things they most missed in the refugee camps. These were recent arrivals who had almost nothing, but were ready to give back to our country, with gratitude.

No one is forced to cross the border illegally. That is just silly. Secondly, 2017 was the first time the United States took less than the rest of the world combined.
And if you hear anybody talk bad about America, call them out regardless of their Race, as that is The American Thing to do.

What flag do you fly over your commie compound?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?

When Trump stops "metering" people at the ports of entry, and stops trying to force them to try to cross illegally so he can boost the number of illegal crossings and take their children away on the grounds that they're criminal, we can consider having this discussion, but not until Trump stops defying all of the court orders on his treatment of refugee claimants.

Canada took in 25,000 asylum seekers last year. The USA took in 22,500. Your population is 10 times that of Canada, and your GDP dwarfs ours, and yet we took in more refugees than you. In fact, Canada took in more asylum seekers than any other first world nation. So when you start bringing in 250,000 refugees a year, instead of the paltry 22,500 you accepted last year, we'll talk.

ETA: We give ALL asylum seekers free health care, free education, and free English classes. Church volunteers team with immigrant families to help them adjust to the Canadian way of life - banking, English skills, shopping malls, driving. And they get help in finding housing and jobs from their communities. During the Ft. McMurray fires, the Syrian Refugee community in Calgary sent baggies of personal hygene products to the evacuees because toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and hairbruses were the things they most missed in the refugee camps. These were recent arrivals who had almost nothing, but were ready to give back to our country, with gratitude.

We had over 100K cross our border just last month! Canada ought to be paying us, and paying us well for handling their security and keeping them safe from illegal southern invaders.
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?

When Trump stops "metering" people at the ports of entry, and stops trying to force them to try to cross illegally so he can boost the number of illegal crossings and take their children away on the grounds that they're criminal, we can consider having this discussion, but not until Trump stops defying all of the court orders on his treatment of refugee claimants.

Canada took in 25,000 asylum seekers last year. The USA took in 22,500. Your population is 10 times that of Canada, and your GDP dwarfs ours, and yet we took in more refugees than you. In fact, Canada took in more asylum seekers than any other first world nation. So when you start bringing in 250,000 refugees a year, instead of the paltry 22,500 you accepted last year, we'll talk.
We are not going to allow Illegal Immigration, and FAUX Asylum Status to be used as a Vehicle to Accomplish Wealth Redistribution.

No person has a right to IMMIGRATE to America, Legally or Illegally.

No one forces anyone to commit a crime.

Crimes are a choice, and Choices have Consequences.

How about you try to enter Mexico Illegally and see what Mexico does with your communist ass.

They will squeeze that fat ass in to a tiny little cell, and you will cry mommy, and Mommy Government will let you sit there for a long long time, and probably forget your ass, unless President Trump decides to rescue it.

Hey stupid!!! People who disagree with your policies are not communists.

And my fit ass isn't going to jail anytime soon, because I have no need to try to escape the country I'm currently living in. I live in the land of free health care, guaranteed income for seniors, and the fasted growing middle class in the world. I reside, in a beautiful clean, little lakeside tourist town.

I'm able to lead the life I have because I worked hard, all of my life, and was paid a fair wage for my labours, and I paid my taxes. Today, I live in a socialist hell-hole with government-funded health care, guaranteed income for seniors, and the fasted growing middle class in the world. I reside, in a beautiful clean, little lakeside tourist town, where I'm able to ride my bike every day, swim at clean beaches, and eat fresh organic produce from the farmer's gate.

My children are building successful lives for themselves and their families. My grandchildren are getting one of the best public school educations in the world, and when they go on to university, they will not be leaving school with the shackles of massive student debt to hold them back.

I have been a vowed capitalist all of my life, but capitalism can never succeed without a strong social safety net to support the weakest among us who are most harmed in times of recession, and who may not have the intellect, physical ability, or the temperment to succeed in a capitalist society.
Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

Are we agreed that, based on this 70 years-old message, counter-factual though it was and is, Trumpletons are now disavowing that all-American icon, Superman? Because inclusion inexorably runs counter to their Dear Leader's tenets?

He isn’t real, Superman is science fiction. He is still a good cartoon character.
Trump will make for a great cartoon character too,,,,only change needed is give him teeth like dracula

The orange buffoon will stiff a different creditor in each episode. Maybe rat out his golf course employees to ICE, the night before payday. So much winning.
Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

Are we agreed that, based on this 70 years-old message, counter-factual though it was and is, Trumpletons are now disavowing that all-American icon, Superman? Because inclusion inexorably runs counter to their Dear Leader's tenets?

He isn’t real, Superman is science fiction. He is still a good cartoon character.
Trump will make for a great cartoon character too,,,,only change needed is give him teeth like dracula

The orange buffoon will stiff a different creditor in each episode. Maybe rat out his golf course employees to ICE, the night before payday. So much winning.
I see you still don't have anything worth a conversation to post.
Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

Are we agreed that, based on this 70 years-old message, counter-factual though it was and is, Trumpletons are now disavowing that all-American icon, Superman? Because inclusion inexorably runs counter to their Dear Leader's tenets?

He isn’t real, Superman is science fiction. He is still a good cartoon character.
Trump will make for a great cartoon character too,,,,only change needed is give him teeth like dracula

The orange buffoon will stiff a different creditor in each episode. Maybe rat out his golf course employees to ICE, the night before payday. So much winning.
I see you still don't have anything worth a conversation to post.

And yet you responded. Do you score twerp points for that?
I fly no flag BUT I have 2 trumpy dolls hanging with nooses from my trees

That's not disturbing, naw, not at all. :eek: /sarcasm.

As much as I didn't like the way Obama did, I definitely never went out of my way to hang him in effigy. :cuckoo:

He was a president that I hated everything he did. I can't think of 1 good thing he did for the country, in fact, everything he did seemed to be bad for the country.

I still never hanged him in effigy. :wtf:

And you certainly never criticized or complained about those who did. Did you support THEIR right of free speech? I can't recall you ever criticizing racist attacks against anyone who wasn't white, or standing up for the rights of anyone who wasn't white, straight, or Christian. Does that make you a racist? Not necessarily. But it does, at best, make you an enabler. Someone who stands by while other people say and do these things.

Trump didn't start the chants of "Send her back", but he did't stop them either. In fact, he stood silently, and let the crowd vent their hate. Just his failure to stop the chants is his consent to the words.

The evil of white supremacism and racism. Declaring brown people seeking asylum are "invaders out to destroy America". Evil is locking up brown people on the border, taking their children away, starving, abusing, and assaulting them until they are forced to fight back to save their lives and those of their children. Evil is defying court orders to stop this cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. Evil is for-profit prisons which are subject to no government regulations or oversight. Evil is half of the leadership of the DHS has been fired or quit because they refused to break the law, defy Court Orders, or violate the Constitution of the United States.

This is the price of your conservative judges and your tax cuts. The soul of America. All that is required for evil to flourish, is for people of good conscience to do nothing.

The soul of America is fine and the court is fine. You are just a bigoted nut. Hanging effigies is just classless and is just a trailer trash move. I thought that when people did it with Obama and Bush were just childish and evil.

If asylums seekers come to the port of entry and declare they want to seek asylum, the. It works well. When you come into the country illegally? Then there is a price for doing it illegally. When a person is arrested with a child with them, they are separated, they are no different than anyone else. In Canada if both parents are arrested, do you take the children to prison with them?

How many of the asylum seeker that are here illegally does Canada want to take? We will take all the legal asylum seekers, Canada can have all the illegal asylum seekers. Deal?

When Trump stops "metering" people at the ports of entry, and stops trying to force them to try to cross illegally so he can boost the number of illegal crossings and take their children away on the grounds that they're criminal, we can consider having this discussion, but not until Trump stops defying all of the court orders on his treatment of refugee claimants.

Canada took in 25,000 asylum seekers last year. The USA took in 22,500. Your population is 10 times that of Canada, and your GDP dwarfs ours, and yet we took in more refugees than you. In fact, Canada took in more asylum seekers than any other first world nation. So when you start bringing in 250,000 refugees a year, instead of the paltry 22,500 you accepted last year, we'll talk.

ETA: We give ALL asylum seekers free health care, free education, and free English classes. Church volunteers team with immigrant families to help them adjust to the Canadian way of life - banking, English skills, shopping malls, driving. And they get help in finding housing and jobs from their communities. During the Ft. McMurray fires, the Syrian Refugee community in Calgary sent baggies of personal hygene products to the evacuees because toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and hairbruses were the things they most missed in the refugee camps. These were recent arrivals who had almost nothing, but were ready to give back to our country, with gratitude.

If Canada is willing and ready to take Illegals into their nation and provide them with all kinds of bennies, maybe that's the key.

Give the Illegals at our southern border "passage only" visas, and bus them up to our northern border and they can seek asylum in the Dominions of Canada.

Sorry Canada isn't having any part of that. They like to talk their santamonious asses off but when it comes to doing anything they're gone all of a sudden.
Are we agreed that, based on this 70 years-old message, counter-factual though it was and is, Trumpletons are now disavowing that all-American icon, Superman? Because inclusion inexorably runs counter to their Dear Leader's tenets?

He isn’t real, Superman is science fiction. He is still a good cartoon character.
Trump will make for a great cartoon character too,,,,only change needed is give him teeth like dracula

The orange buffoon will stiff a different creditor in each episode. Maybe rat out his golf course employees to ICE, the night before payday. So much winning.
I see you still don't have anything worth a conversation to post.

And yet you responded. Do you score twerp points for that?
when someone searches the internet it will come up if they query for it. that's the intention. simple mind you got their sweetie.

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