A clear indicator of Тrump's treacherous policies

I have tried to not take side on Trump since it did not appear he was causing massacres, but apparently he was.
The economic sanctions against Venezuela are totally illegal and war crimes against the civilians of Venezuela, and Cuba.

On April 5, the United States government applied sanctions to vessels and shipping contractors of PDVSA for exporting oil to Cuba.

The decision included 34 vessels, with which the United States would block any transaction, and two shipping companies, Ballito Bay Shipping Incorporated, based in Greece, and ProPer In Management Incorporated based in Liberia, for its connection with the ship Despina Andrianna, which, according to U.S. authorities delivered Venezuelan oil to Cuba during February and March 2019.

The decision announced by US Vice President Mike Pence was accompanied by a statement from Steven Mnuchin, secretary of the United States Department of the Treasury.

The following week, on April 12, the United States Department of the Treasury sanctioned four companies with headquarters in Liberia and Italy and nine oil cargo ships with the flags of Italy, Malta, Greece and Panama.

On May 10, after the coup against the Venezuelan government failed, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of Treasury sanctioned two other shipping companies.
If there were nothing else, only this would be enough: inciting discord with the Mexicans.

There were many secrets in the politics of the right. One of them is a total rapprochement with South America. There is even evidence that there were connections with the Colombian cartel. Texas and Latinos are the most reliable support for the right. They attracted Mexicans and gave amnesty to illegal immigrants, they tried to be as friendly as possible with South America. They also supported the Contras in Nicaragua.
With regard to Europe, they had the opposite vector: they brought Europe to its knees. "white people" turned blue to their henchmen, British Thatcherism was the puppet regime of Reagan, they pursued a pure American policy there. And the whole of Europe was under the heel of the United States.

Trump has destroyed a critical element of right-wing ethnic politics. This was the key moment of GOP's death.
Yeah...that's why there is already a BROWN wave as Latinos flee in droves from the Democrat party....

stop this comedy, trumpsters and democrats this is a game of good cop and bad cop. I'm not a democrat, I want to say that Trump is a leftist agent
Trump isn't left or right. He is a pragmatic centrist who puts the interests of America first.
that's why there is already a BROWN
Don't call them "browns", they're just like Americans, they just spend more time in the sun. "Whites" are not Americans. "White americans" is phantom of fucking trumpsters.
The covid vactination definitely brainwashed the Americans, they turned into Prussian slaves.
Trump isn't left or right. He is a pragmatic centrist who puts the interests of America first.
European interests.

If he is not right, then let him say it directly to the voters.

He is nobody at all, a litter of European bankers
The Trumpsters are the greatest tragedy in America and the world. He destroyed the GOP, and besides the GOP, there is no other force that can withstand the global leftist plague. America is not just a country, it is a key player in world politics. You do not realize the scale of this tragedy. This is an unprecedented case, this has never happened before in history.


If there were nothing else, only this would be enough: inciting discord with the Mexicans.

There were many secrets in the politics of the right. One of them is a total rapprochement with South America. There is even evidence that there were connections with the Colombian cartel. Texas and Latinos are the most reliable support for the right. They attracted Mexicans and gave amnesty to illegal immigrants, they tried to be as friendly as possible with South America. They also supported the Contras in Nicaragua.

You're hysterically funny. I just hope that mother Russia is not PAYING you to do this..

First off -- Relations with Mexico and Latin America were FAR BETTER under Trump than they are now. More TRADE with Mexico than ever before. A new Mexico-Canada-USA treaty. And AGREEMENTS on help from Mexico to HOLD migrants in Mexico for processing. Where do you find Texas giving amnesty. Trump had no part in the Contras and the Nicaraguan failed revolution. US policy NOW is hindered by the fact that MUCH of Central America is run by totalitarian narco-dictators. How friendly does one want to be with that?

With regard to Europe, they had the opposite vector: they brought Europe to its knees. "white people" turned blue to their henchmen, British Thatcherism was the puppet regime of Reagan, they pursued a pure American policy there. And the whole of Europe was under the heel of the United States.

Trump has destroyed a critical element of right-wing ethnic politics. This was the key moment of GOP's death.

Again -- what does Trump has to do with Thatcherism? You're going BACKWARDS in time to make claims against Trump -- but never prove a thing randomly cruising thru 50 or more years of history.

And Europe was NEVER under the heel of the USA. In fact, IN OUR LIVES, they are now under the heel and hell of their OWN creation the European Union and have given up LARGE pieces of their national identity and souvereignty in that deal.. MORE then they ever to the whims of the USA.
You're hysterically funny. I just hope that mother Russia is not PAYING you to do this..
Do you believe the newspaper articles that RF is right-wing? Just not in the traditional American sense.
There is a purely leftist policy of strengthening the feds, and very tough, and there are the most liberal laws regarding queers and protecting children, for example, for a criminal who seduced a child under 12 years old, there are corrective labor, which means that he will be at large, and from time to time attend some kind of work at the place of residence. Russia complies with all European conventions, including a moratorium on the death penalty. We live in the matrix.
First off -- Relations with Mexico and Latin America were FAR BETTER under Trump than they are now. More TRADE with Mexico than ever before. A new Mexico-Canada-USA treaty. And AGREEMENTS on help from Mexico to HOLD migrants in Mexico for processing. Where do you find Texas giving amnesty. Trump had no part in the Contras and the Nicaraguan failed revolution. US policy NOW is hindered by the fact that MUCH of Central America is run by totalitarian narco-dictators. How friendly does one want to be with that?

As a side note, Flacc, worth mentioning here that right now as far as Nicaragua and Central America are concerned, Russia and Putin might be moving russian assets soon into that region, a doorstep from our living-room. Looks like Vladimir is trying to set something up there. Another great feather in Joe's cap, and God help the next president.

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