CDZ A Comprehensive Look At The Uneven Playing Field

The playing field hasn't been....and is still not....even.

And it never will be. Rich people have advantages that I will never have. Progressives are making the disparity worse. Taxes don't affect the rich, they affect the middle class. The sooner people figure that out the better we will all be.

Fine, then the rich won't mind if they're increased?

When will you understand that the rich only pay those taxes that they wish to. They WRITE the tax laws man. Thus, whenever a rich person says they are make the rich pay their "fair share" they are lying. The middle class is the group that pays the taxes.

That's what busts me up about rich Democrats who claim they would be thrilled to pay a higher tax rate. Is there something preventing them from doing so?

Of course not. Buffet owes the the government tens of millions if not hundreds of millions in taxes.
There is no reason why he should be continuing to bleat about how the rich need to pay more when he won't even pay that which he legitimately owes.

The same is true for all of these super rich who donate their money to the Foundations that they set up. The money is still theirs, it is just a legal fiction that they have given it away. It is disgusting and it shows that the effort to dumb down the citizenry of the USA has been successful because they actually believe the nonsense.

Link? Liens are public record. This would be a big news story if true.
Poverty rate for married blacks is only slightly higher than that for married whites.

Which only makes sense, it is MUCH easier to rise out poverty as a two income household than as a one household income. So that right there tells you one of the root causes of the issue. black fathers don't raise their families.

Or the welfare system incentivizes out of wedlock births.
When I was first starting out in the workforce as a teen, I encountered a lot of old blacks about to retire who came from huge families--10,12, 16 kids--and the parents had been together so something changed in the black community that started destroying many black nuclear families. Maybe it is welfare. Maybe it is something else IDK.

Right, it can't be 300 years of slavery, 100 years of disenfranchisement from society and the polls, along with 45 years of systematically patrolling slums to arrest black men for working the one occupation that many of them have access to thanks to racist restrictive residential covenants, etc. It has to be welfare.

If you thought about your line of reasoning for longer than 10 seconds, you'd see how flawed it is.

Look at Africa dude. The continent is one of the wealthiest on the planet and it is primarily a festering poophole. It ain't slavery from over 100 years ago that is keeping the black people down, it is their leaders (who profit from the misery) who benefit from keeping them culturally, and socially backwards. Get the blacks out of their self imposed ghetto's and they blossom.

That is true, blacks who have made it to the suburbs are substantially better off than inner city blacks.

Of course they are. They are no longer propagandized about how dumb and stupid they are and how whitey needs to pay them for crimes that they never suffered from. What the propagandists never tell them is the propagandists will get a tidy sum of cash (the majority in point of fact) for "managing" the funds which the blacks simply aren't smart enough to do on their own. It is institutionalized racism on a grand scale.
The playing field hasn't been....and is still not....even.

And it never will be. Rich people have advantages that I will never have. Progressives are making the disparity worse. Taxes don't affect the rich, they affect the middle class. The sooner people figure that out the better we will all be.

Fine, then the rich won't mind if they're increased?

When will you understand that the rich only pay those taxes that they wish to. They WRITE the tax laws man. Thus, whenever a rich person says they are make the rich pay their "fair share" they are lying. The middle class is the group that pays the taxes.

That's what busts me up about rich Democrats who claim they would be thrilled to pay a higher tax rate. Is there something preventing them from doing so?

Of course not. Buffet owes the the government tens of millions if not hundreds of millions in taxes. There is no reason why he should be continuing to bleat about how the rich need to pay more when he won't even pay that which he legitimately owes.

The same is true for all of these super rich who donate their money to the Foundations that they set up. The money is still theirs, it is just a legal fiction that they have given it away. It is disgusting and it shows that the effort to dumb down the citizenry of the USA has been successful because they actually believe the nonsense.

Absolutely. You notice that Bernie didn't say "oh here, I'm going to help the government pay for some of these social programs I champion" and write a check to the IRS for $600K , no, he went and bought a third house instead LOL and his supporters fell for him, hook , line , and sinker then asked for more when he endorsed Hillary
Which only makes sense, it is MUCH easier to rise out poverty as a two income household than as a one household income. So that right there tells you one of the root causes of the issue. black fathers don't raise their families.

Or the welfare system incentivizes out of wedlock births.
When I was first starting out in the workforce as a teen, I encountered a lot of old blacks about to retire who came from huge families--10,12, 16 kids--and the parents had been together so something changed in the black community that started destroying many black nuclear families. Maybe it is welfare. Maybe it is something else IDK.

Right, it can't be 300 years of slavery, 100 years of disenfranchisement from society and the polls, along with 45 years of systematically patrolling slums to arrest black men for working the one occupation that many of them have access to thanks to racist restrictive residential covenants, etc. It has to be welfare.

If you thought about your line of reasoning for longer than 10 seconds, you'd see how flawed it is.

Look at Africa dude. The continent is one of the wealthiest on the planet and it is primarily a festering poophole. It ain't slavery from over 100 years ago that is keeping the black people down, it is their leaders (who profit from the misery) who benefit from keeping them culturally, and socially backwards. Get the blacks out of their self imposed ghetto's and they blossom.

That is true, blacks who have made it to the suburbs are substantially better off than inner city blacks.

And until about a generation ago, there were concerted, blatant attempts by governments, realtors, and private citizens to ensure that blacks were never given the chance to settle outside of the inner city, no matter their means.

1920s–1948: Racially Restrictive Covenants

Guess what, those tactics were used against the Irish, the Chinese, the Jews and the Mexicans. Are you going to trot out every ignorant law that was passed throughout history because I can guarantee you it was used against every other group there is at one time or other. Or how about the Sumptuary laws? You going to bring those up too?
Or the welfare system incentivizes out of wedlock births. When I was first starting out in the workforce as a teen, I encountered a lot of old blacks about to retire who came from huge families--10,12, 16 kids--and the parents had been together so something changed in the black community that started destroying many black nuclear families. Maybe it is welfare. Maybe it is something else IDK.

Right, it can't be 300 years of slavery, 100 years of disenfranchisement from society and the polls, along with 45 years of systematically patrolling slums to arrest black men for working the one occupation that many of them have access to thanks to racist restrictive residential covenants, etc. It has to be welfare.

If you thought about your line of reasoning for longer than 10 seconds, you'd see how flawed it is.

Look at Africa dude. The continent is one of the wealthiest on the planet and it is primarily a festering poophole. It ain't slavery from over 100 years ago that is keeping the black people down, it is their leaders (who profit from the misery) who benefit from keeping them culturally, and socially backwards. Get the blacks out of their self imposed ghetto's and they blossom.

That is true, blacks who have made it to the suburbs are substantially better off than inner city blacks.

And until about a generation ago, there were concerted, blatant attempts by governments, realtors, and private citizens to ensure that blacks were never given the chance to settle outside of the inner city, no matter their means.

1920s–1948: Racially Restrictive Covenants

Guess what, those tactics were used against the Irish, the Chinese, the Jews and the Mexicans. Are you going to trot out every ignorant law that was passed throughout history because I can guarantee you it was used against every other group there is at one time or other. Or how about the Sumptuary laws? You going to bring those up too?

You really think that the discrimination faced by the Irish is in any way comparable to that faced by African Americans? Are you serious? How many history classes did you skip?
And it never will be. Rich people have advantages that I will never have. Progressives are making the disparity worse. Taxes don't affect the rich, they affect the middle class. The sooner people figure that out the better we will all be.

Fine, then the rich won't mind if they're increased?

When will you understand that the rich only pay those taxes that they wish to. They WRITE the tax laws man. Thus, whenever a rich person says they are make the rich pay their "fair share" they are lying. The middle class is the group that pays the taxes.

That's what busts me up about rich Democrats who claim they would be thrilled to pay a higher tax rate. Is there something preventing them from doing so?

Of course not. Buffet owes the the government tens of millions if not hundreds of millions in taxes.
There is no reason why he should be continuing to bleat about how the rich need to pay more when he won't even pay that which he legitimately owes.

The same is true for all of these super rich who donate their money to the Foundations that they set up. The money is still theirs, it is just a legal fiction that they have given it away. It is disgusting and it shows that the effort to dumb down the citizenry of the USA has been successful because they actually believe the nonsense.

Link? Liens are public record. This would be a big news story if true.

Here's the most recent. At one time his company owed over a billion in back taxes.

Barron's: Buffett Avoids Taxes, But Obama Still Loves Him
The most absolute scary thing about Gary's argument (and those like him) is that he is screaming that the "system" is the reason blacks are so far behind the curve in EVERY metric in this country while at the same time screaming that blacks, and others, need to make sure to vote for the very people who create and endorse the current system and will no doubt continue the system as is until blacks wake up and realize what is being done to them.
Right, it can't be 300 years of slavery, 100 years of disenfranchisement from society and the polls, along with 45 years of systematically patrolling slums to arrest black men for working the one occupation that many of them have access to thanks to racist restrictive residential covenants, etc. It has to be welfare.

If you thought about your line of reasoning for longer than 10 seconds, you'd see how flawed it is.

Look at Africa dude. The continent is one of the wealthiest on the planet and it is primarily a festering poophole. It ain't slavery from over 100 years ago that is keeping the black people down, it is their leaders (who profit from the misery) who benefit from keeping them culturally, and socially backwards. Get the blacks out of their self imposed ghetto's and they blossom.

That is true, blacks who have made it to the suburbs are substantially better off than inner city blacks.

And until about a generation ago, there were concerted, blatant attempts by governments, realtors, and private citizens to ensure that blacks were never given the chance to settle outside of the inner city, no matter their means.

1920s–1948: Racially Restrictive Covenants

Guess what, those tactics were used against the Irish, the Chinese, the Jews and the Mexicans. Are you going to trot out every ignorant law that was passed throughout history because I can guarantee you it was used against every other group there is at one time or other. Or how about the Sumptuary laws? You going to bring those up too?

You really think that the discrimination faced by the Irish is in any way comparable to that faced by African Americans? Are you serious? How many history classes did you skip?

Uh, yeah. I suggest you look it up. Your knowledge is very weak. Just sayin...
And it never will be. Rich people have advantages that I will never have. Progressives are making the disparity worse. Taxes don't affect the rich, they affect the middle class. The sooner people figure that out the better we will all be.

Fine, then the rich won't mind if they're increased?

When will you understand that the rich only pay those taxes that they wish to. They WRITE the tax laws man. Thus, whenever a rich person says they are make the rich pay their "fair share" they are lying. The middle class is the group that pays the taxes.

That's what busts me up about rich Democrats who claim they would be thrilled to pay a higher tax rate. Is there something preventing them from doing so?

Of course not. Buffet owes the the government tens of millions if not hundreds of millions in taxes. There is no reason why he should be continuing to bleat about how the rich need to pay more when he won't even pay that which he legitimately owes.

The same is true for all of these super rich who donate their money to the Foundations that they set up. The money is still theirs, it is just a legal fiction that they have given it away. It is disgusting and it shows that the effort to dumb down the citizenry of the USA has been successful because they actually believe the nonsense.

Absolutely. You notice that Bernie didn't say "oh here, I'm going to help the government pay for some of these social programs I champion" and write a check to the IRS for $600K , no, he went and bought a third house instead LOL and his supporters fell for him, hook , line , and sinker then asked for more when he endorsed Hillary

You really don't know a thing about Sanders, do you? He doesn't have 3 houses. His net worth is pathetic.
Poverty rate for married blacks is only slightly higher than that for married whites.

Which only makes sense, it is MUCH easier to rise out poverty as a two income household than as a one household income. So that right there tells you one of the root causes of the issue. black fathers don't raise their families.

Or the welfare system incentivizes out of wedlock births.
When I was first starting out in the workforce as a teen, I encountered a lot of old blacks about to retire who came from huge families--10,12, 16 kids--and the parents had been together so something changed in the black community that started destroying many black nuclear families. Maybe it is welfare. Maybe it is something else IDK.

Right, it can't be 300 years of slavery, 100 years of disenfranchisement from society and the polls, along with 45 years of systematically patrolling slums to arrest black men for working the one occupation that many of them have access to thanks to racist restrictive residential covenants, etc. It has to be welfare.

If you thought about your line of reasoning for longer than 10 seconds, you'd see how flawed it is.

Look at Africa dude. The continent is one of the wealthiest on the planet and it is primarily a festering poophole. It ain't slavery from over 100 years ago that is keeping the black people down, it is their leaders (who profit from the misery) who benefit from keeping them culturally, and socially backwards. Get the blacks out of their self imposed ghetto's and they blossom.

I don't think you have the first idea what you're talking about when you examine African history.

I will happily discuss African history with you at any time. I have lived and worked in Africa for many years over the course of my career, both northern, and sub Saharan.
Look at Africa dude. The continent is one of the wealthiest on the planet and it is primarily a festering poophole. It ain't slavery from over 100 years ago that is keeping the black people down, it is their leaders (who profit from the misery) who benefit from keeping them culturally, and socially backwards. Get the blacks out of their self imposed ghetto's and they blossom.

That is true, blacks who have made it to the suburbs are substantially better off than inner city blacks.

And until about a generation ago, there were concerted, blatant attempts by governments, realtors, and private citizens to ensure that blacks were never given the chance to settle outside of the inner city, no matter their means.

1920s–1948: Racially Restrictive Covenants

Guess what, those tactics were used against the Irish, the Chinese, the Jews and the Mexicans. Are you going to trot out every ignorant law that was passed throughout history because I can guarantee you it was used against every other group there is at one time or other. Or how about the Sumptuary laws? You going to bring those up too?

You really think that the discrimination faced by the Irish is in any way comparable to that faced by African Americans? Are you serious? How many history classes did you skip?

Uh, yeah. I suggest you look it up. Your knowledge is very weak. Just sayin...

That sounds like a sentence from the mouth of Donald Trump.

The Irish faced 300 years of slavery in the U.S.? They faced Jim Crow laws for 100 years more? They were prohibited from living anywhere desirable (even if they were rich) in major cities up until as recently as the 1970s due to outlawed covenants and subtly racist realtors directing them elsewhere? The Irish neighborhoods suffered from disproportionate policing during the Drug War? The Irish were singled out for stop-and-frisk policies in NYC as recently as last year?

You don't know what in the hell you're talking about. At all. Look what up? Some trash written by a White Nationalist hack?
Which only makes sense, it is MUCH easier to rise out poverty as a two income household than as a one household income. So that right there tells you one of the root causes of the issue. black fathers don't raise their families.

There's a very big cause for part of this, called the drug war.

BS, only a small portion of black fathers in this country are in prison, There are LOTS of black fathers who CHOOSE not to be involved in their kids' lives.

Besides that, here's an idea, if drugs are illegal and you now they are illegal, don't do them. DUH!!!

Whites do drugs at a higher rate than blacks. Yet blacks are arrested more often for possession.

What does that tell you?

That tells me that the drug laws need to be rescinded. The criminalization of the possession and use of drugs is ridiculous. All drug use should be decriminalized. The criminal misuse of drugs though should be punished heavily.

Indeed, the drug war is a farce, and has long-since been lost. On top of that, it's a case-study in producing legislation with racist outcomes.

It was never meant to be "won". It was a convenient avenue to attack the civil liberties of the People of this country.
Here is a very well researched, data driven look at how things just aren't the same for people of color when it comes to upward mobility and wealth creation.

The Average Black Family Would Need 228 Years to Build the Wealth of a White Family Today

It would be great if at least one person is able to learn something from this info. In so many ways....the path toward prosperity is much more difficult for black Americans.
The average black family would be indeed unable to build the wealth of their white or East-Asian counterparts in the US or anywhere else in the world. Time is not a factor and genetics are a bitch.
That is true, blacks who have made it to the suburbs are substantially better off than inner city blacks.

And until about a generation ago, there were concerted, blatant attempts by governments, realtors, and private citizens to ensure that blacks were never given the chance to settle outside of the inner city, no matter their means.

1920s–1948: Racially Restrictive Covenants

Guess what, those tactics were used against the Irish, the Chinese, the Jews and the Mexicans. Are you going to trot out every ignorant law that was passed throughout history because I can guarantee you it was used against every other group there is at one time or other. Or how about the Sumptuary laws? You going to bring those up too?

You really think that the discrimination faced by the Irish is in any way comparable to that faced by African Americans? Are you serious? How many history classes did you skip?

Uh, yeah. I suggest you look it up. Your knowledge is very weak. Just sayin...

That sounds like a sentence from the mouth of Donald Trump.

The Irish faced 300 years of slavery in the U.S.? They faced Jim Crow laws for 100 years more? They were prohibited from living anywhere desirable (even if they were rich) in major cities up until as recently as the 1970s due to outlawed covenants and subtly racist realtors directing them elsewhere? The Irish neighborhoods suffered from disproportionate policing during the Drug War? The Irish were singled out for stop-and-frisk policies in NYC as recently as last year?

You don't know what in the hell you're talking about. At all. Look what up? Some trash written by a White Nationalist hack?

I really suggest you take a look at the anti Irish hatred that was endemic in the US all through the late 1700's into the 1800's. Many Irish were slaves, though they came over with the term Indentured Servant affixed to their names instead. Like I said, you truly have no idea of what you are talking about. A black slave was property and COULD NOT be abused by anyone other than his or her owner. And that would be dumb because who the heck damages their own property.

An Irishman on the other hand could, and frequently was beaten to death in the streets of New York merely for being Irish and NO ONE cared.
Here is a very well researched, data driven look at how things just aren't the same for people of color when it comes to upward mobility and wealth creation.

The Average Black Family Would Need 228 Years to Build the Wealth of a White Family Today

It would be great if at least one person is able to learn something from this info. In so many ways....the path toward prosperity is much more difficult for black Americans.
The average black family would be indeed unable to build the wealth of their white or East-Asian counterparts in the US or anywhere else in the world. Time is not a factor and genetics are a bitch.

It's not genetics. It is social pressure (from their supposed friendly leadership) that keeps them where they are.
And until about a generation ago, there were concerted, blatant attempts by governments, realtors, and private citizens to ensure that blacks were never given the chance to settle outside of the inner city, no matter their means.

1920s–1948: Racially Restrictive Covenants

Guess what, those tactics were used against the Irish, the Chinese, the Jews and the Mexicans. Are you going to trot out every ignorant law that was passed throughout history because I can guarantee you it was used against every other group there is at one time or other. Or how about the Sumptuary laws? You going to bring those up too?

You really think that the discrimination faced by the Irish is in any way comparable to that faced by African Americans? Are you serious? How many history classes did you skip?

Uh, yeah. I suggest you look it up. Your knowledge is very weak. Just sayin...

That sounds like a sentence from the mouth of Donald Trump.

The Irish faced 300 years of slavery in the U.S.? They faced Jim Crow laws for 100 years more? They were prohibited from living anywhere desirable (even if they were rich) in major cities up until as recently as the 1970s due to outlawed covenants and subtly racist realtors directing them elsewhere? The Irish neighborhoods suffered from disproportionate policing during the Drug War? The Irish were singled out for stop-and-frisk policies in NYC as recently as last year?

You don't know what in the hell you're talking about. At all. Look what up? Some trash written by a White Nationalist hack?

I really suggest you take a look at the anti Irish hatred that was endemic in the US all through the late 1700's into the 1800's. Many Irish were slaves, though they came over with the term Indentured Servant affixed to their names instead. Like I said, you truly have no idea of what you are talking about. A black slave was property and COULD NOT be abused by anyone other than his or her owner. And that would be dumb because who the heck damages their own property.

An Irishman on the other hand could, and frequently was beaten to death in the streets of New York merely for being Irish and NO ONE cared.

Yep, in fact that is EXACTLY why so many cops and fireman in NYC , Boston, etc etc are Irish, because in that time frame, that is the ONLY jobs that were available to them, at a time that no one else wanted those jobs, it was considered "beneath" most Americans at the time, so the Irish did what they needed to do to survive.
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It's not genetics. It is social pressure (from their supposed friendly leadership) that keeps them where they are.
I differ. It is not a problem endemic to the US. Wherever blacks are found inhabiting the same lands with other races, they are invariably at the very bottom of all socioeconomic criteria. It is just a fact, and polical correctness be damned.

There simply isn't any other explanation which doesn't involve unbelievably convoluted reasoning.
Which only makes sense, it is MUCH easier to rise out poverty as a two income household than as a one household income. So that right there tells you one of the root causes of the issue. black fathers don't raise their families.

Or the welfare system incentivizes out of wedlock births.
When I was first starting out in the workforce as a teen, I encountered a lot of old blacks about to retire who came from huge families--10,12, 16 kids--and the parents had been together so something changed in the black community that started destroying many black nuclear families. Maybe it is welfare. Maybe it is something else IDK.

Right, it can't be 300 years of slavery, 100 years of disenfranchisement from society and the polls, along with 45 years of systematically patrolling slums to arrest black men for working the one occupation that many of them have access to thanks to racist restrictive residential covenants, etc. It has to be welfare.

If you thought about your line of reasoning for longer than 10 seconds, you'd see how flawed it is.

Look at Africa dude. The continent is one of the wealthiest on the planet and it is primarily a festering poophole. It ain't slavery from over 100 years ago that is keeping the black people down, it is their leaders (who profit from the misery) who benefit from keeping them culturally, and socially backwards. Get the blacks out of their self imposed ghetto's and they blossom.

That is true, blacks who have made it to the suburbs are substantially better off than inner city blacks.

And until about a generation ago, there were concerted, blatant attempts by governments, realtors, and private citizens to ensure that blacks were never given the chance to settle outside of the inner city, no matter their means.

1920s–1948: Racially Restrictive Covenants

...And then people got tired of spending hours each day commuting to the city and decided they'd rather live downtown. Then what happened? The working/lower middle class blacks who owned their inner city homes right in the heart of the city saw young professionals move into their neighborhoods, along with the subway being built, and their property taxes rose beyond what they could afford to pay, forcing them to sell and move from their very conveniently located homes. This tended to happen to older, retired black folks who'd worked their whole lives to pay off the mortgage and being retired had no means of generating increased income flows to pay the far higher property taxes wrought by white folks moving into the neighborhood.

The neighborhoods weren't unsafe or unclean. They weren't run down. They were just populated most often by folks having modest means. This happened in D.C. in neighborhoods that have for over a century been black "society" neighborhoods and were in the 1990s and early 2000s populated by the retired doctors, lawyers and so on within the black community. These were "nice" people who owned nice homes (4K to 8K sq. foot homes), who made nice livings (for black folks of their day) but they were living on retirement incomes based on 1980s and before 21st century costs of living, and even for people such as that white folks moving in made it too expensive to stay.







Now one may say that the whole matter is just supply and demand, and one would be right. There's nothing especially wrong with that. So where's the "unevenness of the playing field" in the story? It's found in the fact that the only thing that changed was that white folks moved into the neighborhood and that alone is all that changed, aside, of course, from the huge leap in property values that accompanied white folks moving in.

Why should a home be worth more, thus command more in property tax, because white folks live in it or somewhere near it? The house didn't change. The neighborhood and its amenities didn't change. Occupancy rates didn't change. And you know doggone well the houses those retired folks were living in didn't change.

In D.C. property taxes aren't directly correlated/proportional to market prices, but if the market price goes up enough, the assessed value will also go up and then the property tax does too. Accordingly, there're a few year's lag between when prices jump and taxes jump.​
It's not genetics. It is social pressure (from their supposed friendly leadership) that keeps them where they are.
I differ. It is not a problem endemic to the US. Wherever blacks are found inhabiting the same lands with other races, they are invariably at the very bottom of all socioeconomic criteria. It is just a fact, and polical correctness be damned.

There simply isn't any other explanation which doesn't involve unbelievably convoluted reasoning.

In Africa the problem is nutrition. The wealthy elite get the food they need so their kids develop normally. They in turn make sure that they stay at the top of the heap by making sure that their citizens are kept poor and dumb. It is a vicious circle that has very little to do with genetics. If they get the nutrition they need when they are kids they are every bit as smart as any of the white people out there. They just are. But political corruption, that has been going on for centuries now, is the tool to keep them under control.

The same thing is happening here in the US. Our schools are crap, they teach our kids nothing useful because it is well known that dumb people are easier to control.
It's not genetics. It is social pressure (from their supposed friendly leadership) that keeps them where they are.
I differ. It is not a problem endemic to the US. Wherever blacks are found inhabiting the same lands with other races, they are invariably at the very bottom of all socioeconomic criteria. It is just a fact, and polical correctness be damned.

There simply isn't any other explanation which doesn't involve unbelievably convoluted reasoning.

In Africa the problem is nutrition. The wealthy elite get the food they need so their kids develop normally. They in turn make sure that they stay at the top of the heap by making sure that their citizens are kept poor and dumb. It is a vicious circle that has very little to do with genetics. If they get the nutrition they need when they are kids they are every bit as smart as any of the white people out there. They just are. But political corruption, that has been going on for centuries now, is the tool to keep them under control.

The same thing is happening here in the US. Our schools are crap, they teach our kids nothing useful because it is well known that dumb people are easier to control.

Yep, why (other than the teachers union vote) else would Democrats oppose school choice when it is PROVEN that private schools improve the academics of kids who attend?

You know, I was listening to Trump's speech last night thinking "Those stats on the Milwaukee School District" can't be right, but they are. You can't place all the blame for that on the black people in that city.

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