CDZ A Comprehensive Look At The Uneven Playing Field

Here is a very well researched, data driven look at how things just aren't the same for people of color when it comes to upward mobility and wealth creation.

The Average Black Family Would Need 228 Years to Build the Wealth of a White Family Today

It would be great if at least one person is able to learn something from this info. In so many ways....the path toward prosperity is much more difficult for black Americans.
The average black family would be indeed unable to build the wealth of their white or East-Asian counterparts in the US or anywhere else in the world. Time is not a factor and genetics are a bitch.

Excuse the hell outta me??? WTF?

By what bizarre stretch of the imagination do you come to think that?
  • You do realize that some 90% or more of member of the black middle class and black wealthy segments of the population today are at best two generations away from having existed in abject poverty?
Yes, there is a small segment of the black population -- folks like Charlene Jarvis and Flaxie Pinkett -- who came from inarguably middle class backgrounds and who've thrived. However, most successful blacks whom one sees today did not issue from such privileged (for having been black) beginnings.

I don't know whom you have in mind when you made the remark you did above, but your having made it rejects the accomplishments of millions of average black folks who have gone to school, done well and succeeded in America in spite of the societal, structural and systemic challenges of doing so and that accrued solely from their ethnicity.
  • Uniondale, NY
  • Hillcrest, NY
  • Oak Bluffs, MA (not exactly a black neighborhood, but where upper middle class blacks have summered for over a century)
  • Friendly, MD
  • Mitchellville/Woodmore, MD
  • Kettering, MD
  • "Gold Coast", DC
  • North Portal, DC
  • Hillcrest, DC
  • Fort Washington, MD
  • Ladera, CA
  • Calabasas, CA
  • Multiple neighborhoods in and around Atlanta and most major cities in the country.
Just how do you think the black folks in those communities managed to move from their working class and poor beginnings to where they are now? Surely you don't think the current black middle class is merely and overwhelmingly inherited wealth and examples of exceptional rather than average folks doing well?
Spare us the platitudes, please! We were talking about the average black family, such as it is.

I'm seriously beginning to think that this forum is simply a meetup for Klan members.

Some of the remarks in this thread sure seem to suggest that....
I think your choice of using DC only reinforces what I have been saying. Their government bureaucracy is mostly made up of blacks, and they have been a progressive stronghold for decades.

Just sayin...

They certainly do with regard to blacks lacking the freedom live where they wanted. My earlier post sought to amplify your "red" comment and offer some context and history to the conversation based on my knowledge of what transpired in D.C. There's more to the story, of course. Blacks were and often enough continue to be forced to live "wherever," that is until whites want to live there, whereupon blacks then get forced out.

Years ago, for example, it was blacks being forced to live in interstitial dwellings, carriage and storage houses basically. In some cases, they lived in the English basements. (One can see the access to one at the front of the grey rowhouse pictured earlier.) The reason for that was, of course, practical. Slave owners and later white employers wanted their servants close at hand and having no means of their own, those black folks lived in the alley buildings behind their bosses' homes. At that point in time, blacks didn't own the buildings; they merely lived there.



Later, after slavery's end and when first emerged a semblance of a black middle class, blacks who mustered the money to buy a home were forced to live in the city because they were denied the opportunity to live in the "streetcar suburbs" like Chevy Chase. A tiny number of blacks, Frederick Douglass for one, managed to move to "suburbs" of their own on the South side of the city after the restrictive covenants (I presume these are what you had in mind in your earlier post) were lifted.


Frederick Douglass House, D.C.​

More recently, as described in my earlier post, after having found contentment living in the city where blacks had been obliged to live, whites have come to want to live there and blacks who've lived there for ages are being driven out by forces that are neither rational nor equitable. Thus in examining the history of black housing in D.C. one finds several stories. One of them is that of how middle class blacks' quest to enjoy that part of the American Dream given by home ownership variously has been the story of how whites have shifted the declination of the playing field to suit them, overtly at first via restrictive covenants and insidiously by dint of nothing other than being present in our white skin.

(And no, I don't think the covert unleveling of the playing field in the dimension discussed above is a deliberate action on the part of white folks who just want to live downtown. I just think that a lot of whites aren't aware of the actual impact they have, how and why they have it. I'd like to think that if more whites understood it, they'd be more vocal and strident about acting to end it, but I don't know....)

I'm not sure what this has to do with my comments or the history of events I described. Perhaps it has to do with an aspect of the thread discussion upon which I've not remarked? Are you entreating me to discuss a topic other than the story of blacks and their housing situation (in D.C?) over time? I'm just not sure where the "purple" remark came from vis a vis my initial reply to you....

For the longest time those who could, left the inner cities for a better atmosphere. The advent of the car allowed that to happen. The effort to reclaim the inner cities is driven by the youth market who don't want to commute any longer and by the progressives themselves who wish to concentrate the populations in the city cores to supposedly combat green house gases. You're hoist on your own petard.

We get it. Democrats and liberals are responsible for all the ills of all people. Sheesh

Not all. Just most. Dude I'm a liberal Democrat. I love helping people and the government has a place in that. The problem is progressives want government to be the end all and be all of human life. This is a sort of thinking that is unfortunate because they invariably grab up all of the available resources and leave none to do beneficial work as they have to take care of the bureaucrats who are supposed to run the programs.

That's a complete straw-man argument. And the inefficiency argument goes double for private businesses, who more often than not are the ones contracting with the government, and wasting public money. I have zero confidence in the private sector, for example, to wholly handle necessary public services like health care and policing. There will be horrific inequality and inefficiency, and this has been proven in many countries in South America where we sent in specially trained capitalists to de-nationalize every aspect of govt industry, to horrifying results.

You got part of it correct. The government contracts with private companies who just happen to be friends of theirs. Remember Solyndra? Half a billion dollars of taxpayer money went right into the pockets of friends of obama and Nancy Pelosi. Her son in law I believe it was was a major investor. Funny how the People of the US get screwed, but the politicians and their friends never seem to lose.

I wonder why that is?
They certainly do with regard to blacks lacking the freedom live where they wanted. My earlier post sought to amplify your "red" comment and offer some context and history to the conversation based on my knowledge of what transpired in D.C. There's more to the story, of course. Blacks were and often enough continue to be forced to live "wherever," that is until whites want to live there, whereupon blacks then get forced out.

Years ago, for example, it was blacks being forced to live in interstitial dwellings, carriage and storage houses basically. In some cases, they lived in the English basements. (One can see the access to one at the front of the grey rowhouse pictured earlier.) The reason for that was, of course, practical. Slave owners and later white employers wanted their servants close at hand and having no means of their own, those black folks lived in the alley buildings behind their bosses' homes. At that point in time, blacks didn't own the buildings; they merely lived there.



Later, after slavery's end and when first emerged a semblance of a black middle class, blacks who mustered the money to buy a home were forced to live in the city because they were denied the opportunity to live in the "streetcar suburbs" like Chevy Chase. A tiny number of blacks, Frederick Douglass for one, managed to move to "suburbs" of their own on the South side of the city after the restrictive covenants (I presume these are what you had in mind in your earlier post) were lifted.


Frederick Douglass House, D.C.​

More recently, as described in my earlier post, after having found contentment living in the city where blacks had been obliged to live, whites have come to want to live there and blacks who've lived there for ages are being driven out by forces that are neither rational nor equitable. Thus in examining the history of black housing in D.C. one finds several stories. One of them is that of how middle class blacks' quest to enjoy that part of the American Dream given by home ownership variously has been the story of how whites have shifted the declination of the playing field to suit them, overtly at first via restrictive covenants and insidiously by dint of nothing other than being present in our white skin.

(And no, I don't think the covert unleveling of the playing field in the dimension discussed above is a deliberate action on the part of white folks who just want to live downtown. I just think that a lot of whites aren't aware of the actual impact they have, how and why they have it. I'd like to think that if more whites understood it, they'd be more vocal and strident about acting to end it, but I don't know....)

I'm not sure what this has to do with my comments or the history of events I described. Perhaps it has to do with an aspect of the thread discussion upon which I've not remarked? Are you entreating me to discuss a topic other than the story of blacks and their housing situation (in D.C?) over time? I'm just not sure where the "purple" remark came from vis a vis my initial reply to you....

For the longest time those who could, left the inner cities for a better atmosphere. The advent of the car allowed that to happen. The effort to reclaim the inner cities is driven by the youth market who don't want to commute any longer and by the progressives themselves who wish to concentrate the populations in the city cores to supposedly combat green house gases. You're hoist on your own petard.

We get it. Democrats and liberals are responsible for all the ills of all people. Sheesh

Not all. Just most. Dude I'm a liberal Democrat. I love helping people and the government has a place in that. The problem is progressives want government to be the end all and be all of human life. This is a sort of thinking that is unfortunate because they invariably grab up all of the available resources and leave none to do beneficial work as they have to take care of the bureaucrats who are supposed to run the programs.

That's a complete straw-man argument. And the inefficiency argument goes double for private businesses, who more often than not are the ones contracting with the government, and wasting public money. I have zero confidence in the private sector, for example, to wholly handle necessary public services like health care and policing. There will be horrific inequality and inefficiency, and this has been proven in many countries in South America where we sent in specially trained capitalists to de-nationalize every aspect of govt industry, to horrifying results.

You got part of it correct. The government contracts with private companies who just happen to be friends of theirs. Remember Solyndra? Half a billion dollars of taxpayer money went right into the pockets of friends of obama and Nancy Pelosi. Her son in law I believe it was was a major investor. Funny how the People of the US get screwed, but the politicians and their friends never seem to lose.

I wonder why that is?

Solyndra is not an example of what I'm talking about. I'm discussing the federal government contracting out GOVERNMENT WORKS to private agencies. Like fighting wars, policing communities, and other traditional government roles.

Solyndra was given a grant to continue its private sector work. That's not the same thing. And plenty of green companies succeeded while you and other rightwingers beat the Solyndra drum to death for 7 years.
You're hoist on your own petard.

I know the phrase. How is it applicable to me and in this conversation?

It is policies being pushed by progressives, which you support, that are driving the black folks out of their homes.

Policies that are pushed by progressives include the Head Start program, free public college tuition, free health care, etc. All of these would put poor blacks in a position NOT to be pushed out of their homes, which is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

Your thesis is retarded and played out by Rush Limbaugh and Ron Paul clones.
You're hoist on your own petard.

I know the phrase. How is it applicable to me and in this conversation?

It is policies being pushed by progressives, which you support, that are driving the black folks out of their homes.

Policies that are pushed by progressives include the Head Start program, free public college tuition, free health care, etc. All of these would put poor blacks in a position NOT to be pushed out of their homes, which is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

Your thesis is retarded and played out by Rush Limbaugh and Ron Paul clones.

ALL of those are programs that rob one group of US citizens to give to other US citizens (or even non citizens) and are not only completely inefficient , but they don't even accomplish their intended goal. The complete and utter failure of the War on Poverty should clue you into that.
For the longest time those who could, left the inner cities for a better atmosphere. The advent of the car allowed that to happen. The effort to reclaim the inner cities is driven by the youth market who don't want to commute any longer and by the progressives themselves who wish to concentrate the populations in the city cores to supposedly combat green house gases. You're hoist on your own petard.

We get it. Democrats and liberals are responsible for all the ills of all people. Sheesh

Not all. Just most. Dude I'm a liberal Democrat. I love helping people and the government has a place in that. The problem is progressives want government to be the end all and be all of human life. This is a sort of thinking that is unfortunate because they invariably grab up all of the available resources and leave none to do beneficial work as they have to take care of the bureaucrats who are supposed to run the programs.

That's a complete straw-man argument. And the inefficiency argument goes double for private businesses, who more often than not are the ones contracting with the government, and wasting public money. I have zero confidence in the private sector, for example, to wholly handle necessary public services like health care and policing. There will be horrific inequality and inefficiency, and this has been proven in many countries in South America where we sent in specially trained capitalists to de-nationalize every aspect of govt industry, to horrifying results.

You got part of it correct. The government contracts with private companies who just happen to be friends of theirs. Remember Solyndra? Half a billion dollars of taxpayer money went right into the pockets of friends of obama and Nancy Pelosi. Her son in law I believe it was was a major investor. Funny how the People of the US get screwed, but the politicians and their friends never seem to lose.

I wonder why that is?

Solyndra is not an example of what I'm talking about. I'm discussing the federal government contracting out GOVERNMENT WORKS to private agencies. Like fighting wars, policing communities, and other traditional government roles.

Solyndra was given a grant to continue its private sector work. That's not the same thing. And plenty of green companies succeeded while you and other rightwingers beat the Solyndra drum to death for 7 years.

Name a single green company that has managed to survive without massive amounts of taxpayer support.
You're hoist on your own petard.

I know the phrase. How is it applicable to me and in this conversation?

It is policies being pushed by progressives, which you support, that are driving the black folks out of their homes.

Policies that are pushed by progressives include the Head Start program, free public college tuition, free health care, etc. All of these would put poor blacks in a position NOT to be pushed out of their homes, which is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

Your thesis is retarded and played out by Rush Limbaugh and Ron Paul clones.

None of those programs are free. That's the problem. Progressives love to point to Germany as an example of a country that offers free college tuition. What they ignore is that the number of kids who qualify to go to college is very, very small. They take a test in middle school and that sets them on their course. Forever. Score low and you are set on a vocational track. Score high enough and yes your college is indeed "free" however, millions of folks have been paying very high tax rates to pay for that "free" college tuition.
We get it. Democrats and liberals are responsible for all the ills of all people. Sheesh

Not all. Just most. Dude I'm a liberal Democrat. I love helping people and the government has a place in that. The problem is progressives want government to be the end all and be all of human life. This is a sort of thinking that is unfortunate because they invariably grab up all of the available resources and leave none to do beneficial work as they have to take care of the bureaucrats who are supposed to run the programs.

That's a complete straw-man argument. And the inefficiency argument goes double for private businesses, who more often than not are the ones contracting with the government, and wasting public money. I have zero confidence in the private sector, for example, to wholly handle necessary public services like health care and policing. There will be horrific inequality and inefficiency, and this has been proven in many countries in South America where we sent in specially trained capitalists to de-nationalize every aspect of govt industry, to horrifying results.

You got part of it correct. The government contracts with private companies who just happen to be friends of theirs. Remember Solyndra? Half a billion dollars of taxpayer money went right into the pockets of friends of obama and Nancy Pelosi. Her son in law I believe it was was a major investor. Funny how the People of the US get screwed, but the politicians and their friends never seem to lose.

I wonder why that is?

Solyndra is not an example of what I'm talking about. I'm discussing the federal government contracting out GOVERNMENT WORKS to private agencies. Like fighting wars, policing communities, and other traditional government roles.

Solyndra was given a grant to continue its private sector work. That's not the same thing. And plenty of green companies succeeded while you and other rightwingers beat the Solyndra drum to death for 7 years.

Name a single green company that has managed to survive without massive amounts of taxpayer support.



sorry, couldn't resist.
With regard to the context of this thread -- black folks and their fortunes -- the economic story is mixed.


At 8.8% in February, the share of jobless black Americans is the lowest its been since April 2008. While the unemployment rate for blacks is still higher than it is for whites, it's far lower than the 17.3% rate reported in January 2010.


Blacks have seen their median income stagnate, along with the rest of the population. Median income stood at $35,398 in 2014, just a touch below where it was in 2009, when Obama took office. But it has climbed back from $33,926 in 2011.

I think the chart above says it all if one understands the reality and the extant history black Americans face. I think for many if not most black folks, the situation now is seen through the lens of "Jim Crow," "separate but equal," lynchings, and forced segregation. From that vantage point, and seeing a black President, along with myriad wildly and typically successful blacks, America looks pretty good and the current circumstances, while not perfect by any means, are yet a world apart from the U.S. 20-something and younger blacks' parents and grandparents knew and describe.

Now if someone comes along with a clear plan with some "meat on the bone" explaining how they'll directly address this....


...Blacks may well be willing to give them a chance if they also are credible.

Trump claims to want to be a part of fixing that, but he's not offering any details that give blacks comfort. If one were to ask me, I'd say it isn't particularly hard for Trump or anyone else to find out how to be credible to the black community. What worked for me when I first began to mentor young black kids in D.C. was my just asking them and their mothers/parents, "What will you need to see from me for you to trust that I have yours and your child's best interests in mind?" One'd be amazed what one can learn just by asking. Just as the kids couldn't become great students and responsible individuals without my showing them and they sincerely following through on the input I gave them, I couldn't gain their trust without their showing me how to do so and in turn sincerely following their instructions.

That's how one creates "win-win" situations, which is a critical success factor in business. Trump should know that and know how to apply it to running for office, but I don't see any evidence of that. All I see is Trump telling everyone "stuff," but asking for their input on nothing, other than a vote.
You're hoist on your own petard.

I know the phrase. How is it applicable to me and in this conversation?

It is policies being pushed by progressives, which you support, that are driving the black folks out of their homes.

Policies that are pushed by progressives include the Head Start program, free public college tuition, free health care, etc. All of these would put poor blacks in a position NOT to be pushed out of their homes, which is a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself.

Your thesis is retarded and played out by Rush Limbaugh and Ron Paul clones.

None of those programs are free. That's the problem. Progressives love to point to Germany as an example of a country that offers free college tuition. What they ignore is that the number of kids who qualify to go to college is very, very small. They take a test in middle school and that sets them on their course. Forever. Score low and you are set on a vocational track. Score high enough and yes your college is indeed "free" however, millions of folks have been paying very high tax rates to pay for that "free" college tuition.

Yep, as opposed to here where Progressives believe EVERYONE should get free college, this despite MULTIPLE studies, and just general observations, PROVE that most Americans can't even read at age appropriate skill levels. I should pay for dummies to go to a college they shouldn't be at?

I guarantee you, smart people in this country ARE going to college for free. There are TONS of scholarships out there.

I'm just sick of progressives wanting to give everyone EVERYTHING for "free" with no effort on their part.

Want "free" college? Do what I, and millions of others have done, join the military, they'll pay for your education
With regard to the context of this thread -- black folks and their fortunes -- the economic story is mixed.


At 8.8% in February, the share of jobless black Americans is the lowest its been since April 2008. While the unemployment rate for blacks is still higher than it is for whites, it's far lower than the 17.3% rate reported in January 2010.


Blacks have seen their median income stagnate, along with the rest of the population. Median income stood at $35,398 in 2014, just a touch below where it was in 2009, when Obama took office. But it has climbed back from $33,926 in 2011.

I think the chart above says it all if one understands the reality and the extant history black Americans face. I think for many if not most black folks, the situation now is seen through the lens of "Jim Crow," "separate but equal," lynchings, and forced segregation. From that vantage point, and seeing a black President, along with myriad wildly and typically successful blacks, America looks pretty good and the current circumstances, while not perfect by any means, are yet a world apart from the U.S. 20-something and younger blacks' parents and grandparents knew and describe.

Now if someone comes along with a clear plan with some "meat on the bone" explaining how they'll directly address this....


...Blacks may well be willing to give them a chance if they also are credible.

Trump claims to want to be a part of fixing that, but he's not offering any details that give blacks comfort. If one were to ask me, I'd say it isn't particularly hard for Trump or anyone else to find out how to be credible to the black community. What worked for me when I first began to mentor young black kids in D.C. was my just asking them and their mothers/parents, "What will you need to see from me for you to trust that I have yours and your child's best interests in mind?" One'd be amazed what one can learn just by asking. Just as the kids couldn't become great students and responsible individuals without my showing them and they sincerely following through on the input I gave them, I couldn't gain their trust without their showing me how to do so and in turn sincerely following their instructions.

That's how one creates "win-win" situations, which is a critical success factor in business. Trump should know that and know how to apply it to running for office, but I don't see any evidence of that. All I see is Trump telling everyone "stuff," but asking for their input on nothing, other than a vote.

Let's be real. There is absolutely NOTHING a non Democratic candidate could do to sway the majority of blacks. NOTHING.

IF 88% of ANY group consistently votes for one single party, especially a party that has done NOTHING of value for that group, there is something wrong with that group. That's just a fact.
was just watching Bill Oreilly and he had two black "reverends" on and was asking him why only 2% of blacks support Trump given the absolute FACT that Democratic policies have utterly failed in this country and I mean all they could come up with was "well he sent a mean tweet " coupled with complete denials in the results of Democratic policies in regards to black people.

Why Trump Won't Get Black People's Votes:

Of the several black folks with whom I've spoken -- folks with whom I grew up and have known since I was a kid (I'm nearly 60 now) and the parents of children I mentor -- about Trump have all said they were last year willing to give Trump a chance, a few were optimistic about him, but for as often as he comes and has come to D.C., he's not once made an effort to speak to blacks in D.C. I mean really, the D.C./Balto area, has enough black folks in it to have put Maryland "in play" for Trump. He's come to D.C. a lot; NYC is just 30 minutes away by plane, yet he made no effort at all to win D.C.'s 19 GOP primary delegates.

But last night, Trump got on TV and said he's asking for the votes of black folks. He didn't appear to want blacks' votes for over a year, but now he thinks asking for them is all it takes to get them. Puh-lease....​
Why Trump Won't Get Black People's Votes:

Of the several black folks with whom I've spoken -- folks with whom I grew up and have known since I was a kid (I'm nearly 60 now) and the parents of children I mentor -- about Trump have all said they were last year willing to give Trump a chance, a few were optimistic about him, but for as often as he comes and has come to D.C., he's not once made an effort to speak to blacks in D.C. I mean really, the D.C./Balto area, has enough black folks in it to have put Maryland "in play" for Trump. He's come to D.C. a lot; NYC is just 30 minutes away by plane, yet he made no effort at all to win D.C.'s 19 GOP primary delegates.

But last night, Trump got on TV and said he's asking for the votes of black folks. He didn't appear to want blacks' votes for over a year, but now he thinks asking for them is all it takes to get them. Puh-lease....​

99% of blacks who said " I was willing to give Trump a chance, but.............." were either lying, or are just stupid.

I mean seriously, the only blacks who would vote for Democrats at THIS point are either just retarded or are victims of one of the most severe cases of stockhome syndrome I've ever heard of.

There is absolutely NO denying that Democrats have failed blacks for 60 years.
Why does the black community need 228 year and the Hispanics need only 84 years? Who are helping the Hispanics?

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Racism is quite a bit easier when you can easily spot the group you're trying to marginalize.

So you don't want to answer the question, then you don't want the solution. There are reasons for the disparity between blacks and Hispanics. We want to solve a problem we need to take a deep look as to why, not brush it off. Thanks for posing the issue then revert to stupidity.
BS, only a small portion of black fathers in this country are in prison, There are LOTS of black fathers who CHOOSE not to be involved in their kids' lives.

Besides that, here's an idea, if drugs are illegal and you now they are illegal, don't do them. DUH!!!

Whites do drugs at a higher rate than blacks. Yet blacks are arrested more often for possession.

What does that tell you?


Whites and blacks do drugs at roughly the same rate. BUT , if you knew anything about broken window policing and why it is used in some neighborhoods and not others, you would understand the answer to your question.

No, it's not incorrect. Sorry, you don't get to manufacture your own facts:

White people are more likely to deal drugs, but black people are more likely to get arrested for it

Did you really just back up your claim that whites are more likely to do drugs than blacks with a link that claims that whites are more likely to sell drugs than blacks but says nothing about usage?

And I don't buy for one second that whites are more likely to deal drugs than blacks either.

Why's that? Because it defies your racist preconceived notions? Or do you think the Washington Post is a left-wing black panther conspiracy leaflet?

Minimize the opposition, lol! That is what you accused me of. Hypocrite!
Why does the black community need 228 year and the Hispanics need only 84 years? Who are helping the Hispanics?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Racism is quite a bit easier when you can easily spot the group you're trying to marginalize.

So you don't want to answer the question, then you don't want the solution. There are reasons for the disparity between blacks and Hispanics. We want to solve a problem we need to take a deep look as to why, not brush it off. Thanks for posing the issue then revert to stupidity.
Let's all ignore the elephant in the corner and pretend it doesn't exist. Everybody will be happier.
Here is a very well researched, data driven look at how things just aren't the same for people of color when it comes to upward mobility and wealth creation.

The Average Black Family Would Need 228 Years to Build the Wealth of a White Family Today

It would be great if at least one person is able to learn something from this info. In so many ways....the path toward prosperity is much more difficult for black Americans.

I'd make any playing field I step on uneven. I really do need to cut back.

On the other hand, LL, you can stop pushing this white privilege garbage. Just how long would it take an average black man or woman to reach Hillary's level? But that's just the thing though, this woman claims to sympathize with the plights of the black American, but exemplifies all the supposed privilege whites are entitled to and blacks are not. How do you explain that?

Also, black people are no more restricted to pursue a successful life than a white man. So what's holding them back? Really. What keeps holding them back? Surely not white people, right?
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